FEDERAL NEGARIT GAZETA OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA flh?.Pk? & % & 4 t 4.qotl6-k?T LTflhh Pm?kfl-f.mhP.?.P h c & l =mll+5-1 fan) ‘"IcD.'?h CONTENTS ME +TC i j ~ g / ~ g % & 4.p Proclamation No. 29912002 fhssn. +sde qy-1~9 ................... IX g g y ~ Environmental Impact Assessment ..... ............... Page 195 1 Proclamation ................. h T E ' ~ T Cgf'iQ/lQf'irj PROCLAMATION NO. 29912002 Phhrln. .f.ddT " W ~ m l ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT hTE ASSESSMENT PROLAMATION WHEREAS, environmental impact assessment is used ~ h h q n .+.dbq q p q q r ~ ~ 9 . y4.n 1. f i . ~to ~predict~ and manage the evironmental effects which a kmLTr k.,5q mbP a ,+ nIe . X7XfL,,p proposed development activity as aresult of its design sitting, construction, operation, or an ongoing one as a result of its X";PhPk lobT fqPhh"A*3. modification or termination, entails and thus helps to bring I.B~P ' n m + ? n f i ~ hn+~:'c n m l m n m rpfinn?.7 ~ about intended development; ATF ~mlpn)+P ~ P T I I n w w WHEREAS, assessment of possible impacts on the m 7 q y p T fi5R flhticlk 45 A.?hh+Am f m l . T ~ ~ 7environment prior to the approval of a public instrument +66q ~ o u ~ ?C f + hmdP.4 n6,+ cqP?pipmgf.$pm. provides an effective means of harmonizing and integrating nqfiTn+ m++ h+,qkppi k b ' p q p p f q U , , ~ ~environmental, economic, cultural and social considerations mlt),ld.Q p,,II.P~3.C 1P~7 6\ml+7 ,,mlpq+ ~ n t oa decision making process in a manner that promotes sustainable development, flq?@T h?%TYZ.Fhl%+CS A 7 f L q fqPO?.A nmW'r-i WHEREAS, the impiementation of the envimnmenlal rights and objectives enshrined in the Constitution would be hET3.T Phh'ln. * I . ~ ~ C P T m+.7flbf ~ f@S+db XCP fostered by the prediction and management of likely adverse jcCPT:.) mo).fiK-Cml,hn&Qtlc h.bCq,PT m,+?.SpVw-7 environmental impacts, and the maximaization of their socio- mlsnc nm7 m . t q ~ lf.f.?.577.+7 . f h h r l n XV~S'I. ma-P. economic benefits. q-7C 44"9P7-7 fm+"lnC7 ZR+ PqPq71 fl@V+f WHEREAS, environmental impact assessment serves f h h q k +ddq q g - 7 1 h f i + , q ~ ( r ~ q~~5.tn . q9 4 ~ 5 + to bring about administrative transparency and accountablity, +.mp+53. AqRLqr n h m ~ 4 b hhqkm7 as well as to involve the public and, in particular, com- munities in the planning of and decision taking on develop- "qmAhl; fAml+ h+s-+ m.Qlr ments which may affect them and its environment; ~ 0 . 7 n+AeT 1 ?.?:'c m l m f l ~ f i ~ T ?hmlh+.~P S L ~ NOW, THEREFORE, in acconlance with A"cle 55(1) flmW5.i of the Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of flh.4-P.kP &%d-4'l! %Ph&h?T 6TflA.h A I Ethiopia, it is hereby proclaimed as follows: @ 3 . q ~h 7 + ? +i BB/&/ mwL+ fmLh+Am TmEAl: PART ONE hSA h7R 1. Short Title This Proclamation may be cited as the "Environmental g. h6PCCdh Impact Assessment Proclamtion No. 29912002." ev “fhhrln. - t . b q ~ p i q WE +TC gf?ij/ 1gf3g" +.-nn* hm+h 57-~AI: I% IBfSl &%&A '1261.?#nl4TC Ijj ?SC ?f@ 9'1Ifif!@ %P. Fede:ral Negarit Gazeta- No. 11 3"' December, 2002-Page 1952 g. + c 9 1 2. Dehitions nnu ~ T E In this Proclamation: 6. "rlAPh"l7" q A 1 . fhhrlk TO9 rlAPA"l7 1') "Authority" means the Environmental Protection 09A+ smi Authority; "hhrlil."W~?. n@L+: flhrlfl. hfC r nhfC 2) "Environment" means the totality of all materials XC nhfc 7.rtL.l.r nmYi flvP'P7r flRP83 fl'l'i9-3 whether in their natural state or modified or changed n n 1 ~ nqvn&$ ~r 7-M-7xc nhs mn+ 4fimn7r by human; their external spaces and the interactions f l + k ~ e h wbpTm ~ mfiP nnm hogh%+ which affect their quality or quanitity and the welfare +TltAm mfiP +A@mm ??