Law No. 2001-624 of July 17, 2001 on various social, educational and cultural provisions (1) Last update of the data of this text: March 01, 2022 NOR: MESX0100056L * TITLE I: UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AND RETURN TO EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE MEASURES. (Items 2 to 5) * TITLE II: RESERVE FUND FOR PENSIONERS. (Section 6) * TITLE III: RATIFICATION OF THE MUTUALITY CODE. (Section 7) * TITLE IV: PROVISIONS RELATING TO YOUTH AND POPULAR EDUCATION. (Sections 8 to 13) * TITLE V: PROVISIONS RELATING TO EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION. (Items 14 to 26) * TITLE VI: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (Sections 27 to 38) TITLE I: UNEMPLOYMENT COMPENSATION AND RETURN TO EMPLOYMENT ASSISTANCE MEASURES. (Items 2 to 5) Article 1 (repealed) Repealed by Law n°2005-32 of January 18, 2005 - art. 10 () JORF January 19, 2005 Modified by Law n°2002-73 of January 17, 2002 - art. 121 () JORF 18 January 2002 As of July 1, 2001, the contributions from employers and employees mentioned in article L. 351-3-1 of the labor code may be used by the signatory parties to the agreement provided for in article L. 351- 8 of the same code to finance the measures defined below promoting the professional reintegration of beneficiaries of the allowance provided for in article L. 351-3 of the same code, each within the limit of a ceiling determined by decree. These measures can also benefit employees made redundant for economic reasons during their leave period. I. - Beneficiaries of the allowance mentioned in the first paragraph who accept a job in a locality far from the place of their usual residence may benefit, on prescription from the National Employment Agency, from aid for geographical mobility . This aid may, in particular, be intended to compensate for travel, double residence and moving expenses incurred by the beneficiary and, where applicable, by his family. To be eligible for mobility assistance, the hiring must be carried out under an open-ended employment contract or a fixed-term employment contract of at least twelve months. II. - The employers mentioned in article L. 351-4 of the labor code and those mentioned in article L. 351-12 of the same code who have joined the insurance scheme provided for in article L. 351-4 of the same code may, by means of an agreement concluded with the bodies mentioned in Article L. 351-21 of the same code, benefit from aid for hiring a beneficiary of the allowance referred to in the first paragraph registered as an applicant employment for more than twelve months, and sent to the company by the National Employment Agency in order to fill a vacant position which has been notified to it. To qualify for aid, the hiring must be carried out by an open-ended employment contract or by a fixed-term employment contract concluded pursuant to Article L. 122-2 of the Labor Code. In the latter case, the duration of the contract must be at least equal to twelve months and cannot exceed eighteen months. The aid is degressive and can be paid for a maximum period of three years. Its amount, which is determined according to the starting salary, cannot exceed the amount of the allowance previously received. No agreement can be concluded between an employer and the organizations mentioned in article L. 351-21 of the labor code for a hiring benefiting from another employment aid, in particular the aid provided for in articles L. 322- 4-2 and L. 322-4-6 of the same code. This provision does not apply to hires benefiting from the aid provided for in IV and V of article 3 of law no. 98-461 of 13 June 1998 on guidance and incentives relating to the reduction of work. An employer who has made a dismissal for an economic reason during the twelve months preceding a recruitment likely to give rise to the right to degressive aid cannot benefit from this aid. III. - The organizations mentioned in Article L. 351-21 of the Labor Code may grant individual training aid to beneficiaries of the allowance provided for in Article L. 351-3 of the same Code who are following a training action. prescribed by the National Employment Agency. These organizations can also contribute to the financing of the internships provided for in Article L. 322-4-1 of the Labor Code, on the recommendation of the National Employment Agency. They may enter into professional training agreements under the conditions provided for in Article L. 920-1 of the Labor Code. IV. - The same bodies can finance the expenses incurred by the National Employment Agency for actions to assess professional skills and support actions with a view to the reclassification that it carries out for the benefit of the beneficiaries of the allowance. mentioned in Article L. 351-3 of the Labor Code as well as for the benefit of employees dismissed for economic reasons during their leave period. The terms of this funding are set by means of an agreement concluded between the National Employment Agency, these bodies and, where applicable, the State. Section 2 Amended by LAW n°2011-525 of May 17, 2011 - art. 141 I.- Within the limit of a ceiling set by decree, the contributions referred to in Article L. 351-3-1 of the Labor Code may be used on the instructions of the National Employment Agency to participate in the financing qualification contracts created by article 25 of law no. 98-657 of July 29, 1998 relating to the fight against exclusions in favor of employees involuntarily deprived of employment. These provisions are applicable from July 1, 2001 to December 31, 2003. II.