Machine Translated by Google 1638 Diário da República, 1st series — No. 56 — March 20, 2015 MINISTRY OF SOLIDARITY, EMPLOYMENT increase in future support measures for contracting, which AND SOCIAL SECURITY makes it possible to create synergies with this typology of measures, as well as to follow the principle of systematization and rationalization, as a result of what was established in the Ordinance No. 84/2015 aforementioned Negotiation Table and in line with the need from March 20 for its periodic evaluation in the seat of the Permanent Commission for Social Dialogue. The Government and the social partners, at the negotiating The social partners with a seat in the table on the rationalization of active labor market measures, Permanent Commission for Social Dialogue. defined a new paradigm of simplification and systematization So: of active employment measures, with the aim of contributing Pursuant to Article 3(2)(m), Article 4(1)(b), Article 9(1) and to a better organization of the market of work, promoting Article 14 (1). of Decree-Law no. employment and combating unemployment, as well as avoiding legislative dispersion, reducing the costs inherent to changes in measures and relieving the bureaucratic burden. Within the framework of the new employment policy, with Article 1 the publication of Decree-law no. 13/2015, of 26 January, general programs are foreseen, oriented towards their own Object objectives and of different natures, such as programs to 1 – This ordinance creates and regulates the measure for support hiring , entrepreneurship, integration and insertion. the Promotion of Gender Equality in the Labor Market, On the other hand, specific programs are also foreseen , hereinafter referred to as Measure, which consists of granting aimed at groups of people in a particularly disadvantaged to the employer, who is a natural or legal person of a private situation vis-à-vis the labor market, as well as the particular legal nature, with or non- profit, financial support aimed at employment needs of certain regions or sectors of activity. encouraging the hiring of unemployed of the under- represented sex in a given profession. Bearing in mind both this line of systematic rationalization and the result of the aforementioned social dialogue, the 2 – For the purposes of this Measure, the professions in need to create a new measure for the Promotion of Gender which there is considered to be under-representation of Equality in the Labor Market was thus identified, with the gender are those in which there is no representation of 33.3% objective of achieving greater balance and combating job in relation to one of the sexes and which are included in the discrimination between men and women in the labor market. list annexed to the specific regulation envisaged. in paragraph This measure also encourages young people and the 1 of article 6, updated annually, based on the Single Report unemployed, of both sexes, to choose a certain qualification, on the company's social activity. profession or function, taking into account their vocation and motivation without constraints associated with possible Article 2 gender stereotypes that, in this regard, still exist. Support In this way, this measure intends to contribute to 1 – The support of the Measure consists of an increase in the combating segregation in the labor market according to sex, support given in the scope: assuming itself, at the same time, as another instrument to a) The Employment Stimulus measure, pursuant to promote the integration of young and unemployed people in paragraphs 1 to 4 of article 4 of Ordinance no. 149-A/2014, of 24 July; the labor market and, consequently, to combat to b) Future support measures for hiring financed by unemployment. the Instituto do Emprego e Formação Profissional, IP It should also be noted that Ordinance no. 1212/2000, of (IEFP), which do not exclude this increase. 26 December, which established the regime for increasing the financial support provided for in the employment policy 2 – The increase referred to in the previous number is: measures for professions significantly marked by gender discrimination, was revoked with the publication of the new a) 20% of the support granted in the event of the conclusion Employment Policy Decree-Law referred to above, with the of fixed-term employment contracts; aim of revitalizing and framing, in the current economic and b) 30% of the support awarded in the event of the conclusion social context of the labor market, the promotion of gender of permanent employment contracts or conversion of a fixed-term equality. employment contract into an open-ended employment contract. In these terms, this new measure translates into the granting of financial support to the employer who hires the Article 3 unemployed of the under-represented sex in a given Payment profession. The professions in which it is considered that there is a sub- The support provided for in this Measure is paid at the time -representation marked by gender, will be included in the list of payment of the support subject to the increase. referred to in paragraph 2 of article 1 of this Ordinance, thus making their adequate updating easier and more agile. Article 4 Non-compliance and refund of support The financial support granted in this measure consists of an