Machine Translated by Google No 38924-S The president of the Republic AND THE MINISTER OF HEALTH In use of the powers conferred on them by articles 140 subsections 3) and 18) and 146 of the Political Constitution; 25, 27 subsection 1), 28 subsection 2) section b) and 103 subsection 1) of Law No. 6227 of May 2, 1978 "General Law of Public Administration"; 1, 2, 4, 7, 264, 265, 266, 267, 268, 269, 271, 272 and 274 of Law No. 5395 of October 30, 1973 "General Health Law"; 2 paragraph c) of Law No. 5412 of November 8, 1973 "Organic Law of the Ministry of Health"; 6, 8 and 12 of Law No. 8220 of March 4, 2002 "Law for the Protection of Citizens from Excess Requirements and Administrative Procedures"; 27 and 33 of Law No. 276 of August 27, 1942 "Water Law"; 34 of Law No. 8279 of May 2, 2002 "Law of the National System for Quality". Considering: 1º- That the Ministry of Health's mission is to guarantee the protection and improvement of the health status of the population, through the effective exercise of stewardship and institutional leadership, with a focus on health promotion and social participation, under the principles of transparency, equity, solidarity and universality. 2°- That in accordance with the legal provisions contained in the first article of the General Health Law, the health of the population is a good of public interest. 3°- That the State has the responsibility to guarantee the welfare of the citizens, without thereby unnecessarily hindering the conditions of competitiveness, for the development of the country. 4°- That the Millennium Development Goals approved at the Millennium Summit (year 2000) in its Goal 7, Goal 10, establishes that safe drinking water is an essential requirement for health and a success in the fight against poverty , hunger, infant mortality and gender inequality. 5°- That the presence of chemical substances and biological and physical agents in water for human consumption can affect human health and the balance of ecosystems. 6°- That the water resource is patrimony and an asset of public domain of the State. 7°- That the public and private entities that function as operators of drinking water aqueducts must comply with the provisions of this regulation, in order to guarantee the quality of the water. So DECREE: Regulation for the Quality of Drinking Water Machine Translated by Google Article 1. Objective. The objective of this regulation is to establish the maximum permissible limits of physical, chemical and microbiological parameters for drinking water, in order to guarantee its safety and the health of the population. Article 2. Scope of Application. All operating entities, whether public or private, of a drinking water supply system throughout the national territory are subject to the regulations of this regulation. The quality of water for human consumption, to be used in all companies in which production processes are developed, including food, crenotherapy, recreational and agricultural activities, must comply with the maximum permissible limits established in this regulation. The quality of water for use in the production of food products must comply with Resolution 176-2006 of the Council of Ministers of Economic Integration (COMIECO), where approval is given to the Central American Technical Regulation RTCA 67.01.33:06 Food Industry and Processed drinks. Good manufacturing practices. General Principles, as stated in subsection d) of article 1 of Executive Decree No. 33724 of January 8, 2007, published in La Gaceta No. 82 of April 30, 2007. Article 3. For all purposes of regulations on the quality of drinking water supplied, the operating entities will be subject to this regulation and to the alert and maximum admissible values, which are established for physical, chemical and microbiological parameters. Article 4. Definitions and Acronyms. For the purposes of this regulation, the following definitions and acronyms are established: Machine Translated by Google a) Potable water: Treated water that complies with the provisions of maximum admissible aesthetic, organoleptic, physical, chemical, biological, microbiological and radiological values, established in these regulations and that when consumed by the population does not cause damage to health. b) Groundwater: Water that originates from infiltration through formations of one or more underground layers of rocks or other geological strata, which have sufficient permeability to allow significant storage and flow that can be used sustainably for extraction. c) Surface water: That which originates from atmospheric precipitation, outcrops of groundwater that flow superficially (rivers, lakes, streams). d) Treated water: Groundwater or surface water whose quality has been modified through treatment processes, which include at least disinfection in the case of groundwater. e) Competent authority: Ministry of Health. f) Quality control of drinking water: Continuous and systematic evaluation of the quality of water from the source, treatment plant, storage and distribution systems, according to the respective program that must be executed by the operating agencies in order to meet quality standards. . g) Control of the area of influence of supply sources: Combination of measures to be carried out to protect water sources and the drainage area (basin, sub-basin and micro- basin) and recharge zone that includes permanent and systematic monitoring of uses ground. h) Operational Control: Refers to the control carried out by the operating entity, in order to permanently and systematically monitor the quality of the water supply, in order to take immediate corrective actions in the operation of the aqueduct, if warranted. i) DARS: Direction of the Governing Area of Health j) Water disinfection: Unitary physical-chemical process whose objective is to guarantee the inactivation or destruction of pathogenic agents in the water to be used for human consumption. The chemical process of disinfection does not correspond to sterilization. k) Operating Entities: Individuals and legal entities in charge of the operation, maintenance and administration of drinking water supply systems. Includes commercial, industrial, recreational, and agricultural activities that operate their own drinking water supply systems in their facilities. l) Public operating entities: Includes the water supply systems operated by the municipalities, the Costa Rican Institute of Aqueducts and Sewers and the Administrative Associations of Rural Aqueducts (ASADAS), or other state entities. m) Source of supply: Natural space from which the flows demanded by the population to be supplied are derived, they must be basically permanent and sufficient. They can be superficial (rivers, lakes, canals, seas) and underground (springs, springs, wells); supplying water by gravity or by pumping. Machine Translated by Google n) Faucet or faucet: Device generally made of metal with some alloy of polymers, ceramic materials or polyvinyl chloride (PVC), used to give way to the flow of water through a pipe. o) Sanitary inspection: Visits as a component of monitoring the quality of drinking water for the application of the SERSA Inspection Guides, which allow reviewing the status of the different structures (catchments, pipelines, storage, distribution), of a drinking water supply and the immediate surroundings of the intakes, to identify the risks that may affect its quality. p) Quality Baseline: Analysis carried out in sources and distribution network of physical chemical parameters, contained in levels N2 and N3 of the regulation, in all supply systems in the country, at a given time. q) Driving lines: Pipes used to transport water from the source of supply, to the storage tank or to the treatment plant. r) Water sample: Portion of water that is collected in such a way that it is representative of a larger volume of liquid. s) WHO: World Health Organization. t) Sanitary Order: Administrative act through which the Ministry of Health informs the interested person of a particular resolution or provision or special protection of health and the environment, which is mandatory and must be executed within the indicated period. With the issuance of a health order, the Ministry of Health initiates the due process to which the interested person is entitled. u) Danger: It is a biological, chemical, physical, or radiological agent, with the capacity to cause damage to health. v) Water Safety Plan (WSP): As described in current WHO guidelines, the WSP is a documented plan (or several plans) that identify possible risks from the area of influence of the catchment to the consumer, specifies, prioritizes and implements control measures for its mitigation; as well as the risks of managing the provision of the service. w) Water treatment plant: Set of structures and/or devices, intended to provide the source water with the quality necessary for human consumption, that is, to make it drinkable through different processes such as: rapid