-IT. >-I& n@&c of human or other lving beings, including but' not P&n+ Dpr 2\7&w9" mmCFot.7 mfiP wbp restricted to, land atmosphere, whetehr and climate, Cm7 mfigo E?go fnm. mfiP P ~ A - TAPT7 - n3 water, living things, sound, odor, taste, social fac- wb9-7 f q ' r h - + n + ~ n e + F T m RPC smr tors, and aesthetics; i;. " f h h r l t ebb'? ?9"7q7' q A . 7 . h7R TC'Eh+ 3) "Environmental Impact Assessment" means the meP m m r u p a w s n - t . q r l ~ -kv't ~ ~ q ~ h h + methodology of identifying and evaluating in ad- ~ m - 777n.e v'r ~ C L Xmm+ n;Pn.eP nfi+ vance any effect, be it positive or negative, which f0~m4.f~ f@@t~P n% smt results from the implementation of a proposed H. "+bb'P"7~+ n h h w meP n7o.47 hen-% 4 s project or public instrument; n q k m c A ~ Ph7p+ T q7Fm-9" nnm mC 4) "Impact" means any change to the environment or mfiP EV'IS+f.r Ilbb'P+r flX?h4+3 nhkC3 IlhfCf to its component that may affect human health or nmYi nhfc 7.rtL+r n + k r e h T m f i ~ nrlv4~ safety, flora, fauna, soil, air, water, climate, natural +chr flh4 44T +P hhA?mePflhm94C kpfi or cultural heritage, other physical structure, or in nhhnn.PTi n q ; h f l ~ T : nkb'POePT mfiP general, subsequenlty alter environmental, social, flrlrh4~78pPT tfi f q h A + +hp$ A ~ smi T economic or cultural conditions; 6 . L 6 ~ k nm. ~ . e~ P L Pn+" m+X~P.U.~PW- 5 ) "Licensing Agency" means any organ of govern- fk7Rh?.@7+: f7qR mfiP fPL k 9 R ment empowered by law to issue an ivestment permit A@hm+ mfiP ???R RcE+ Am@n7.rt nmq or a trade or operating license or a work permit or to PA"l7 f+hmm q 7 P m P f@7?P+ XhA $@I register a business orgnaization, as the case may be; X . cLnmw P+LTC nm. mfiP nmq enms?. 6) "Person" means any natural or juridical person; @.rt+ f+hm@ hhA > e r 7) "Pollutant" means any substance whether liquid, 3. "nhfi" TA+ k47ir m"lC mfiP zn fvsr solid or gas which directly or indirectly: n+TpP v>+T+P rlhvs @ 7 7 ~ r a) alters the quality of any part of the receiving U) JL ' kn+7 fhhrln h4A T&+ n@AmT environment so as to affect its beneficial use m+mbp f@hm+ h%@? fDeP3RAr mFP adversely, or A) nnm m s m f i ~ nhn-T. 4 ~ .7.54- b) produces toxic substances, diseases, objec- PTPECA mego A.PEC~ foeT.h mcn7rn tionable odour, radioactivity, noise, vibration, 7i9-73 hci+7r Q ; ~ L C ~ IPPb7.f 7nL+7r heat, or any other phenomenon that is hazardous @9+7 mfiP h 4 hhe3.7 f q P @ s a r or potentially hazardous to human health or to 49Pm-P $?C5mi other living things. g. 'cvreEh+m qii+ n t ~ u)\'PE @WL+ n q m q 8) "Project" mans any new development activity n@77P@P @@LPm h r fl+m+ll cdh f q h + + under any category listed in any directive issued q 7 F m h&h ~ ?A?+ h7;PhPil.i mfiP nsrlc pursuant to this Proclamation, major expansion or %E+ 4 s ~ ~ E L+AV " I mh4.44 m e p AmTr alteration or any existing undertaking, or any resum- m f i ?~ .?go +RCF P s n ~ PLY @h0 A@~IL)C ption of work that had been discontinued; fq.EL'7 h 7 h 9 h 'rmi 9) "Proponent" means any organ of government if in Q . "PTCE~+QAIL+~' o g ~ +~ e ~ hnl @ : 7?~+ the public sector or any person if in the private sector ?+mm$ hlP7 fm%@Ah+m ?@.)?F+ hhhr that initiates a project; mfiP ll?& HC4 f+mm'l kW7 rlAu.rt+ fvs@ 10) "Public instrument" means a policy, a strategy, a n m sm.: programme, a law or an international agreement; I. "@7?PPT wSR" ?' A -? 7h 1 ' 1 .i hA+% @C& 11) "Region" means any of those parts of Ethiopia ?4cr ;h9 mfiP f4AP h 9 4 bees+ smr specified as ~ e g i o n sunder Article 47(1) of the 26. "hAh" mlA+ nk+P.kP &%L4T &PhLkPT Constitution of the Federal Democratic Republic of 6T.rtA.h A7 @??P+ h7+R ,fix/&/ f+@Ah*+ Ethiopia and, for the purpose of this Proclamation, Ph16.1: 7A.I. h V 7 f AH.0 h'PE hk98P includes the Addis Ababa and Dire Dawa Adminis- rh&n hnrl xc PPLST ~~+sRc~?P trations;. fiQ;hPLhf 12) "Regional Environmental Agency" means any -- "PhAA f h h r l t @ / & + " q ~ +Ahhrlfl.9 ~ + ~ r e regional government organ entrusted by that 7s- U*+ r n 9 mfiP + T T ~ nhA& fr46.t.I. f+Amm Region with a responsibility for the protection or og7Fm~ fhhh f @ 7 q ~ + h h h )m:: regulation of the environment and natural resour- ces. zedera1 Negarit Gazeta $ -No. 11 3" December, 2002-Page1953 ~ C U-A+ A PART TWO i;. m9.44 &??