Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2007 SOCIAL REPORT 1 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INDEX • Introduction 3 • Staff Management 4 • Framework Structure 6 • Professional Progression, Schedules and Attendance 13 • Social Security 18 • Personnel Charges 21 • Extra work 23 • Professional qualification 24 • Conclusion 28 • Attachments 31 2 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ INTRODUCTION In the sense of social accountability of bodies, whether public or private individuals, the tools for analyzing life have been intensified behavior of companies and institutions, with the Social Balance, a of these instruments. Thus, the Social Report is a management tool that aims to provide various information about the human resources of an organization, demonstrating how its efficient management contributes decisively to achieve the entity's objectives. Within the framework of modernization, innovation and promotion of the quality of services of Public Administration, the Social Report will also be able to demonstrate objectively the needs and even the risks associated with the management of organization's human resources. It may also, in the context of restructuring of Public Administration, provide an evolutionary analysis and comparative of its resources, extremely useful. The INPI once again complies with what is legally established and prepares the Balance Sheet Social for the year 2007, in accordance with the Decree-Law nº 190/96, of October 9th. 3 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ STAFF MANAGEMENT During 2007, once again, it was verified that the number of workers assigned to the INPI staff decreased. It is situation of decline is a direct consequence of restriction policies in the scope of hiring personnel in Public Administration. In the impossibility of hiring new staff, the fact that three retirements and one dismissal, materialized directly in a decrease in the number of posts effectively occupied in the staff of the INPI. Also in 2007 and already under the tutelage of the Ministry of Justice, it verified whether a new organic restructuring of the INPI, a direct consequence of superior and normative guidelines, allowing, on the one hand, to obtain a greater flexibility of structures, and on the other a greater modernization and adequacy of organic units to the reality of the Organization. This restructuring reduced, as intended, the number of Departments - which materialized in the dismissal of managers - directors 1st and 2nd degree intermediates. These directors, released from these functions due to the reorganization, they returned to their place of origin as Senior Technicians from the INPI staff. In this sense, it is justified the increase in the number of staff assigned to its technical skills, 4 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ attributing, consequently, a greater degree of technicality to the do INPI. However, despite the number of places occupied in the staff INPI has reduced by four, the number of staff to perform functions at the INPI remains the same, that is, 110 employees. It should be noted that for the first time since the INPI is made up of two different staff, that the staff attached to the Regulatory Decree nº 17/90 did not record any departures, maintaining its number of staff. INPI in 2007 took a big step towards creating mechanisms for training of patent examiners, so that after the internships they are able to make a valuable contribution and with a direct impact on the innovation of our economic reality, whether in terms of industry, telecommunications, information technology, or other key points for the development of the country. Thus, the big step was consolidated in the opening of a Professional Internships for Patent Examiners and the consequent approval of a Regulation for Professional Internships. This Program allowed 10 young graduates, masters and even doctorates in areas such as Engineering, Biochemistry, Biotechnology, Chemistry among others, had the opportunity to do an internship for at least two years, in the Patents sector, with a view to boosting the economic fabric and 5 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ business in the country and still contribute to the innovation and technology of Portugal. FRAME STRUCTURE The year 2007 continued to be marked by the employment policy in Public Administration, thus preventing the generic contracting of new staff in Public Administration. In this sense and since it is not possible to hire staff to filling vacant posts in INPI's staff, it is verified that its structure slightly fluctuated from 2006 to 