Machine Translated by Google 1780 Diário da República, 1st series — No. 47 — March 7, 2014 • Raise awareness among civil society and policy are aimed at guaranteeing and promoting equality of makers on the importance of cooperation, demonstrating opportunities and results between women and men in the benefits and added value of this investment. the labor market, in particular with a view to eliminating salary differences, promoting the reconciliation between As a result of the evolution and dynamics registered professional life and personal and family life, encouraging at the national and international level, the Strategic the deepening of corporate social responsibility, the Concept must be seen as an open and dynamic elimination of labor market segregation and other document, allowing the necessary renewal of thinking, differences that still exist. adaptation and alignment of our cooperation to the Most of the measures provided for in the revision of the MDGs and financing for development, aforementioned resolution have already been since these two agendas will constitute a fundamental implemented or are in the process of being implemented. reference for our future performance. In this regard, the Commission for Equality in Work and In this context, it will be the responsibility of Camões, Employment carried out a national campaign with a view IP, to present an annual report with the characterization to raising awareness among employers and workers on of the state of implementation of the Strategic Concept the issues of reconciling professional, personal and to the authority, also defining the performance of an extended mid-term evaluation after 2015. Both documents family life, within the scope of from which a leaflet was will be carried out in participatory manner, based on the launched that aims to encourage the use by companies, defined coordination instruments, and the main results as specific instruments to support conciliation, of the and guidelines will be made available on the Camões, IP mechanisms already existing in the law regarding flexible website hours, part-time work and time banks, in compliance with paragraph d) of paragraph 1 of the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. 13/2013, of 8 March. This Resolution of the Council of Ministers No. 18/2014 information has been distributed to companies and local Following the guidelines of the Program of the XIX authorities and to the general public, namely in training Constitutional Government, in which it is assumed that courses, universities and maternity hospitals. gender equality is an essential condition for sustainable On the other hand, the technical support document for growth and for the promotion of employment and the preparation of collective bargaining regulation solidarity, the Great Options of the Plan for 2014 refer to instruments referred to in paragraph 1(b) of the the intention to the partnership with the areas of economy aforementioned resolution has already been completed, and employment should be continued, with a view to which will be presented in due course to social tackling problems that particularly affect women in the consultation. With this measure, it is intended to adopt a labor market, such as wage inequality in relation to men, technical support document for the preparation of the higher incidence of unemployment and the difficulty collective bargaining work regulation instruments that of access to economic decision places. help to integrate, in the respective contents, the dimension With regard to salary differences, the trend of recent of gender equality and help to prevent possible discrimination. years continues, with women continuing to receive, on The dimension of gender equality has been, in average, lower remuneration than men. compliance with paragraphs f) and g) of paragraph 1 of The data that are becoming available show that the the Council of Ministers Resolution no . relaunch of wage gap between women and men continues to be a employment, as exemplified by Ordinances no . , the persistent reality, difficult to combat, as it is based on Training-Algarve Program, and the 2013 Stimulus structural inequalities resulting from the different Measure , as well as measures to support the most participation, throughout history, of men and women in vulnerable groups of workers, such as those recently the labor market. job. approved by Ordinance No. B/2014, of 30 January, which In 2012, according to information published by the included the unemployed victims of domestic violence in Office of Strategy and Studies of the Ministry of Economy, the Employment Internships and Employment-Insertion the average monthly remuneration of women Contract+ measures. corresponded to 81.5% of that of men, so the salary disparity translated into 18.5% in disfavor. of the women. According to data from Eurostat, which uses a different methodology to calculate the salary difference, as it uses The 2013 Stimulus Measure , approved by Ordinance a criterion based on the hourly base value, in 2012 this no . specifically with a qualification level lower than the difference was 15.7%. 3rd cycle of basic education, in continuity with the 2012 In the European Union as a whole, among the 26 Stimulus Measure, and the hiring of a less represented countries for which data are available, 13 have greater sex worker in sectors of activity that traditionally employ a majority of people of the same sex sex. The 2013 wage differences than Portugal, and 12 have smaller differences. Portugal is in a more favorable position than, for example, Stimulus Measure also allows the support granted to Estonia, Germany and Spain, which have a pay gap of cover unemployed persons registered in employment 30%, 22.4% and 17.8%, respectively. In a more favorable centers or employment and vocational training centers position than Portugal are, in particular, Poland (6.4%), for at least three consecutive months if they are Italy (6.7%) and Ireland (14.4%). With salary differences responsible for a single-parent family, that is, with less not very different from Portugal comes, for example, enrollment time compared to the general requirement of Sweden (15.9%). at least six consecutive months. The Resolution of the Council of Ministers n.