Regulation name: Measures for the Administration of Declaration of Air Pollutant Emissions from Fixed Pollution Sources in Public and Private Places Correction date: June 11, 108 Regulatory category: Administration > Environmental Protection Agency, Executive Yuan > Air Quality Protection Project Article 1 These Regulations are formulated in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 2 of Article 21 of the Air Pollution Control Act (hereinafter referred to as the Act). Article 2 Public and private sites should declare the amount of air pollutants discharged from fixed pollution sources. The types of air pollutants are as follows: 1. Granular pollutants. Second, sulfur oxides. Three, nitrogen oxides. Fourth, volatile organic compounds. 5. Toluene, xylene, benzene, ethylbenzene, styrene, dichloromethane, 1,1-dichloroethane, 1,2-dichloroethane, chloroform (chloroform), 1,1,1- Trichloroethane, carbon tetrachloride, trichloroethylene, tetrachloroethylene. 6. Other air pollutants designated by the central competent authority. Article 3 Public and private sites shall report to the municipal, county (city) competent authority the fixed pollution sources of the whole plant (field) quarterly before the end of January, April, July and October of each year in accordance with the format prescribed by the central competent authority and by means of network transmission. Air pollutant emissions in the previous quarter. The term “air pollutant discharge volume” as mentioned in the preceding paragraph refers to the air pollutants discharged by the normal operation of fixed pollution sources and the large amount of air pollutants discharged under the following circumstances: 1. Equipment failure due to poor design or improper operation. 2. Improper maintenance or human negligence. 3. Disasters not caused by the preceding two paragraphs, resulting in the discharge of a large amount of air pollutants or other circumstances, have been recognized by the municipal or county (city) competent authority. Article 4 The contents of air pollutant emissions that should be declared for fixed pollution sources in public and private places are as follows: 1. Types, components and emissions of air pollutants. 2. Calculation method of air pollutant emissions. 3. Description of parameters related to emissions: (1) The types and amounts of raw (material) materials and fuels, as well as the weight percentages of volatile organic compounds and the weight (volume) percentages of sulfur content. (2) The product type, production volume and the percentage by weight of the volatile organic compound content. (3) The amount of organic solvent used in the non-manufacturing process and the percentage by weight of its volatile organic compounds. (4) The amount of raw material (material) recovered, the amount of waste water, the amount of waste solvent, the amount of waste, and the weight percentage of volatile organic compounds in the above- mentioned quantities related to the discharge of volatile organic compounds. If the contents of the declaration in the preceding paragraph are lacking or not in compliance with the regulations, the municipal or county (city) competent authority shall notify the public and private venues to make corrections within a time limit. The number of days for corrections shall not be included in the review period, and the total number of days for corrections shall not exceed 60 days. Those who fail to submit their application materials shall be rejected and notified to re-apply. Article 5 For public and private establishments to declare fixed source air pollutant emissions, the order of calculation is as follows: 1. Monitoring data of continuous automatic monitoring facilities for air pollutants from fixed pollution sources that comply with the regulations of the central competent authority. 2. Test results based on the air pollutant testing methods announced by the central competent authority. 3. The self-factory coefficient of volatile organic compounds approved by the competent authority. 4. Air pollutant emission coefficients, control efficiency, and mass balance measurement methods announced by the central competent authority. 5. The trial calculation method of emissions provided by the central competent authority's manual on emissions calculation; or other emission coefficients or alternative calculation methods approved by the competent authority. 6. Relevant domestic and foreign technical papers and test data approved by the competent authority. Where public and private sites declare the volatile organic compound emissions from stationary pollution sources, the emissions shall be calculated according to the provisions of paragraphs 3 to 5 of the preceding paragraph. However, if the fixed pollution source adopts a closed gas gathering system to collect volatile organic compounds to the discharge pipeline, the relevant information shall be submitted to the municipal or county (city) competent authority for approval, and the emission amount may be calculated in the first or second paragraph of the preceding paragraph. The emission factor mentioned in Subparagraphs 4 and 5 of Paragraph 1 refers to the emission of air pollutants per unit of raw (material) quantity, fuel consumption, product output or other operating quantities approved by the competent authority. quantity. The self-factory coefficient referred to in Subparagraph 3 of Paragraph 1 refers to an alternative calculation method approved by the competent authority after an application is submitted by a fixed source of pollution based on the main points of operation for the establishment of the self-factory coefficient (including control efficiency) of fixed pollution source volatile organic compounds. For fixed pollution sources in public and private places that set up continuous automatic monitoring facilities in accordance with the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 22 of this Act, the emission of sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides shall be calculated in accordance with the provisions of Subparagraph 1 of Paragraph 1 of this Act; Article 2 Paragraph 2 of the regulations stipulates that those who conduct their own inspections or entrust inspection and measurement institutions to conduct inspections shall