mixing, flocculation, sedimentation, filtration, disinfection. x) Water Quality Control Program: Plan prepared by the operating entities that documents the procedure for the evaluation of the water supply system and the monitoring programs, including analyzes of drinking water quality control. It describes the measures that will be adopted in those cases when events that affect the system occur. y) PSF: Sanitary Operating Permit. Machine Translated by Google z) Distribution network: Set of pipes, accessories and structures that conduct water from storage tanks to household intakes. aa) Re-disinfection of drinking water: Application of a disinfectant to the water at one or several points of the water supply system such as: storage tank, distribution network and pumping station, after a previous treatment with the disinfectant to comply with the values established in table 1 of Annex 1 of this decree. bb) Risk: Probability that the identified hazards will cause damage to the exposed population in a specified period of time, including the magnitude of the damage and its consequences. cc) SERSA: Standardized Health Regulation System. dd) Water supply system: System formed by accessory works, such as the supply source, conduction lines, treatment plant, storage tanks, distribution network (pipes or conduits) whose objective is to capture, conduct, treat and distribute water taking advantage of gravity, or the use of energy for its corresponding pumping, in order to provide water to the population. ee) Storage tank: Concrete, metallic or other type structure whose main function is to store water and compensate for variations in inlet flow and consumption throughout the day, in addition to maintaining adequate service pressures in the distribution network. ff) Alert Value (VA): Corresponds to that concentration of chemical substances that implies a minimum or acceptable risk for the health of consumers and that is used by the operating entity and by the Ministry of Health before it exceeds the Maximum Admissible Value. gg) Maximum Admissible Value (VMA): Concentration of substance or density of bacteria, from which there is rejection of the water by consumers or an unacceptable risk to health arises. Exceeding these values indicated in the tables contained in Annex 1 of this regulation, implies taking immediate corrective actions. hh) Surveillance of the quality of drinking water: Permanent evaluation from the point of view of public health, carried out by the Ministry of Health, on the operating entities, in order to guarantee the safety, innocuousness and acceptability of the supply of drinking water from the area of influence from the source to the distribution system. ii) Vulnerability: Intrinsic condition of being impacted by an event due to a set of physical and environmental conditions and processes. It is determined by the degree of exposure and fragility of the systems likely to be affected by a natural disaster or human activity. jj) Supply Zone: Geographical area of the system where the source, storage and distribution network are located. Machine Translated by Google Article 5. Symbols and Abbreviations a) mg/L: Milligrams per litre. b) STD: Total dissolved solids. c) µg/L: Micrograms per litre. d) µS/cm: Micro siemens per centimeter. e) pH: Hydrogen ion potential. f) Pt-Co U: Platinum cobalt units (for Color). g) NTU: Nephelometric units of turbidity. h) °C: Degrees Celsius. i) MPN/100 mL: Most probable number of bacteria in 100 milliliters of water, by the multiple tube fermentation method. j) CFU/100mL: Colony-forming units in 100 milliliters of water, by the filter membrane method. k) CFU/mL: Colony-forming units in one milliliter of water. Article 6. It is established that surveillance of the quality of drinking water corresponds to the Ministry of Health. Machine Translated by Google Article 7. Sanitary Operating Permit: Every entity that operates a drinking water supply system must have the PSF in accordance with the provisions of Executive Decree No. 34728-S "General Regulations for the Granting of Operating Permits for the Ministry of Health" of May 28, 2008 and its reforms. For the purposes of this regulation, the operating entities that are dedicated exclusively to the operation of a water supply system are classified as Type A (high risk), for which they require an inspection prior to the granting of the PSF. Those commercial, industrial, recreational and agricultural activities that have their own water supply system do not require an additional PSF as an operating entity, since the risk classification granted to those activities is maintained, in accordance with the Executive Decree No. 34728-S. Article 8. Water Quality Control Levels and Mandatory Analysis Parameters. The operational control (OC) and four levels of water quality control are established, as well as the mandatory physical-chemical and microbiological parameters that must be analyzed: a) Operational Control (OC): This control corresponds to the operating entities, for which they must periodically measure the parameters: turbidity, odor, taste and free residual chlorine. They must have the basic laboratory equipment for monitoring each source or the mixture of all sources and the distribution network, and keep control through a log. The alert and maximum admissible values are indicated in table 1 of annex 1 of this decree. The sampling frequency and number of samples to be collected for the physical- chemical analyzes are indicated in Table B.1 of Annex 2 of this regulation. b) First Level (N1): Corresponds to the basic control program, which consists of the sanitary inspection to evaluate the operation and maintenance at the source, storage, distribution of drinking water and the determination of the following parameters: apparent color , conductivity, pH, odor, taste, temperature, turbidity, fecal coliforms, Escherichia coli, and free or combined residual chlorine. The alert and maximum admissible values are indicated in Table 2 of Annex 1 of this regulation. If in the sanitary inspection carried out by the Ministry of Health, other contamination risks are established, the necessary parameters must be added to the basic control program. The sampling frequency and number of samples to be collected for the physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes are indicated in Table B.2 of Annex 2 of this regulation. c) Second Level (N2): Corresponds to an expanded program, which consists of the sanitary inspection to evaluate the operation and maintenance at the source Machine Translated by Google supply and distribution network. At this level the control parameters are: aluminum, calcium, chloride, copper, total hardness, fluoride, iron, magnesium, manganese, potassium, sodium, sulfate and zinc. The alert and maximum admissible values are indicated in table 3 of annex 1 of this decree. d) Third Level (N3): Corresponds to an advanced control program, which consists of the sanitary inspection to evaluate the operation and maintenance in the supply source and in the distribution network. The control parameters considered at this level are: ammonium, antimony, arsenic, cadmium, cyanide, chromium, mercury, nickel, nitrate, nitrite, lead, and selenium. The alert and maximum admissible values are indicated in table 4 of annex 1 of this decree. e) Level Four (N4): Corresponds to occasional programs executed for special situations, emergencies or because the sanitary inspection carried out by the Ministry of Health identifies an imminent risk of water contamination. The alert and maximum admissible values are indicated in table 5 of annex 1 of this decree. The frequency and number of samples to be collected for physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes will be established by the Ministry of Health. Other microorganisms according to table 5 of annex 1 of this decree and any other of importance for public health; as well as radioactive elements must be absent in the analyzed samples. Article 9. Base line of quality: Every operating entity must carry out analyzes to form a base line, which contains the parameters corresponding to the Second Level (N2) and the Third Level (N3). Once the baseline has been defined, the operating entity must comply with the sampling frequency and number of samples for chemical analyzes (N2 and N3), established in annex 2, table B.3 of this decree. Article 10. Laboratories and Analysis Methods a) Every laboratory that performs physical, chemical and microbiological analyses, must have a sanitary operating permit granted by the Ministry of Health, Machine Translated by Google according to Executive Decree No. 34728-S "General Regulation for the Granting of Operating Permits of the Ministry of Health" of May 28, 2008 and its reforms. b) The reference methods for analysis are those indicated in the latest edition of the Standard Methods for the Examination of Water and Wastewater. c) The collection of samples for the physical-chemical and microbiological analyzes must be carried out