FEDERAL GAZETTE FOR THE REPUBLIC OF AUSTRIA Volume 2017 Issued on January 17, 2017 Part I 20. Federal law: Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act, NaDiVeG (NR: GP XXV RV 1355 AB 1406 p. 158. BR: AB 9711 p. 862.) [CELEX No.: 32014L0095] 20. Federal law amending the Corporate Code, the Stock Corporation Act and the GmbH Act to improve sustainability and diversity reporting (Sustainability and Diversity Improvement Act, NaDiVeG) The National Council has decided: Table of Contents Article 1 Amendment of the Company Code Article 2 Amendment of the Companies Act Article 3 Amendment of the GmbH Act Article 1 Amendment of the Corporate Code The company code - UGB, dRGBl. S. 219/1897, last amended by Federal Law Gazette I No. 43/2016, is amended as follows: 1. In § 242 Para. 4 the reference "§ 243b Para. 2 Z 3" is changed by the reference "§ 243c Para. 2 Z 3". 2. In Section 243 (5), the phrase “which is not subject to the obligation pursuant to Section 243b” is inserted after the word “corporations”. 3. The previous § 243b is given the designation "§ 243c.", the paragraph heading before the previous § 243b becomes the paragraph heading before the new § 243c. 4. The previous § 243c is given the designation "§ 243d.", the paragraph heading before the previous § 243c becomes the paragraph heading before the new § 243d. 5. After § 243a, the following § 243b including the title is inserted: “Non-Financial Statement, Non-Financial Report § 243b. (1) Large corporations that are public interest entities and that meet the criterion of employing more than 500 employees on the reporting dates on an annual average (Section 221 (6)) have to include in the management report instead of the information pursuant to Section 243 (5). include a non-financial statement. (2) The non-financial statement must contain the information that is required for an understanding of the course of business, the business result, the situation of the company and the effects of its activities and must at least relate to environmental, social and employee matters, to respect for human rights and relating to the fight against corruption and bribery. The analysis shall explain the non-financial performance indicators with reference to the amounts and disclosures reported in the financial statements. (3) The information according to paragraph 2 must include: 1. A brief description of the company's business model; 2. a description of the policies pursued by the company in relation to the matters referred to in paragraph 2; 3. the results of these concepts; 4. the due diligence processes used; 5. The material risks that are likely to have an adverse impact on those matters and the Company's management of those risks, viz a. insofar as they arise from the company's own business activities and, b. when relevant and proportionate to the extent they arise from their business relationships, products or services; 6. The most important non-financial performance indicators that are important for the specific business activity. If the company does not have a policy with regard to one or more of the issues mentioned in paragraph 2, the non-financial statement must contain a clear justification for this. (4) In exceptional cases, information on future developments or matters under negotiation may be omitted where 1. According to reasonable business judgment, such a statement is capable of seriously damaging the business situation of the company, and 2. such non-inclusion does not prevent a true understanding of the course of business, the business result, the situation of the company and the effects of its activities. (5) When preparing the non-financial statement, the company can rely on national, union- based or international frameworks; if it makes use of this, it must state which frameworks it relies on. When using such frameworks, it must be ensured that the requirements of paragraph 2 and paragraph 3 are met. (6) A company is exempt from the obligation to prepare a non-financial statement in the management report if it prepares a separate non-financial report that at least meets the requirements of paragraph 2 to paragraph 5. This must be drawn up by the legal representatives, signed by all legal representatives, submitted to the members of the supervisory board, checked by them and disclosed together with the management report in accordance with Section 277. (7) A company is also exempt from the obligation to prepare a non-financial statement if it and its subsidiaries are included in the group management report or separate consolidated reports