Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Ing. Mauricio Macri President of the Nation Dr. German C. Garavano Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation Lic. Claudio. B. Avruj Secretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the Nation Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google INDEX FOREWORDS Dr. Germán C. Garavano………….................................. ...………………………… 5 Lic. Claudio B. Avruj…………...........................................……………………… 7 PART I: ARGENTINE EXPERIENCES IN PLANNING IN HUMAN RIGHTS BACKGROUND…………………………………………………………...……………………… 9 PART II: NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION IN HUMAN RIGHTS 2017 – 2020 HUMAN RIGHTS PLANNING…………………………………………...…….. 15 NATIONAL PLAN OF ACTION ON HUMAN RIGHTS 2017 – 2020…………..……. 19 AXES AND COMMITMENTS OF ACTION ASSUMED FOR THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BRANCH.............................................. .....................… 28 ANNEXES NOMENCLATOR……………………………………………………………….…….………………… 98 NATIONAL PLANS OF THE NATIONAL EXECUTIVE BRANCH……………..……………… 102 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Human Rights are the basis of society and are based on the respect that we have among all of us. Our challenge is to work so that vulnerable groups and people with different approaches and cultural realities are not discriminated against and that we can all integrate into a more just and peaceful society. One of the main objectives of our government is to give an inclusive perspective to human rights. This implies that advancing the trials and causes of crimes against humanity, the identification of the grandchildren and the search for the truth about one of the darkest periods in our history continues to be an indisputable priority. And that it is also essential to add rights and look forward to consolidate the democracy that cost us so much to recover. Human rights are enshrined in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and refer to civil, political, economic, social and cultural rights. This is how, as of this new administration, we include human rights within the seven axes of Justice 2020, the ambitious open and participatory government platform of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, which proposes a constant dialogue with civil society both on issues of reform of the judicial system and human rights. We are working to strengthen access to justice for the people who need it most, through the incorporation of a broad and comprehensive approach. And to achieve equal access to rights, it is necessary to reform justice. We want a justice that is close to the people and their needs, that gives answers. We seek that it be streamlined to be able to solve the claims of a modern society like ours, and that it be based on the principle of maximum independence and transparency. There is no effective fulfillment of essential rights if there is no justice. is that our axis, the north of our work. Human rights can not only help heal the wounds of the past, but they are a tool to guarantee all rights, to be able to build a more inclusive country, the basis for healthy democratic coexistence. Dr. German C. Garavano Minister of Justice and Human Rights of the Nation .5 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Over the years, especially since the advent of democracy in the 1980s, Argentina has positioned itself at the forefront of the countries of the world in terms of respect for individual guarantees and the consecration of human rights, in the framework of the trial. and punish the perpetrators of the bloodiest horror in our history. After that fateful page, we all agreed - and fortunately that collective agreement continues to this day - that we could never again resolve our disagreements through the use of violence. We know from that experience that the path is dialogue, peace and coexistence. This criterion was extended to all areas, to all agendas, and we have applied it to build public policies that allow us to reinvent ourselves on the basis of democracy and full respect for human rights. With these three pillars in the north, we have broadened our horizons to nurture a society that praises diversity, is based on pluralism, values integration, with education as a launching pad for this whole scheme of civilizational consensus. From the institutional point of view, our country is integrated into the international human rights system, in a context of respect for all the institutions that compose it, which is substantiated in the constitutional incorporation of all norms and treaties from the Conventions International and Inter-American in the matter. We have reached this moment in which we can say that human rights are State policy. But that meaning must be empowered with concrete facts. For this reason, we understand that it is necessary to establish goals, generate controls and expand the expectations of expansion of rights, in order to continue meeting new needs. To apply a human rights perspective to the resolution of social disputes, it is necessary to have a deep look at civil, economic, political, social and cultural rights. Based on these observations and analyses, we have to generate public policies aimed at ending poverty, fighting drug trafficking and uniting Argentines, fundamental pillars of our administration. These objectives will only be possible because human rights are today a State policy. The implementation of the National Plan of Action on Human Rights is not only a tool to meet pre-established goals to achieve better results in human rights, but also a way to pay off a debt that the Argentine State has had since June 25, 1993, when, on the occasion of the World Conference on Human Rights held in Vienna, it committed itself before 171 States to carrying out this plan, which will be carried out now, for the first time in our history. We intend to meet this series of objectives that the plan contains during the 2017-2020 period. Argentina has returned to the world. We have returned to dialogue with all the countries of the world. We should never have strayed from that destiny. Ours is a country that is enriched by exchange. For this reason, with the application of this plan, we want to move towards the models established by the United Nations in terms of human rights. To be a better country every day, that country that we have to build together. Lic. Claudio B. Avruj Secretary of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism of the Nation .7 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google BACKGROUND The body of international principles, rules and standards in the field of human rights has been enriched in the last 30 years with the incorporation of a specific approach that, starting from the obligations of States in terms of rights, has progressed not only in fixing its negative obligations, but has also developed its positive obligations in terms of promoting rights through the planning of public policies. In this context, the guarantee of equality in diversity is created with the development of national policies and action measures to combat xenophobia, racism and all other forms of discrimination. For this reason, in order to build equality, the fight against structural inequalities and the affirmation of diversity are unavoidable. To achieve a society free of discrimination, it is necessary to guarantee the freedoms of expression, beliefs, sexualities, genders, sexual orientations, gender identity-expression, personal identity and cultural identity that allow us to deepen a plural and democratic society based on respect to diversity. In this way, the Argentine Republic, as a State party to the inter-American and international human rights system, is not only committed and directed to guaranteeing all persons equality in the enjoyment of all economic, social, cultural, civil and but to protect and promote their full validity. Based on the international commitments assumed by our country, a series of planning experiences in the field of Human Rights have been developed among the years 2005 to 2015. Towards a National Plan against Discrimination (2005) Through Resolution No. 56/266 of the United Nations General Assembly, which endorsed the Declaration and Program of Action of the III World Conference against Racism, Racial Discrimination, Xenophobia and Related Forms of Intolerance, approved in the city of Durban in 2001, the States were recommended to adopt the necessary measures to implement the proposed objectives. .9 Machine Translated by Google Point 10 of said resolution: “Urges States to formulate and implement, without delay, national policies and action plans to combat racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and related forms of intolerance, including their manifestations of gender". This led to Argentina beginning to carry out a series of activities focused on compliance with said proposal. Among these, we can mention the signing -on October 25, 2001- of the Memorandum of Understanding with the Office of the High Commissioner for the United Nations for Human Rights, through which the National State undertook to prepare a National Plan against Discrimination, and the adoption of Project ARG/02/024 of the UNDP, which initiated the actions for the elaboration of the aforementioned Plan. It was within this framework that, on September 7, 2005, Decree No. 1086/2005 the document entitled “Towards a National Plan against Discrimination – The Discrimination in Argentina. Diagnosis and Proposals” (HPND), entrusting the National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism (INADI) with the coordination of the execution of the action proposals indicated in that planning instrument. National Map of Discrimination (2013) In tune with the Durban Conference and with the proposals of the HPND document, INADI prepared the National Map of Discrimination in order to collect, analyze and disseminate statistical data at the national and local levels on the subject. The first edition of the map was made between 2007 and 2009, and the second edition in 2013. Both editions were designed based on a survey conducted at the national level. Only for comparative purposes, the research team worked with the same age universe of the population used in the Map made in 2009 (18 years - 74 years). In this way, the main objective of the research was to inquire about the representations, perceptions and experiences of public opinion regarding the discriminatory practices existing in Argentine society and to deepen the knowledge of the social models that favor discrimination. Actions for a National Human Rights Plan 2010-2015 (APNDH) The document "Actions for a National Human Rights Plan 2010-2015 (AP NDH)" was promoted by the then Secretary of Human Rights of the Nation, aimed at reaffirming the actuality and validity of human rights in Argentina and the region. . Therefore, for its elaboration, the different levels of government were convened and civil society was consulted, in order to develop a process of collective construction. .10 Machine Translated by Google This last characteristic of the APNDH design and formulation process determined the articulation of three axes: •the criteria for selecting the actors involved, •the design of consultation instruments, and •the method used for its systematization. The APNDH contains a series of action commitments reflected in the public policies promoted between 2011 and 2015. They imply a set of activities connected between the multiple governmental areas, which are based on the work carried out in recent years and international recommendations. The first strategic decision that was made for its design was the definition of the methodology to be followed in its elaboration process. As a first step, the different international experiences available up to that moment were analysed, especially the paths that each country was traveling in the elaboration of its own national plans. In view of the recommendations of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and the review of national experiences, the methodological scheme for Argentina was designed. On the other hand, the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) were taken into account, approved by the United Nations in the year 2000 and that the Argentine Republic undertook to fulfill them by the year 2015. The goals derived from the MDGs were incorporated to action commitments. The distinctive feature was to promote spaces for dialogue from which the necessary inputs for the drafting of the first document emanated, and later an instance of validation in the national governmental sphere. This first diagnostic stage was followed by successive consultations implemented in four instances: national inter-jurisdictional dialogue, federal dialogue, citizen consultation, and consultation with social actors and civil society organizations. Four large conceptual nuclei were defined on which the APNDH is structured. hill. Conceptual core 1: Memory, Truth and Justice Conceptual nucleus 2: Collective Rights (Economic, Social, Cultural and Collective Advocacy Rights) Conceptual core 3: Equality and non-discrimination Conceptual nucleus 4: Reduction of Violence .11 Machine Translated by Google In this way, the conceptual nuclei described served as the basis for structuring the APNDH in seven thematic axes that refer to the essential concerns of the management in Human Rights. Each of these thematic axes was made up of chapters, guided by the principles of equality, guarantees of access to rights and social inclusion, and structured as follows: Between 2011 and 2015, a follow-up and update document for the APNDH was prepared by surveying the main advances and goals obtained in the field of Human Rights. This document covered the actions of the National Executive Power between December 11, 2010 and December 10, 2015, and was carried out based on the review of national and international regulations, the reports of the control bodies of the systems promotion and protection of human rights and the Memoirs of the National State. In each of these lines of action, the original content of the APNDH and the progress made on action commitments. .12 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google HUMAN RIGHTS PLANNING “In general terms, the rights approach considers that the first step to grant power to the excluded sectors is to recognize that they are holders of rights that oblige the State. By introducing this concept, an attempt is made to change the logic of the policy- making processes, so that the starting point is not the existence of people with needs who must be assisted, but subjects with the right to demand certain benefits and behaviors. The actions undertaken in this field are not considered only as the fulfillment of moral or political mandates, but as the path chosen to comply with the legal, imperative and enforceable obligations imposed by human rights treaties. Rights demand obligations and obligations require enforceability and compliance mechanisms.” 1 The National Plans of Action on Human Rights, from the international perspective, emerged conceptually during the second World Conference on Human Rights, held in Vienna in 19932 , whose program was determined by the General Assembly of the United Nations in 19923 . The work carried out during this Conference had resulting in the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action4 . From this arose the consolidation of one of the basic principles of human rights regarding the integration of economic, social and cultural rights with civil and political rights: “All human rights are universal, indivisible and interdependent and are related each other” (Part I.5 of the Declaration). On the other hand, “the World Conference on Human Rights recommends that each State consider the possibility of drawing up a national action plan in which the necessary measures are determined for that State to improve the promotion and protection of human rights. 1 Abramovich, Víctor, “An approach to the rights approach in development strategies and policies”, Revista de la Cepal No. 88; April 2006; p. 36. It was attended by the organs and specialized agencies of the United Nations, government institutions and 841 2 non-governmental organizations. 3 “The preparatory process for the Conference highlighted the differences between developing and industrialized countries on various issues, such as the universality of human rights versus regional particularity, the interconnectedness and indivisibility of all human rights, the interdependence of the right to development and civil and political rights...”. (UNITED NATIONS GENERAL SECRETARIAT, Department of Public Information; “ABC of the United Nations”; United Nations; New York; 1995. p. 211). 