by officials of the contracted laboratory. d) The public operating entities must submit the analysis reports issued by laboratories, whose testing methods are accredited, as established in article 34 of Law No. 8279 of May 2, 2002, "National System for Quality" published in the Official Gazette No. 96 of May 21, 2002. Article 11. Obligation to prepare reports on the quality of drinking water. Every operator of a water supply system is required to prepare reports on the quality of drinking water and submit them every six months to the corresponding DARS and must be prepared in accordance with the format established in Annex 3 of this regulation. In the event that the same operating entity manages different water supply systems, it must prepare the corresponding report for each aqueduct. They must attach the original of the laboratory report with the results of the physical- chemical analyses, signed by a member of the College of Chemists of Costa Rica and with the corresponding endorsement, in accordance with the provisions of Law No. 8412 of April 22 of 2004 "Organic Law of the College of Chemical Engineers and Related Professionals and Organic Law of the College of Chemists of Costa Rica", published on June 4, 2004. Likewise, the original report of the laboratory must be attached with the results of the signed microbiological analyzes by an active member of the College of Microbiologists of Costa Rica in accordance with the provisions of Law 771 of October 25, 1949 "Organic Law of the College of Microbiologists". Machine Translated by Google Article 12. Report on compliance or non-compliance with the regulations. The corresponding DARS, will send semi-annually and ex officio to the operating entities of the water supply system, a report of compliance or non-compliance with the regulations on the quality of drinking water, based on the semi-annual report, presented by said entities to the Ministry of Health. . This report must be based on the following aspects: a) Operational Control (OC): Compliance with the VMA of the physical and chemical parameters established for CO in the distribution network, as indicated in table 1 of Annex 1 of this regulation. Compliance with the minimum sampling frequency at the supply source and in the distribution network must be verified, as established in table B.1 of Annex 2 of this decree. b) First Level (N1): Compliance with the VMA of the physical-chemical and microbiological parameters established for N1 in the storage tanks and in the distribution network, as indicated in table 2 of Annex 1 of this regulation. Compliance with the minimum sampling frequency must be verified in the supply sources, storage tanks and distribution network, as established in table B.2 of Annex 2 of this decree. c) Second Level (N2) and Third Level (N3): Compliance with the VMA of the chemical parameters established for N1 and N2, when applicable in the distribution network, as established in tables 3 and 4 of Annex 1 of this decree. Compliance with the minimum sampling frequency in the supply sources and in the distribution network must be verified, according to table B.3 of Annex 2 of this regulation. d) Compliance with the microbiological quality criteria in the storage tanks and in the distribution network: Drinking water meets the microbiological quality criteria in those water supply systems, where less than 10 samples have to be collected in the six months, if the negativity is equal to or greater than 90% and in those where more than 10 samples are collected, if it is equal to or greater than 95%, both for fecal coliforms and Escherichia coli. In case of non-compliance with the standard, DARS must issue a sanitary order, so that the operating entity complies with the schedule of the corrective action plan, proposed in the Semiannual Report on the Quality of Drinking Water contained in the Annex 3 of this decree. 16 Machine Translated by Google Article 13. Water Quality Control Program. Every operating entity must have and have implemented, updated and available a Water Quality Control Program, which must contain the following: (a) WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM AREA OF INFLUENCE. i) Have a sketch or plan of the aqueduct. ii) Identification and description of the area where the supply sources are located. iii) Control of the area of influence of the supply sources. iv) Identification of the risk and vulnerability associated with water sources and storage tanks, through periodic inspections carried out, according to Annex 5 of this regulation. b) SAMPLING: i) Sample collection frequency and sample collection points. The frequency of sample collection by the operating entity (Operational Control) and the designated laboratory must be subject to the provisions of tables B1, B2 and B3 of Annex 2 of this regulation, for which they must have the programming corresponding semester, according to table B.4 of Annex 2 of this decree. 17 ii) Sample collection points. 1) The sampling points for the different analyzes by the operating entity (Operational Control) and the designated laboratory must be selected uniformly, so that they are representative of the supply zones; starting with source, storage, disinfection site and ending with the distribution network. 2) They must be located at the outlet of the treatment plant, outlet of storage tanks, outlet of underground sources (wells, springs, infiltration galleries) and in the distribution network. Machine Translated by Google 3) The faucet selected for sampling must be located as close as possible to the home connection controlled by the operator, before the elevated tank or any other type of intra-household water storage. Article 14. Surveillance program. Applied by the Ministry of Health in the inspections they carry out, and consists of: a) Apply the sanitary risk assessment methodology in accordance with the Inspection Guides of the Standardized Health Regulation System (SERSA) in each of the elements of the water supply system, contained in Annex 5 of this decree. b) Issue the pertinent sanitary orders for the correction of risk factors detected in the inspection based on the SERSA guidelines. Article 15. In case of emergency qualified as such by the operating entity, the Ministry of Health, the AyA or the National Commission for Risk Prevention and Emergency Attention; In coordination with the aforementioned institutions, the operating entity must: a) Suspend the supply service. b) Ensure the water supply by another means. c) Apply the corresponding corrective actions. d) Start operating the system, once the quality of the water is assured, when the Ministry of Health so determines. Machine Translated by Google Article 16. State Surveillance. It is up to each DARS to carry out random sampling of operating entities located in the geographical area of its jurisdiction, as part of a cross control. At least one of the biannual samplings of the selected water supply system must be carried out, using laboratories that have a valid Sanitary Operating Permit and with accredited tests for the respective analyses. For this, the operating entity will deposit in the account of Trust 872-Ministry of Health- CTAMS-Banco Nacional de Costa Rica, the amount of the value of the rates established by the corresponding colleges for the sampling of chemical and microbiological analyzes and must deliver the proof of payment to the corresponding DARS. The cross control report will replace the water quality report for the corresponding period. In the event that the results show non-compliance with one or more of the parameters, the DARS will proceed to issue a sanitary order, forcing the presentation of the schedule of the corrective action plan. Article 17. Disinfection. Disinfection must be applied in all water supply systems, to maintain a level of free residual chlorine that guarantees the quality of the water, in the event of possible contamination in the distribution network. Article 18. All surface water used for the supply of drinking water must receive prior treatment that makes it comply with the VMA established in this regulation, in the same way the efficiency of disinfection must be guaranteed. Machine Translated by Google Article 19. The Ministry of Health will publish by decree, the maximum admissible values for any contaminant that is not contemplated in Annex 1 of this regulation, based on a risk analysis and technical criteria and supported by applicable international or foreign standards. Article 20. Repeal. This decree repeals Executive Decree No. 32327-S of February 10, 2005 "Regulation for Drinking Water Quality", published in La Gaceta No. 84 of May 3, 2005. Article 21. Validity. This regulation will come into effect from its publication in the Official Gazette. Given in the Presidency of the Republic on the twelfth day of the month of January of two thousand and fifteen. Transient. The operating entity that has analysis reports for N2 and N3 issued up to one year before the publication of this regulation and these comply with the VMA, these analyzes will constitute the baseline. In the event that the definition of the baseline is not available, the operating entity must carry out the corresponding analyzes within a period of six months from the publication of this decree. Machine Translated by Google Transitory II.