2007 in terms of age and seniority levels. Analyzing the INPI staff, it can be seen that the group of technical staff registers the highest percentage of staff, with 40.9%, distributed among Senior Technicians, Trainees and Technicians. to highlight that the category of Superior Technician suffered a slight increase, consequence of the organic restructuring carried out at the INPI, which implied the return of some leaders to their place of origin. Still as a consequence of this organic restructuring, the total number of middle managers decreased from 16 to 12 managers. Of this total, 7 belong to the INPI staff, approved by Ordinance No. 508/2002, of April 30, 2 to the staff attached to the Decree 6 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Regulation nº 17/90, and the remaining three are part of a group of directors external to the INPI, 1 of which belongs to the staff of the Public administration. EMPLOYEES 2007 - PE TECHNICIAN PARATECHNICAL/ADMINISTRATIVE Technician Assistant Technician Support Human Resources CD leaders Computing Total Technician General Superior paratechnician Administrative Professional H 2 8 6 0 1 7 0 24 30 Total employees in M 1 4 28 4 3 15 3 2 1 61 service T 3 12 34 4 4 22 3 4 5 91 H 1 4 5 0 1 7 0 24 24 individual employment M 0 3 24 3 3 14 3 1 1 52 contract T 1 7 29 3 4 21 3 3 5 76 H 1 0 1 fixed-term M 1 1 2 employment contract T 2 1 3 H 0 0 services M 2 2 rendered T 2 2 H 1 1 M 1 1 Appointment T 2 2 H 40 0 0 4 Others M 11 1 1 4 T 51 1 1 8 EFFECTIVE 2007 - AP Technician Technician Human Resources Computing Technician Administrative Assistant Total Superior Professional H 01 4 1 0 6 Total Cash M 10 5 4 3 13 T 11 9 5 3 19 Internship Program Technician TOTAL Professionals Superior 4 6 H 10 4 Stages M 6 T 10 The Paratechnical Personnel/Administrative Assistant group, which includes the professional categories of Paratechnicians, Administrative Assistants and 7 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Professional Technicians, again registered a decrease of 3 employees, distributed as follows: 28 workers on staff EP and 14 employees on the AP staff. Its total percentage is 35% of the total universe of INPI collaborators. EP Outputs 2007 interns General Support professional technician A ssist ent e A d minister rat ivo technical parat Technician Senior Technician Leaders CD 012345 Man Woman To conclude the analysis of the herds, it was verified that they did not suffer any oscillations the Professional Groups of General Support and Informatics. EP 2007 staff Computing General Support Té c ni co P r of issi ona l Assistant and Administrative paratechnician Technician Senior Technician leader is CD 10 15 20 25 30 8 0 5 Man Woman Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Effective AP 2007 Assistant A minister rat ivo info professional technician Technician Senior Technician He directs from 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Man Woman However, with the entry of 10 employees on an internship basis professional, we saw, in comparison with the previous year, our staff being endowed with greater technicality, a direct reflection of the entry of yet another Master and a PhD. Admissions EP 2007 Computing general support Paratechnical / A d minist rat ive Stages Services provision Technician Senior Technician Leaders CD 012345678 Man Woman 9 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ With regard to the Qualification levels present in the INPI, we verified that the Degree of Licentiate obtained, also in 2007 and similarly to previous years, greater centralization in the Técnico group. Qualification Levels EP 2007 6% 0% 3% 3% 18% 0% 2% 11% 56% 1% 4 years of schooling 6 years of schooling 9 years of schooling 10 years of schooling 11 years of schooling 12 years of schooling Bachelor's / High School Graduation m dais MBA AP 2007 Qualification Levels 16% 11% 5% 16% 20% 16% 11% 5% 4 years of schooling 6 years of schooling 9 years of schooling 10 years of schooling 11 years of schooling 12 years of schooling Bachelor's / High School Graduation 10 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ In the parity of the effectives, of this Institute, to be distributed more predominantly by females, it is also verified that, curiously, it is the Licentiate degree that has the greatest manifestation and is, in this group, strongly centralized. We can verify that, among the 54 employees holding a Licentiate degree, 37 are female. Qualification Levels EP 2007 D out orament o M BA m dais Mr. Licentiate Bachelat o/ medium course 12 years of schooling 11 years of schooling and 10 years of schooling 9 years of schooling 6 years of