4 These documents, which through Resolution A/Res/48/121 (02/14/1994) the General Assembly endorsed, were approved by the consensus of 171 States. Among the issues addressed in it were: the right to self-determination of peoples, the interrelation between democracy, development and human rights, terrorism, racism, racial discrimination, xenophobia and other forms of intolerance, national, ethnic, religious and linguistic minorities , indigenous population, migrant workers, women's and children's rights, the right not to be subjected to torture, forced disappearance of persons, persons with disabilities, human rights education, massive human rights violations, enforcement mechanism and enforcement methods. monitoring of the obligations assumed by States in the area of human rights. .15 Machine Translated by Google human guys.” (Part II.C.71 of the Declaration). Thus, in 1994, Australia was the first country to develop a National Human Rights Plan and submit it to the United Nations Human Rights Commission. Since then, 35 (thirty-five) countries have carried out their National Human Rights Plans5 , among them seven are Latin Americans, being one of the world regions that has led this planning process in terms of human rights: Bolivia (1999; 2009-2013), Brazil (1996; 2009; 2010), Ecuador (1998), Guatemala (2007- 2017), Mexico (1998; 2004-2006; 2008-2012), Peru (2014-2016), Venezuela (1999). These action plans, understood as management instruments, represent a significant advance in the structuring of public policies, since they stimulate a comprehensive evaluation of the particular needs in terms of human rights; they promote the articulation between government areas, civil society organizations and citizens, and generate concrete commitments for action. These international human rights planning tools have multiplied in recent decades, and Argentina was no exception. The inclusion of medium- and long-term programming is just one of the examples of the new modalities of concretizing the projected goals. From this experience we have learned that the Human Rights Plans ÿand the spaces for dialogue they createÿ are viable mechanisms to support the different necessary actions, such as the adaptation of regulations, the execution of specific plans, the dissemination and promotion of rights etc One of its methodological guides refers to what was proposed by the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights in the Manual for National Human Rights Action Plans (2002). Said Manual strengthens the design of public policies with a rights approach that allow progress in their protection and promotion. In this manual, the following 5 phases are contemplated: •Preparatory phase. •Development phase. •Implementation Phase. •Monitoring Phase. •Evaluation Phase. 5 To see the complete list of States that have presented National Human Rights Plans, consult the website of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights: .16 Machine Translated by Google In short, the planning described begins with a comprehensive analysis of needs and includes a broad and growing program of proposals, the allocation of resources and an effective evaluation, following the classic scheme of public policy planning with a rights- based approach. The distinctive sign is represented in the very essence of human rights, given that its transversal nature requires the integration of fundamental standards and principles in the different stages of the cycle of public policies, which must have as their goal the guarantee and access to rights. .17 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google The Secretariat of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism, dependent on the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, developed the first National Action Plan on Human Rights (2017-2020) to comply with the international commitments emanating from the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action (1993), from the first Periodic Report (UPR), and in line with the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable Development of United Nations. The action plan is understood, by the Argentine State and by this Secretariat, as a management instrument that represents a significant advance in the structuring of public policies, since it stimulates a comprehensive evaluation of the particular needs in terms of human rights, promote the articulation between government areas, civil society organizations and citizens, and generate actions of social transformation. With the aim of strengthening the process of building a public policy planning system with a human rights approach, cross-cutting and coordinated work has been carried out that has made it possible to incorporate a vision of law in the implementation of public policies at the national level through of a series of action commitments, documents and protocols agreed upon and validated by social referents and approved by the highest political level. The specific objectives are: •Design, develop, approve and publish a National Human Rights Action Plan (PNADH) for the period 2017-2020 according to the recommendations of the Confe Vienna Human Rights Conference 1993. •Develop and implement Annual Operational Plans to achieve the objectives for that contemplate the necessary resources for its execution. •Draw up a protocol of indicators for monitoring and follow-up of the actions derived from the PNADH. All of this points to the fact that the benefits of having a National Human Rights Action Plan can stimulate a comprehensive evaluation of the country's needs in terms of human rights; allows for the generation of greater awareness of human rights among government areas, civil society organizations, security forces, and society in general, allows for the creation of an atmosphere of cooperation, and promotes links with other national programs, such as be in the areas of health and education, and allowing to influence the improvement of the quality of people's lives. .19 Machine Translated by Google By virtue of the Vienna Declaration and Program of Action and as a result of the presentation of the first Universal Periodic Report (UPR) before the United Nations Human Rights Council in 2008, a recommendation by Mexico emerged: “Contemplate the inclusion of the results of the UPR in the National Human Rights Plan”. It was then that Argentina began to elaborate an instance of concretion of the commitments and obligations assumed in terms of consolidation of democracy and the deepening of human rights and fundamental freedoms. This process aims to promote the actions of the actors who work to build a freer, more equitable and more supportive society. We must thus understand that human rights have a dynamic projection, beyond the body of international regulations approved to protect human dignity. This vision requires us to rethink them as a complex instance and visualize them as a set of values and expectations that the population agrees to build the nucleus ethics of an advanced democracy. From this vision, Human Rights are defined as the hallmark of the public policies of a democratic Argentina. This new role of the State constitutes a complex challenge, since it is not only about responding, but about proposing the construction of a "general regime of values" that jointly accounts for civil and political rights, and also for the broad spectrum of rights economic, social, cultural and of collective incidence. .20 Machine Translated by Google BENEFITS AND OBJECTIVES What are the benefits and objectives of having a National Action Plan in De Human rights? According to the Manual of the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights6 the benefits are: Figure 1 – Benefits of a national action plan A national plan of action should: - Stimulate a comprehensive assessment/review of the country's human rights needs. - Generate greater awareness of human rights among government areas, civil society organizations, security forces, and the general public. - Create an atmosphere of cooperation, and promote links with other national programs, such as in the areas of health and education. - Generate a commitment to action. The objectives of an action plan should include: - Generate stronger legal frameworks, a firmer adherence to and compliance with international norms, a more effective incorporation of human rights standards in domestic legislation”. - Strengthen the Rule of Law. - Achieve greater protection for people. - Strengthen the culture of human rights. - Strengthen national institutions for the promotion and protection of human rights. - Generate more effective social programs to improve the quality of life of the population, especially vulnerable groups. Although they can be synthesized in the promotion and protection of human rights, in many cases they are part of comprehensive processes of reform or democratization, through which they contribute to the achievement of other goals such as strengthening social cohesion, improving well-being staff and achieve better governance. In order to comply with the stated objectives and promote successful changes in the observance of rights as an element of public policy, the action plan must be understood as a permanent process of social construction. 6 Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights; “Handbook on National Human Rights Plans of Action”; United Nations; New York-Geneva; 2002, p.3. .21 Machine Translated by Google STRUCTURE The PNADH is structured in 5 axes, each of which has specific objectives and for each of them different goals and indicators. The 5 proposed axes are: 1. Inclusion, non-discrimination and equality 1.1.No discrimination 1.2.Gender equality 1.3.Sexual diversity: sexual orientation, gender identity and expression 1.4.Protection of rights - Groups in Situation of Vulnerability 1.4.a Boys, girls, adolescents and young people 1.4.b Persons with disability(ies) 1.5. Right to identity 1.6.Diversity and cultural pluralism 1.7. Rights of migrants 1.8. Rights of refugees and stateless persons 1.9.Indigenous peoples 2. Public safety and non-violence 2.1.Public security 2.2.Institutional violence 2.3.Personal integrity 2.4.Persons deprived of their liberty 2.5.Access to justice and due process guarantees 2.6.Trafficking and smuggling of persons 3. Memory, Truth, Justice and Reparatory Policies 3.1 Memory 3.2.Truth .22 Machine Translated by Google 3.3. Justice 3.4.Remedial policies 4. Universal Access Rights 4.1.Access to health 4.2.Access to education 4.3.Access to work, employment and social security 4.4.Access to science and technology 4.5.Access to culture 4.6.Access to decent housing 4.7.Access to basic services 4.8.Access to a safe and healthy environment 4.9.Access to inclusive and sustainable development 5. Civic culture and commitment to human rights 5.1. Civic culture in Human Rights 5.2. Commitments to the International Systems for the Protection and Promotion of human rights 5.3. Effective and non-discriminatory administration 5.4.Access to public information 5.5.Access to citizen participation 5.6.Human Rights and business The PNADH has as its baseline the international commitments assumed by the National State, and as its main precedent, the document "Actions for a National Human Rights Plan", which systematizes the experience of the National Executive Branch in terms of planning with a focus on human rights. of rights described in section I of this document. On the other hand, the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development7 is the foundation for the preparation of this plan to eradicate poverty, protect the planet and ensure 7 On September 25, 2016, the United Nations General Assembly adopted Resolution A/Res/70/01 approving the final document of the United Nations summit: "Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for the Sustainable development". .23 Machine Translated by Google prosperity for all. It establishes 17 (seventeen) global objectives, with their respective specific goals, and they are developed specifically and transversally in the designed structure. • end of poverty •Zero hunger •Health & Wellness •Quality education •Gender equality •Clean water and sanitation •Affordable and clean energy •Decent work and economic growth • Industry, innovation and infrastructure •Reduction of inequalities •Sustainable cities and communities •Responsible production and consumption •Climate action •Submarine life •Life of terrestrial ecosystems •Peace, justice and strong institutions • Alliances to achieve the objectives. In this framework, the Secretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism, of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, carried out, in coordination with the National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies (CNCPS) of the Head of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Nation, a report cross- sectional whose objective was to analyze to what extent the adequacy of the SDG indicators were defined by the work teams of the different Ministries of the National Executive Power, in light of the following variables: • be sensitive to situations of violation or violation of human rights, • be consistent with their definitions and scope, .24 Machine Translated by Google • include vulnerable groups in their breakdowns, and • contemplate principles of the human rights approach8 . For this, a verification matrix was used, used to systematize the analysis, and then a comprehensive qualitative reading of the technical files sent by the CNCPS9 was carried out . METHODOLOGY The work of elaborating the PNADH is in charge of the Secretariat of Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism, of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights. It aims to strengthen social cohesion, improve the well-being of the most vulnerable people and achieve better governance with a rights perspective. To this end, a specialized team was set up on the subject that worked based on dialogue to achieve the federalization and mainstreaming of human rights. Taking into account the cross-cutting nature of human rights, the design of the PNADH focuses on dialogue between the different government agencies of the State National, the Provinces, various social actors of national and international scope, and experts in Human Rights consulted in a round of consultation to validate the do documents carried out. On behalf of the National State, the documents were sent to: twenty (20) Ministries, the Human Rights and Guarantees Commission of the Chamber of Deputies and the Human Rights and Guarantees Commission of the Senate; the Public Prosecutor's Office, General Directorate of Human Rights; to the Public Ministry of Defense, General Defender of the Nation; to the Supreme Court (Office of Domestic Violence, General Database of Boys, Girls and Adolescents, Women's Office). On the other hand, the twenty-four (24) provincial jurisdictions, eight (8) civil society organizations, seven (7) experts from National Universities and the National Interuniversity Council (CIN) were consulted. These principles are: universality and interdependence, participation, non-regressiveness and accountability. The last two 8 were not addressed given the characteristics of the object of analysis. For more information on the work methodology, see SDHyPC: “Experience of transversal analysis of Human Rights 9 us on the SDG indicators. Transversality and shared standards in long-term state planning”. .25 Machine Translated by Google The instance of socialization and consultation, in the design and development phase of the National Plan Human Rights Action Commission made it possible to identify: •Priority requirements. •Resources (state and social) to solve them. • Public Policies (means, deadlines and objectives). On the other hand, in order to widely disseminate the PNADH and promote citizen participation, a forum was launched through the platform of the Justice Program 202010, of the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights, where a consultation open dana city that allowed the access of thousands of people who were able to contribute their ideas, comments and opinions on public policies in the area of human rights planning. In this way, we sought to collect contributions and reflections that contribute to the elaboration of the PNADH and that strengthen a public policy planning system with a human rights approach. Lastly, a perception survey11 was carried out on what citizens know about human rights. The objective was to obtain an approximation about the place that human rights occupy in the cultural, social and political senses of society, in order to contribute to the delineation of a baseline that allows developing plans, programs and therefore public policies of promotion and protection of rights with greater scope and effectiveness. Among the framework questions of the survey we can mention: do you know what your human rights are? Can you name three? How important is awareness of Human Rights to you? your rights? In the event that one or several of your rights are violated, do you know who to turn to? among other. This study has visualized the impact of both the adoption and application of legislation on Rights, as well as the development of public policies, plans and programs executed in the promotion and respect of human rights in recent years. On the other hand, it has made it possible to identify relevant topics and intervention sectors for the education and promotion of human rights; complement the preparation of the PNADH 2017-2020 and evaluate the perception and action on State agencies and other actors relevant in the matter. 