- The parameters contained in Table 5 (Water Quality Parameters - Fourth Level N4) of Annex 1 of this Executive Decree, will come into force once the term of 3 years has elapsed from the entry into force of this Executive Decree. During said period of 3 (three) years, the interested parties must comply with the values established in the following Table: 4 PESTICIDE RESIDUES (N4) OMS PARAMETER (Active ingredient) Maximum admissible value (ug/L) Alachlor N.D(*) Aldicarb N.D Aldrin/dieldrin N.D Atrazine 2 Bentazone 300 Carbofuran N.D Chlordane N.D 2,4 D 30 2,4DB N.D DDTa N.D Dibromocloropropano N.D Dichloropropano 20 Dichlorprop 100 heptachlor-epoxide N.D Isoproturon 9 lindane N.D Mecroprop 10 Metoxychlor 10 Molinate 6 Pentaclorofenol (PCP) N.D Pendimethalin 20 Permethrin 20 Propanil 20 Pyridate 100 Let's call him 2 2,4,5-T N.D Trifluraline 20 EPA Ametrina 60 Bentazon 200 Bromacil N.D Clorpirifos 2 Cyanazine 1 Machine Translated by Google Diazinon 1 Dicamba 400 Dinoceb 70 Disulfuton 7 Diuron N.D Fenamifos 7 glyphosate N.D Hexazinone 40 Isoforona 10 Malation 50 Hydracida maleica 400 MCPA 30 Metomil 200 Metoxiclor 40 Metyl Paration 1 Metolaclor 70 Metribucin 7 Paraquat 30 Propazina 10 Terbufos 0,4 Trifutralin 10 Triadimefon N.D Source: World Health Organization (2012 Edition of the Drinking Water Standard and Health Advisories, US EPA ND(*): Not detectable by method. The pesticide residues indicated in the table with this nomenclature correspond to pesticides prohibited in the country, and to pesticides indicated in the votes of the Constitutional Chamber, in addition, as a precautionary principle, pesticide residues that are not contemplated in this table.") (As added by article 1 of executive decree No. 39144 of July 29, 2015) ANNEX 1 TABLE 1: Water Quality Parameters. Operational Control (OC) Acceptability of Unit Alert Value Maximum value parameters Admissible (AND) (VMA) Turbidity UNT 1 5 Odor Taste - Must be acceptable Must be acceptable pH (a) - Must be acceptable Must be acceptable pH value 6,0 8,0 Free residual chlorine (a) mg/L (a) For the 0,3 0,6 (b) (c) parameters of pH and free residual chlorine, permissible ranges are established and not VA or VMA. Machine Translated by Google (b) A maximum free residual chlorine value of 0.8 mg/ L shall be allowed in no more than 20% of the samples measured. (c) In emergency situations classified as such by the Ministry of Health, a free residual chlorine concentration of 0.8 mg/ L will be allowed at the sampling points measured in the distribution network. TABLE 2: Water Quality Parameter First Level (N1) PARAMETER Unit Alert Value Value Maximum Admissible (AND) (VMA) apparent color U-Pt-Co <5 15(c) Conductivity µS/cm 400 - UFC/100 ml Escherichia coli NMP/100 ml o No detectable (c) No detectable (c) UFC/100 ml Free residual chlorine (a) mg/L 0,3 0.6 (d, e) Combined residual chlorine mg/L 1,0 1,8 (a) (b) (a) For the parameters of pH, temperature, free residual chlorine and combined residual chlorine, permissible ranges are established and not VA or VMA. (b)Only in the event that the residual chlorine is in combined form or chlorine is being dosed in the form of chloramine (chloro- ammonia). (c) Not detectable (ND): according to the detection limit of the Method. (d) A maximum free residual chlorine value of 0.8 mg/ L shall be permitted in no more than 20% of the samples measured. (e) In emergency situations qualified as such by the Ministry of Health, a free residual chlorine concentration of 0.8 mg/ L will be allowed at the sampling points measured in the distribution network. TABLE 3. Water Quality Parameters Second Level (N2) Second Level (N2) Alert Value Value Maximum PARAMETER Admissible (VA) mg/L (VMA) mg/L --- Aluminum (Al+3) 0,2 Calcium (Ca + 2) --- 100 Chloride (Cl-) 25 250 Copper ( With ) 1,0 2,0 Total Hardness (CaCO3 ) 300 400 --- Fluoride (F) 0,7 a 1,5(a) --- Iron (Fe) 0,3(b) Magnesium (Mg + 2) 30 50 Machine Translated by Google Manganeso (Mn) 0,1 0,5(b) Potassium (K+ ) --- 10 Sodium (Na+) 25 200 Sulfate ( SO4-2 ) 25 250 --- Zinc ( Zn ) 3,0 ÿ (a) 1.5 mg/ L for 8 to 12 C temperatures. C and 0.7 mg/ L for temperatures from 25 to 30 ÿ (b) In groundwater, where these two metals are found, the VMA (Fe + Mn) is 0.3 mg/ L. TABLE 4. Water Quality Parameters Third Level (N3) Alert Value Maximum value PARAMETER (VA) mg/L Admissible (VMA) mg/L Ammonium (NH4- ) 0.05 0,5 --- Antimony (Sb) 0,005 --- Arsenic (As) 0,01 --- Cadmium (Cd) 0,003 --- Cyanuro (CN) 0,07 --- Chromium (Cr) 0,05 --- Mercury (Hg) 0,001 --- Nickel (Ni) 0,02 Nitrato ( NO3-) 25 50 --- Nitrito (NO2- ) 0,1 --- Lead (Pb) 0,01 --- Selenium (Se) 0,01 TABLE 5. Water Quality Parameters Level Four (N4) PESTICIDE RESIDUES PARAMETER Maximum Admissible Value (VMA) µg/L pesticides. (a) 0.10 Organochlorine pesticides(b) 0.03 Total pesticides. (c) 0.50 (a) "Pesticides" means: organic insecticides, organic herbicides, organic fungicides, organic nematocides, organic, organic, organic acaricides, organic algicides, organic molluscicides, rodenticides, pesticidesrelated that areproducts metabolites likely to (growth be and present degradation regulators) controlled. in a given and products Tosupply be their present relevant need and Onlyreaction. to in those the be supply and implemented treatment system; these should be evaluated on a monthly basis. (b) Substances whose use is prohibited in the country, but which due to their persistence in Costa Rica could be found in waters given their long half-life in the environment and their extensive use in previous times. Machine Translated by Google (c) "Total pesticides" means the sum of all pesticides detected and quantified in the control procedure. ORGANIC SUBSTANCES PARAMETER Maximum Admissible Value. (VMA) µg/L Chlorinated Alkanes Carbon tetrachloride 2 Dichloromethane 20 1,2-dichloroethane 30 1,1,1-trichloroethane 2000 Chlorinated Ethenes 1,1-Dichloroethene 5 Vinyl Chloride 1,2- 30 Dichloroethene 50 Tricloroeteno 70 Tetracloroeteno 40 Aromatic Hydrocarbons toluene 700 Xylenes 500 Etilbenceno 300 styrene 20 Benzo-alpha-pyrene 0,7 Benzene 0,5 Chlorinated Benzenes Monoclorobenceno 1,2- 300 diclorobenceno 1,4- 1000 diclorobenceno 300 Triclorobencenos 20 Other Organic Compounds di(2-ethylhexyl) adipato di(2- 80 ethylhexyl) phthalato 8 Acrylamide 0,5 Epiclorohidrino 0,4 Hexaclorobutadieno 0,5 EDTA 200 nitriloacetic acid 200 Polycyclic tributyltin oxide 2 Total aromatic 0,2 hydrocarbons Total polychlorinated biphenyls N.D OTHER PHYSICAL AND INORGANIC PARAMETERS PARAMETER Alert Value Value Maximum Admissible (VA) mg/L (VMA) mg/L dissolved totals --- 1000 solids Ammonium (NH4+ ) 0,05 0,5 --- Hydrogen sulfide 0,05 (H2S) Machine Translated by Google DISINFECTANTS AND DISINFECTION BY-PRODUCTS PARAMETER Maximum Admissible Value (VMA) µg/L Disinfectants Monocloramina 4000 disinfection byproducts a) Chlorophenols 2,4,6-triclorofenol 200 Formaldehyde 900 b) Trihalomethanes Bromoform 100 Dibromoclorometano 100 Bromodiclorometano 60 Chloroform 200 c) Chlorinated Acetic Acids Dichloroacetic acid 50 Trichloroacetic acid 100 Tricloracetaldehyde/chloralhidrato 100 d) Haloacetonitrilos Dichloroacetonitrile 90 Dibromoacetonitrilo 100 Trichloroacetonitrile e) 11 Cloruro de cyanógeno (como CN-) 70 MICROORGANISMS Microorganism genus and/or Maximum value species Admissible (AVE) bacteria Escherichia coli Absence pathogenic strains Salmonella spp Absence Shigella sp Absence Aeromonas Absence hydrophila Campylobacter jejuni y C. Absence coli Yersinia Absence enterocolitica Vibrio cholera Absence toxic cyanobacteria Absence Virus Enterovirus Absence Adenovirus Absence Hepatitis A and E virus Absence Rotavirus Absence Norovirus Absence Machine Translated by Google protozoa Cryptosporidium small Absence oocyst in cysts Entamoeba Absence histolytica Giardia intestinalis Absence Cyclospora Absence cayetanensis Helminths intestinal Absence little eggs nematodes ANNEX 2. Table A. Control levels and Parameters Parameters Control First Level Level Third Level operational Second (N2) (N3) to include (CO) (N1) A. Turbidity Apparent color. Aluminum Ammonium Physicochemicals Smell of) Turbidity Soccer Antimony flavor (to) Smell of) Chloride Arsenic Free residual Flavor (A) Copper Cadmium chlorine Temperature Total hardness Cyanide pH Fluoride Chrome Conductivity Iron Mercury Free residual Magnesium Nickel chlorine Manganese Nitrite combined residual chlorine lead nitrate Selenium Potassium Sodium (Na+) Machine Translated by Google Sulfato (SO4- 2) Zinc (Zn) Microbiological (a) Qualitative assessment. (b) Except for water in closed tanks. TABLE B.1 Minimum sampling frequency and number of samples to be collected in the SUPPLY SOURCES AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK for OPERATIONAL CONTROL (OC) Population stocked SOURCES OF DISTRIBUTION NETWORK (inhabitants) CATERING Frequency No. of samples Frequency No. of samples < 2000 Monthly 1 in each source or in Monthly 1 the mixture of all sources, which enters the distribution network. 