calculate the emissions of particulate pollutants, sulfur oxides and nitrogen oxides in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of Paragraph 1. The calculation of air pollutant emissions from fixed pollution sources in public and private places shall be calculated according to the calculation method of air pollutant emissions designated and announced by the central competent authority. Article 6 For fixed sources of pollution in public and private places that have not declared air pollutant emissions, the municipal or county (city) competent authority may directly calculate the air pollutants based on the amount of raw (material) materials used, the amount of fuel purchased, product output, historical testing data or other relevant data. pollutant emissions. Article 7 For public and private sites that choose to use the emission coefficient to calculate the volatile organic compound air pollutant emissions, the difference between the reported quarterly emissions and the inspection results of the municipal or county (city) competent authorities is more than two times. When it is more than 5 metric tons, the air pollutant emissions from the stationary pollution source shall be calculated by mass balance measurement starting from the second quarter after receiving the notification document from the municipal or county (city) competent authority. Article 8 When the air pollutant emissions reported by public and private sites fall under any of the following conditions, the municipal or county (city) competent authority shall give priority to reviewing the contents of the declaration: 1. The annual emission of any air pollutant declared by the same fixed pollution source is more than 10% higher than the annual permitted emission published in the operation permit. 2. The annual emission of any air pollutant declared by the same fixed pollution source is less than 50% lower than the annual permitted emission published in the operation permit. 3. The declared data on the types of air pollutants or fixed pollution sources do not match the data controlled by the competent authority. 4. The seasonal emission of any air pollutant from the same fixed pollution source differs by more than 20% from the emission in the same quarter of the previous year. 5. Other circumstances deemed suspicious by the competent authority. The annual emissions referred to in Subparagraphs 1 and 2 of the preceding paragraph refer to the total seasonal emissions of individual air pollutant types reported each year in April, July, October and the end of January of the following year. Article 9 The municipal and county (city) competent authorities may submit the following relevant materials within a time limit for public and private sites in order to carry out the inspection of air pollutant emissions: 1. Proof of purchase of raw (material) materials, fuel, volatile organic compound content by weight percentage, sulfur content by weight (volume) percentage, etc., as well as records of usage, product output, or other operating quantities recognized by the competent authority monthly report. 2. On-site operation record report of the control equipment, purchase certificate of consumables and consumption record report, waste online declaration and delivery form, or other relevant information on waste disposal. 3. Records, statements and certification documents related to the discharge of volatile organic compounds, such as the recovery of raw (material) materials, the amount of waste water, the amount of waste solvents, the amount of waste and product output, the weight percentage of volatile organic compounds in the above-mentioned quantities, and the certificate of entrusted treatment. 4. Monthly reports on monitoring records of continuous automatic monitoring facilities and related records of quality assurance and quality control. 5. A copy of the discharge pipeline inspection report and a compilation table. 6. Purchase, production, sales, inventory vouchers, accounting statements and other relevant information on production and sales operations or input and output. 7. In the case of subparagraphs 1 to 3 of Paragraph 3 of Article 3, relevant information for calculating air pollutant emissions. 8. Other documents related to the discharge of air pollutants designated by the municipal or county (city) competent authority. Article 10 The fixed pollution sources of public and private sites designated by the central competent authority to announce their quarterly emissions to be reported shall measure and record the relevant records and reports submitted in accordance with the preceding article on a daily basis. However, if the amount of volatile organic compounds is estimated by mass balance measurement, the items such as the amount of raw (material) recycling, waste water, waste solvent, waste and product output listed in Subparagraph 3 of the preceding article may be measured and recorded for each batch. quantity, measured and recorded at least quarterly. For fixed pollution sources in public and private places that cannot be measured and recorded in accordance with the provisions of the preceding paragraph, the recording items or frequency may be changed after reporting to the municipal or county (city) competent authority for approval. Article 11 The relevant formats prescribed in these Regulations shall be prescribed by the central competent authority. Article 12 The information on reported emissions in accordance with Article 4 and the information recorded in accordance with Article 10 shall be properly kept in public and private sites for six years for future reference. Article 13 If a public or private place falls under any of the following subparagraphs, it shall be handled in accordance with Paragraph 2, Paragraph 1, Article 62 of this Act: 1. Violating the provisions of Paragraph 1 of Article 3. 2. The declared emission amount of any air pollutant is less than 70% of the declared emission amount checked by the competent authority, and the declared annual emission amount of the air pollutant is more than 1 metric ton. 3. Failure to submit materials in accordance with Article 9. 4. Violating the provisions of Article 10 or the preceding article. Article 14 These Measures shall come into force on the date of promulgation.