%PT 3. General Provisions 6. ml7P n m nnv h'PE h 7 + ~g nmn, @@LP 1) Without authorization from the Authority or from @wL+ Phhrln +BdT qP7ml fqPh&A?rP7 the relevant regional environmental agency, no ml7';e@7P TCxh1.i hllA/"Aq% W f i P h4@A person shall commence implementation of any h+m P ~ A ~ @PLY m+ PU-'~P Ah h r l n 4974 project that requires environmental impact assess- +"1rl6-P AmlRL"1 hfik+RA+P~' ment as determined in a directive issued pursuant to g. PKU h7+R 70-h h7+R /&/ h7p.+mn+ VPr Article 5 of this Proclamation. r l i i ~ ~ nm l be e P W - A ~ + ~ P ~ A A ~hhcln 2) Without prejudice to Sub Article (1) of this Article, @/"LP m+ Phhflll. q P 7 9 hmLPh&A?m when the Authority or the relevant regional environ- ml7PmP ~ e x h +Pqh.1.Am.7 +Bde )LP?+ mental agency believes that the possible impacts of 5m +A- h?@+ r r e E h Q 7 r l ~ m +~ h h r l +BM n the project are insignificant, it may decide not to "1P704 X7%?h'L& 4Ph7Rp.m fiT4A:r require the concerned proponetn to conduct an c. m l 7 ~ m - ek9n nm. @PLY m+ Pk'tiin+ environmental impact assessment. @7+r P7qR mfiP PP& &PR hmPm1: nL4. 3) Any licensing agency shall, prior to issuing an hrlA/"Aq% mF.9- h?@Ah+m PhAA Phhcln investment permit or a trade or an operating license m+ TeEh.1: ~ t - q r l ~li7%v7 '~! fiu-7~ for any project, ensure that the Authority or the flAmrk't qL97T hAfl1.11 relevant regional environmental agency has ij. ehhsn +edP TT+ ~ 7 r l++rls5+ q q T 1 : ~ authorized its implementation. hrlAYAnl2 mfiP h"Z@Ah+m PhAA Phhrlk 4) Approval of an environmental impact study report or @/"L? (L+ fiw7P @Am* PTCEh1:7 rlAlb?. the granting of authorization by the authority or the 7-81. fl49RLh h q h + A 94d.51. 58 hpRC?@9"~1 relevant regional environmental agency does not 6. PtlV h?+%- 70.h h?+%' (H) R7?% h7R+mfl+ exonerate the proponent from liability for damage. vef h+m.P45+ 58 @ v 7 PqFAm 1.41: 5) Without prejudice to Sub Article (4) of this Article, f l + 3 @ ~ -n&& mfiP p.qr f~exh.1:rlAm1. exemption from liability shall be granted only when 94L51. IlibAn?. nY'h+? W77 @RL& hL.777 it is verified that it is the victim himself or a third 4l$>m:I party for whom the proponent is not responsible that has caused the damage. I 4. Considerations to Determine Zmvact F46-CpfhflVL@fhhAA +lC?LSlrf h h l l r i +Bd 1) The impact of a project shall be assessed on the basis PPT mfiP hh++T PC h q ~ +SmlL'r+r ~ m of the size, location, nature, cumulative effect with h4fiPmr mP. 5flLfl.7. Wk.+ A@@Ah h@F& other concurrent impacts or phenomena, trans- (DPPhA@F&f h7p.n~-P hib4 l-YmlE 7KPPT regional effect, duration, reversibility or irrever- hAP @ 7 P 7 P hAfl3.11 sibility or other related effects of the project. g. m 9 4 C *'A, mm+?- hh1.f ??C "17 m 9 q 3% 2) The Authority or the relevant regional environmen- WM1F fly: hmL,P@?I7 1DP.P @ 4 h t hA@.ilhm tal agency shall err on the side of caution while hml.fmti"l4l h7R TCEh1. hh+A f 4 T h 7 determining the negative impact of a project having h&PP +Bde hmh7 rlA/"An,b mfiP P 4 h both beneficial and detrimental effects, but which, fhhrln @PLP m+ mp. r 7 9 + - f . ~ mP ~ A A on balance,is only slightly or arguably beneficial, hCY"g fl"7tl7flA TCjh1: +AV h&PP +BdT and thus determine that it is likely to entail a negative hPhh.f.h s T 4 h nqA+ @mn7 hAn1.ll significant impact. 6. f h s r l n ,t.bde . 