2001 to 20,000 Fortnightly 1 in each source or in Biweekly 1 the mixture of all sources, which enters the distribution network. 20.001 a Weekly 1 in each source or in Weekly 1 200.000 the mixture of all sources, which enters the distribution network. >200.000 Daily 1 in each source or in Daily 1 the mixture of all sources, which enters the distribution network. TABLE B.2. Minimum sampling frequency and number of samples to collect in the SOURCES OF SUPPLY STORAGE TANK AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK for the first level (N1) Population Sources of supply (a) Storage tanks (a) Distribution supplied (b) network (a) and (inhabitants) (b) Frequency No. Frequency No. Frequency No. of samples of samples mues < 5.000 Semiannual 1 in each Semiannual 1 in each tank Semiannual 3 source Machine Translated by Google 5000 a Semiannual 1 in each Quarterly 1 in each tank Quarterly 3 100.000 source 100 001 a Monthly 1 in each Monthly 1 in each tank Monthly 15 source 500 000 > 500 000 Monthly 1 in each Monthly 1 in each tank daily 15 source Grades: (a). Applies to the microbiological parameters of N1. (b). Applies to the physical-chemical parameters of N1. In the case of the distribution network, only one (1) sample is made. (c) In the aqueducts that supply populations of more than 100,000 people, with a history of quality, for at least 2 years, and results of: Yo. Fecal coliforms and E.coli negative in more than 95% of the annual samples. ii. Residual chlorine between 0.3 mg/L to 0.6 mg/L (in 90% of the annual samples). iii. Turbidity less than or equal to 1 NTU (in 90% of the annual samples). The operating entities can reduce the number of samples by up to 50% and readjust the sampling frequency in accordance with the aforementioned reduction. To opt for this reduction, in an aqueduct, the operating entity must prove with statistical data the history of water quality results (prior authorization from the MS). TABLE B.3 Sampling frequency and number of samples to be collected for physical analysis in the SUPPLY SOURCES AND DISTRIBUTION NETWORK for LEVELS N2 AND N3 (after having the quality profile) Population supplied supply sources Red is this (inhabitants) Frequency N° Frequency samples < 5000 every 3 years 1 in each source or in the every 3 years mixture of all sources, which enters the distribution network. 5000 a 100.000 Every 2 years 1 in each source or in the Every 2 years mix of all sources, which enters the Machine Translated by Google of distribution network. 100 001 a Yearly 1 in each source or in Yearly the mixture of all sources, 500 000 which enters the distribution network. > 500.001 Quarterly 1 in each source or in Quarterly the mixture of all sources, which enters the distribution network. Note: Every aqueduct must have an analysis of pesticides and hydrocarbons, when the health inspection establishes a risk factor that these substances may be present in the water. TABLE B.4 Number of analyzes that must be carried out by a laboratory, according to population supplied in a period of SIX (6) MONTHS <5000 Inhabitants 5,000 to 100,000 inhabitants 1 Physical-chemical analysis of the First Level (N1) 1 Physical-chemical analysis of the First Level (N1) at the supply at the source of supply. source. 1 Microbiological analysis of the First Level (N1) in the supply 2 Microbiological analysis of the First Level (N1) in the supply source, storage tank and in the distribution network. source, storage tank and in the distribution network. Every three years: 1 Chemical analysis of Level Two (N2) and Every 2 years: 1 Level chemical analysis Level Three (N3) at the supply source and in the distribution Second (N2) and Third Level (N3) in the supply source and in the network. distribution network 100,001 to 500,000 inhabitants > 500000 Inhabitants 6 Physical-chemical analysis of the First Level (N1) at the supply § 6 First Level physical-chemical analysis (N1) at the supply source. source. 6 Microbiological analysis of the First Level (N1) in the supply § 6 First Level (N1) microbiological analysis at the supply source source, storage tank and in the distribution network. and in the storage tank. Every year: 1 Chemical analysis of Level Two (N2) and Level § 182 Microbiological analysis of the First Level (N1) in the Three (N3) at the supply source and in the distribution network. distribution network. § 2 Chemical analysis of the Second Level (N2) and Third Level (N3) at the supply source and in the distribution network. Machine Translated by Google ANNEX 3. BIANNUAL REPORT ON DRINKING WATER QUALITY ANNEX 3. BIANNUAL REPORT ON DRINKING WATER QUALITY 1. GENERAL DATA OF THE OPERATING ENTITY: Machine Translated by Google Machine Translated by Google 3. RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL CONTROL (measurements carried out by the operating entity. PARAMETERS Source of Value of catering distribution network Maximum value Alert admissible (AND) (VMA) N° Value N° Value times Average times Average Turbidity <1 5 Smell must be must be acceptable acceptable flavor must be must be acceptable acceptable Ph 6,0 8,0 Residual libre 0,3 0,6 (b) (c) chlorine (mg / L) (a) (a) Free residual chlorine is measured only in the distribution network. (b) A maximum free residual chlorine value of 0.8 mg/L shall be allowed in no more than 20% of the samples measured. Machine Translated by Google (c) In emergency situations classified as such by the Ministry of Health, a free residual chlorine concentration of 0.8 mg/L will be allowed at the sampling points measured in the distribution network. NOTE: When there is more than one (1) supply source, this table must be repeated for each of them. 4. RESULTS OF PHYSICOCHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS MEASURED BY THE LABORATORY. TABLE B. PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FIRST LEVEL (N1) PARAM supply supply supply Light ETROS source source source r of maximum value I lie I lie I lie Alert i a know (AND) sible (VMA ) No. times Average value No. times Average value No. times Average value mean mean mean <5 15(a) apparent color (U-Pt Co) turbidity <1 5 (UNT) Smell Must Must to be to be accept accept able able Flavor Must Must to be to be accept accept able able Tempera 18 30 ture (° C) pH 6,0 8,0 Conducted 400 --- life (µS/ cm) NOTE: When there is more than one (1) supply source, this table must be repeated for each of them. Laboratory name: ____________________________ Sanitary Operating Permit: _________ Expiration date: ______ Physical-chemical analysis number: ____________ Analysis date: _________________ Machine Translated by Google ***Attach the originals of the laboratory analyzes with the respective endorsement of the Federated College of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Costa Rica. TABLE C. MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS AND MEASUREMENT OF RESIDUAL CHLORINE OF THE FIRST LEVEL (N1) PARAM Font Tank Re Red Value ETROS d of maximum value supplied stores for I lie I lie Alert a admi sible N° Value N° Value N° Value N° times Prom times Prom ve Prom ve mean mean this mean this s s Coliform No No (b) and faecal detec detect table able (NMP/10 0 ml of UFC/100 ml) Escheric No No (b) hia coli detec detect table able (NMP/10 0 ml of UFC/100 ml) 0,3 0,6 Residual (c) libre (d) chlorine (mg / L) * 1,0 1,8 Residual chlorine match do (mg/L) * (a) *Free residual chlorine and combined residual chlorine are measured only in the distribution network. (a) Only if the residual chlorine is in combined form or chlorine is being dosed in the form of chloramine (chloro-ammonia). (b) Not detectable (ND): according to the detection limit of the Method. (c) A maximum value of free residual chlorine of 0.8 mg/L shall be allowed in no more than 20% of the samples measured. Machine Translated by Google (d) In emergency situations qualified as such by the Ministry of Health, a free residual chlorine concentration of 0.8 mg/L will be allowed at the sampling points measured in the distribution network. NOTE: when there is more than one (1) supply source, storage tanks, this table must be repeated for each of them. Laboratory name: ________________ Sanitary Operating Permit: _________ Expiration date: ______ Microbiological analysis number: ____________ Analysis date: _________________ TABLE D. CHEMICAL ANALYSIS SECOND LEVEL (2) AND THIRD LEVEL (3) Fuente Red Value (mg/L) THAT supply distribution Value of maximum Alert admissible (mg/L) (mg/L) Value Value (mg/L) (mg/L) SECOND LEVEL (L2) ----- Aluminum (Al+3) 0,2 Calcium (Ca + 2) ------ 100 Chloride (Cl-) 25 250 Copper ( With ) 1,0 2,0 Total Hardness (CaCO3 ) 300 400 ----- Fluoride (F) 0,7 a 1,5(a) --- Iron (Fe) 0,3(b) Magnesium (Mg + 2) 30 50 Manganeso (Mn) 0,1 0,5(b) Potassium (K+ ) ---- 10 Sodium (Na+) 25 200 Sulfate ( SO4-2 ) 25 250 --- Zinc ( Zn ) 3,0 THIRD LEVEL (N3) Ammonium (NH4- ) 0.5 0,05 --- Antimony (Sb) 0.005 --- Arsenic (As) 0.01 --- Cadmium (Cd) 0.003 --- Cyanide (CN) 0.07 --- Chromium (Cr) 0.05 --- Mercury (Hg) 0.001 --- Nickel (Ni) 0.02 Nitrato ( NO3-) 50 25 --- Nitrito (NO2- ) 0,1 --- Lead ( Pb ) 0.01 --- Selenium (Se) 0.01 NA (not applicable, this is because it is not appropriate to carry out these analyzes) Machine Translated by Google (a) 1.5 mg/L for temperatures from 8 to 12 ÿC and 0.7 mg/L for temperatures from 25 to 30 ÿC. (b) In groundwater, where these two metals are found, the VMA (Fe + Mn) is 0.3 mg/L. NOTE: When there is more than one (1) supply source, this table must be repeated for each of them. Laboratory name: ____________________________ Sanitary Operating Permit: _________ Expiration date: ______ Physical-chemical analysis number: ____________ Analysis date: _________________ ***Attach the originals of the laboratory analyzes with their respective endorsement of the Federated College of Chemists and Chemical Engineers of Costa Rica. 5. EVALUATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. 