schooling 4 years of schooling Least 4 years of schooling 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 Men Women AP 2007 Qualification Levels D out or ramen or m dais Mr. Licentiate Bachelor's degree / high school 12 years of esco larid ade 11 years of schooling 10 years of esco larid ade 9 years of schooling 6 years of schooling 4 years of schooling Least 4 years of schooling 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 Men Women 11 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ With regard to seniority, it appears that the average for 2007, of EP employees, remained unchanged compared to 2006 and which, at Similar to previous years, there is an increase of one more year in the level of Seniority of employees who have an exclusive link with the civil service, effect of the subsistence of the stagnation of this framework in terms of with regard to new admissions. Senior Levels EP 2007 More than 3 6 years 30 - 36 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 10 - 14 5-9 At is 5 years 0 5 10 15 20 Men Women AP Senior Levels 2007 More than 3 6 years 30 - 36 25 - 29 20 - 24 15 - 19 10 - 14 5-9 At is 5 years 0 5 10 15 20 25 Men Women 12 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL PROGRESSION, TIME SCHEMES AND ATTENDANCE The Integrated Performance Assessment System in Public Administration - SIADAP, as a management tool for this Institute, was once again applied in full in 2007. This evaluation system is intended to recognize merit and ensure the differentiation and appreciation of different levels of performance, as well as analyze the human potential available in the Organization and the contribution of each employee for its global mission. SIADAP has a well-known spirit of management by objectives, either the individual objectives or the global objectives of each unit organic as well as the global and strategic objectives of the Institute. This complex evaluation process, in addition to recognizing the merit of each one of the collaborators, also recognizes the need to training/improvement in certain areas. After this analysis it is possible to select all those who are in a position to progress or be reassigned functionally within the Institute in a department that best suits your skills. In 2007 and referring to the performance of 2006, there were total of 20 effective progressions in the professional career of these employees, all on the EP board. 13 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Promotions / Reclassifications EP 2007 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Senior Technician Technician technician Profes. Administrative Computing Assistant paratechnician Man Woman It should be noted that the highest number of progressions occurred at the level of Professional Paratechnical/Administrative Group, with a total of 10 progressions. In the analysis of the time management modalities practiced in this Institute, we have to, and due to organic changes suffered during the year of 2007, 8 employees who held Time Exemption, in previous years, In 2007 they started to practice Flexible Hours. Also registered to transition from Flexible Hours to Exempt Hours, by 1 EP employee. Furthermore, the application of the same modalities hourly schedules, among which the incidence of a Flexible Schedule is highlighted. 14 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ EP 2007 schedules 1 26 1 59 12 Flexible schedule Continuous Journey Rigid Schedule Exemption schedule Shift work AP 2007 timetables 1 3 15 Flexible schedule Shift work Exemption schedule It should also be noted that from a perspective of concern on the part of the INPI in reconciling the personal and professional lives of the employees who work here work, and as in previous years, throughout 2007, 12 special hours were granted predominantly in situations of breastfeeding and accompanying children under 12 years of age. 15 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ On the other hand, in terms of progression of attendance at the INPI, the average absenteeism stood at 9.4% in 2007, which reveals a slight decrease compared to 2006, which stood at 9.8%. Absenteeism by Professional Groups - EP 2007 0,0% 1,8% 1,6% 26,3% 0,8% 57,6% 10,9% 0,9% leaders Senior Technician Professional Technician Technician Computing Paratechnical/Administrative General Support Trainee Absenteeism by Professional Groups - AP 2007 3,5% 23,5% 35,4% 0,5% 37,1% Senior Technician Paratechnical / Administrative Professional Technician Computing General Support 16 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ It should also be noted that, contrary to what was seen in 2006, the EP