7 ~ 7 mhl ~ q ? h k ~ ~~czh+T V m 5. Projects Requiring Environmental Impact Assessment 6. ntlv hvE @WL+ n q m q n m l ' t ? m ~@@L? m h r fl.f.m+fi cdh n"Lh.1.1. nml7PmY" 1) Every project which falls in any category listed in any directive issued pursuant to this Proclamation TCxh1. U-& f h h q n +BdP "1P7V @h%& shall be subject to environmental impact assessment. hAn+~l 2) Any directive provided under Sub Article 1 of this g. nlLV h7+K 70-h h79K (E) f+m+fim @@LP# Article shall, among other things, determine , U) h&PP +86P .fhh+& SVTA +4lA@ hAml %+fill- Phhrlk +BdT "1P7ml fmlph&A? categoris of: Fm7 T ~ E ~ +hT C* (a) projects not likely to have negative impacts, and so do not require environmental impact assess- A) h&PP +BdT Phh1.k SIPFA +llAcP h A q Pnll- fhhrln +BdT qP?ml PmLPhkA? ment; Vm7 T~Xh+7-.r.t (b) Projects likely to have negative impacts and AS+ 49nAh.l. hAfl1.l~ thus require environmental impact assessment. g. hAA Phhrlll. +BdT "1P7q 6. Trans-Regional Impact Assessment 6. h 7 ?~~ c E h +rl~k.3. ~ A A +~?Ls + B ~ P 1) A proponent shall carry out the environmental hyhh1.h P ~ T~ Ae ~ fhhrlk h + +&be "19-749 impact assessment of a project that is likely to h?h'LP* 7-41. fiRChrlFm fiVCA produce a trans-regional impact in consuitation with f47m.p nf1.Fme ~ A fat?-$ A ml;hn~n~T7 the communities likely to be affected in any region. ml44-4hAfl1.r 7% IBHBH &&A 5263.?tlq +TC p&?4C 8s +IBXflC l 4.r. FederalNegarit Gazeta-No. 11 3"December, 2002-Page 1954 2) The regional environmental agency in the region where a project with likely trans-regional impact is being initiated shall ensure the submission of the environmental impact study report of the project to C. rlhf"hn)'t.h h h +736 Phhrlll. CbbP h?hh?.A the Authority. P ~ T ~Ae j ! h + ~ h h m+ B ~ P?TT+ ~747 3) The Authority shall, prior to embarking on the @@C@C h@E@Gt.. fl& ?.S-? S ~ ~ h r l q m evaluation of an environmental impact study report FVFA Pqrl&+ flPTrnAh+m- hAA ?9?53. of a project with likely trans-regional impact, ensure mlmn~noThh+~?3-+.t.mb+ ?+h++ @v%7 that the communities likely to be affected in each mlLZ7T hhn+:: region have been consulted and their views incor- porated. hcA Yh+ PART THREE g. ?rej!h+ rlnn-?.)%+PT . Duties of a Proponent 4. h7n ?Tefh+ clA(b+ ?rej!h*7 fhQrln. 1) A proponent shall undertake an environmental im- +&be 99909 hhzf-I PTCXhQ7 hh3.T +bd ePT fl.bnq? AM$ +bbe~%?f ~ h + 6 ? pact assessment, identify the likely adverse impacts mee ~@e$..zp na7 nrq.1: m m hh++ OAP of his project, incorporated the means of their An)% @$PPl.ahh+W fhAA fhh(\n. ~DPLP prevention or containment, and submit to the m?. +?nt+Fm-7 hmAsrlFw wtf-T zc Authority or the relevant regional environmental fkhrln +BbT OTS+ H7rlcP7 A4APAn)%@$P agency the environmental impact study report AT.@Ah+@PhAA Phhrlll. @P6? q*~dl together with the documents determined as neces- hAn+:: sary by the Authority or the relevant regional g. flTCEh-f:4 5 fhhrlk +BdT 190709 ?0Eh1'%! @4 environmental agency. ~ h h r l k+&be PTC+ n7rlP PO%HZK~- OAP 2) A proponent shall ensure that the environmental A")% nmLpmn)cP 0 9 7 7 1 @@L? ~~ ?+HLHC. impact of his project is conducted and the environ- @hkc+T't f l q ~ ~ ~n ~ P P T? ~ e - A ~ -W%? mental impact study report prepared by experts that Eh+ t.9hlk.t: OPL27T h h n h meet the requirements specified under any directive c. Phhrlk +&bT.)P747 AOPhL ' RC fhhrlk +bbT issued by the Authority. ?TT+ H7rl7 A"9H?j!+ ?Oe?h&A7*7 4Te 3) The cost of undertaking an environmental impact ~ h . 1rlnn+ ; @XL?hnn+:: assessment and preparing an environmental impact g. h7n frep3+ On&+ rej!h*7 rl+7flc study report shall be borne by the proponent. fl+Am@ On @hT P+HLHG ~ R P P T ? 4) When implementing his project, a proponent shall mP4P4.FhAfl+:r fulfil1 the terms and condition of authorization. I. Environmental Impact Study Report 1) An environmental impact study report shall contain sufficient information to enable the Authority or the relevantregional environmental agency to determine whether and under what conditions the project shall proceed. 