6. RECORD OF DAMAGE AND CONTINGENCIES IN THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. 7. SCHEDULE OF THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN. 8. WATER SAFETY PLAN OR OTHER QUALITY PROGRAM VOLUNTEER THAT IS BEING CARRIED OUT. _______________________ _____________________ NAME SIGNATURE Legal Representative Operating Entity Legal Representative Operating Entity _______________________ _____________________ NAME SIGNATURE Responsible for the water report Responsible for the water report ANNEX 4. Machine Translated by Google INSTRUCTIONS TO FILL THE DRINKING WATER QUALITY REPORT INTRODUCTION: These instructions contain the minimum aspects and requirements necessary for the preparation of the Water Quality Report, which this Regulation requires of the operating entities. II. CONTENT OF THE WATER QUALITY REPORT: The Report must contain, as a minimum and mandatory, the following information: 1) GENERAL DATA. 2) TECHNICAL DATA OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. 3) RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL CONTROL (measurements made by the Operating Entity). 4) RESULTS OF THE PHYSICAL-CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS (carried out by the laboratory). 5) EVALUATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. 6) RECORD OF DAMAGE AND CONTINGENCIES OF THE SYSTEM. 7) SCHEDULE OF THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN. 8) WATER SAFETY PLAN OR OTHER VOLUNTARY QUALITY PROGRAM THAT IS BEING CARRIED OUT. 9) NAME AND SIGNATURE OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OPERATING ENTITY. 10) NAME AND SIGNATURE OF THE RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPORT. III. COMPLETING THE REPORT: The information that must be supplied in the corresponding boxes of the form, for the presentation of the Water Quality Report, is specified below. 1. GENERAL DATA. NAME OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: Write down the name of the aqueduct, in the case that commercial, industrial and other activities have their own water supply, they must put the word "aqueduct" and followed by the name of the company. ISIC CODE: The International Standard Classification Code is assigned to the water supply: 3600 OPERATING SANITARY PERMIT (PSF): Indicate the number of the Operating Sanitary Permit (PSF) granted by the Ministry of Health and the expiration date. Machine Translated by Google WATER SUPPLY OPERATING ENTITY: Mark the corresponding box with an "X", write down the name of the natural or legal person, public or private, in charge of the operation, maintenance and administration of the drinking water supply system and the 36 legal identification number. SUPPLIED GEOGRAPHICAL COVERAGE: Indicate the province(s), canton(s), district(s) and towns and villages that are covered by the water supply system. Also indicate the number of subscribers (number of home and commercial connections) as the supplied population (calculated by multiplying the number of subscribers by 3.5) which corresponds to the national average of people per occupied dwelling as established by the X national population census 2011, carried out by the National Institute of Statistics and Census (INEC). LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OPERATING ENTITY: write down the name, identity card number, telephone number and email address of the legal representative, as well as his/her location (province, canton, district and exact address) where he/she lives. DATA OF THE ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE (when it exists): Write down the name of the person in charge, ID number, telephone, fax, email, as well as the location (province, canton, district and exact address) of the administrative office. REPORT N°: Indicate the report number together with the corresponding year (example: 1-2014 / 2-2014). REPORTED PERIOD: indicate the period reported by writing down the months and the year (for example: January to June 2014 / July to December 2014). RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPORT: Enter the name of the person responsible for preparing the water quality report. 2. TECHNICAL DATA OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. I. SOURCES OF SUPPLY: Mark with an "X" the corresponding box of depending on the type of supply source. If you check the "other" option, write it down. . HEADS OR SPRINGS: Indicate the number of headwaters or springs. Write down the name, location and the registration number granted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) of each of them. And mark with an "X" the box corresponding to the type of collection. RIVERS OR CREEKS: Indicate the number of rivers or streams. Write down the name, location and the registration number granted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE) of each of them. WELLS: Indicate the number of wells. Write down the location, the registration number granted by the Ministry of Environment and Energy (MINAE), the depth in meters of each of them. And mark with an "X" the box corresponding to the type of well. II. STORAGE TANKS: Indicate the number of storage tanks. Write down the location of each of them and mark with an "X" the box corresponding to the type of tank. Machine Translated by Google III. DISTRIBUTION NETWORK: Mark with an "X" the box corresponding to the type of distribution pipe material. 3. RESULTS OF THE OPERATIONAL CONTROL. TABLE A. OPERATIONAL CONTROL MONITORING: This table shows the results of the measurements of the parameters: turbidity, odor, taste, pH and free residual chlorine, measured by the operator of the water supply system at the supply source. and in the distribution network, indicating the number of times the analyzes were performed and the corresponding average value. The table indicates the alert value (VA) and the maximum admissible value (VMA) established in this regulation. 4. RESULTS OF THE PHYSICO-CHEMICAL AND MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS MEASURED BY THE LABORATORY. TABLE B. PHYSICO-CHEMICAL ANALYSIS OF THE FIRST LEVEL (N1): This table shows the results of the physical-chemical analyzes carried out by the laboratory, established in the First Level (N1) for the supply source; indicating the number of times the analyzes were performed and the corresponding average value. The name, PSF and expiration date, the analysis number and the analysis date of the laboratory that performed the tests should also be noted. The table indicates the Alert Value (VA) and the Maximum Admissible Value (VMA) of the different parameters established in these regulations. TABLE C. MICROBIOLOGICAL ANALYSIS AND MEASUREMENT OF RESIDUAL CHLORINE OF THE FIRST LEVEL (N1): This table shows the results of the microbiological analyzes and residual chlorine carried out by the laboratory, established in the First Level (N1) for the supply source, storage tank and distribution network; indicating the number of times the analyzes were performed and the corresponding average value. The name, PSF and expiration date, the analysis number and the analysis date of the laboratory that performed the tests must also be noted. The table indicates the Alert Value (VA) and the Maximum Admissible Value (VMA) of the different parameters established in these regulations. TABLE D. SECOND LEVEL (N2) AND THIRD LEVEL (N3) CHEMICAL ANALYSIS: This table lists the results of the chemical analyzes performed by the laboratory, established at First Level (N1) and Second Level (N2) for the source supply and distribution network; indicating the number of times the analyzes were performed and the corresponding average value. The name, PSF and expiration date, the analysis number and the analysis date of the laboratory that performed the tests must also be noted. The table indicates the Alert Value (VA) and the Maximum Admissible Value (VMA) of the different parameters established in these regulations. In the event that it is not yet up to you to perform the analyzes of these parameters, you must place an "X" in the NA box (not applicable). 