- Amended the following provisions: -Law 98-657 of July 29, 1998 Art. 25 NOTA : Law 2004-391 2004-05-04 art. 34: Article 25 of Law 98-657 is repealed subject to the provisions of Article 34 I, II, III of Law 2004-391. Section 3 Amended the following provisions * Amends Social Security Code. - art. L135-2 (M) * Modifies Labor Code - art. L351-10(M) * Creates Labor Code - art. L351-10-2 (AbD) Section 4 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Labor Code - art. L351-6 (AbD) * Modifies Labor Code - art. L351-6-1 (Ab) * Creates Labor Code - art. L351-6-2 (AbD) Section 5 Modified by Law n°2006-1666 of December 21, 2006 - art. 50 (V) JORF December 27, 2006 The bodies mentioned in article L. 351-21 of the labor code are authorized to pay the State 1,067,143,120 euros in 2001. TITLE II: RESERVE FUND FOR PENSIONERS. (Section 6) Section 6 Modified by Ordinance n°2010-638 of June 10, 2010 - art. 10 I., II.-Modifying Paragraphs III.-The pension reserve fund referred to in article L. 135-6 of the social security code is exempt from corporation tax provided for in 5 of article 206 of the general tax code . IV.-Modifying paragraph V.-The provisions of this article come into force on January 1, 2002. On a transitional basis and until a date fixed by decree and which cannot be later than July 1, 2002: - the products mentioned in article L. 135-7 of the social security code are centralized and placed by the fund set up in article L. 135-1 of this code; - the sums managed by the second section of the fund set up in article L. 135-1 of the same code on the date of promulgation of this law remain managed by this fund; - the Old Age Solidarity Fund mentioned in Article L. 135-1 of the same code monitors all of these operations in the specific accounts opened under the second section of the fund, maintained for this purpose on a transitional basis, according to the rules in force on the date of promulgation of this law. VI.-The transfer of assets, rights and obligations from the fund referred to in Article L. 135-1 of the Social Security Code to the fund referred to in Article L. 135-6 of the same code is carried out free of charge and does not give rise to any compensation or collection of duties or taxes or to any payment of the contribution provided for in article 879 of the general tax code or fees for the benefit of State agents. TITLE III: RATIFICATION OF THE MUTUALITY CODE. (Section 7) Section 7 Is hereby ratified Ordinance No. 2001-350 of April 19, 2001 relating to the Mutuality Code and transposing Directives 92/49/EEC and 92/96/EEC of the Council of June 18 and November 10, 1992, taken pursuant to the Law No. 2001-1 of 3 January 2001 empowering the Government to transpose, by ordinances, community directives and to implement certain provisions of community law, subject to the following modification (modification of article L. 111- 3 of the mutuality code) TITLE IV: PROVISIONS RELATING TO YOUTH AND POPULAR EDUCATION. (Sections 8 to 13) Section 8 Modified by LAW n°2021-1109 of August 24, 2021 - art. 15 (V) Associations, federations or unions of associations duly declared having an activity in the field of popular education and youth may be subject to approval by the minister in charge of youth or by the competent administrative authority. Accreditation, issued for a period of five years, is in particular subject to the existence and compliance with statutory provisions guaranteeing freedom of conscience, respect for the principle of non-discrimination, their democratic functioning, the transparency of their management, and allowing, except in cases where compliance with this last condition is incompatible with the purpose of the association and the status of its members or users, equal access for men and women and access for young people to their governing bodies. Only associations, federations or unions of associations approved for popular education and youth can receive financial aid from the ministry responsible for youth. However, non-accredited associations can receive aid for a limited amount and for a limited period. The conditions for granting financial aid to non-accredited associations are determined by decree of the Conseil d'Etat. Section 9 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Labor Code - art. L225-8 (M) Section 10 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Law n°84-16 of January 11, 1984 - art. 34 (M) * Amends Law n°84-53 of January 26, 1984 - art. 136 (M) * Amends Law n°84-53 of January 26, 1984 - art. 57 (M) * Modifies Law n°86-33 of January 9, 1986 - art. 41 (M) Article 11 (repealed) Repealed by Decree No. 2016-1376 of October 12, 2016 - art. 5 A National Council for Popular Education and Youth is created under the Minister in charge of Youth. This council issues opinions on bills and decrees concerning popular education and youth submitted to it. It can be seized of any question of general interest in terms of popular education and youth by the minister in charge of youth and make any proposals in this area. The composition of this council, its functioning and the procedures for appointing its members are set by decree in Council of State. Article 12 (repealed) Repealed by Decree No. 2016-1376 of October 12, 2016 - art. 5 A National Youth Council is created under the Minister responsible for youth, who chairs it. This council gives an opinion and formulates proposals on all questions submitted to it by its chairman. It can also carry out studies and formulate proposals on any subject of an economic, social or cultural nature of direct interest to young people. Each year, it draws up an activity