2) An environmental impact study report shall contain, as a minimum, a description of: (a) the nature of the project, including the tech- nology and processes to be used; (b) the content and amount of pollutant that will be released during impelemtation as well as during operation; (C) source and amount of energy required for operatioin; (d) information on likely trans-regional impacts; (e) characteristics and duration of all the estimated direct or indirect, positive or negative impacts. (f) measures proposed to eliminate, minimize, or mitigate negative impacts; (h) contingency plan in case of accident; and (i) procedures of self auditing and monitoring during implementation and operation. 3) The Authority shall issue guidelines that determine the elements necessary to prepare as well as evaluate an environmental impact study report. lR PBfYB b%Ch 5263. ZtLrrl4TC 16 ?4C 8%4'7 IfifJlC 4.9"- leral Negant Gazeta -No. 1 1 Y"December, 2002-Page 1955 B P. PhhrlR +BbT TT+ H?rlPC@& Review of Environmental Impact Study Report 6- PC@&h74h'LB11+ ArlA~hq'f. m?@h'?,mh 1) An environmental impact study report that is submit- h+@ P ~ A A~hhrln.~ P L Pn+ n.esc.11 ted to the Authority or the relevant regional environ- ~hhrlfl. PTF+ nlrla 9 7 e fl'?,Th mental agency for review shall include a brief 27% nh%c P+s9je: P T F * ~ m7As%PPnF statement summarizing the study in non-technical h7RtL~+'PTC+ @LgmOR43.7F +hhA';'"A7 terms as well as indicating the completeness and PT.P@4h+8hT=Cm7A- @??IhAn+lf accuracy of the information given in the study report. g. (lrl~hnl'f. meP Poe@Ah+m f h h ~ PhhrlR 2) The Authority or the relevant regional environmen- @PLY a?- P P & +F+ mhTa PP;hW4l tal agency shall, after evaluating an environmental hh+PP+7F Prl~mfPThh.t.4fi.117fllmYH7 impact study report by taking into account any Phhrlfl. +BbT TF*? H19 h@L@LflA41 public comments and expert opinions, within 15 U) 3 x +BdT P9Phh+A mV'f.7hoot PA9"7e working days: +nm *%P~reEh*7e+nhht &?.?+I (a) approve the project without conditions and 11CP P.NP1.cD.7 fifinlh* issue authorization if it is convinced that the A) 3~ +bbePa7 hmlh9d.F mee fin* U-23. project will not cause negative impacts; AmRRe P Z F A mV'f.7 h a t A9h+L+ (b) approve the project and issue authorization with mSP m?. A e t h PmLPhkA conditions that must be fulfilled in order to 1-4.7 +P@ *%$-PT ~ c n ch?.%~n. eliminate or reduce adverse limpacts or reduce 119H71 Texhli h?%+?flC &V-79fifinlha adverse impacts to insignificance if it is convin- mbP ced that the negative impacts can be effectively m) ~c2h.l: +?Q&$ fl2vlfl.l. zn countered, or flhhrlfl. 4b PmLh+A@7h&#"ll +BdT (c) refuse implementation of the project if it is flhT?fl. *%PAnml+L+ h7RmlbSA convinced that the negative impact cannot be hoot +qfl&m7 fihAh4As stasifactoriey avoided 1. POR+ ~hhrlfl. + B ~ TTF+ QHI e7+ fq+bfl+ 2n 0. Validity of Approved Environmental Impact Study E. h7%+ .111C Su-79 P+fimm PTeEh+ Phhrlk Report +BdT PTC+ Hlrl* C%@FIN.+ &fir h4e 1) The Authorization of an environmental impact study P-f.@Ah*f.a)-7PIN ?R4+h+& hA+l'lnC. C+ report shall expire if the project has not been clet* S+&Ar: implemented according to the time frame set during g. PKU h 7 + ~ 7o.n h?+%(5) n72a h+?rlnc its authorization. Wfl. hAmrP'f.7 A.?hLS PqkAq PTeje:h+ 2) Any proponent who wishes to challenge the ap- rl4fi.l. h7Rh'?rl&ArlAFAnl'f. A W A propriateness of the provision of Sub Article (1) of h+@ Phhh fhhrlfl. @PLY fi+ 4@hh+ this Article, to his project, may submit an application eT4A:l to that effect to the Authority or the relevant regional AG @%P h4h?RP.mflh++Cf rlAPAn)'f.mbP environmental agency, as may be appropriate. f"¶.