5. EVALUATION OF THE COMPONENTS OF THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM. Here the physical-sanitary state of the different components of the system is recorded, as a result of the inspections carried out. The results of the monitoring of the operational control and of the physical, chemical and microbiological analyzes carried out by the laboratory must also be taken into account. 6. RECORD OF DAMAGE AND CONTINGENCIES IN THE WATER SUPPLY SYSTEM: It must be indicated if there is damage to the different components of the system 7. SCHEDULE OF THE CORRECTIVE ACTION PLAN. In the event that physical-sanitary damage is recorded in the water supply system and/or when the VMA of any of the parameters is exceeded, they must submit a plan of action together with the report. Machine Translated by Google corrective actions that includes a schedule of activities with actual deadlines that clearly describes the actions taken immediately and the actions in the short and medium term. And in the event that the VMA is exceeded, the corresponding parameters must be resampled. 8. WATER SAFETY PLAN OR OTHER QUALITY PROGRAM VOLUNTEER THAT IS BEING CARRIED OUT. In case of having a security plan or other voluntary program, a brief description of them should be made. 9. NAME AND SIGNATURE OF THE LEGAL REPRESENTATIVE OF THE OPERATING ENTITY: Enter the name and signature of the legal representative. 10. RESPONSIBLE FOR THE REPORT: Write down the name and signature of the person responsible for preparing the water quality report. ANNEX 5. INSPECTION GUIDES-SERSA Forms and Guides for the Water Quality Surveillance Process. Registration of the Water Supply System Registration number: ___________ Date of registration in the Directorate of the Health Governing Area: ____________ -Name of the supply system: _________________________________ -Official of the Ministry of Health: ___________________________ -Official of the aqueduct operating entity: ________________ Phone: _________ -Identity card: _____________________ -Legal person in charge of the aqueduct: _______________________________________ -Telephone contact: _________________ - Legal certificate: ______________________ 1. GENERAL INFORMATION: 1.1 Region: ________________ Directorate of the Health Governing Area:___________ Machine Translated by Google 1.2 Province: ________________Canton: ________________District: __________ 1.3 City:______________________________________________________ 1.4 Geographic coordinates: Longitude: __________ Latitude: ___________ 1.5 Managing entity: A and A ( ) Municipal ( ) ASADA ( ) Private ( ) Others: _________________________________________ 1.6 Water Quality Control Program in accordance with the Drinking Water Quality Regulation: Yes ( ) No ( ) 2) TECHNICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF THE SYSTEM 2.1 Number of subscribers: _________________________ 2.2 Total population supplied by the system: ____________inhabitants. 2.3 Name of communities supplied by the system: ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2.4 Number of supply sources: _______________________ 2.4.1 N°, springs: _________ 1.- Name _______________Longitude___________Latitude__________ 2.- Name______________ Longitude___________Latitude__________ 3.- Name______________ Longitude___________Latitude__________ 4.- Name_______________ Longitude___________Latitude___________ 2.4.2 No., surface intakes:______________ 1.- Name _______________Longitude___________Latitude__________ 2.- Name______________ Longitude___________Latitude__________ Machine Translated by Google 3.- Name______________ Longitude___________Latitude__________ 4.- Name_______________ Longitude___________Latitude___________ 2.4.3 No., wells__________________ 1.- Name _______________Longitude____________Latitude__________ 2.- Name______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 3.- Name______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 4.- Name_______________ Longitude____________Latitude___________ 2.4.5 N°, Storage and distribution tanks:___________ 1.- Name _______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 2.- Name _______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 3.- Name_______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 4.- Name_______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 5.- Name_______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 6. Name_______________ Longitude____________Latitude__________ 2.5 Supply mechanism Gravity ( ) Pumping ( ) other: ( ) _______________________ 2.6 Disinfection system: Yes ( ) Describe (chlorine-gas, tablets or other) Without disinfection ( ) 2.7 Treatment elements ( ) No Yes ( ) Check the existing ones: a) Desander ( ) b) Flocculation ( ) c) Sedimentation ( ) d) Filtration ( ) e) Disinfection ( ) 2.8 Date of construction of the aqueduct: __________________________ Machine Translated by Google 2.9 Operating permit (PF): Yes ( ) No ( ) 41 Form SERSA-AGUA-I-01: Sheet for the Registration and Sanitary Inspection Report Sources Sanitary Inspection - Field Sheet: SOURCES Regional Health Governing Directorate:_____________________________________________ Health Governing Area Directorate:____________________________________________ Name of the aqueduct: ____________________ Entity administrator: _________________ Inspection Date: ______________ Hour : ___________ Name of Ministry of Health official:______________________________ Reason for inspection: Surveillance ( ) Follow-up ( ) Complaint ( ) Epidemic outbreak ( ) Other ( ) _____________________ Type of collection (according to the type of collection, the corresponding card must be applied and one card per each collection): ( ) Uptake of surface water through dams or dikes (Apply sheet 1) ( ) Collection of springs or springs (apply card 2) ( ) Groundwater collection through wells (Apply sheet 3) Requirements Compliance: 1. Source or intake of water registered in MINAET: Yes ( ) No ( ) 2. Is there a current water quality control program? Otherwise ( ) 3. Current operating permit? Yes ( ) Expiration date: _________ , No ( ) Proceed to issue a health order for the granting or renewal of the operating permit. 4. Is there a record of the water quality analysis results? Yes ( ) (review evidence of compliance), No ( ). After reviewing compliance with requirements, the corresponding field sheet is filled out according to the source to detect risk factors. Machine Translated by Google FIELD SHEET 1 SURFACE WATER INTAKE (River, Creek, other) I-) GENERAL INFORMATION Date hour:__________ Aqueduct name: ___________________________________ Recruitment Name: __________________ Registration number in MINAET:__________ Aqueduct official:_______________________________ Phone: _______________ Name of the Ministry of Health official: _________________________________ Cleaning frequency: Daily ( ) Weekly ( ) Monthly ( ) Never ( ) Other ( ) Specify: _______________________________________ __________________ II-) INFRASTRUCTURE DIAGNOSIS: If not Identification of Risk Factors in Surface Water Intake 1. Is the catchment outside a protected area or conservation zone? 2. Is the water intake devoid of infrastructure to protect it? 3. Is the area around the intake free of fencing or mesh protection? 4. Is there agricultural, livestock, industrial or housing development activity that discharges its waste upstream of the water intake? 5. Is there any other source of contamination around the intake (septic tanks, animals, houses, garbage or industrial activity) 6. Do people and animals have access to the river catchment? 7. Are the intake grills in poor condition (missing, broken, and others). 8. Are there plants (roots, leaves and others) obstructing the intake grills? 9. Are there conditions of deforestation and erosion in the surroundings of the intake? 10. Is the grit trap absent after the water intake? TOTAL IDENTIFIED RISK FACTORS (Total "Yes") FIELD SHEET 2 COLLECTION OF SOURCES OR SPRINGS I-) GENERAL INFORMATION Date hour__________ Aqueduct Name: ______ Machine Translated by Google Name of Nascent or Spring: __________________ Registration number in MINAET: __________ Aqueduct Official:_____________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Name of Official Ministry of Health.: _________________________________ Capturing: Caseta ( ) Level ( ) Buried ( ) Semi-buried ( ) II-) DIAGNOSIS OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE: If not Identification of Risk Factors in the Nascent or Spring 1. Is the source without a protection mesh that prevents the access of people and animals to the catchment? 2. Is the unprotected spring open to environmental contamination? (without booth or without collection tank). 