10 Justice 2020 is a space for institutional and citizen dialogue whose objective is the elaboration, implementation and evaluation of policies to build, together with society, a justice that generates socially relevant results and allows the solution of conflicts quickly and reliably. . Justice 2020 also works on non-judicial dimensions of justice. These initiatives, brought together in the Justo Vos Program, aim to strengthen justice as a value, so that all people, in their daily lives, collaborate in the construction of a more just, united and peaceful society. 11 It was carried out between April 23 and May 6, 2017, based on a telephone survey of a sample of citizens from all over the national territory. Internal document of the Secretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism. .26 Machine Translated by Google Through all these tools, the process of construction and validation of these plans allowed: •Improve coordination networks between areas and levels of government and with Social Organizations. •Strengthen the issue of human rights in the social and political agenda. •Strengthen local human rights authorities. •Promote the human rights approach in local public management. • Facilitate the appropriation of human rights praxis in organizations tions. The PNADH will be complemented by Annual Operational Plans (POAS) that provide for the involvement of those primarily responsible and the necessary resources for the implementation of the planned goals, through concrete and measurable actions that respond to simplifying and streamlining the follow-up and monitoring stages. Finally, it should be noted that the SDHyPC of the MJyDH will promote planning instances with the provincial governments in pursuit of the elaboration of Federal Action Plans on Human Rights (PFADH) in order to strengthen the federal commitment to access rights; In this sense, these Plans reinforce the construction of policies with a human rights approach at the local (provincial and/or municipal) level, incorporating tools to guarantee the principles of democracy, inclusion, development and respect for human rights. humans. These plans, beyond substantiating commitments of concrete actions, of exclusive and excluding competence of said jurisdictions, to be implemented by the local executive areas, allow to improve the coordination networks between areas and levels of government and with social organizations, strengthen the issue of human rights on the social and political agenda, strengthen local human rights authorities, promote the human rights approach in local public management and facilitate the appropriation of human rights praxis in organizations. .27 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google 1.1 Non-Discrimination Strategic objective: Promote public policies that contribute to overcoming the various forms of discrimination. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Prepare the National Plan 1 Plan Nation approval of the against Discrimination (2018 MJyDH (INADI) PEN National Plan final approved - 2022). Update the National Map of 1 updated map Map Update MJyDH (INADI) Discrimination (2013). Develop mass dissemination campaigns and educational programs aimed at raising awareness about discrimination, xenophobia Campaigns Realization of and racism, with emphasis MJyDH (INADI) JGM carried out campaigns on the relationship between poverty, social exclusion, racism and discrimination, as well as the particularities of all other types of discrimination. Implement virtual training and awareness spaces in Number of such a way that a greater 11.020 inscrip MJyDH (INADI) enrolled in courses tos/as number of the population can be reached. Formulate a policy for websites, aimed at regulating the content and sanctioning 1 Policy for formulation of the people responsible for MJyDH (INADI) mulada A politic Internet domains with discriminatory and/or xenophobic information. Strengthen international Agreements signed Conclusion of relations through cooperation MJyDH (INADI) agreements agreements. Carry out specific actions in Quantity of: - order to make the Afro- - 24 crafted materials descendant community materials elaborate visible under the International Decade of Afro-descendants: MJyDH (INADI) Recognition, Justice and - 4 campaigns - campaigns carried out Development 2015-2024, carried out declared by the UN. .30 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in normative partners Responsible Meta Indicator matters necessary Promote the ratification of the Inter-American Convention against Racism, Racial Discrimination and 1 Convention Ratification of Related Forms of Intolerance MJyDH (INADI) MREyC ratified the Convention and the Inter-American Convention against All Forms of Discrimination and Intolerance. Participation in meetings Promote the modification of Legislative girls of the Commissions Law No. 23,592 on MJyDH (INADI) PL amendment that deal with Discriminatory Acts. promoted the project to give it legislative impetus 1.2 Gender equality Strategic objective: Promote public policies that contribute to overcoming the various forms of discrimination against women. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Prepare and present a 1 Plan Nation National Plan for Equal PEN nal elaborated Elaboration of MDS (INAM) National Plan Opportunities (PIO) and presented 2018-2020. Carry out training and technical assistance actions on Gender and Women's Human Rights, 12 training Number of aimed at strengthening provinces actions carried training MJyDH provincial femicide out (6 per year) actions carried out registries and gender program areas in provincial jurisdictions. .31 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Prepare a proposal for a methodology for collecting data on femicides that Amount of contains recommendations 1 Proposal for proposals of PJ - OS - HI Methodology of Methodology of and standards as input for MJyDH - Provinces Approved data Data collection the provinces that are collection elaborates the developing their own registries. Produce dissemination and training material on Dissemination Preparation gender violence with an and training of dissemination intercultural approach MJyDH material and training aimed at indigenous prepared material peoples, in coordination with INADI and INAI. Publish a “Manual” on the stories of women within the security forces “the 1 Manual she Amount of strength of women making MSe INAM bored and distributed history” to encourage the published publications participation of women in the security forces. - Number of jurisdictions - 24 jurisdictions where it works where the the body of Corps of Lawyers Lawyers and for Victims of Lawyers for Domestic victims of Violence operates. violence of Implement the Body of Gender Gender lawyers against gender PJ - MPU violence, in accordance MJyDH –- Provinces with Law No. 27,210. 12 - OS - HI - Number of - 300 lawyers trained lawyers/ throughout the so they are part of the country who will Body of perform functions within the frameworkLawyers and Lawyers for of Law No. victims of 27,210. violence of Gender Strengthen the 2017-2020 Number of Gender Training Popular 150 schools schools funded MDS (INAM) financed Schools Program. 12 This action should also be read for the Access to Justice Chapter. .32 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Approve by decree the first National Action Plan for the Prevention, Assistance and 1 Plan Nation Approval by Eradication of Violence against MDS (INAM) PEN final approved decree of the Women 2017-2019 (art. 9 inc a by decree National Plan of Law No. 26,485). 1.3 Sexual diversity: sexual orientation, gender identity and expression Strategic objective: Generate public policies for full access to the exercise of the rights of the LGBTIQ population Programmatic actions in terms partners Responsible Meta Indicator of management Develop necessary training on sexual diversity and Human Rights in the security forces in order to eradicate institutional Amount of 10,000 people violence against the LGBTIQ MJyDH MSe in training people quoted population. Prepare an oral file that recovers and values the memories of sexual diversity in 1 Oral archive Elaboration of order to reconstruct its history, MJyDH prepared oral file the struggles it has endured and the conditions of life. Develop forums, conferences, conferences, training, guides, exhibitions, workshops, meetings and other advocacy actions to work on prejudice and stigma on Amount of 180,000 people MJyDH people reached the LGBTIQ population to reduce reached levels of discrimination. Create a registry of trans femicides and hate crimes against 1 record Creation of the MJyDH the LGBTIQ population. created Record Develop a resource for trans people to promote access to 1 Resource Creation of the services and programs of the MJyDH created resourceful National State. .33 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote the access of trans people to plans and Number of programs to improve their 1,000 people MJyDH people reached living conditions (in reached education, health, work, registration, etc.). Design and implement awareness campaigns through the media and Amount of 2 campaigns social networks to promote MJyDH JGM carried out campaigns carried out a culture of respect for free sexual orientation and gender identity and expression. Promote the creation, Elaborate together with INDEC, of a 1 trans census measuring MJyDH MH situational measurement accomplished instrument instrument for trans people - Number of Promote the inclusion of - 100 actions of shares of Information, training Information, the sexual diversity and promotion of training and perspective and the the perspective of promotion of the sexual diversity perspective of institutionalization of carried out sexual diversity Sexual Diversity spaces in carried out MJyDH - Pro the provinces and vinces - Muni MDS (SAyPS) municipalities through the cipios development of information tasks, training, education - 25 - Number of and promotion of institutionalized institutionalized areas at the areas at the government action towards provincial and provincial and the LGBTIQ population. municipal levels municipal levels Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Promote the sanction of a Participation in the bill promoted meetings of the national trans labor quota MJyDH PL Commissions that law. deal with the project to give it legislative impetus .34 Machine Translated by Google 1.4 Protection of rights - Groups in Situation of vulnerability Strategic objective: Strengthen the comprehensive protection system for the rights of vulnerable groups: children and adolescents, older adults, people with disabilities. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Prepare reports and provide technical support for the adaptation of regulations and the 15 technical Number of development of specific reports on technical reports adaptation of on adaptation programs to protect the bills and public of bills and rights of groups in situations policy programs public policy Pen - PL-Pro of vulnerability in MJyDH to international programs to human rights international coordination with the instruments human rights commissions of the national instruments congress and the national and/or provincial executive powers. . (topics: mental health, disability; boys, girls and adolescents, older adults). - Number of - 15 virtual Develop face-to-face and/ virtual courses courses offered and or virtual training and offered and face-to-face 30 face-to-face dissemination actions on trainings training provided the rights of vulnerable provided groups, either with public officials or with the general MJyDH - Amount of population. (topics: mental - 30 health, disability; boys, communication/ communication actions/ dissemination actions girls and adolescents, dissemination rights (via older adults) Facebook, of rights (via Facebook, website, printed website, printed material) made material) made .35 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 100% of the demand - Quantity of monitoring of monitoring visits to visits to institutions institutions carried out carried out - 100% of the - Number of demand for interdisciplinary Carry out institutional interdisciplinary evaluations monitoring, interdisciplinary evaluations agree according to Law evaluations and develop No. 26,657 carried to Law No. out protocols to prevent 26,657 carried out situations of violation of the fundamental rights of MJyDH - Number of people in a situation of diagnoses/ institutionalization. (topics: - 3 diagnoses/ action mental health, disability, action protocols to protocols prevent situations boys, girls and adolescents, to prevent of violation situations of older adults) violation of rights to of rights to institutionalized institutionalized persons belonging people belonging to groups in a to groups in situation of situations of vulnerability vulnerability elaborated elaborated Programmatic actions in normative partners Responsible Meta Indicator matters necessary Promote the ratification of 1 Convention ratification of the Inter-American MJyDH MREyC ratified Convention Convention on the Protection of the Human Rights of Older Persons. Participation in the Promote a bill for the meetings of the comprehensive protection Commissions that ADN - MSa - bill promoted of the human rights of MJyDH deal with the project MTEySS to give it legislative people with disabilities. impetus Promote the adherence of all provinces to Law No. 10 provinces Number of adhered to the provinces subject 26,657 on Mental Health provinces MJyDH Law No. 26,657 to Law No. 26,657 and the creation of the and with OR and with ORs created respective review bodies. creates two .36 Machine Translated by Google a) Boys, girls, adolescents and young people Strategic objective: Strengthen the comprehensive protection system for the rights of boys, girls, adolescents and young people. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote the creation of provincial registries of information on missing 24 records Quantity of re MSe provinces minors in the 24 provincial created records created jurisdictions. Create a virtual platform for the constitution of a national network of Creation 1 virtual information registries of platform for and commissioning of missing minors that allows MJyDH - For the national network of MSe the virtual the exchange of information, you records created platform for and running in an agile and effective the national network of records way, and articulate joint actions. Sign 24 agreements with the provincial jurisdictions for the exchange of Number of 24 agreements information and the MSe provinces signed agreements signed articulation of actions in the event of the loss of children and adolescents. Number of young people Implement the National accompanied An average in their integral Youth Plan and all its of 1,000,000 development programmatic lines for the youth reached through tools for MDS reduction of social employability, (SAyPS – SSJ) annually by SSJ education and inequalities among programs the strengthening Argentine youth. of the institutions that group them .37 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 1,000 In tales of Amount of: Girls Participation, - Encounters Children and of Participation of Adolescents made Girls, Boys and Adolescents carried out - 50,000 girls, boys and adolescents - girls, boys and participating in the adolescents Encounters participating in the Encounters Promote the participation of children and adolescents - 7,000 workshops - Talleres in accordance with the sexual health about sexual y reproductive health and principles of the Convention maturity reproductive on the Rights of the Child, maturity MDS (SENNAF) COFENAF Law No. 26,061 and within the framework of the National Plan to Reduce - 7,000 Workshops - Workshops Unintentional Pregnancy in on Good Treatment good treatment and Adolescence. and Body Care with care of the boys and girls from Corps with boys 6 to 12 years old, and girls from 6 within the framework to 12 years old, of the National Plan within the framework of the to Reduce National Plan Pregnancy Decreased Pregnancy Unintentional Unintentional in in the Adolescence Adolescents - 420,000 ni - children and girls, children and adolescents reached adolescents reached .38 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - An average of 7 Admission and Referral Centers created, Amount of: strengthening or - Centers of refitted admission and by year Derivation created, - An average of strengthening or 10 devices readjusted created, by year strengthened or readjusted within the framework of - devices created, the Program strengthened or Strengthen the juvenile national of readjusted in the Institutional