@Ah+o). Phhh Phh4R @PLY fi+ IItLU 3) Within 30 days from the receipt of an application h?+%-?eh h?+%-(H) EWL+ mlmhhFm7 pursuant to Sub Article (2) of this Article, the h,f.+LlAfl+ dA+ ZPC nnsv +F+ mhT PH?rl* Authority or the relevant regional environmental ,I~+Q~P+ e7.e 92651.113.zn h'f.%&~P* meP ageqcy shal1,unless special circumstance so dictate, fhhrlfl. +hbT qP10"lm h?.cth(\hm e e ~wI.).; decide whether to extend the validity of the report or XSahZR* hAfl?.lr to order the revision or the redoing of the environ- hSA h&+ mental impact assessment, PART FOUR 16. f h m er$-rnhfi+ l 1. Occurrence of Ne W Circumstance Phhrlk +BB$' P1'C+t1?4 h+Lfl flA4 hrlP A7PPP $'A@ +RP hh Ph+mt hm5P khfi-? rlAPAn)> If an unforeseen fact of serious implication is realized @$PP4@Ah+mPhhh PhhrlR @/"LP fi+X7R after the submission of an environmental impact study Ppm7 A9m7 h74pA Phhrlfl. +Bd4 qPl9@ report, the Authority or the relevant regional environ- h'tRhhk425la X94.hAh mSP XtR ' IR ' 1S h74h'LR mental agency may, as may be appropriate, order the 9 H ? l eTr\au environmental impact assessment to be revised or to be redone in order to address the implication. 1g. f+7fl& h++A 12. Implementation Monitoring 6. Preghl: rllnmw reghli7 nm+snc 4~ P~IT~ Arejgm M n &P ?*%. n+fimn+ 1) The Authority or the relevant regional environmen- (D++ fl?rl@ .+A AF fl+nlAfl+ 7R.P * h tal agency shall monitor the implementation of an ~ W L +oov'f.7~ a o ? ~ r ? l ~e ~ mee ~ n l ~ . authorized project in order to evaluate compliance m~h+m P ~ A ~hhrln A ~ F L Ph+ flTCEh.1 with all commitments made by, and obligations h+?rlflc4s h++A 9EL-l hAfl+rr imposed on the proponent during authorization. 7%- POfBP &%CA C 14c g@ %>L+ >tin) ~ T 16 97 IOfllE4.P. Federal Negarit Gazeta- No. 11 3d December, 2002-Page r956 d I 2) When the proponent fails to implement the authorized project in compliance with the comrnit- ments he entered into or obligations imposed upon him, the Authority or the relevant regional environ- mental agency may order him to undertake specified rectification measure. 3) Any other authorizing or licensing agency shall, in tandem with the Authority's or the relevant regional environmental agency's decision to suspend or cancel any authorization to implement a project, suspend or cancel the license it may have issued in -- f@77P+ TP- fhhrlll. +Bde 7P99 W‘I~ ~ favor of the project. 13. En vironmentallmpactAssessment ofpublic Instrument 6. flKU h79R '104.1 h79R (@) @WL+ nm.) 1) A public instrument included in any category in any fl97PQW" @@L9 nq7AYi @X4 directive issued pursuant to Sub Article (2) herein, f q h + + 17Fm9- 4@7"lP?i wSR h@dP..l! shall, prior to approval, be subject to environmental fill+ ~ h m 79-79 ~ )iwihxx-n+ PXLS impact assessment. hAn+:: 2) The Authority shall issue guidelines to determine g. flrl~L,??m F A hrlA f9fiTh hhrlILYC +B159 the category as of public instruments which are 9Ah-f.k fiVCA +4Am ???@ :l f@'17P'?. likely to enail significant environmental impact w5P.T @X47 A@Af+C fhhrlll. +BdT "19-19 and the procedure of their impact assessment. X74,h'lPrlFm A9PL7 ???h% @@LPrlA P 3) Any organ or government which initiates a public An)%I m q + hAn+:r instrument falling into any category which requires p flnu h?+% T e n ~ 7 9 % (g) nmn) nml7Tm.p m@Lf @wL+ PhhrlIL +BdT 7 P 7 9 flmLPhL environmental impact assessment as determined in A?@ @X4 ??h++7 97PmP' f@77t"+ any directive issued pursuant to Sub Article (2) of ~ 5 c t2' p o ~ n ?P~O O ~ ~ P + horn nw'ra hp, this Article shall ensure that it has been subjected to ~hhrln. + ~ d e 7999 f + h w n + ours7 environmental impact assessment. qL?7T hllfl?':: 4) Any government organ shall collaborate with the g. q7P@P' ?@7"1~?. hhA f??tl?jfm Authority to enable the evaluation of likely en- 9C.Fm-4" f@7"1P+ w 5 2 A.hPhh?.Ac~ P9.T vironmental impacts of any public instrument Am +Bbe X'S%?.loo?F'A9hFA h9APA"lS. ?C prepared by it. m+rlnc hAn?