report which is submitted to each of the parliamentary assemblies. A Conseil d'Etat decree sets the conditions for the application of this article, in particular the composition of this council and the procedures for appointing its members. Section 13 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Code of social action and families - art. L227-1 (V) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-10 (M) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-11 (M) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-12 (V) * Modifies Code of social action and families - art. L227-2 (V) * Modifies Code of social action and families - art. L227-3 (V) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-4 (M) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-5 (M) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-6 (Ab) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-7 (M) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-8 (M) * Creates Code of social action and families - art. L227-9 (V) TITLE V: PROVISIONS RELATING TO EDUCATION AND COMMUNICATION. (Items 14 to 26) Section 14 I.-Has created the following provisions -Education Code Art. L.621-3 II.- Subject to court decisions that have become final, article 5 of decree no. 85-497 of May 10, 1985 relating to the Paris Institute of Political Studies is validated as it attributes to the board of directors of the institute competent to set the conditions of admission of the students. Section 15 Amended the following provisions * Amends Intellectual Property Code - art. L311-1(V) * Amends Intellectual Property Code - art. L311-2 (M) * Amends Intellectual Property Code - art. L311-4 (M) * Amends Intellectual Property Code - art. L311-7(V) * Amends Intellectual Property Code - art. L311-8 (V) Section 16 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Law n°97-283 of March 27, 1997 - art. 18 (V) Section 17 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 30-1 (M) * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 30-5 (M) * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 34-2 (M) * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 39 (M) * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 41 (MMN) * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 41-2-1 (M) Section 18 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Law n°86-1067 of September 30, 1986 - art. 45-3 (M) Section 19 I.- Has amended the following provisions -General code of local and regional authorities Art. L.1511-6 II.- Amended the following provisions -Post and Telecommunications Code Art. L.94 III.-The French Environmental Health Safety Agency will submit to the Government and to the parliamentary assemblies, before September 30, 2002, a report on the existence or non-existence of health risks from exposure to radiation from terminal equipment and radioelectric installations telecommunications. Section 20 Amended the following provisions * Amends Law No. 66-457 of July 2, 1966 - art. 1 (M) Rule 21 Are extended until December 31, 2002 the decisions of registration on the approval list taken pursuant to Article L. 363-1 of the Education Code before July 10, 2000. Rule 22 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Law n°84-610 of July 16, 1984 - art. 14 (Ab) Section 23 Amended the following provisions * Amends Education Code - art. L212-10 (M) Section 24 Amended the following provisions * Amends Electoral Code - art. L167-1 (M) Rule 25 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Code of the cinematographic industry - art. 27 (V) Rule 26 Amended the following provisions * Amends the Postal and Electronic Communications Code - art. L33-3 (M) TITLE VI: MISCELLANEOUS PROVISIONS. (Sections 27 to 38) Section 27 Amended the following provisions * Amends Social Security Code. - art. L411-2 (V) Section 28 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Labor Code - art. L122-1-1 (M) Rule 29 Amended the following provisions * Amends Law n°84-53 of January 26, 1984 - art. 58 (M) Rule 30 Amended the following provisions * Creates Law n°84-53 of January 26, 1984 - art. 61-1 (M) Article 31 (repealed) Repealed by Ordinance n°2021-1574 of November 24, 2021 - art. 3 A National Fund for the Prevention of Workplace Accidents and Occupational Diseases has been created within the National Pension Fund for Local Authority Agents, to which the civil servants of the communities and establishments mentioned in Titles III and IV of the general status of civil servants fall. of the state and local authorities. The fund's mission is to: - to establish, at the national level, the statistics of work accidents and occupational diseases observed in the communities and establishments referred to above, taking into account their causes and the circumstances in which they occurred, their frequency and their effects; - to participate in the financing, in the form of advances or subsidies, of the prevention measures adopted by the aforementioned communities and establishments and which comply with the action program that it has previously defined within the framework of the policy set by the competent State authorities, after advice and proposals from the Superior Council of the territorial public service and the Superior Council of the hospital public service; - to draw up, for the attention of the aforementioned communities and establishments, recommendations for action in terms of prevention. For the accomplishment of these missions, the fund may enter into an agreement with any service or organization working in the field of the prevention of accidents at work and