presented lower values, with regard to attendance, and, therefore, On the other hand, the AP Board recorded a rise in absenteeism rates, for which the Accident in Service of 1 AP employee contributed strongly, which took place throughout 2007 (365 days). Absences by Professional Groups and Types of Absences - EP 2007 800 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 Assist Familiar Illness Prolonged Illness Unpleasant on vacation account Worker Maternity / Others Student Paternity BOARD OF DIRECTORS EXECUTIVE SENIOR TECHNICIAN PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN TECHNICIAN COMPUTING PARATECHNICAL / ADMINISTRATIVE GENERAL SUPPORT Absences by Professional Groups and Types of Absences - AP 2007 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 Assist Familiar Illness and/or prolonged Unpleasant for vacation account Worker Maternity / Others Internment illness Student Paternity EXECUTIVE SUPERIOR TECHNICIAN PARAT/ADMINISTRATIVE PROF. TECHNICIAN COMPUTING GENERAL SUPPORT 17 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SOCIAL SECURITY INPI during 2007 continued with the program of promotion and surveillance of the health of its workers, as well as its campaign to flu vaccination. In addition to complying with the legislation in force, it intends to ensure the best conditions of Safety, Hygiene and Health at work of all employees directly assigned to INPI. Indeed, these services have been provided by the company “Page Health", which has been guided by rigor, modernization and broad knowledge in these areas. In this sense, 42 diagnostic exams, analyzes and medical consultation in accordance with the rules in force, 11 of which are related to new admissions and 21 corresponding to periodic exams. Occupational Medicine - Health Exams - 2007 Technician Technician CD Health Exams leaders interns Technician Paratechnics Assist. Admin. General Support IT TOTAL Superior 0 Professional H1 1 0 0 4 1 0 1 8 Newspapers M 0 3 1 2 13 2 0 23 T 1 1 2 3 1 2 17 1 2 2 1 31 H 4 0 4 Admission M 6 1 7 T 10 1 11 18 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Health Exams - 2007 18 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 newspapers Admission CD leaders Senior Technician interns Technician Paratechnics Assist. Admin. Professional Technician General Support Computing With regard to the vaccination plan, there was adherence of 35 collaborators. 2007 Flu Vaccination Program Ages up to 30 31-39 40-49 50-59 from 60 number of vaccines 1 10 8 11 4 Age Distribution - Vaccination Program 2007 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 up to 30 31-39 40-49 50-59 from 60 19 Age Levels Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ As in 2006, with regard to the system of ADSE, it should be noted that also in 2007 there was a decrease in health expenses, thus verifying a decrease in the shared value. Social Assistance - ADSE - 2007 4.500,00 4.000,00 3.500,00 3.000,00 2.500,00 2.000,00 1.50 0 ,0 0 1.0 0 0 ,0 0 500,00 0,00 Amount to contribute Shared amount for sharing Still with regard to this system, and by observing the values evidenced by the aforementioned graph, we found that, in a universe of 65 employees, 138 requests for contributions were made, making a total expense of €21,987.15, of which €12,017.74 represented the total amount shared. In terms of Workers' Compensation, 5 occurrences were found in workers covered by the ADSE, as well as by the Security regime Social, which resulted, together, 416 days of absence, in the course of the year 2007. 20 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PERSONNEL CHARGES Personnel expenses have come, in the last three years, i.e. from 2005 to 2007, registering a slight decrease in the Institute's expenditure structure, going from 36.3% in 2005 to around 33.4% in 2007, although in absolute terms there has been an increase of around 562 thousand euros. Personnel Expenses - 2007 12% 10% 3% 2% 3% 5% 69% Base Remuneration - Staff Base Remuneration - Governing Bodies Base Remuneration - Other Personnel Cost Allowances Mandatory Social Charges Charges with Remuneration Others In comparison with the previous year, no year of 2007 was spent by the structure with staff registered relative stability. It should be noted, however, a reduction in the total amount and respective relative weight of the headings "Base Remuneration - Staff" and "Charges with Remuneration” in return for the increase in all other headings. 