criminal responsibility Pro's framework Monitoring of system as part of the rights Devices National Monitoring Program protection system through Juvenile penalties Institutional Devices the creation, strengthening and readjustment of - An average of Juvenile penalties Admission and Referral 10 training MDS (SENNAF) COFENAF Centers (CAD), territorial sessions and 600 - training people reached measures devices, convivial per year ns and people freedom restriction devices reached per year and devices of deprivation of liberty. - An average of - workshops 15 workshops held to facilitate held to facilitate and enhance and promote access access to to rights for young rights of the people included in young people juvenile criminal devices included in juvenile penal devices - tables of work for - An average of 8 technical assistance working groups to provincial for technical governments on assistance to specific topics per provincial year governments on issues specific per year .39 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 213,058 girls Amount of: reach harassed by him - girls reached National First by the National Plan Create, strengthen and Early Childhood Childhood monitor early childhood Plan spaces throughout the - 3,000 agreed MDS (SENNAF) COFENAF country within the projects - agreed framework of the National projects Early Childhood Plan. - 420 training sessions provided - training provided and people and 55,000 people reached reached Implement actions for prevention and restitution of rights in relation to children and adolescents who are victims of any form of violence, of any of the Amount of: - 24 requests for crimes of sexual integrity, financial cooperation mistreatment, exploitation , - requests for for assistance financial cooperation in all its forms, in the crime devices for children for assistance of human trafficking , and/ and adolescent devices for children victims or refugee children and and adolescents adolescents and/or victims of international abduction of any of the and child labour, victims of forms of violence any of the forms strengthening devices of and crimes of of violence and sexual integrity local, provincial, municipal, COFENAF - crimes of sexual public and private MDS (SENNAF) provinces integrity enforcement agencies, - 24 agreements generating federal of technical - agreements guidelines on protocols, cooperation of technical intervention modalities in signed that reach cooperation 24 monitoring, complaints, signed that reach provinces technical teams for 24 comprehensive care and provinces - 50 training access to justice, training sessions and - trainings and and technical assistance at workshops that workshops that reach 4,000 the federal level in public, reach 4,000 people people private and community spheres such as: schools, clubs and security forces. .40 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary - Constitution of a Drafting Submit to the Honorable Commission, which must Congress of the Nation the bill meet periodically PEN - MDS that establishes a new System 1 raised bill until a preliminary MJyDH (SENNAF) – draft is completed of Juvenile Criminal Responsibility. PJ - PL - Elevation of the draft law b) People with disabilities Strategic objective: Promote the transition from the rehabilitative model of disability and the protective approach to the social model of disability and the human rights approach in public policies (CDPC). Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary PEN-PRO Prepare the National Disability 1 National Plan approval of the AND - OS approved National Plan Plan. - HI Develop mass dissemination campaigns aimed at making Numbers of society aware of the issue of PEN - Campaigns AND campaigns disability. Provinces - OS carried out carried out Strengthen international Number of relations through cooperation AND Agreements signed agreements celebrated MREyC - OI agreements. cries Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Systematization First document Prepare a bill promoting a PL - PEN AND of legislative ment for National Disability Digest. provinces information review Elaborate a draft law using the "Participatory Elaboration of Norms" in relation to Universal PL - OS Allowance for people with AND Approval of the 1 law passed disabilities. law .41 Machine Translated by Google 1.8 Right to identity13 Strategic objective: Develop and propose public policies aimed at protecting the right to identity, actively collaborating so that the population that has seen this right violated knows the truth about its origins. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management matters necessary Develop actions for the collection, systematization 4 qualitative Number of and analysis of information and quantitative reports reports MJyDH MSa annual tives li- quantitative on the problem of the right made realized to identity. Articulate and coordinate activities for the promotion Amount of and protection of the right to 20 roundtables and annual tables and identity with agencies of the MJyDH provinces work sessions working days held National State, provincial held governments, and with NGOs Carry out an annual national campaign to raise awareness of the need to complete Number of blood samples belonging to JGM - 4 awareness awareness MJyDH BNDG - OS campaigns carried campaigns relatives of pregnant women out performed and missing children. Collaborate with the Judiciary, the Public PJ – MPu Prosecutor's Office and the Number of National Genetic Data Bank - MJyDH 60 samples taken MREyC – MSe – samples taken in taking blood samples from the BNDG - OS people who have doubts about their identity. Hold regional meetings Number of 10 regional aimed at training and encounters MJyDH meetings held disseminating the right to regional made identity. Disseminate the work of the National Network for the 1 National Network Diffusion of the Right to Identity through MJyDH spread National Network publications and in regional meetings. Dictate a course on the Right to Identity for the 4 dictated course Number of MJyDH courses taught general public, per year. (1 per year) 13 See Chapter 3.2 Truth. .42 Machine Translated by Google 1.9 Diversity and cultural pluralism Strategic objective: Contribute to the visibility of the contributions of the different cultural groups that live in Argentina and the promotion of their rights, thus improving coexistence in cultural diversity. Programmatic actions partners Meta Indicator Responsible in management necessary matters Carry out an awareness campaign for Number of health care providers on MSa 30,000 people MJyDH people reached anti-discriminatory practices reached towards the different cultural groups. Promote the holding of academic and training sessions on the promotion Number of 30 conferences of rights and visibility in sessions and MJyDH and trainings collaboration with the developed training sessions developed organizations of the various groups. Produce teaching Quantity of materials, for all 3 materials teaching educational levels, on MJyDH ME didactics materials produced different ethnic groups in produced Argentine history. Promote intercultural spaces to learn about the Number of history, language, artistic 25 events events held MJyDH held expressions and festivities of the various groups. Promote the adherence of the Argentine State to the 1 project Approval of International Decade for adherence to the Adhesion People of African Descent MJyDH approved Afro project to the descendant Afro-descendant and the ministerial decade decade commitments for the visibility of the Afro community. Carry out actions in the provinces to promote rights, fight against Number of 10 provinces discrimination and MJyDH provinces reached provinces reached contribute to the inclusion and visibility of the Roma community. .43 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote the designation of the Secretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism as a Coordination 1 approved Project approval or Unit for actions to be MJyDH project carried out on the occasion of the International Decade for People of African Descent. 1.10 Rights of migrants Strategic objective: Develop strategies with a comprehensive human rights perspective that guarantees the inclusion of the migrant and his family in society. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Develop actions within the framework of the Dialogue Number of actions 12 actions Table with social MJyDH YOU developed developed organizations on migration and asylum. Train public agents of the CAJs, of the delegations of the National Directorate of Migration, of health and Amount of 2,200 people educational centers, and MJyDH reached people reached of security forces in the rights of migrants in order to facilitate their access to them. Make agreements between the Secretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism and various Number of 500 people educational organizations MJyDH ME reached people reached to provide free Spanish courses for foreigners. .44 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Carry out promotional actions in the provinces to guarantee access to the educational system and Amount of health services for provinces 20 provinces MJyDH reached provinces foreigners, as well as in reached civil registries, in accordance with Law No. 25,871 Increase the number of increase a Percentage of foreigners registered in the 10% of registered provincial electoral rolls, in foreigners foreigners with MREyC - Pro registered order to access the right to MJyDH vinces with respect respect to a elect their representatives. base of 400,000 to a base of people 400.000 per in the sounds Create the Cultural Meeting Center for migrants and refugees where it is planned to use the facilities for activities to promote rights, function as headquarters for 1 Center creates Creation and organizations that do not MJyDH YOU up and running commissioning of the have their own place and center to provide guidance to migrants and refugees in legal assistance , psychological assistance, job orientation, training in trades and languages. Develop a campaign to disseminate the rights of migrant persons and Amount of 550,000 people information on procedures MJyDH MIOPyV reached people reached to access residency or migratory regularization. Disseminate Decree No. 1601/2003, which facilitates the recognition of citizenship Number of MIOPyV - 10,000 people to the sons and daughters MJyDH MREyC reached people reached of Argentines who were born abroad. .45 Machine Translated by Google 1.11 Rights of refugees and stateless persons Strategic objective: Take all necessary measures to ensure that refugees and stateless persons are protected and enjoy the rights in force in our country. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Generate actions within the Number of framework of the Local Integration 9 actions actions developed MJyDH HI developed Program of the Brazil Action Plan. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Regulation of Promote the regulation of Law MIOPyV - Law No. 26,165 MJyDH Law No. 26,165 No. 26,165. MREyC - PEN regulated Prepare a preliminary bill for the Recognition and Protection of 1 draft bill prepared Preparation of a bill Stateless Persons and its MREyC PEN subsequent application. 1.12 Indigenous peoples Strategic objective: Guarantee the protection and promotion of the rights of indigenous peoples. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Complete the technical territorial Number of surveys– 100% of the technical folders territorial surveys legal-cadastral surveys to Provinces - delivered according requested by the determine the current, traditional MJyDH (INAI) communities to the number of YOU survey requests and public occupation of the completed made indigenous communities. Promote the signing of federal agreements with the provinces, Number of 12 provinces to make effective the right to MIOPyV - with signed provinces with MJyDH (INAI) provinces agreements possession and community agreements signed two property. .46 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Issue alerts in a way that has - - Amount of emi alerts - prana in 100% of conflict had opportu- Consolidate an Early Warning situations where mindfully in there are signs of situations of System for the prevention conflict escalation. escalation and approach of conflicts PEN – OS – linked to co - MJyDH (INAI) OI - Provinces - Intervention in - Number of functioning indigenous at least 30% interventions in communities. itself - conflict situations situations of identified by the conflict iden - System certified by him System Achieve greater articulation tion between the different or - Number of 50 shares in- shares int - State agencies to guarantee PEN - Provin - terinstituciona - MJyDH (INAI) institutional access to the rights of simply coordinated in coordinated in territory indigenous communities. territory Develop 100% of the pre - consultation Design and implement prior, processes free, and informed consultation via que sean required by las processes whenever comunida - registration in the legislative or administrative indigenous INAI process - MJyDH (INAI) PEN - OS consultations measures are envisaged. peoples to INAI in carried out in the jointly with the ministrations likely to directly country national and affect indigenous communities. provincial bodies with competence in the matter of consultation Implement the NorAndean - Implements - - Corridor No - tion and func - Corridor, which consists of a birth of rAndino imple - series of posts, linked to mentioned in 6 Corridor No - access to justice, located in provinces rAndino MSa - Provin - 6 pro - MJyDH - Number of companies - hi - 210 towns provinces of the NOA from reached by area villages reached - which itinerancies depart to visits - zed by the little bound by roaming visits made - indigenous peoples rowing - zed by the tos. internance Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary - Rules of Procedure - - Article 5 of tion of article 5 of Law No. 23,302 Regulate and put into MIOPyV– rule - Law No. 23,302 operation the Coordination MJyDH (INAI) MH - MP - minted Council provided for in article MTEySS - ME - It works - - Fun Tip - 5 of Law No. 23,302. cionando lie of the Con - session .47 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Design and implement prior, free, and informed consultation processes Regulation whenever legislative or Law No. MJyDH (INAI) PEN - OS of Law No. administrative measures 24,071 regulated 24,071 are envisaged that are likely to directly affect indigenous communities. Participation in Committee Promote the sanction of a meetings bill promoted law that extends the MJyDH PL tions that deal with the project validity of Law No. 26,160. to give it legislative impetus .48 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google 2.1 Public Safety Strategic objective: Adopt public security policies based on the promotion and protection of human rights. Programmatic actions partners Meta Indicator Responsible in management necessary matters Prepare a common basic curriculum for provincial police training institutes in order Implemented Implementation to establish basic guidelines MSe provinces Common Core of a common Curriculum core curriculum for the modernization and democratic management of security institutions. Carry out a virtual training platform for provincial - Virtual platform Creation and created start-up of the police trainers from the 24 MSe provinces Platform and in operation jurisdictions. Provide training courses to promote the improvement of the police and security forces in the area of human rights, by incorporating Provinces - 100 training Number of MSe courses given courses provides minimum knowledge for YOU two the initial training of the four security forces. Prepare a Competence 1 manual Elaboration of Manual for the Police and MSe Provinces - skills developed a manual of Security Forces. YOU Skills .50 Machine Translated by Google 2.2 Institutional Violence Strategic objective: Adopt policies to combat and eliminate institutional violence. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Number of Prepare audio visual publications - 11 publications produced materials and publications produced on institutional violence, assistance to the victim MJyDH MSe and their families, - 1 audiovisual testimonies of the fight material - Preparation of prepared against impunity audiovisual material Provide assistance to assisted victims Victim victims of institutional MJyDH Assistance violence. Carry out promotional campaigns for the Free 12 campaigns Amount of MJyDH campaigns carried Victim Assistance Line carried out out (0800-122-5878). Carry out activities related to the “May, month of Number of 12 activities struggle against institutional MJyDH carried out activities violence” campaign. performed Update the information available to the Unit for the 1 unit of Update Registration, Systematization MJyDH Updated record of the unit and Follow-up of Acts of Record Institutional Violence. Develop research on institutional violence, especially with the Number of Provinces - 2 agreements academic and neuroscientific MSe agreements YOU signed signed community, in order to analyze the behavior of police personnel. Promote the creation of addresses analogous to the Direction of Follow-up of Causes of Violence Institutional and Crimes of 24 addresses Number of addresses Federal Interest, MSe provinces created and created and in dependent on the Ministry of running operation Security of the Nation, in the areas in charge of the Security in the Provinces .51 Machine Translated by Google Promote a registration system for cases of institutional violence that 1 king system Creation of a allows the collaborative MSe provinces national registry national use of information in the created registry system 24 jurisdictions. Programmatic actions in normative partners Responsible Meta Indicator matters necessary Promote the adherence of 24 provincial Number of the 24 provincial jurisdictions provincial jurisdictions to Law No. MJyDH provinces adhering to jurisdictions adhering to Law 27,092 “National Day of Law No. 27,092 No. 27,092 Non-Violence”. 2.3 Personal integrity Strategic objective: Protect the dignity and physical and mental integrity of people. Programmatic actions partners Meta Indicator Responsible in management necessary matters Promote the integration of the National Committee for the 1 National Formation of Prevention of Torture, Committee for the the National created by Law No. 26,827, MJyDH PL - OS prevention of Committee for the torture with Prevention of of the National System for formed torture the Prevention of Torture and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment. Promote the creation of Local Mechanisms for the Prevention of Torture in the 24 provincial jurisdictions, in accordance 16 provincial Amount of with the provisions of the MJyDH provinces jurisdictions provincial Convention against Torture jurisdictions and Other Cruel, Inhuman or Degrading Treatment or Punishment and its Optional Protocol. .52 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Incorporate the contents of the Convention against Torture and other cruel, inhuman or degrading Incorporation of treatment or punishment Contents of the the contents of Convention against into mandatory annual Torture and other the Con vention against training courses for the cruel, inhuman or Torture and Armed Forces, Security MJyDH MSe other cruel, Forces, Federal Police, inhuman or degrading Argentine Naval Prefecture, incorporated into degrading to National Gendarmerie , the courses courses Airport Security Police and Federal Penitentiary Service. Establish a National Network of Emotional 1 Red consti Constitution of the MJyDH MSe tuida Network Support for Victims and Victims. Conduct campaigns to raise awareness and MSa - MDS - Number of MJyDH 12 campaigns promote obstetric violence. JGM campaigns Conduct training on the Number of 20 trainings carried subject of obstetric violence. MJyDH MSa- MDS out trainings carried out Provide assistance to assisted victims assistance to victims of obstetric violence MJyDH MSa - MDS victims that .53 Machine Translated by Google 2.4 Persons deprived of their liberty Strategic objective: Guarantee the fundamental right of all persons deprived of their liberty to be treated humanely, and to respect and ensure their dignity, their life and their physical, psychological and moral integrity. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Coverage of 900 people with arrest Number of people domiciliary incorporated into the Expand the Program under electronic assistance Assistance of Persons surveillance program MJyDH PJ under Electronic Surveillance monitored and people under accompanied by house arrest that. the psychosocial Liary under teams of the electronic surveillance Program ac, per year National - Percentage - 75% of the of people population deprived deprived of their of liberty with liberty with work worked while serving their sentence in during the cum Serving the establishment Federal Promote labor insertion, sentence in Establishments Penitentiaries, per education and training in penitentiaries year job skills of persons Federal deprived of liberty in MJyDH MTEySS - OS Federal Penitentiary - Percentage Establishments. - Educate of persons and train 15% deprived of of the population liberty in deprived of liberty Establishments in Spain in labor penitentiaries skills. Federal trained and tablecimientos certified in job penitentiaries skills, per year Federal Percentage of People Deprived of 80% of people liberty in Promote access to deprived of liberty Establishments in penitentiaries education for persons establishment Federal agencies ME - Provinces deprived of liberty in MJyDH - OS Federal that participate in Federal Penitentiary Penitentiaries formal instances participating in destined to Establishments. education instances strengthen and promote access to education, per year .54 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary 70% of the Percentage of prison people deprived population of liberty who reached by participate in Promote access to rights policies aimed at activities guaranteeing promoted from in health, culture and sports access to rights in the for persons deprived of MSa - MC - health, culture Programs of MJyDH liberty in Federal SDN - and sports and health, culture and Penitentiary Establishments. specific actions Sport, and aimed at populations specific actions in situations of aimed at populations special vulnerability in situations of special vulnerability Modernize the housing 11,000 new Number of spaces built in infrastructure in the Federal places in Federal Establishments Penitentiary Penitentiary Service and MIOPyV MJyDH Establishments penitentiaries improve standards. built Federal, per year 2.5 Access to justice and due process guarantees Strategic objective: Guarantee all people equality before the courts and access to them through an agile and effective procedure, for knowledge, guarantee and defense of their rights. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 10 new CAJs opened per year - Amount of open CAJs by year - Increase of 25% per year in - Ratio of Expand the services and the amount of increase in reci queries benefits of the Centers for PJ - Provin procedures carried MJyDH out by CAJs bids per total CAJ Access to Justice (CAJ). cias - OI - Increase of - Ratio increase 25% per year in the quantity procedures carried ity of procedures out by total CAJ carried out by the CAJs .55 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Amount of Consultations Implement the First Federal 1,500 free transformed into PJ - Provin Network of Free Legal MJyDH sponsorships judicial actions or cias - OI provided Sponsorship. pre-judicial mediation Sign cooperation framework agreements with the Superior Courts of the Provinces for the opening Amount of 5 cooperation of assistance offices for cooperation framework framework access to justice for people agreements with PJ - Provin agreements with with disabilities, within the MJyDH cias superiors superiors Courts of the framework of the National Provinces signed courts of the provinces Assistance Program for subscribed People with Disabilities in their Relations with the Administration of Justice. - Creation and start-up of a - Legal Hospital Hospital created and in operation Legal Design and implement the PJ - MIOPyV - 350 people First Legal Hospital in - MTEySS - Number of daily served on average consultations Argentina (a building in (ANSES) - daily attended in the which it is intended to MJyDH MSa - Provin in the first year first year cias - OI resolve the largest number of legal problems in a single area). - Increase in - Percentage the amount of increase in the inquiries from a annual amount 30% per annum of consultations for successive year per successive year .56 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Program - Number of replicated in 4 cities where the cities in the Federalize the “Victims against Violence” Program country Program through the implementation - 50 training - Amount of of agreements, minutes, sessions for local Training operators who do sessions for training and strengthening not belong to the local operators of professionals and PJ - Provin who do not MJyDH technical teams at the local cias MJyDH belong to the MJyDH level, promoting the - 12 operator installation of mobile teams training sessions/ - Amount of and the philosophy of the Conferences is local to the of local operators Program in cities of the Centers for of the country. Access to MJyDH Access Justice of the to Justice Centers MJyDH Strengthen the Prior Conciliation Service in consumer relations so that the consumer has access, 100,000 recla Quantity of re free of charge, to a repair MP MJyDH - MM we welcome calls received for the damage caused. Programmatic actions in normative partners Responsible Meta Indicator matters necessary Number of 5 provinces adhered provinces adhered to Promote provincial Model Law creating the Model Law adherence to the creating the MJyDH provinces Judicial team Comprehensive Care Model specialized in Judicial team Law - Judicial team violence specialized in domestic and specialized in domestic intrafamilial sexual violence and sexual and sexual violence. - Constitution of a Reform Commission ma of the code Criminal, Prepare the draft bill by which must meet which the Nation's Criminal periodically until 1 draft bill the end Code is modified in the wording of MJyDH PEN - PL prepared accordance with international a blueprint human rights standards. - Elevation of the draft law for its referral to the Hono rable Congress of the Nation .57 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary - Preparation and submission of the project to the Honorable Promote a modification to Congress of the Nation the Code of Criminal Elevation of Procedure, sanctioned by the project for its treatment to Law No. 27,063, to introduce MJyDH PL the Honorable - Participation special tools for the Congress of the in the meetings Nation of the investigation of complex Commissions crimes. that deal with the project, to give it legislative impetus Regulate Law No. 27,372, Elevation of By the decree Law on the Rights and PEN of the king's a regulatory MJyDH Guarantees of Victims of mentario decree project Crime. 2.6 Human trafficking Strategic objective: Guarantee the promotion and protection of the human rights of people affected by the crime of human trafficking. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Create and put into operation regional offices Number of 5 new offices of the National Program for PJ - Provin regional MJyDH regional nas offices in the Rescue of Victims of cias operating operation Treats by expanding its territorial reach Participate in the Approval and preparation of the 1 Plan Nation implementation MTEySS CELCT nal approved National Plan to Fight of Plan Na and implemented tional Trafficking 2018-2020. .58 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google 3.1 Memory Strategic objective: Guarantee the right to memory from its individual and collective meaning. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Form Comprehensive Human Rights Poles in Sites of Memory, created or to be created, that function as a space that 6 Polos Inte Amount of can empower the local Human Rights Comprehensive MJyDH MIOPyV Rights Poles population, achieving that Generals formed Humans with through actions to promote formed human rights they contribute to the consolidation of a civic culture. Value the building, health and safety infrastructure of the Memory Spaces to guarantee their patrimonial preservation declared Works of “National Historic within Place” the stages 1 - 2 Amount of stages of the Plan framework of Laws No. MJyDH MIOPyV and 3 of the Plan Operational 12,665 and No. 27,103 Operational 2017 completed 2017 completed and as an evidentiary contribution in the cases for crimes against humanity and the transmission of memory. Signal new Memory Sites linked to the actions of Percentage of 50% of State Terrorism in MIOPyV - Pro Sites framed two Sites marked in MJyDH vinces the Argentina, in compliance in the RUV RUVTE sign TE signaled with Law No. 26,691. zados Articulate joint actions with non-governmental organizations known for Number of joint 12 events in their defense of human YOU events held MJyDH set made rights to guarantee the preservation of historical memory. .60 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Include the ESMA Museum of Memory Sites, former Museum of Incorporation of Clandestine Center for Memory Sites the Museum of ESMA, former Sites of Memory Detention, Torture and Destiny, Torture ESMA, former Extermination in the and Extermination Clan Center for tentative list of cultural and MJyDH MREyC - OI Clan Center Detention, Torture incorporated in the and Extermination historical assets to be list of on the list of declared a World Heritage UNESCO UNESCO Site by UNESCO's Never Again. Systematize the testimonies of the victims 1 oral file created Creation of the of State Terrorism and their MJyDH oral file families in an oral archive. Promote the exchange of information for the defense and preservation of archives identified as Files preserved Number of preserved and essential to preserve MJyDH HI and exchanged exchanged files memory in the face of serious human rights violations at the regional level. Ensure the preservation, Conservation of conservation and access Documentary the Documentary collection of the Ar by citizens to the National goat of Collection of the documentary collections of MJyDH Archive Memory preserved National of the the National Archive of Memory Memory. Carry out public campaigns at the regional level that strengthen memory work Number of 10 campaigns at the international level MJyDH HI carried out campaigns carried out and especially in the sphere of MERCOSUR and UNASUR. Design itinerant exhibitions or exhibitions related to the themes of truth and Amount of 4 samples memory, which can be MJyDH HI made samples made presented in the different Mercosur and Unasur countries. .61 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Hold annual exhibitions at the Haroldo Conti Cultural Center, as a result of the process developed within Amount of Provinces - 4 samples the framework of the Art MJyDH made samples made Municipalities and Territory program, making it a space for training trainers. Federalize the exhibitions of the Harol do Conti Cultural Center, broadening the spectrum of artists, public and territories, by generating links with other memory spaces throughout 60% of alcan Percentage of Provinces - provinces the national territory, and MJyDH YOU driven by actions reached by promoting the interaction actions of the curators of the Harol do Conti Cultural Center. roldo Conti with local artists and/or artist groups, through the itinerancias initiative. Promote the articulation between the Haroldo Conti Cultural Center and other Number of 10 agreements Museums and Spaces of MJyDH HI - OS subscribed agreements Memory in the region your cryptos through the signing of cooperation agreements. Organize at least one annual event within the framework of the “El Conti takes to the streets” project, Number of with the aim of reproducing Provinces - 4 events held events held the operation of the Haroldo MJyDH Municipalities Conti Cultural Center in different jurisdictions, especially in open places (squares, parks, etc. .). Carry out visits for schools, within the framework of educational tours that work Number of 1,600 schools specifically with the schools that MJyDH ME who have made contents of all the samples the visit have made the visit that are produced and/or presented at the Conti. .62 Machine Translated by Google 3.2 Truth14 Strategic objective: Guarantee the right to the truth from its individual and collective meaning. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Digitize the documentary evidence, testimonials and investigations already carried out both in state agencies and in human rights organizations on the Amount of search for disappeared Digitized digitized children with known MJyDH evidence and evidence and investigations identities and children born investigations to mothers in captivity, which will allow the systematization of the information to optimize the results of research on affiliations. Promote the signing of agreements with other countries, especially within the framework of Amount of 2 signed MERCOSUR and UNASUR MJyDH MREyC - OI agreements their agreements on the exchange of data criptos about the fate suffered from illegal repression and political persecution. Promote technical cooperation between the countries that are in the process of establishing truth commissions, as well 7 technical Number of cooperation technical as between those that are MJyDH MREyC - OI projects promoted exchanges with developing processes for other countries the realization of the right to truth, memory and justice. Qualitatively inventory the historical archives of the 1 Inventory of files Performing a File FFAA's documentary MJyDH MD carried out Inventory heritage and guarantee their proper custody. 