º 13/2013, of 8 March, approved a set of measures that generates Machine Translated by Google Diário da República, 1st series — No. 47 — March 7, 2014 1781 In turn, the Training-Algarve Program, created by higher education, reaching, respectively, 86.9% and Ordinance no. 297/2012 , of 28 September, amended by 69.7% of the ratio in the average basic salary. Ordinance no. seasonality of employment in that region When analyzing remunerations and earnings by of the country, providing for financial support corresponding economic activity, it appears that, in general, the wage to 70% of the worker's remuneration for companies that differential between women and men is more accentuated convert fixed-term employment contracts into permanent in activities where female participation is greater, and less contracts or when the workers covered/ they are, in accentuated in activities where men predominate. . particular, responsible for single-parent families or belonging to the under-represented sex in the sectors of Also within the scope of the V National Plan for Gender activity covered. Equality, Citizenship and Non-Discrimination 2014-2017, approved by the Resolution of the Council of Ministers no. of the evolution of salary differences between women and These measures reflect the need, on the one hand, to men. guarantee the maintenance of employment for workers who are part of vulnerable groups in society and, on the other hand, to combat discrimination based on sex Thus, it appears that it is necessary to intensify specific resulting from the segregation of the labor market. measures that can counter the historical trend of wage The measure provided for in subparagraph c) of inequality that penalizes women, with a view to achieving, paragraph 1 of the Council of Ministers' Resolution no . also in this particular domain, effective gender equality. support for children, seniors or dependents. So: Pursuant to paragraph g) of article 199 of the Constitution, In relation to this measure, solutions are already being the Council of Ministers resolves: considered that allow responding to the underlying 1 - Stimulate debate in social consultation on the concerns, thus reiterating the commitment to its effective report on salary differentials by branches of activity implementation. referred to in subparagraph a) of paragraph 1 of Council Specifically regarding the issue of salary differentials , of Ministers Resolution no. 13/2013, of 8 March. the first national report on salary differentials by branches 2 - To determine that companies in the State business of activity, prepared in compliance with the provisions of sector promote, every three years, the preparation of a paragraph a) of paragraph 1 of the aforementioned report, to be disseminated internally and made available Resolution of the Council of Ministers no . 13/2013, of on the respective website, on the remuneration paid to March 8th. women and men with a view to the diagnosis and This report is based on data from staff on the mainland prevention of unjustified differences in those remunerations. and the Autonomous Region of Madeira for 2011 - as they are the last available for the analysis, which was 3 - To determine that companies in the State business carried out there for the first time, of salary differences by sector, following the report referred to in the previous branch of activity -, andaverage part thebasic percentage of over earnings women's men's average basic earnings and the percentage of women's number, devise concrete measures, to be included in the average earnings over men's average earnings. equality plans whose elaboration they are linked under the terms of paragraph 1 of Resolution of the Council of According to the conclusions of the same report, the Ministers no. 19/2012, of 8 March, which respond to pay gap varies according to the levels of qualification, the detected situations of wage inequality between women and men. levels of educational and academic qualifications, as well as the branch of economic activity. In a total of 84 4 - Recommend to private companies with more than branches of activity analyzed, in 68 of these branches of 25 workers that they prepare a quantitative and qualitative activity men earn higher average monthly earnings than analysis of the salary differences between women and women. men based on the data contained in Annex A of the single With regard to qualification levels, it appears that the report referred to in paragraph 1 of the article 2 of salary difference between women and men, to the Ordinance No. 55/2010, of 21 January, amended by detriment of women, is directly proportional to qualification Ordinance No. 108-A/2011, of 14 March and, following levels, that is, the higher the qualification level, the greater this diagnosis, devise a strategy to correct any unjustified the salary difference. , and is therefore particularly high differences in those remunerations . among senior management. At this level of qualification, the ratio between the remuneration of women and men 5 - Make available to companies, through the was, in 2011, 72.2%. On the other hand, the gender pay Commission for Equality in Work and Employment, an gap is smaller between categories with lower qualification electronic tool that makes it possible, from the insertion of levels , for example between practitioners and apprentices, data related to workers, to measure the degree of salary which is 5%. differences existing in companies and identify specific situations of wage differentials between women and men A similar situation can