21 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ For the behavior of the other headings, it should be mentioned that the referring to “Personnel in any other situation”, fundamentally constituted by expenses arising from the admission of 10 interns to the DMP, and whose relative weight is around 1.3% of “Total expenditure on personnel”, had a strong contribution to the increase of the remaining headings. Cumulatively, the item “Other Personnel Expenses” constituted by payment of compensation resulting from the restructuring carried out to the organizational level at INPI, and whose weight relative to the total is 1.6%, also contributed to the increase in the remaining headings. It should also be noted that the net salary range recorded, between 2006 and 2007 a decrease of 40 points, going from 5.73 to 5.30. 22 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ EXTRA WORK It appears that, similarly to the year 2006, also in the year subject to present analysis, no additional hours were recorded in this Institute. 23 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION Professional Training at the INPI in 2007 aimed once again, in a perspective of organizational innovation and adaptation to new equipment, methods and work contexts, the valuation of its capital human. Thus, based on a careful diagnosis of needs, it was elaborated and the Training Plan was carried out with a view to recycling, updating and improvement of its assets through the development and deepening of their technical, social and relational skills, in a logic of permanent adaptation to the requirements of the organization. During the past year, in parallel with the regular execution of the external training, there is also the internal training given in the scope of professional internships to ten trainee senior technicians from the Department of Patents and Utility Models. Frequency indicators by qualification groups in the year 2007 indicate that the most significant levels of participation involved essentially 3 groups of personnel: Managers, Technicians and Paratechnical/Professional and Administrative Technician, and the volume of hours taught was at the highest levels for groups Director, Technician and Administrative Paratechnician. 24 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION EP 2007 inferior duration of shares 30 to 60 a 30 hours hours Total number of shares 74 16 number of shares 23 3 internal number of shares 51 13 external Technician Computer Group Technician Technician Paratechnician / Support No. of Participants CD leaders Superior Total Superior Professional Administrative General deputy programmer Technician Trainee Operator Programmer Superior total number of 0 7 10 15 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 42 participants Number of participants in internal 0 0 10 3 0 2 0 0 0 0 0 15 actions Number of participants in external 0 7 0 13 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 30 actions Technician Computer Group Technician Technician Paratechnician / Support Number of Hours CD leaders Superior Total Superior Professional Administrative General deputy programmer Technician Trainee Operator Programmer Superior total number of hours 0 607 180 485 37 193 12 35 24 80 84 1.737 Number of hours in internal 0 0 180 30 0 64 0 0 0 0 0 274 actions Number of hours in actions 0 607 0 455 37 129 12 35 24 80 84 1.463 external AP 2007 inferior duration of 30 to 60 a 30 shares hours hours Total number of 5 2 shares number of shares 0 0 internal number of shares 2 5 external Technician Computer Group Technician Technician Paratechnician / Support No. of Participants CD leaders Superior Total Superior Professional Administrative General Technician Trainee deputy Operator Programmer programmer Superior Total number of 0 0 0 0 4 1 11 0 0 07 participants Number of participants in 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 internal actions Number of participants in 0 0 0 0 4 1 11 0 0 07 external actions Technician Computer Group Technician Technician Paratechnician / Support No. of Participants CD leaders Superior Total Superior Professional Administrative General Technician Trainee deputy Operator Programmer programmer Superior total number of 0 0 0 0 78 30 18 35 0 0 0 161 hours Number of hours in 0 0 0 0 0 0 00 0 0 00 internal actions Number of hours in actions 0 0 0 0 78 30 18 35 0 0 0 161 external 25 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ This volume of training hours in the Directors' group was due, in part, the obligatory completion of long-term training for holders middle management positions in Public Administration (Programme for Training in Public Management - FORGEP). Thus, of the 49 participations that took place, in a universe of 120 recipients (including the 10 interns), 51.02% belonged to the Technician group, 14.29% to the