14 See Chapter 1.5 Right to Identity. .63 Machine Translated by Google 3.3 Justice Strategic objectives: Promote the set of judicial measures and public policies aimed at investigating and punishing those responsible for serious human rights violations. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Ensure compliance with the principle of speedy Trials against Trials against trials in the context of PJ MJyDH humanity carried humanity ongoing trials against out humanity and prevent delays. Preserve the investigation of the disappearances of boys and girls during the last civil-military dictatorship, Carrying out establish their true identity PJ Investigations MJyDH carried out investigations and provide documentation with their real name. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Prepare a draft law that excludes from the Armed Forces, the Penitentiary Service and the various Security Forces all those agents who performed 1 draft bill Preparation of functions in dependencies PL MJyDH prepared a bill that were used as clandestine detention centers during the period in which they operated. as such. .64 Machine Translated by Google 3.4 Reparatory Policies Strategic objective: Guarantee compensation for the consequences of serious human rights violations. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Implement effective and efficient mechanisms for Support Operation of monitoring and assisting devices for victim witnesses throughout the victims accompaniment MJyDH national territory, within worked devices but the framework of trials against State terrorism. Consolidate the national referral and assistance 1 Red consoli Network network for direct and MJyDH dada Consolidation indirect victims of State Terrorism. Assist Argentine citizens residing abroad in relation Number of 140 queries and to procedures related to MREyC MJyDH procedures queries and reparatory laws. managed procedures managed Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Prepare a normative digest of all the legislation approved between March 24, 1976 and December 9, 1983, in order to propose the annulment or repeal of 1 Regulatory Elaboration of Digest a normative all those norms that are MJyDH prepared digest not consistent with the democratic or are in violation of Human Rights in its entirety. .65 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google 4.1 Access to Health Strategic objective: Guarantee the right to health, understood as the right of every person to enjoy the highest possible level of physical and mental health. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management matters necessary Ensure access to diagnosis of the population, carried out in a timely manner, with a special focus on key populations, through strategies aimed at Percentage reducing access barriers 80% of of diagnoses of such as: the creation of HIV reported in the asymptomatic friendly clinics, the Provinces - population stages and MSa diagnosed annually is provision of reagents for YOU timely acute retroviral syndrome / total screening, universal diagnosed15 HIV diagnoses access without medical reported16 order for rapid HIV testing at the first level of care (health centers and mobile health units) and civil society organizations. Promote the practice of exclusive breastfeeding up to six months of age, Percentage (%) by raising awareness in increase a of Breastfeeding 10% the Exclusive the general population, Maternal at 6th percentage of training the health team MSa provinces Breastfeeding month: children about the benefits and exclusive in under 6 months the first 6 who only advantages of months of received breast breastfeeding, promotion life17 milk as food and support to the creation of breastfeeding centers. 15 Baseline 2016: 70% of the diagnosed population is diagnosed in a timely manner. 16 Source: cases notified by specific and mandatory epidemiological file to the DSyETS - (Represents the 3 health subsystems). "Timely diagnosis" is considered to be those performed during an Acute Retroviral Syndrome and in asymptomatic stages. 17 Baseline 2015: exclusive breastfeeding at six months is 35%. (Source: National Breastfeeding Survey) .67 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Reduce maternal mortality by implementing perinatal Death Rate care regionalization Maternal health strategies, promoting (TMM): Number preconception, prenatal, of deaths from maternal causes and puerperal care, training that occurred the health team in quality in the female gynecological-obstetric Reduce the population of a Maternal given geographic care, especially in obstetric Mortality Rate to area during a MSa provinces emergency situations, 1.3 per 10,000 given year / improving the quality of LW18 number of born post-abortion care and live registered in ongoing analysis of the the population causes of maternal of the given geographical area morbidity and mortality. during the same year x10,000 - Number of sexually active Improve the supply and women of reproductive age access to contraceptive - 85.0% of methods (MAC), prioritizing sexually active who use a women of contraceptive long-acting methods reproductive method, out of through the purchase and age who use a the total number of women of distribution of MAC all anticon reproductive age, throughout the country, receptive sexually active. intersectoral work with Comprehensive Sexual -15.0% of the - Number of MSa use of anti Education of the Ministry provinces long-lasting sexually active (PNSSyPR) women of of Education , the promotion conceptions by reproductive age of sexual and reproductive women sexually health counseling at the who use a long-acting first level of care, training active contraceptive (intrauterine devicesmethod out of the for professionals to improve kidneys, total number of access to information and subdermal women of contraception, and training implant, quarterly reproductive age, sexually activein of health promoters. injectable)19 reproductive age, sexually active Number of Implement the National women Reduce between the Plan for the prevention unplanned ages of 15 and reduction of MDS pregnancies to and 19 who unintentional pregnancy in MSa (PNSSyPR (SENNAF) 65% for did not plan a - PNSIA) – ME (ESI) – adolescents pregnancy, over adolescence, in order to provinces aged 15 to 1920 the number of births reduce unintentional from women pregnancy in adolescence. between 15 and 19 years old 18 Baseline 2015: TMM 3.9 x 10,000 NV. 19 Baseline: 81.3% (Survey on sexual and reproductive health, Ministry of Health, 2014). 20 Baseline: 69% of teenage pregnancies are unplanned. Source: SIP (Perinatal Information System) 2014. .68 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Carry out the II National Survey on Sexual and Reproductive Health in - II Survey national in - Realization of the II 2019 and evaluate its Sexual and Survey results, to generate Reproductive national of information related to the Health performed Sexual Health and Reproductive sexual and reproductive Health MSa MH (INDEC) - health of the population provinces (PNSSyPR) that guides the development - Results of the of strategies to improve II in Sexual Health and - Analysis and implementation of public Reproductive evaluation of your policy and allows analyzed and results comparison with the data evaluated obtained in the 2013 Survey. - Infection in children under 5 years resi teeth in area High Risk less than 1% Reduce morbidity and - Certify the mortality due to Chagas - Infestation of interruption of the disease in the Republic of vectorial the home unit ciliary less than Argentina, through the transmission of 1% interruption of vertical Chagas in the provinces of transmission and the Mendoza, The control or interruption of MSa provinces Rioja, Corrientes, - frequency of non-vector forms of Catamarca and Salta vector acute transmission of Trypano cases (last two soma Cruzi and early years) - Control diagnosis and timely coverage of - Recertify treatment of recent acute pregnant women certified and newborns at and/or chronic infection provinces21 risk (under 19 years of age). - Roof of the treatment etiology in children under 19 years of age22 21 Baseline 2016: 9 certified provinces (Jujuy, Misiones, Santa Fe, Tucumán, Entre Ríos, San Luis, La Pampa, Río Negro and Neuquén) of 19 endemics. 22 The indicators represent the requirements to certify the vectorial interruption of Chagas transmission. .69 Machine Translated by Google 4.2 Access to Education Strategic objective: Strengthen access, permanence and graduation to quality, comprehensive and permanent education, with equal opportunities and possibilities. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 80% educated in - Sala school room 3 enrollment rate of 3 - 96.8% of students enrolled - Sala de 4 school in Room 4 enrollment fee Implement the National Strategic Plan 2016- - 99% of those educated in - Sala de 5 school 2021 “Argentina Teaches ME provinces room 5 enrollment fee and Learns”, approved by CFE Resolution No. 285/16. - 99.88% graduated from - Primary School Primary School Graduation Rate - 58.93% - High School graduated from the Graduation Rate High school Generate the necessary 75% of rooms Percentage of infrastructure conditions to built in rooms with ME provinces the framework built within the guarantee access to the of the "Plan framework of the initial level. 10,000 rooms "Plan 10,000 rooms" .70 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Percentage - 99% of the of educational edu units units (level schools tive schools (secondary schools, secondary, education special education and special and Institute of Institute of training training Teacher) who Teacher) who have computers have computers for pedagogical for pedagogical purposes Implement the Comprehensive purposes National Plan for Digital Education (PLANIED), created - 83% of schools - Percentage ME of primary by Resolution No. 1536-E/ schools that have 2017, to integrate the primary schools computers for that have educational community into pedagogical computers for the digital culture. purposes pedagogical purposes - Number of - 40,800 teaching registered you are registered / teachers as (accumulated (accumulated in 5 years) in in 5 years) in the incorporation of incorporation of new technologies new communication communication and information and information technologies technologies - 3,600 teaching - Amount of you are registered / ins teachers ace in pos cryptos in the title Postgraduate “Specialization in “Specialization Education in Education and Rights and Rights Humans” Humans” offered on the offered on the virtual platform of virtual platform of the Institute the Institute Incorporate the human rights National National Training Center. Training Center. perspective in the National (Cohort 2017) (Cohort 2017) Teacher Training Plan 2016- ME 2021. - 19,000 teaching - Amount of you are registered / ins teachers as in human cryptos in rights-oriented human rights- courses oriented courses offered in offered in the virtual the virtual platform of the platform of the National Training National Training Institute Institute Docente23 teacher 23 This last goal corresponds to the accumulated of 5 years. .71 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 64.9% of - Percentage of students of the students of the Primary level with Primary level with some kind of some kind of integrated integrated disability/ disability/ os in common os in common Integrate students with education education disabilities at the Primary ME provinces Level and Secondary Level - 61.8% of - Percentage secondary of students/ of Common Education. level students ace of the level with some type Secondary with of disability some type of integrated into disability integrated regular education into common education Adapt the school infrastructure, in order to guarantee accessibility to students with disabilities, through the allocation of Percentage of funds from the "Accessibility institutions Program for Educational educational Areas" within the framework institutions that ME provinces 24 have adapted their of Law No. 25,730, to infrastructure and achieve a true inclusion of materials to serve children and adolescents people with disabilities with disabilities in regular schools at all levels of compulsory education. - Number of - 50.000 teachers teachers you are registered / enrolled in the ace in Education course course Guarantee specialized Comprehensive Integral Sexual in Sexual Education teacher training, in order the virtual platform in the virtual of the to comply with Law No. platform of the Ins National Institute 26,150 on Comprehensive of Form National Training Degree Sexual Education (ESI) teaching teacher ME and carry out actions within - 60,000 teachers the framework of the - Amount of trained in the National Plan for the framework of the teachers trained in the framework Reduction of Unintentional National Plan of the Plan of Decrease in Pregnancy in Adolescence. national of Unintentional Decrease in Pregnancy in pregnancy not Adolescence25 Intentional in Adolescence 24 The goal is pending definition. The methodological tool to be used for the information gathering. 25 These goals correspond to the accumulated 5 years. .72 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Number of Implement, through 4,775 schools schools throughout the ARSAT, the Rural Schools MM provinces throughout the territory national territory Connectivity Plan. with access to national with internet access Internet Implement the Digital Amount of Literacy Program included MM YOU 3,000,000 people trained people quoted in the Digital Inclusion Plan. 4.3 Access to Work, Employment and Social Security Strategic objective: Promote full, productive employment and decent work for all. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Approve the National Plan for the Prevention and 1 National Plan Approval and implementation of Eradication of Child Labor MTEySS CONAETI approved and the National Plan and Labor Protection implemented Teenager (2018 -2021) Design and implement a National Program for Dissemination and Awareness of the principles, values and rights related 1 Program to Social Security within YOU National designed Program MTEySS Implementation the framework of and implemented National constitutional regulations and international legal instruments ratified by the Argentine Republic na. Design and implement a National Education Program on Social Security Rights Design and 1 Program and Duties for use in ME national design Implementation MTEySS primary and secondary created and of the Program implemented National education establishments in the country. .73 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Develop and implement a National Education and Training Program in Social Security for civil servants and employees - 1 Program Design and Im - two audiences that allow national design Program MTEySS MM (INAP) the institutionalization of ned and imple - implementation minted National the economic, social and cultural rights approach in the formula - tion and design of policies public cases. Implement actions to Number of deepen the insertion young people PJMyMT that job training and training for 180,000 yea - participate in young people who are not do not participate - activities of employed and are not MTEySS YOU do actively of the programs to studying, through the Youth PJMyMT (year improve 2017) employability, self- with More and Better Jobs employment and Program (PJMyMT). insertion the - boral Promote the employability of the participants au - tonomes/employees/ as, unemployed or Amount of occupied people employed, both in their padas and des - initial training stage and in 82,700 lost - Employed women their current stage - MTEySS YOU in (adults) formed who completed a Training Program zation and reconversion, with a focus on the profiles occupied - professional current and future (adults) professionals in the occupational market, through the Vocational Training Program. Strengthen and consolidate 80 new Offices - Amount of cinas de Em - Workshops in - the Federal Employment Provinces - full incorpo - full incorpo - Network as the main MTEySS Municipalities radas to the radas to the effector of all em - Network of Services ofNetwork of Services of pleo at the territorial level. Employment Employment Number of 70.470 per - workers/ the informal or Consolidate the programs share and buzz - in the regularized unemployed/ focused on the integra - or incorporated participated - labor tion of the per - YOU programs participants in MTEySS women as employees of the regularized to private programs or those the private sector or as self- companies or incorporated into employed. self-employment private companies name das or self- employment .74 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary 64,030 between formalized Formalized workers/ Strengthen state controls lowers/ to increase registered work as (with as (with MTEySS YOU and eradicate irregular regularized regularized CAT as an effect of CAT as an effect of work. inspection)as of the inspection) 2017 Contribute to improving the conditions of employability and quality of life of people Programs of Execution of transfer programs in situations of socio- Transfer Condition nothing economic vulnerability MDS (SES) conditioned executed through Conditional Transfer Programs. 