increase in the support granted under the Employment In the event of non-compliance within the scope of the Measure Stimulus measure, and the establishment of the principle of establishing the support subject to the increase, the support provided Machine Translated by Google Diário da República, 1st series — No. 56 — March 20, 2015 1639 in this Measure, it must be refunded, in whole or in proportion, a better geographical and professional redistribution of the under the terms applicable to the refund of the increased workforce, as well as in situations associated with the creation support. of one's own employment. It should also be noted that, with the present measure, in Article 5 line with the fight against unemployment, especially long -term Community funding unemployment, it is intended to meet the current economic and social context of the labor market, with regard to providing This Measure is subject to Community funding, and the support the geographical mobility of its human resources. respective provisions of Community and national law apply. Thus, this measure is aimed at the unemployed, with the aim of promoting and facilitating their integration into the labor Article 6 market, implying geographic mobility, based on two types of Execution, regulation and evaluation support: temporary mobility, for situations where a contract of work lasting more than one month, whose place of work is at 1 – The IEFP is responsible for the implementation of the least 50 kilometers away from the unemployed person's Measure and prepares the respective specific regulation. residence and permanent mobility, for those who have a work 2 - This Measure is subject to evaluation by the Permanent contract lasting twelve months or more or create their own job Commission for Social Dialogue as of the eighteenth month of and who imply a change of residence. its validity. Article 7 It should be noted, in particular, that this support is granted transitional rule in cases of mobility within the mainland, mobility to and from the Autonomous Regions in relation to the mainland, as well as The Measure is also applicable to applications submitted mobility from a third country to the mainland. within the scope of the measure referred to in subparagraph a) of paragraph 1 of article 2 that have not yet been decided on It should also be noted that the possibility was given to the date of entry into force of this decree. combine them with other measures, either to support the creation of jobs or to support workers in their professional Article 8 integration, such as the Employment Stimulus Measure, the Implementation Acceptance Incentive Measure of Job Offers and the Entrepreneurship and Self-Employment Support Program. This ordinance enters into force on the day following the of your publication. This measure, aimed at improving the redistribution of The Minister of Solidarity, Employment and Social of labor, could also have a particularly beneficial effect on Security, Luís Pedro Russo da Mota Soares, on March combating desertification and regional asymmetries, mitigating 18 , 2015. population concentration. Finally, it should be noted that, within the scope of this Ordinance No. 85/2015 Measure , the worker's acceptance of employment is voluntary and therefore does not call into question the concept of from March 20 convenient employment. Currently, globalization and the development of roads, means The social partners with a seat in the of transport and communications, in general, have altered the Permanent Commission for Social Dialogue. geography of the location of the business fabric and economic So: and social resources, leading to the need for greater geographic Pursuant to Article 3(2)( k) , Article 9(1) and Article mobility on the part of workers. 14(1) of the Decree- -Law No. 13/2015, of 26 January, orders the Government, It is in this context that the Government and the Social through the Minister of Solidarity, Employment and Social Partners, at the negotiating table on the rationalization of active Security, the following: labor market measures, considered it essential to create a new measure to support the geographical mobility of workers, with Article 1 the aim of greater dynamism in the geographic space of the Object labor market. This ordinance creates the Measure of Support for Furthermore, Decree-Law no. 206/79, of 4 July, and Geographic Mobility in the Labor Market, hereinafter referred to Normative Order no. 474/87 and 475/87 , of 5 June, which as Measure, with the objective of: established the incentive schemes for geographic mobility, were a) Support the geographical mobility of human resources in revoked within the framework of the new Employment Policy, the labor market, aiming at their dynamism and the satisfaction with the publication of Decree-Law no. 13/2015, of 26 January, of job offers; which is why it is important to create a new measure to support b) Create favorable conditions for the acceptance of job Geographical Mobility in the Labor Market , thus seeking a offers by the unemployed and the creation of their own jobs; greater and better adjustment between the supply and demand of employment and, consequently, increase c) Improve the geographical and professional redistribution of the workforce; d) Decrease the risk of long-term unemployment.