occupational diseases. The conditions of application of this article are fixed by decree in Council of State. Section 32 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Code of civil and military retirement pensions - art. L58(M) Section 33 Amended the following provisions * Amends Social Security Code. - art. L212-1 (V) Section 34 Amended the following provisions * Creates Law n°89-1009 of December 31, 1989 - art. 30 (V) * Creates Law n°89-1009 of December 31, 1989 - art. 7-1 (V) Section 35 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Labor Code - art. L432-8 (AbD) Section 36 Amended the following provisions * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 16 (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 decies (M) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 duodecies (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 duovicies (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 h (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 novodecies (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19g (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 octodecies (V) * Creates Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 qua (V) * Creates Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 Quindecies (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 quinquies (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. September 19 (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 septies (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 sexdecies (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 sex (V) * Creates Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 terdecies (Ab) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 tervices (V) * Amends Law No. 47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 undecies (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 units (V) * Transfer Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 19 flaws (V) * Creates Law n°47-1775 of September 10, 1947 - art. 28a (V) * Modifies Commercial Code. - art. L228-36(V) * Modifies Monetary and Financial Code - art. L512-91(M) Section 37 I. - Are validated the decrees relating to the reclassification of the contractual teachers of the schools of architecture in the categories of professors of 1st, 2nd and 4th category for the years 1991, 1992 and 1993, insofar as the regularity of these decrees would be put in cause because of the cancellation of the decree of February 6, 1991 relating to the reclassification of contractual teachers of schools of architecture. II. - Candidates declared admitted, during the 1992 session, to internal competitions for 1st class lecturers in the subject groups "sciences and techniques for architecture", "theories and practices of architectural design" and "science human and social" and to the internal competition for 2nd class assistant professors in the group of disciplines "technical arts of representation", retain the benefit of the individual decisions by which they were appointed as assistant professors of the schools of architecture. III. - Candidates declared holders of the diploma of fundamental studies in architecture at the end of the sessions of September 25 and November 29, 1996 of the School of Architecture of Paris-la-Seine keep the benefit of their diploma. Section 38 Amended the following provisions * Modifies Labor Code - art. L143-11-7 (M) Jacques Chirac By the President of the Republic: The Prime Minister, Lionel Jospin The Minister of Economy, finance and industry, Laurent Fabius The Minister of Employment and Solidarity, Elisabeth Guigou The minister of the Interior, Daniel Valiant The Minister of National Education, Jack Lang The Minister of Culture and communication, Catherine Tasca The Minister of Public Service and state reform, Michel Fir The Minister of Youth and Sports, Marie-George Buffet The Secretary of State for Solidarity Economy, Guy Hascoet (1) Law no. 2001-624. - Preliminary activities : National Assembly : Bill No. 3025; Report by Mr Alfred Recours, on behalf of the Cultural Affairs Committee, No. 3032; Discussion on May 9 and 10, 2001 and adoption, after declaration of urgency, on May 10, 2001. Senate: Bill, adopted by the National Assembly, n° 322; Report by Messrs. Louis Souvet, Alain Vasselle, André Jourdain and Jean-Louis Lorrain, on behalf of the Social Affairs Commission, No. 339; Opinion of Messrs. Jacques Bordas, Jean-Paul Hugot and Jacques Valade, on behalf of the Cultural Affairs Committee, No. 335; Discussion on May 30 and 31, 2001 and adoption on May 31, 2001. National Assembly : Bill, amended by the Senate, No. 3104; Report by Mr. Alfred Recours, on behalf of the mixed parity commission, no. 3108. Senate: Report by Mr. Louis Souvet, on behalf of the Joint Joint Committee, No. 354 (2000-2001). National Assembly : Bill, amended by the Senate, No. 3104; Report by Mr Alfred Recours, on behalf of the Cultural Affairs Committee, No. 3114; Discussion and adoption on June 12, 2001. Senate: Bill, adopted by the National Assembly in a new reading, n° 376 (2000-2001); Report by Messrs. Louis Souvet, Alain Vasselle, André Jourdain and Jean-Louis Lorrain, on behalf of the Social Affairs Commission, No. 390 (2000-2001); Discussion and adoption on June 25, 2001. National Assembly : Bill, modified by the Senate in new reading, n° 3175; Report by Mr Alfred Recours, on behalf of the Cultural Affairs Committee, No. 3200; Discussion and adoption, in final reading, June 28, 2001. - Constitutional Council : Decision no. 2001-450 DC of July 11, 2001 published in today's Official Journal.