-1: 14. Jurisdiction ]g. ?9415+ hSSA 1) The Authority shall be responsible for the 5. aPn f@hml:? f@+qnC- coSP fh+?(lnC evaluation of an environmental impact study report +TT+ ac'li e s ~ D hDP ~IP+h t l h~ v m~f i p and the monitoring of its implementation when the TCxhl: h A A fhhrlll. +BdP fhh+h firCA +4& fmLPfi4 hWSf fhhflll. +Bd? project is subject to licensing, execution or PTC+ Hlrlm7 f@@C@Cf TCxhl: X74,+7flC supervision by a federal agency or when it is likely fiw'tP f@hm3-C h++A fmlh'l2 24LS?i f4A to produce trans-regional impact. P A W S@:: 2) The regional environmental agency in each region g. 4.92 f@hml:i f@+qilC- fh+lrlfiC shall be responsible for the evaluation and ~ T T C nclf P ~ A A@ 7 q ~ +h h ~ hvw authorization or any environmental impact study TCxh.1: ~ A A + l f ? ~f h h r l n + ~ d eP ~ + A report and the monitoring of its implementation if SVCA +4A- f9fi9fi4 hVSf fhhrlll. +BdP the project is not subject to licensing, execution and fTC+ tl?rl@'1f@@C@Cr TCEh* X09741'7llC supervision by a federal agency and if it is unlikely Sib3.3. f@hm+C h+IrlnC7 pbDhP+A 34&'1% to produce trans-regional impact. P ~ A A~h+cln. - @PLY a+ m - $ 1 PART FIVE hCA hPh+ 15. Public participation X& hAA7l.n +4+c 1) The Athority or the relevant regional environemn- h. ~ ~ A P ' A ~ )mS9- ' P fo2flAh.t.m f h A A fhhrln tal agency shall make any environmental impact @PLY m+ ? 7 ~ w ' t 9 - m~rln.+&be PTC+ study report accessible to the public and solicit n7rl nmna ss. n.snLq nn7rlm 4 s A ~ + Y P + comments on it. @m~+ hnn+:1 2) The Authority or the relevant regional environmen- ~ A P A ~ ) me9- % ~ o e n ~ h . t . mP ~ A AP~~IIIL tal agency shall ensure that the comments made by @PLY Ib+ Ohm94P. f;hn.nr fl+h&4" X q 4 ~ the public and in particular by the communities PTCKh* h+7rlflC 7.83.Phh+ArlTm firPCA likely to be affected by the implementation of a +BAm f a e 7 - k 9 l n L A f l 7 hhWf+r flhhfll. project are incorporated into the environmental +&be TT* W-or @h+wr X 7 a n e p impact study report as well as in its evaluation. 90Co~d.m fl?h'L~fl+ m++ @rn%?r 9 ~ 9 7 ~ hAnl.1: 7% '@f91 &%&A '/?l+ ?Knl *TC 16 7% 81 IP7 EfiflE 4.P. 7ederal Negarit Gazeta - No. l l 3" December, 2002-Page 1957 C :g. nnqn~9-p 16. Incentive 6. rlAPArr)b WfiP P"L@Ah+m PhAA PhhrlK 1) The Authority or the relevant regional environmen- @PLY m? ?+3A hhrlfl.7 @A0 X74$?"111" tal agency shall, within the capacity available to it, nqnnLq e+nrE rexh+ h+-1rlnc7 h + o ~rime . support implementation of a project destined to k+%w~ W L +t.7n hhfl+:: rehabilitate a degraded environment. g. PKU h?+% 7041 h?+% (6) h7%+mfl+ VPr 2) Without prejudice to Sub Article (1) of this Article f+34 hhrln.7 h74P7qe ~ ~ " l nw ~ e eq the Authority may, to the extent that its capacity flhA+7 h'Th+~+ a?P ?+flhh? hml%4+ allows, provide any environmental rehabilitation or A+HrE TCEh.1- rlAPA"1b Ilk+% @m7 pollution prevention or clean up project with finan- +68.PP6 fflaPT7 h@?FL.T' P17HvflC P$hZh cial and technical support to cover additional costs. ~96% qnL.1 f i Y r l ~ l l 17. Grievance Procedures 1%. P+&+ h+&Lfl PCL)+ 1) Any person dissatisfied with the authorization or 6. AreEh.7. +sfl& fl+fim fiw7+ m e e f l h + + ~ f monitoring or any decision of the Authority or the mfie TejZh+7 f l m ~ m ~ hh+ r l ~ ~ h wfie m relevant regional environmental agency regarding h h h h fhhrln. 0 ~ 6 sm+ n+nm flml7Fct.e the project may submit a grievance notice to the 4i. mulr hp. +c 1 " 1 7 ~ mn em + ~ + m ' t head of the Authority or the relevant regional X75qrlll. h r l h ~ ~ " 1 mfiP b hmL@Ahl.m Phhh environmental agency, as may be appropriate. rhhrln ~ P L Pn+946. q ; P ~ fbl T r l ~ ~ l 2) The decision of the head of the Authority or relevant 8. flKU h?