Managers group, 12.24% to the IT group and 18.37% to the Paratechnical/Professional and Administrative Technician and finally 4.08% belonged to the General Support group. Total number of Training actions - EP 51 60 50 40 23 30 13 20 3 10 0 Less than 30 hours 30 to 60 hours Number of internal actions Number of external actions Total number of training actions - AP 6 6 5 4 2 3 2 0 0 1 0 Less than 30 hours 30 to 60 hours Number of internal actions Number of external actions 26 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ With regard to hours of training, 35.04% corresponded to the group Technical, 31.98% to Managers, 17.81% to Paratechnical/Technical personnel Professional and Administrative and 13.59% for IT personnel. O remaining 1.58% corresponds to the 48 hours of training provided to the General Support group. Hours of training per professional category EP 700 607 600 455 500 400 300 129 180 200 80 84 100 37 35 12 24 0 64 30 0 CD Directed. I have Sup. technician sup. technician Prof. Paratec. / Admin. Support Operator Prog. Prog. I have Sup. Internship General Adjunct Inf. Number of hours in internal actions Number of hours in external actions Hours of training by professional category - AP 80 78 70 60 50 40 35 30 30 18 20 10 0 CD Directed. I have Sup. technician sup. technician Prof. Paratec. / Admin. Support Operator Prog. Prog. I have Sup. Internship General Adjunct Inf. Number of hours in internal actions Number of hours in external actions 27 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ CONCLUSION Finally, some reflections on the results developed throughout this work. In general, and despite the need to deepen these reflections with detailed readings, which can be carried out on the body of the work, it can be said that: • INPI's staff approved by Ordinance No. 835/99, of 23 August, amended by Ordinance No. 508/2002, of April 30, presents in 2007 in terms of staff, a decrease, observing a real occupancy rate of 68.8%, a figure that in 2006 it was 73.1%. E.P. - 2007 Reason for leaving employees Technician Assistant Support CD Executive Computing Paratechnical Technician Total Superior Administrative General Transfer 0 death 0 exoneration 0 Retirement 1 2 3 compulsory retirement 0 Dismissal/Termination/Denunciation 4 1 5 Expiration of the Contract 0 Conclusion Internships IEFP 2 2 mutual agreement 0 Others 1 1 2 4 Total 1 5 0 5 0 1 2 0 14 28 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ It continues to be observed that 42 of the posts foreseen in the table, are filled in, calculating the highest percentages high number of places to be filled in the Higher Technician category and Administrative assistant. • In terms of qualification distribution, and similarly to what has been happening in past years, we see the same trend for the centralization in the Bachelor's, Master's and/or Doctorate degree, which represents 54% of the universe of employees of this Institute. It is, therefore, clear that the INPI is determined to preserve and encourage the acquisition of a growing technicality, which allows you to exploit a competitive advantage, resulting from the crucial bet made in the its human capital. • In the context of absenteeism, we found that there was a significant decrease in absences, promoted by the EP Board, and, On the other hand, Quadro AP saw its indices of absenteeism due to Accident at Work extended (365 days) by of 1 employee, belonging to him. However, it is preponderant to present the reason for absence due to Disease, either by the AP Table or by the EP Table. With regard to the professional training policy, this Institute with the aim of outlining its Training Plan as as close as possible to the real needs of each Organic Unit 29 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ and mainly of each collaborator individually considered, as in the previous year, identified the employees who needed training and/or improvement in certain areas of activity through a diagnosis of needs carried out from the current performance assessment. It should be noted that the INPI invested in a global plan for the frequency of several external training actions, in a total of 71, continuing, in this way to enhance the professional development of the its human capital, with the purpose of developing professional of each one in particular and the increase of the level of technical skills of the INPI in general. Once again, it is with great satisfaction that we highlight the “ overcoming in 2007 the final objective of – ensure that not minimum 75% and training had a positive impact on performance improvement of the quality of the actions undertaken and ”. Finally, and as part of the daily management of the Department of Human Resources we also have the Competency Management Model, fundamental instrument for guidance not only with regard to internal mobility of workers but also as a unanimous means of language and organizational culture. 