be seen with regard to salary that cannot be explained by objective factors. inequalities depending on the levels of academic qualification, that is, the salary difference increases, again 6 - Determine the adoption of the necessary measures, to the detriment of women, as education also increases, namely in terms of regulation, to consider as a positive being lower for those who have a qualification lower than valuation criterion for the selection of candidates for 1. th cycle of basic education than for those who have the cohesion policy funds, greater equality Machine Translated by Google 1782 Diário da República, 1st series — No. 47 — March 7, 2014 salary between women and men who perform the of 18 January, regarding the promotion and defense of same or identical functions in the company or entity. competition rules throughout the economy, including in sectors 7 - Mandate the members of the Government where those attributions were, until then, partially exercised by responsible for the areas of Gender Equality, Finance, sectoral regulatory bodies, provides for Decree-Law No. Public Administration, Regional Development and 30/2004 , of 6 February, constitute Employment to adopt the necessary initiatives to AdC's own revenue part of the amount of fees charged by the implement the measures provided for in this resolution. following regulatory bodies: Instituto de Seguros de Portugal, 8 - To determine that the assumption of commitments for the Regulatory Entity for Energy Services , ICP — Autoridade execution of the measures foreseen in this resolution depends Nacional de Comunicações, Regulatory Entity for Water and on the existence of funds available on the part of the competent Waste Services , IP, Institute of Mobility and Transport, IP, public entities. National Institute of Civil Aviation, IP, and Institute of Construction and Real Estate, IP Presidency of the Council of Ministers, March 5, 2014. — The Prime Minister, Pedro Passos Coelho. Furthermore, it provides that the aforementioned amount rises to a maximum percentage of 7.5% of the value of the fees charged in the last financial year in which those regulatory General secretary entities have closed accounts, proving to be necessary to establish annually, by ordinance, the value of the specific percentage rate to be applied, as well as the corresponding Declaration of Rectification No. 16/2014 base of incidence and the form of transfer of the amounts due. Pursuant to the provisions of subparagraph h) of So: paragraph 1 of article 4 and article 11 of Decree-Law Mandates the Government, through the Ministers of State n.º 4/2012 of 16 January, amended by Decree-Law and Finance , Economy, Environment, Spatial Planning and n.º 41/2013 of March 21, it is stated that Ordinance Energy, in accordance with the provisions of paragraph 2 of no. 8/2014, of January 14, published in the Diário da article 1 and article 2 of Decree-Law 30/2004, of February 6, the República, 1st series, no . inaccuracies that, upon a following: statement from the issuing entity, are rectified as Article 1 follows: fees 1 — In the sixth paragraph of the Preamble, which reads: In 2013 and 2014, the Competition Authority receives, as its "Thus, under the provisions of paragraph 4 of article 1 of own revenue, and with reference to the immediately preceding article 25 of Decree-Law n.º 279/2009, of 6 October" financial year in which the sectoral regulatory authorities concerned have closed accounts: should read: a) With regard to the Instituto de Seguros de Portugal (ISP), 3.75% of the amounts referred to in subparagraph a) of "Thus, under the provisions of paragraph 4 of article 1 and paragraph 1 of article 30 of the respective statutes, approved by article 25 of Decree-Law n.º 279/2009, of 6 October" Decree-Law no. 289/2001, of 13 November, amended by Decree- Law no. 195/2002, of 25 September; b) With regard to the Regulatory Entity for Energy Services 2 — In article 1, where it reads: (ERSE), 6.25% of the amounts referred to in paragraph a) of «Articles 2 to 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 to 11, 13 to 15 and 17 to 18 of paragraph 2 of article 50 of the respective statutes, approved by Ordinance no. 198/2011, of 18 May, are replaced by the Decree-Law no. 97/2002, of April 12, amended by Decree-Law No. 200/2002, of September 25, by Decree-Law 212/2012, of following wording:» September 25, and by Decree-Law No. 84/ 2013, of June 25; should read: c) With regard to the National Institute of Civil Aviation, IP «Articles 2 to 3, 5, 7, 8, 10 to 11, 13 to 15 and 17 to 18 of (INAC), 6.25% of the amounts referred to in subparagraph a) of Ordinance no. 615/2010, of 3 August, are replaced by the paragraph 1 of article 12 of the respective organic law, approved following wording:» by Decree - Law No. 145/2007, of April 27; d) As regards the Instituto da Construção e do Imobiliário, General Secretariat, March 3, 2014. — The Secretary- IP (InCI), 6.25% of the amounts referred to in subparagraph a) - Deputy General, Catarina Maria Romão Gonçalves. of paragraph 2 of article 9 of the respective organic law, approved by the Decree-Law No. 158/2012, of 23 July; e) With regard to ICP — Autoridade Nacional de Comunicações (ICP -ANACOM), 6.25% of the amounts referred MINISTRY OF FINANCE, ECONOMY to in paragraphs a) and b) of article 43 of the respective statutes, AND THE ENVIRONMENT, approved by Decree-Law no. 309/2001, of December 7th; LAND PLANNING AND ENERGY f) With regard to the Regulatory Entity of the Services of Water and Waste, IP (ERSAR), 3.75% of the amounts referred Ordinance No. 57/2014 to in paragraph a) of no. 1 of article 15 of the respective organic March 7th law, approved by Decree-Law no. 277/2009 , of October 2; Considering the attributions entrusted to the g) With regard to the Mobility and Transport Institute, IP Competition Authority (AdC), by Decree-Law No. 10/2003,(IMT), 3.75% of the amounts paid