3. Is the collection cover built in unsanitary conditions and with a secure closure (padlock, screw or other)? 4. Are the walls and top slab of the catchment cracked? 5. Does it lack perimeter channels to divert runoff water? 6. Does the intake lack vents or overflow pipe with a protection grid? 7. Are there plants (roots, leaves, algae and others) inside the spring catchment? 8. Is there standing water on or around the catchment? 9. Is there any source of contamination around the catchment? (Observe if there are latrines, animals, houses, garbage in the immediate environment). 10. Is the catchment located in areas with agricultural or industrial activity? TOTAL IDENTIFIED RISK FACTORS (Total "Yes") FIELD SHEET 3 WELL I-) GENERAL INFORMATION Date hour:__________ Aqueduct name: _____________________________ Well Name: __________________ Registration number in MINAET:__________ Aqueduct official:_____________________________________ Phone: __________________________ Name of Official Ministry of Health.: _________________________________ Machine Translated by Google Well Type: Dug ( ) Drilled ( ) Depth: __________mts. Extraction Type: Manual ( ) Manual Pump ( ) Electric Pump ( ) II-) INFRASTRUCTURE DIAGNOSIS: BUT Identification of Well Risk Factors. 1. Does the well lack a drainage channel? 2. Does the well lack a protection mesh? 3. Does the pit lack a surrounding concrete floor? 4. Are there latrines or septic tanks within 30 m. away from the well? 5. Is the nearest latrine or septic tank on a higher level than the well? 6. Are there other sources of contamination around or above the well (animal excreta, housing, garbage, agricultural or industrial activity)? 7. Are there stagnant waters on the slab or around the well? 8. Is the dug well exposed to environmental contamination? 9. Are the surroundings of the well covered? 10. If there is a pump, is it loose in the connection to its base? TOTAL IDENTIFIED RISK FACTORS (Total "Yes") RISK CLASSIFICATION FROM THE SOURCE (WELL, SOURCE, SURFACE WATER) For each "YES" Clasification of Color code answer on any of the Risk tabs, please determine the risk classification and proceed with the actions as indicated. Number of "YES" Responses Null Risk BLUE 01- Low Irrigation CELESTE 23- Intermediate Risk GREEN 45- High risk YELLOW 7 8 - 10 Very High Risk RED Actions to Reduce Risk Factors: Each risk factor implies actions that must be taken to eliminate each one that is present. In the case of supply sources, actions must be coordinated with the Regional Level and the Central Level, in addition to AyA, if necessary. The suggested actions are: Low Risk (Light Blue): Request a corrective action plan by means of a health order to the operator to correct the situation within a period of 1 month.-Intermediate Risk (Green): Request a corrective action plan by means of a health order to the operator to correct the situation within 1 month. Machine Translated by Google High Risk (Yellow): Prepare an emergency plan and make the community aware of the risks. Turn health order with a term of 1 month to obtain evidence of improvements. Very High Risk (Red): Issue a health order and urgent call to the key social actors to execute the necessary corrective actions in the shortest time. Term of 1 month to verify compliance with the health order. Sheet 4: Sanitary Inspection - Storage Tanks I-) GENERAL INFORMATION Regional Directorate of Health: Date:_______ Aqueduct name: _________________________________ Tank Name:_____________________________ Address: __________________________________________________________________ Aqueduct Official:__________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ 1. Name of the Ministry of Health Official: __________________________ 2. Type Tanks: Elevated ( ) At level ( ) Buried ( ) Semi-buried ( ) 3. Tank Material: Concrete ( ) Plastic ( ) Metallic ( ) 4. Cleaning Frequency: Anual ( ) Semestral ( ) Trimestral ( ) Monthly ( ) Other ( ) __________ Don't know / Never ( ) II-) DIAGNOSIS OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE: Identification of Risk Factors of the Storage Tank Risk Factors Yes No 1. Are the walls cracked (concrete) or rusted (metallic)? 2. Are the storage tank lids built in an unsanitary condition? 3. Does the external structure lack maintenance? (Painting, cleaning: free of leaves, moss, branches, others) 4. Is the chlorination system absent or out of operation? 5. Is the water level less than 1/4 of the tank volume and are the internal stairs rusty? 6. Is there sediment, algae or fungus inside the tank? 7. Is the protection mesh missing or defective? 8. Does the lid lack a secure closure system (padlock, chain, screw)? Machine Translated by Google 9. Does the tank lack vents or overflow pipe with a protection grid? 10. Are there any sources of contamination around the tank (latrines, animals, homes, garbage, agricultural or industrial activity) TOTAL of Risk Factors (Total of "YES") RISK CLASSIFICATION OF THE STORAGE Clasification of Color code TANK (YES ARE RISK Risk FACTORS). Number of "YES" responses Null Risk BLUE 01- Low Irrigation CELESTE 23- Intermediate Risk GREEN 45- High risk YELLOW 7 8 - 10 Very High Risk RED Actions to Reduce Risk Factors: Each risk factor implies actions that must be taken to eliminate each one that is present. In the case of the storage tank, the actions must be coordinated with the Central and Regional Level, in addition to the AyA, if necessary: Low Risk (Light Blue): Notify the legal representative of the aqueduct operator, to make the corresponding improvements, within a period of 1 month. Intermediate Risk (Green): Each risk factor implies actions that must be taken to eliminate each one that is present. In the case of the storage tank, the actions must be coordinated with the Central and Regional Level, in addition to the AyA, if necessary. High Risk (Yellow): Each risk factor implies actions that must be taken to eliminate each one that is present. In the case of the storage tank, the actions must be coordinated with the Central and Regional Level, in addition to the AyA, if necessary. Very high risk (Red): Issue a health order and urgent call to the key social actors to execute the necessary corrective actions in the shortest time. Term of 1 month to verify fulfillment of the order. 5 : DRIVE LINE AND DISTRIBUTION SYSTEM I-) GENERAL INFORMATION Address Governing Health Area: ________________________Date:____________ Name Aqueduct: _______________________________________________________ Aqueduct official:_____________________________________________ Phone: _______________________________ Number of leak repairs during each month:__________________ Name of official Ministry of Health: _________________________________________________ Machine Translated by Google Material of driving lines: PVC ( ), Galvanized iron ( ), Asbestos ( ) Others: ____________ Distribution pipe material: PVC ( ) Galvanized Iron ( ) Mixed ( ) Other ( )_____________ DIAGNOSIS OF THE INFRASTRUCTURE: Risk Factors BUT of the Driving Line and Distribution System 1. Is there a leak in the drive line? 2. Do the gradient breaking tanks lack sanitary lids? 3. In the gradient breaking tanks, are cracks, crevices, leaks or roots observed? 4. Are there visible leaks anywhere in the distribution network? 5. Are there significant pressure variations in the distribution network? 6. Does any zone in the main distribution network lack residual chlorine? 7. Are there constant interruptions in the water distribution service? 8. Do you lack a system to purge the distribution pipe? 9. Do you lack a plumber or network maintenance person? 10. Do you lack a schematic of the distribution system (plans or sketches)? TOTAL RISK FACTORS (Total "YES") RISK CLASSIFICATION OF THE DRIVING LINE AND THE DISTRIBUTION NETWORK (each "YES" on the Sheet Clasification of Color code is a Risk Factor). Risk Number of "Yes" responses Null Risk BLUE 01- Low Irrigation CELESTE 23- Intermediate Risk GREEN 45- High risk YELLOW 7 8 - 10 Very High Risk RED Actions to Reduce Risk Factors: Each risk factor implies actions that must be taken to eliminate each one that is present. In the case of the pipeline and distribution network, the actions must be coordinated with the Central and Regional Level, in addition to AyA, if necessary: Low Risk (Light Blue): Request an action plan from the operator to correct the situation urgently. Deadline 5 business days. Intermediate Risk (Green): Issue health order to the operator to correct the risk factors detected within a period of 5 business days. High Risk (Yellow): Prepare an emergency plan and make the community aware of the risks. Turn health order with a term of 5 business days to obtain evidence of improvements. Machine Translated by Google Very high risk (Red): Issue a health order and urgent call to the key social actors to execute the necessary corrective actions in the shortest time. Term of 1 month to verify compliance with the health order. Generation date: 10/18/2022 11:04:45 pm