+% 70-h h?+% (6) fl+X'vi?m @w~.f.r regional environmental agency shall, as provided PflAPA"1Z mp.9" P5PAhl.m PhhrlR mP6.f' under Sub Article (1) above, be issued within 30 m+ PYL- 3 ~ 9 - mn ~ ~ n nnrlul m .PC+ days following the receipt of the grievance. @AT mull: @hm+ hAfl+:: hGA hPA+ PART SIX AA 'F&+$ 18. Offences and Penalties 6. Pm7EhP @+C? m? n 7 . n ~ Th7R+mfl4 vei 1) Without prejudice to the provisions of the Penal P.V?~ ' P Emfip M hqcl4 ynct.'t ms m f i ~ Code, any person who violates the provision of this m m p P W ~ ~ A G ~ 7 ~ c t .nct. e T$+ ,~.RQD Proclamation or of any other relevant law or direc- hAC +4+b"1Afl9-As: tive commits an offence and shall be liable accordin- I. 17rare P T C ~ + onm+ ~htlrln. +m gly. "19-79 h74h'LRfl-I. P+%'I77fl+7 q 7 P m e 2) Any person who, without obtaining authorization ~ e f f h 3 . fhclAPA4Z .1 mfiP h-@hh+ct. PhAA from the Authority or the relevant regional environ- f h h f l n @/"LP m+ fiU=?s s.f'725 +'IrlL.'fl?%L7 mental agency, or makes false presentations in an X ~ % VmSb r nhhrln +&be ?TT+ ~ 7 c l m @AT environmental impact assessment study report com- un+F @TA% PQLfl h7P.VS ~ 4 . 3 .k%TAC mits an offence and shall be liable to a in of not less h Y P i K GC flqf7hF hh7P m+ K GC than fifty thousand bin and not more than one flO9fiflA~f77Hfl @.PP b+n)h:t hundred thousand Birr. i;. ml7PorP Am flltu h T E @WL+ k9n ILnmm 3) Any person commits an offence if he fails to keep P.t.nllnfl.l.7 qR9- hA+cun)l mfie +k47.71~71 records or to fulfil1 conditions of authorization flmW'l4 4PACC h+L ~ 4 . 3 .k~QDhAC issued pursuant to this Proclamation and shall be hhAC K flC fl'Tf7hC hYP K GC flo4fiflAT liable to a fine of not less than ten thousand Birr and 6 P77H.ll @+P fi+qArr nbt more than twenty thousand Birr. 5. f l h q ?hm5+ @G+ f+fima* RCz+ ~ 6 . t ' 4) When a juridical person commits an offence, in &&%P PCE* h78.hGAm h+&LXfl3. m + P addition to whatever penalty it may be meted with, f l + a 9 6 ?m97 @hnc A%z?r @&%F f q 7 the manager who failed to exercise all due diligence rlct.7 +'7rlC fl+$P.t'A+fflnl flmVb PPc%@6ct. shall be liabk to a fine of not less than five thousand hhPh+ X. flc flmlP7hC h h ~ i tc4 C flqfiflAr Birr and not more than ten thousand Bin. 977H.n @+P fi+qA~~ 5 ) The court before which a persoi is prosecuted for an 6. fiu? hlpa m b e f l ~ c fmLm"lm7 . ml?Tme offence under this Proclamation or regulations or R74 mbP @@LPflmqh ~4.+P't* P+L,77m directives emanating from it, may, in addition to any n3.7 nmr hmLmn7fl+ h047Pme +"I+ penalty it may impose, order the convicted person to fl+a'T4 PXLnct.7 7-44. flop.& f l L k w a restore or in any other way compensate for the X7%fn+hhA ms9" h7rt.l.h CCPkIb m l ~ n damage inflicted. fiTrl~l: 7% EQ19Z h%aA>?L% ?nnl *TC 16 9% $P +'I naaa 9.P. Federal Negarit Gazeta -No. 11 3"' December, 2002-Page 1958 I PART SEVEN Miscellaneous Provisions 19. POwer to Issue regulations The Council of Ministers may issue Regulations neces- sary for the effective implementation of this Proclamation. 20. POwer to Issue Directives The Authority may issue directives necessary for the effective implementation of this Proclamation. 21. Duty to Cooperate 86. f@+rlflC 9R.P Any person shall have the duty to cooperate in the (I@f@+rlflC 7R.P AKU h'PE h+lrlflC ml'tPc~9- implemlentation of this Proclamation. hhnh 22. ~ n a ~ ~ ble l i cLaws a Any law or practice inconsistent with this Proclamation is inapplicable regarding matters provided herein. 23. Effective Date This Proclamation shall come into force as of the 3* day of December, 2002. eu h a E hlsc %G.P7I e bvc~:: ~ E ~ 9 - feq B ~ 4.9- Done at Addis Ababa, this 3* day of December, 2002. GIRMA WIGIORGIS PRESIDENT OF THE FEDERAL DEMOCRATIC REPUBLIC OF ETHIOPIA