30 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ ANNEXES 31 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 1. ADMISSIONS EP 2007 TECHNICIAN PARATECHNICAL/ADMINISTRATIVE ADMISSIONS (during the year) CD Manager COMPUTING TOTAL GENERAL SUPPORT Technician Assistant Technician paratechnician Professional Technician Superior Administrative H1 0 M0 1 Appointment T1 1 H 0 individual employment contract M 4 T 4 H fixed-term employment contract M right T H 0 0 0 Personnel from another Organization M 1 1 2 requested at the INPI T 1 1 2 H M services rendered T H 4 4 M 6 6 Stages T 10 10 H 4 0 0 4 Total M 6 1 1 6 T 1 1 14 1 1 18 AP 2007 TECHNICIAN PARATECHNICAL/ADMINISTRATIVE ADMISSIONS (during the year) Executive COMPUTING TOTAL GENERAL SUPPORT Technician Assistant Technician paratechnician Professional Technician Superior Administrative H M Appointment T H individual employment contract M T H Fixed-term employment contract M T H Personnel from another Entity posted at M the INPI T H M services rendered T H M Stages T H Total M T 32 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 2. OUTPUTS EP 2007 Technician Paratechnical / Administrative Departures (During the Year) CD Executive Ass. Computing General Support Total technician Paratechnical Superior Administrative H1 1 0 3 Do INPIMore M0 4 1 2 1 0 2 9 T 1 5 3 1 2 12 AP 2007 Departures (During the Year) Senior Technical Manager Technician technician Administrative Professional Computing General Support Total H 0 M 0 Do INPIMore T 0 interns Departures (During the Year) IEFP interns H 1 Do INPIMore M 1 T 2 33 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 3. AGE LEVELS EP 2007 AP 2007 age structure Age structure (as of Men Women Total Men Women Total (on 31 December) December 31) Up to 18 years Up to 18 years 18 - 24 0 0 0 18 - 24 25 - 29 4 7 11 25 - 29 30 - 34 8 10 18 30 - 34 35 - 39 7 11 18 35 - 39 0 1 1 40 - 44 4 9 13 40 - 44 1 0 1 45 - 49 4 5 9 45 - 49 2 5 7 50 - 54 3 13 16 50 - 54 3 2 5 55 - 59 1 8 9 55 - 59 0 4 4 60 - 64 3 2 5 60 - 64 0 1 1 65 - 69 0 0 0 65 - 69 0 0 0 70 and over 70 and over Middle age level: 42 Middle age level: 51 INPI Age Average 46,5 EP 2007 Age Levels 6 5 and more 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 18 - 2 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Men Women 34 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Age Levels AP 2007 70 and over 65 - 69 60 - 64 55 - 59 50 - 54 45 - 49 40 - 44 35 - 39 30 - 34 25 - 29 18 - 2 4 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 Men Women 4. LEVELS OF SENIORITY EP 2007 AP 2007 Structure antiquities (as of December 31) Structure antiquities (as of December Men Women Total Men Women Total 31) Up to 5 years 1 0 1 Up to 5 years 0 5-9 10 19 29 5-9 0 10 - 14 2 5 7 10 - 14 1 1 2 15 - 19 3 6 9 15 - 19 0 3 3 20 - 24 3 2 5 20 - 24 4 0 4 25 - 29 2 3 5 25 - 29 0 6 6 30 - 36 4 15 19 30 - 36 1 3 4 over 36 years old 0 3 3 over 36 years old 0 0 0 Average seniority level: 18 Average seniority level: 24 35 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 5. QUALIFICATION LEVEL EP 2007 AP 2007 Qualification structure (as of Qualification structure (as of Men Women Total Men Women Total December 31) December 31) Less 4 years of schooling Less 4 years of schooling 4 years of schooling 0 3 3 4 years of schooling 0 2 2 6 years of schooling 1 2 3 6 years of schooling 0 3 3 9 years of schooling 6 12 18 9 years of schooling 1 2 3 10 years of schooling 0 0 0 10 years of schooling 1 1 11 years of schooling 0 2 2 11 years of schooling 1 1 2 12 years of schooling 6 5 11 12 years of schooling 2 2 4 Bachelor's/Medium Course 0 1 1 Bachelor's/Medium Course 1 1 Graduation 17 37 54 Graduation 2 1 3 Master's degree 3 3 6 Master's degree MBA 0 0 0 MBA Ph.D 1 0 1 Ph.D 6. PROGRESSIONS / PROMOTIONS E.P. - 2007 Technician Technician Admin progressions Executive Technician paratechnician Assistant Computing Total Superior professional Assistant H1 4 5 progressions M 71 1 5 1 15 T 81 1 9 1 20 H Reconversions / Reclassifications M T 36 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 7. HOURS EP 2007 TECHNICIAN PARATECHNICAL/ADMINISTRATIVE MODALITIES OF CD Manager GENERAL COMPUTER SUPPORT TRAINEE TOTAL SCHEDULES Technician Assistant Technician Technician paratechnician Superior Administrative Professional Rigid Schedule 1 1 Flexible schedule 18 2 3 20 1 1 4 10 59 Lagged Time 0 