4.4 Access to Science and Technology Strategic objective: Guide science, technology and innovation to strengthen a new production model that generates greater social inclusion and improves the competitiveness of the Argentine economy, under the paradigm of knowledge as the axis of development. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote an area of interministerial consultation in which to align incentives Number of aimed at promoting 3 scholarships scholarships whose strategic innovation (scholarships in whose strategic MCyT PEN theme is the strategic topics, co-financed digital divide theme is the digital divide Scholarships scholarships) whose main approved approved objective is to reduce the digital divide. Promote the filing of - Number of Researchers and fellows researchers/ - 2 rooted of the National Scientific investigators the rooted and Technical Research Council (CONICET) in the MCyT (CONI BNDG National Genetic Data THIS) - Number of Bank in order to create an scholarship - 2 scholarship recipients Associated Unit CONI CET recipients – BNDG. Strengthen the Network for Number of the Articulation and MCyT (CONI Network Network Strengthening of Human MJyDH working meetings (1 per THIS) Rights Research in quarter) Argentina. .75 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Promote the bill that creates a Genetic Database Draft law Elaboration of of Disappeared Persons in MCyT prepared Project Democratic Periods. 4.5 Access to Culture Strategic objective: Guarantee access to the right to culture through actions of promotion, preservation of heritage and generation of sustainable cultural projects. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Hold meetings on the major global issues directly related to the 2030 Agenda 1 500 asis Number of (gender, cultural diversity, attendees inclusion, etc.), from the (professionals, point of view of Culture, MC professionals, students, students, cultural agents, convening international cultural general public) specialists of the highest agents, at the sessions level, to articulate with general public) to the days referents nationals. Provide scholarships for Argentines abroad, which encourage the exchange 3,200 scholarships Number of of experiences with the MC and grants awarded beneficiaries aim of acquiring knowledge and artistic practices and promoting their own growth. Offer, to the various cultural agents, conceptual and methodological aim toolsatthat the Amount of generation and realization MC 240 annual trainings carried trainings of coherent and sustainable out cultural projects. .76 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Carry out maintenance and repair works to rescue the 11 restored Number of headquarters of the Argentine cultural heritage cultural heritage National Museums, and the MC buildings buildings restored buildings of the national cultural heritage. - 1,000 in - Amount of distributed prints and pressures distributed Carry out training sessions on and copies copies the Protection of Cultural Assets during armed conflicts per year and disseminate the UNESCO MD HI - 2 days of - Amount of Military Manual for the Protection training on training of Cultural Assets. Property sessions on Protection Protection of Cultural during Cultural Goods armed conflicts rals during per year armed conflicts per year 4.6 Access to Decent Housing12 26 Strategic objective: Guarantee access to adequate housing in accordance with international human rights standards. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote comprehensive and equal access to habitat and 1 Plan Implementation housing within the framework of MIOPyV implemented of the Plan the National Housing and Habitat Plan. 26 This objective is complemented by the National Housing Plan, approved by Resolution E 122/2017 of the MIOPyV. .77 Machine Translated by Google 4.7 Access to Basic Services Strategic objective: Promote universal access to basic services. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Continue to include all Percentage of users who inclusion in the Direct electricity and gas meet the social rate of subsidies towards those JGM requirements users who meet MEyM for admission to who need it most. the admission the social rate requirements regime to the same Promote energy saving and efficiency through dissemination and save the communication programs 2.40% of Saving aimed at the residential, the total energy industrial and commercial MEyM final energy compared equivalent to BAU scenario consumption sectors, and compared to (%) incorporating initiatives to the BAU scenario promote energy saving in transport and in the public sector. Provide drinking water to the population living in urban areas and improve the well-being and health of people through 1 Plan Implementation MIOPyV connection to basic implemented of the Plan sanitation services within the framework of the Plan National Drinking Water and Sanitation .78 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Guarantee access to safe water for the integral consumption of people and 1,200 Number of animals, in localities or localities or localities or places that are isolated isolated places isolated places MDS (SAyPS) – and in vulnerable and in a condition and in conditions of SSPA) conditions of vulnerability extreme social vulnerability within the framework of the with access to with access to National Plan for Food safe water safe water Security (PNSA) - Amount of - 2,800 km Km of highways motorway built built Reduce road accidents through the implementation of the National Road Plan, - Number of km - 4000 km from of routes which aims to prioritize the safe routes built safe built national road infrastructure through the construction of highways and the incorporation of safe routes - 4 awareness - Number of that will improve MSa - MSe campaigns annual awareness MT (ANSV - implemented, campaigns accessibility; carrying out CNRT) – Provinces - implemented, summer and awareness campaigns and Municipalities winter operations summer and winter seasonal operations in carried out in operations carried out at key points areas of the country with key points (1 per the highest risk of accidents year) and improving road safety data reporting in the provinces. - Number of - 24 provinces that report valid data provinces that to the Observatory report valid data to national of Observatory Road safety national of Road safety .79 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 50% of the Construction Works Plan Improve public transport AMBA Urban through the implementation Transport - Percentage of implemented Transport works of the AMBA Urban plan Transport Works Plan and urban of coordination with local AMBA implemented governments in the - 10 cities Provinces - development of Urban MT that implement Municipalities such plans Mobility Plans that prioritize urban of accessibility for people Mobility - Amount of cities that through the promotion of implement public transport and non- Urban Mobility Plans motorized modes. Guarantee the affordability of public transport for vulnerable populations Groups in Access to the through a differential and situation of social rate for MT MDS – MEyM vulnerability transparent subsidy granted groups in vulnerable with access to situations via SUBE (Social Rate). social rate 4.8 Right to a Healthy and Healthy Environment Strategic objective: Guarantee the right to a healthy, balanced environment, suitable for human development and for productive activities to satisfy present needs without compromising future generations. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary creation and im JGM – AAPP – 1 Federal Network of Access to Implementation Implement the Federal MIOPyV of the Federal information Network for Access to MAyDS Environmental Access to - MM - COFE Information Network Public Environmental Information. Public created MA Public and functioning Environmental .80 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Implement the National Invasive Alien Species Strategy for the protection Strategy Strategy of biodiversity, ecosystem national of implementation COFEMA - services, health and the MAyDS Invasive exotic National Invasive provinces species Alien Species national economy from the implemented impact of invasive alien species. Promote the sustainable use of biodiversity, as well as the development of Technical Development markets and financial and financial of technical mechanisms that tend to assistance for and financial the sustainability of the COFEMA - the assistance for implementation the implementation MAyDS use of non-timber forest provinces of two initiatives in of two initiatives products from the native Misiones, Salta in and Jujuy carry Misiones, Salta forest, aimed at small out and Jujuy producers, peasant communities and native peoples. Programmatic actions in normative partners Responsible Meta Indicator matters necessary 1 preliminary bill Preparation of a for the preliminary draft Promote the classification classification of law to classify of crimes against the crimes against crimes against the MJyDH (CR the environment environment within environment, as a tool to MAyDS CPN – J2020) within the reform the reform of the help combat and reduce of the Penal Code the incidence of Penal Code elaborated environmental crimes. Regulate Law No. 27,279 MAyDS - MSa Regulatory dictation of the for the management of norm dictated MAg – Provinces regulatory empty phytosanitary norm - YOU containers. .81 Machine Translated by Google 4.9 Right to Inclusive and Sustainable Development Strategic objective: Promote a sustainable and inclusive development model. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Prepare and implement a plan to strengthen production and access to Amount of 2,100 productive assisted markets for protected MP MDS units assisted productive cooperatives within the units framework of the Argentina Traba Baja Program. Prepare and implement a plan to strengthen the productive fabric of crafts Number of 700 units productive in the NOA region within MP MDS productive units assisted the framework of the Social strengthened Innovation Nodes Program. Prepare and implement a plan to strengthen the productive network of Number of 350 units recyclers in the Cuyo MP MDS productive assisted units assisted productive region, within the framework of the Social Innovation Nodes Program. Prepare and implement a Assisted 40 assisted plan to strengthen Triple Impact MP triple impact incubators with a social incubators Incubator quantity and/or environmental impact. Implement the Authentic Towns program with the aim of valuing the local identity of towns with unique and distinctive 17 cities Number of cities PEN - Provinces intervened within intervened in characteristics, promoting MTu - Municipalities the framework of the framework the appropriation of the - OI - OS of the program the program local community and the revaluation of the natural and/or cultural heritage. .82 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Annual Implement the Plan for - Finance number of Productive Reconversion modernization producers projects with and Technological and/or reconversion projects Modernization, through productive and/or investments for small and reconversion of modernization financed Provinces - 10,000 producers medium-sized producers MAg (SAF - Municipalities that allow improving the INTA) - YOU quality, productivity and - Percentage of - Finance provinces with added value at origin of projects in at modernization regional productions, least 50% of the projects/ seeking their roots and provinces reconversion financed in development. year - Quantity - 24 provinces of provinces with in which the Support productive implementation Program is innovation and the of the implemented AgroEmprende Program AgroEmprende preparation of young entrepreneurs/ as, by distinguishing - 24 provinces - Quantity innovative initiatives and ME --MP- with of provinces provinces implementation of the in which the supporting the agricultural MAg Program Es - Municipalities and agrotechnical - YOU cuelaAgro Program Es education system through cuelaAgro - 500 schools the AgroEmprende secondary - Number of Program and Escue laAgro agrotechnical agrarian and for the new agroindustrial generation. companies agrotechnical schools reached participating in the program SchoolAgro for the Program SchoolAgro .83 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - 150 cards adhesion - Number of to the Program letters of national of adherence Coordinate, propose and Loss signed with implement public policies, Reduction and public, private in consensus and with the waste of and third sector Food your organizations participation of crypts representatives of the public and private sectors, - 30 letters of MAyDS Pro - adhesion with civil society, international MAg (INTA - Mu nicipios OS - Number of local organizations, among SENASA) letters of governments signed others, that address the adherence - Increase by signed with causes and effects of food 10% the local governments loss and waste , through donations of the National Food Loss Food within the framework and Waste Reduction of Law No. - Percentage Program. 25,898 Special increase in Regime for food donations Donating Food .84 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Contribute to the ownership regularization of rural land through: a) Ownership of 10% of the producers with tenure precarious in Jujuy, Salta, The Rioja, Santiago del Estero, - Amount of Catamarca, Producers in Neuquen the process of domain b) Title 5% of regularization, the producers with approved with measurement or Promote the regularization precarious tenure title acquired of rural lands as a tool to in Chubut, currents, generate rural roots and Mendoza, Chaco, the development of local MAg Provinces - Misiones, - Amount of communities within the (SAF - INTA) Municipalities San Juan producers in framework of the National - Promote rural regulated properties Program for Titling and roots through: with increased productivity, Rural Roots. productive acquisition of good projects that production optimize practices, production and incorporation of generate added technology and value at origin for improvements 4,500 producers in regularized properties that allow the increase of productivity, the acquisition of good production practices, incorporation of technology and improvements Strengthen the workers and the productive units of Amount of the popular economy from 3 work inclusion work inclusion MP- -MTEySS programs a comprehensive approach MDS (SES) - CNCPS implemented programs implemented that results in greater socioeconomic results. .85 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Implement the National Microcredit Program in order to promote local development National Implementation through the implementation Microcredit of the National of inclusive finance aimed at Program (Law Microcredit MDS (SES) entrepreneurs/ No. 26,117) Program (Law implemented No. 26,117) ace of the Social and Popular Economy. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Promote the sanction of Publication of MP PEN - PL 1 Law published Law of Interest and Collective the law Benefit Societies vo. Promote the comprehensive reform of the Consumer 1 draft law sent Defense Law, incorporating to the Honorable Bill sent to the United Nations Guidelines MP PEN Congress on the matter and meeting Congress of the Nation the needs of the 21st century. Incorporate Mercosur resolutions into the national Amount of regulatory body, unifying rules dictated rules dictated MP criteria with the region in terms of health and safety. Adapt the regulatory framework to guarantee new standard Formulation of new PL – JGM – tive (law, access to better working MDS (SES- regulations MH (AFIP) – decree, conditions for the actors and INAES) va (law, decree, MP – MTEySS resolutions) formulated resolutions) networks of the Social and Popular Economy. .86 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google 5.1 Civic Culture in Human Rights Strategic objective: Consolidate a civic culture that promotes and protects human rights in the values of encounter, diversity, coexistence, dialogue and cultural pluralism. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Implement a human rights education program that Amount of 30 instances of incorporates the perspectives of instances of community community gender, diversity, interculturality, MDS - incidence incidence of integration, sustainability, with MJyDH of human rights education in MIOPyV education concrete experiences of human rights developed developed hands community advocacy. Design human rights content with a gender and sexual Quantity of ela 15 crafted diversity perspective for the MJyDH ME materials materials borados educational curriculum. Implement a program of Amount of 20 assisted education in values, through assisted provinces for educational and recreational ME - For you development provinces for the MJyDH conquer me development of actions that complement the of local training training programs programs school experience. local Train teaching staff and administrative staff of the Amount of 20,000 system education system in non- agents agents of the MJyDH ME discrimination of ethnic groups. educational ca educational system pacified empowered Train members of professional associations, unions, business 12,000 members Number of chambers and social of organizations members of MJyDH YOU organizations on human rights trained organizations trained issues. Train public agents on human 15,000 public Number of rights issues. MJyDH MM officials cited cover trained public agents .88 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Create a continuous training program for Senior Public Management incorporating Number of 1,500 Senior Senior Public the human rights approach MM Public Management in public management and MJyDH agents trained Management agents trained. public policy planning. Create a Digital Library with the publications (scientific, academic, political-cultural, etc.) made on the thematic Digital axes of the Network for the MCyT (CO 1 library environments MJyDH digitally created Articulation and Strengthening it's nice) for publications developed of Human Rights Research in Argentina. Promote the preparation of regional guidelines, within 1 Guidelines Approval of a the scope of MERCOSUR, MJyDH HI document approved guidelines for a policy of education and document culture in human rights. Carry out the campaign 25,000 young Number of “Participating is your Right” MJyDH JGM people made aware/young people as sensitized (Youth Vote). Provide workshops specially designed for people who have been instructed by the Judiciary to carry out Number of 450 people reached educational and training MJyDH PJ people reached sessions on human rights issues within the framework of their probation. Develop the participatory workshops "Give Back", in the penitentiary field, with content on human rights, cultural pluralism, coexistence Amount of 420 people reached and alternative conflict MJyDH people reached resolution, in order to contribute to the social inclusion of people in prison. . .89 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote the creation of Provincial Human Rights Number of Training Programs for 15 assisted MJyDH provinces assisted provinces provincial and municipal provincesW agents. Dictate a specialization in Leadership in Complex Humanitarian Emergencies, consisting of 3 diplomas: - Diploma in humanitarian - emergencies in natural - 1 specialization Specialization dictated disaster situations dictated MD HI - Number of - Diploma in humanitarian - 3 Diploma diplomas issued action in scenarios of courses dictated armed conflicts and Peace Missions - Diploma in Attention to Humanitarian Programs for Refugees and Internally Displaced Persons. - Number of Expand the scope of the - 3 new locations new locations your Teacher Training Program in matters of military responsibility, through the MD YOU - Commissioning of Distance Education - 1 Distance Education Platform Platform and its dictation working the distance education platform in new venues. - 1 Compendium - Elaboration Prepare a compendium on on human rights of a compen dium prepared on human rights human rights for the training of armed forces personnel with the MD HI jurisprudence of the International Criminal Court - Number of - 1.000 and CSJN. copies distributed .90 Machine Translated by Google 5.2 Commitments before the International Systems for the Protection and Promotion of Human Rights Strategic objective: Contribute to the process of compliance with international obligations regarding the protection and promotion of human rights. (In development) Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Generate interjurisdictional working groups that allow institutionalizing a system for requesting information for the preparation of periodic reports requested by the human rights protection bodies of the universal Number of PEN – 10 work tables and inter-American system within work tables MJyDH set up the framework of the different provinces under constituted treaties, involving the different these competent areas of the National State and the provinces. Prepare a publication that summarizes the particular cases processed before thebodies control of the universal system and the inter- American system for the 1 Publication Making a post MJyDH MREyC international protection of human made rights; it should be updated biannually. Collaborate in the adaptation of the goals and indicators of the Sustainable Development Goals (United Nations) in Argentina, JGM - 1 Tell her Elaboration of MJyDH incorporating the human rights CNCPS drilled a report perspective. .91 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Create a link on the official page of the Secretariat for Human Rights and Cultural Pluralism that contains all the historical and current information on the reports, recommendations and sentences issued by the Creating and control bodies of the universal 1 Link created updating a link MJyDH and updated system and the inter-American system of international protection of human rights, in a complete manner and whose updating must be permanent. 300 Amount of Participate in the sessions of the Universal Periodic Review. MREyC PEN recommendations recommendations made made to to other other countries countries Participate in the drafting and 450 Number of negotiation of resolutions, resolutions, decisions, declarations, interventions joint resolutions, decisions, in the area of human rights decisions, declarations, declarations, interventions interventions both at the universal and joint human joint human regional levels, in coordination MREyC PEN rights rights with the other corresponding areas both both universally universally and regionally and regionally Promote standards of protection and respect for human rights on the Internet at a global level, and disseminate good practices in respect of these rights Number of 10 communicates joint through participation in the MREyC two sets announcements “Freedom Online Coalition” initiative Prepare a procedural protocol for the processing and processing of complaints, which are substantiated before the Commission and the Inter- 1 protocol Preparation of American Court of Human MJyDH MREyC elaborated a protocol Rights, the monitoring bodies of international treaties and non-contractual mechanisms of the United Nations system. .92 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator normative matters necessary Prepare the draft decree by which the National Mechanism 1 draft decree Preparation of for the Prevention of MREyC PEN elaborated the draft decree gladly Genocide is created. 5.3 Effective and non-discriminatory administration Strategic objective: Promote policies of equal treatment opportunities and dignified labor relations free of violence in public employment. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary 353 data Amount of Implement the Data assets with active data promised in the compromised Management and Opening Plans of MM PEN published in Plan in the National Public Opening minis and/or Administration. terials published ministerial nodes Promote the Telehealth 225 health centers Number of health program that will allow throughout the centers throughout remote pediatric care through national territory the territory a platform that interconnects MSa - Provin MM tional connects nationally connected cias two to the remote to the remote care health centers throughout care system system the country. Strengthen the Single Federal Claims Window, carried out over the internet or through an application 100,000 claims Number of that allows the entire territory MP MJyDH - MM received claims received to access justice, allowing federalization in the treatment of claims. Identify the entire registered population by bringing the DNI process closer by deploying operations in the Percentage of territory, especially addressing 100% of the population the needs of registered MIOPyV (RE registered documented/ people in conditions of NAPER) population registered documented population vulnerability, migrants, percentage residents of scattered areas and border areas. .93 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Streamline the procedure for receiving complaints about possible human rights violations related to - Implemented web form - civilian or military personnel Implementation in the Armed Forces of a web Form MD through the implementation - Generation of a web form that allows - Statistics of statistics the generation of statistics generated on the subject. 5.4 Access to public information Strategic objective: Guarantee access to public information, enabling people to request, consult and receive information from public and private organizations. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Incorporate new tools (online forum, closed slope for users, dissemination meetings, among others) to the Archivos Abiertos website Number of built- 5 tools MD MM in tools through a participatory incorporated process in order to improve accessibility, usability, knowledge and communication about information contained there. Bring the State and its services closer to people who are in a situation of social vulnerability in various locations throughout Number of 24 provincial provincial the country, directly and PEN – Provinces jurisdictions jurisdictions reached efficiently offering a network MDS - Municipalities reached through “El through “El of basic social services State In Your State In Your aimed at improving people's Neighborhood" Neighborhood" well-being through the "State in Your Neighborhood". .94 Machine Translated by Google 5.5 Citizen participation Strategic objective: Promote the participation of the community in the evaluation and control of the programs of public institutions and we encourage innovation in the State. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Promote the full implementation of Law No. 25,855 on Social Volunteering through the Federal Program of Social Volunteering, promoting organized Implementation Federal Social volunteer work throughout Volunteering and consolidation the national territory, Program of the Program MDS (SAyPS) YOU Federal of encouraging the practice of implemented Volunteering and consolidated Social solidarity, awareness and awareness actions, empowering social actors and social commitment in the community. 5.6 Human Rights and Business Strategic objective: Promote public policies aimed at protecting, respecting and remedying according to the Guiding Principles on business and human rights. Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary - Number - 60 agreements of agreements with public signed with bodies, public bodies, companies, Strengthen inter- and intra- business companies, business sectoral coordination for the chambers, unions chambers, unions and international development of public organizations and international PEN – organizations policies aimed at the signed MJyDH OS - HI protection and respect of Human Rights in business activities. - 25 Tables - Amount of of work work tables Inter- Ministerial under Inter- ministerial and and Inter- Inter-sectoral Sectoral carried out carried out .95 Machine Translated by Google Programmatic actions in partners Responsible Meta Indicator management necessary Contribute to the design and implementation of a National - Presentation of - 1 National Action Plan, as well as action the National Action Plan of Action Plan on Rights guides and protocols within in Rights the framework of international human and human and instruments such as the pre seated PEN – companies Companies Guiding Principles of Business MJyDH OS - HI and Human Rights and the OECD Guidelines, with special - Amount of - 5 Protocols attention tion to groups in Protocols and action situations of vulnerability. guides carried out and action guides carried out Strengthen the capacities of the public, private and social 70 Shares sectors in relation to training and international instruments for dissemination on international Number of the protection and respect of instruments training Human Rights in business PEN – actions, activities and develop MJyDH OS - HI protection communication and respect and events held communication and for human dissemination strategies aimed rights in at improving public knowledge activities business on the subject. Develop actions to promote Social Responsibility within the framework of the National Forum of Social Responsibility for the Actions to Carrying out promote actions of Sustainable Development in MDS YOU Social promotion of order to promote strategic (SAyPS) Responsibility Social alliances (State, civil society carried out Responsibility actors and the private sector) to serve the population in situations of vulnerability .96 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google PL: Legislative Power PJ: Judiciary MPU: Public Ministry PEN: National Executive Power JGM: Head of the Cabinet of Ministers MAg: Ministry of Agroindustry MAyDS: Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development MCyT: Ministry of Science, Technology and Productive Innovation MC: Ministry of Culture MD: Ministry of Defense MDS: Ministry of Social Development ME: Ministry of Education MEyM: Ministry of Energy and Mining MH: Ministry of Finance and Public Finance MIOPyV: Ministry of the Interior, Public Works and Housing MJyDH: Ministry of Justice and Human Rights MM: Ministry of Modernization MP: Ministry of Production MREyC: Ministry of Foreign Affairs and Worship MSa: Ministry of Health MSe: Ministry of Security MTEySS: Ministry of Labor, Employment and Social Security MT: Ministry of Transport .99 Machine Translated by Google MTu: Ministry of Tourism SDN: Secretary of Sports of the Nation AAIP: Agency for Access to Public Information AFIP: Federal Administration of Public Revenues AND: National Agency for Disability ANSES: National Social Security Administration ANSV National Road Safety Agency BNDG: National Genetic Data Bank CELCT: Executive Committee for the Fight against Trafficking CNCPS: National Council for the Coordination of Social Policies CNCT: National Committee against Torture CNRT National Commission for Transport Regulation COFEMA: Federal Environment Council COFENAF: Federal Council for Children, Adolescents and Family CONAETI: National Commission for the Eradication of Child Labor CRCPN: Commission for the Reform of the National Penal Code ESI: National Comprehensive Sexual Education Program INADI: National Institute against Discrimination, Xenophobia and Racism INAES: National Institute of Associations and Social Economy INAI: National Institute of Indigenous Affairs INAM: National Institute for Women INAP: National Institute of Public Administration INDEC: National Institute of Statistics and Censuses INTA: National Institute of Agricultural Technology J2020: Justice 2020 Program PJMyMT: Youth program with more and better jobs .100 Machine Translated by Google PNSSyPR: National Program for Sexual Health and Responsible Procreation RENAPER: National Registry of Persons SAF: Secretariat of Family Agriculture, Coordination and Territorial Development SAyPS: Secretariat for Accompaniment and Social Protection SENASA: National Service for Agrifood Health and Quality SENNAF: National Secretariat for Children, Adolescents and Family SES: Social Economy Secretariat SSJ: Undersecretary of Youth SSPA: Undersecretariat for Food Policies OI: International Organizations (UN - OAS - MERCOSUR - UNASUR - UNDP - UNESCO – ILO – WHO - ICRC – ALCOPAZ – CAECOPAZ) OS: Social Organizations - Universities - Training Institutes - Organizations of Workers - Human Rights Organizations - Consultative and Participatory Council of Indigenous Peoples - Professional Associations - Federations - Networks - Companies - Business Chambers – Social Works) .101 Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google Belgrano Plan (Decree No. 12/2015) Data Opening Plan (Decree No. 117/16) Plan for the development and transformation of productive sectors (Resolution No. 84/2017) State Modernization Plan (Decree No. 434/16) National Strategic Plan 2016-2021 "Argentina Teaches and Learns" (CFE Resolution No. 285/16) National Plan for Teacher Training 2016-2021 (Resolution CFE No. 286/16) National Youth Plan (MSD Resolution No. 916/2016) National Early Childhood Plan (Decree No. 574/16) National Social Protection Plan (Resolución N° RESOL-2017-410-APN-MDS) National Housing Plan (Resolution E 122/2017 of the MIOPyV) Comprehensive National Plan for Digital Education (PLANIED) (Resolution No. 1536-E/2017) .103 Machine Translated by Google