Continuous Journey 11 1 12 1 Shift work 1 Student worker 0 assistance to descendants 0 Part time 0 Exemption schedule 3 12 3 1 1 1 2 3 26 AP 2007 MODALITIES OF Technician IT Senior Technical Director Technician Administrative General Support TOTAL SCHEDULES Professional Rigid Schedule 0 Flexible schedule 1 8 5 1 15 Lagged Time 0 Continuous Journey 0 Shift work 1 2 3 Student worker 0 assistance to 0 descendants Part time 0 Exemption schedule 1 1 37 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 8. LEVELS OF ABSENTISM EP 2007 GRP PROF Assist Illness Worker Maternity / Illness Unpleasant on vacation account Others TOTAL / DAYS FAULT TYPE Familiar prolonged Student Paternity BOARD OF DIRECTORS 1 1 EXECUTIVE 16 14 30 SENIOR TECHNICIAN 92 88 7 57,5 703 3 950,5 PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN 9 24 15 TECHNICIAN 2 6 5 150 17 180 COMPUTING 2 2 8,5 1 13,5 PARATECHNICAL / ADMINISTRATIVE 3 280 52 1 65 33 434 GENERAL SUPPORT 23 3 26 TRAINEE 0 TOTAL 106 415 52 10 156 0 853 58 1650 AGE STRUCTURE Assist Worker Illness Illness Unpleasant on vacation account Maternity Others TOTAL / DAYS FAULT TYPE Familiar prolonged Student up to 30 7 7 31-35 32 27 9 36 454 4 562 36-40 33 24 16,5 399 1 473,5 41-45 26 12 11,5 1 50,5 46-50 13 38 13,5 2 66,5 51-55 2 188 39,5 49 278,5 56-60 96 52 17 1 166 +60 30 1 15 46 TOTALS 106 415 52 10 156 0 853 58 1650 AGE STRUCTURE READY/ SUPPORT CONS YOU CONDUCTORS TECHNICIAN PROFESSIONAL TECHNICIAN SUP TECHNICIAN COMPUTING INTERNS TOTAL / DAYS GRP PROF ADMIN GENERAL up to 30 3 22 7 31-35 3 150 7 15 383 4 562 36-40 1 5 464,5 3 473,5 41-45 1 3 42 4,5 50,5 46-50 16 6 2,5 42 66,5 51-55 1 24 213,5 16 24 278,5 56-60 166 166 +60 4 42 46 TOTALS 1 30 180 434 15 950,5 13,5 26 1650 Average Index of Absences per Worker 24 Absenteeism 9,4% 38 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ AP 2007 Career Assist. Illness and/or prolonged Worker Maternity / Unpleasant for vacation account Others TOTAL /DAYS Familiar Internment illness Student Paternity FAULT TYPE BOARD OF DIRECTORS 0 EXECUTIVE 0 SUPERIOR TECHNICIAN 24 2 11 2 39 PARAT / ADMIN 40 184 3 28,5 9 264,5 PROF. TECHNICIAN 20 288 54 2 38 16 418 COMPUTING 6 6 GENERAL SUPPORT 32 2 365 399 TOTAL 60 528 54 7 85,5 0 0 392 1126,5 AGE STRUCTURE Assist. Illness and/or prolonged Worker Maternity / Unpleasant for vacation account Others TOTAL /DAYS Familiar Internment illness Student Paternity FAULT TYPE up to 30 0 31-35 0 36-40 5 44 3 2 54 41-45 5 3 8 46-50 25 294 54 2 29,5 7 411,5 51-55 15 60 2 44 382 503 56-60 15 125 3 6 1 150 +60 0 TOTAL 60 528 54 7 85,5 0 0 392 1126,5 AGE STRUCTURE CONS DIR YOU TEC PARAT / ADMN TEC PROF TEC SUP INF GEN SUPPORT TOTAL /DAYS GRP PROF up to 30 0 31-35 0 36-40 54 54 41-45 8 8 46-50 61,5 317 33 411,5 51-55 66 27 39 6 365 503 56-60 137 12 1 150 +60 0 TOTAL 0 0 0 264,5 418 39 6 399 1126,5 39 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Absences by Age Structure - EP 2007 500 450 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 up to 30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 +60 CD DIRECTOR TECHNICIAN PREPARATION/ADM TECH PROF TECH HIGHER COMPUTING GENERAL SUPPORT Absences by Age Structure - AP 2007 400 350 300 250 200 150 100 50 0 up to 30 31-35 36-40 41-45 46-50 51-55 56-60 +60 CD Executive TECHNICIAN PREPARATION/ADM TEC PROF TEC SUP COMPUTER GENERAL SUPPORT 40 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ 9. SOCIAL ASSISTANCE ADSE - 2007 MONTH Amount to contribute Shared amount for sharing No. of contributions JANUARY 1.344,25 € 932,74 € 411,51 € 12 FEBRUARY 4.119,51 € 2.696,54 € 1.422,97 € 16 MARCH 1.556,78 € 953,22 € 603,56 € 9 APRIL 1.135,83 € 598,42 € 537,41 € 12 MAY 1.025,05 € 490,15 € 534,90 € 8 JUNE 1.005,00 € 497,78 € 507,22 € 7 JULY 2.552,03 € 1.130,03 € 1.422,00 € 16 AUGUST 1.255,66 € 656,67 € 598,99 € 10 SEPTEMBER 2.501,84 € 1.014,87 € 1.486,97 € 15 OCTOBER 1.442,76 € 621,08 € 821,68 € 12 NOVEMBER 2.546,50 € 1.532,71 € 1.013,79 € 14 DECEMBER 1.501,94 € 893,53 € 608,41 € 7 TOTALS 21.987,15€ 12.017,74€ 9.969,41€ 138 10. PERSONNEL EXPENSES euros Structure Base Remuneration - Staff 2.362.834,70 66% Base Remuneration - Governing Bodies 174.657,14 5% Base Remuneration - Other Personnel 104.595,46 3% Cost Allowances 67.159,23 2% Mandatory Social Charges 100.446,59 3% Charges with Remuneration 374.340,69 10% Others 421.324,14 12% Personal Total 3.605.357,95 33% TOTAL WASTE 10.785.166,13 € 100% 41 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2007 ____________________________________________________________________________________________________ SALARY RANGE 2007 Net Wage Range Higher net base pay 3.138,48 5,30 Lower net base pay 591,68 42