Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2018 2018 Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation The world is not on track to reach Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on Water and Sanitation by the deadline set for 2030. Today, billions of people lack safe water, sanitation and handwashing facilities. Ecosystems and water sources are becoming more polluted, and funding for water and sanitation services is inadequate. In addition, governance and delivery systems are weak and fragmented. UN-Water’s Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation builds on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators. Representing a joint position from the United Nations family, the report offers guidance to understanding global progress on SDG 6 and its interdependencies with other goals and targets. It also provides insight into how countries can plan and act to ensure that no one is left behind when implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-92-1-101370-2 Cover_SR_2018_june_ok.indd 1 26/6/18 11:37 Cover_SR_2018_june_ok.indd 2 26/6/18 11:37 Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation United Nations at a glance Published by the United Nations New York, New York 10017, United States of America Copyright ©2018 United Nations All rights reserved All queries on rights and licence should be addressed to: United Nations Publications 300 East 42nd Street New York, New York 10017 United States of America Email: Website: Requests to reproduce excerpts should be addressed to: ISBN: 978-92-1-101370-2 eISBN: 978-92-1-362674-0 United Nations Publications Design and layout: UN-Water Geneva, Switzerland Printed in Geneva CONTENTS Foreword 5 Acknowledgements 6 Executive summary 9 A. Sustainable Development Goal 6 in the 2030 Agenda 10 B. Sustainable water and sanitation for all 10 C. Achieving Sustainable Development Goal 6 targets 11 D. Enabling and accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 15 E. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6: Connections across the 2030 Agenda 17 F. Key messages 21 Chapter I. Introduction 23 A. Sustainable Development Goal 6 in the 2030 Agenda 24 B. Sustainable water and sanitation for all 25 C. Monitoring Sustainable Development Goal 6 26 D. Structure of this report 28 Chapter II. Global baseline status of targets and indicators of Sustainable Development Goal 6 29 A. Target 6.1: Achieve safe and affordable drinking water 35 B. Target 6.2: Achieve access to sanitation and hygiene and end open defecation 43 C. Target 6.3: Improve water quality, wastewater and safe reuse 55 D. Target 6.4: Increase water-use efficiency and ensure freshwater supplies 67 E. Target 6.5: Implement integrated water resources management 75 F. Target 6.6: Protect and restore water-related ecosystems 87 G. Targets 6.a and 6.b: Means of implementation 93 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 103 A. Integrating water resources management 104 B. Eliminating inequalities 109 C. Means of implementation 115 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6: Connections across the 2030 Agenda 129 A. Water and society 132 B. Water and the environment 141 C. Water and the economy 161 Chapter V. Key messages 177 A. Integrating Sustainable Development Goal 6 into the 2030 Agenda 178 B. Understanding the baseline status and trends of the global indicators of Sustainable Development Goal 6 178 C. Enabling and accelerating progress towards Sustainable Development Goal 6 181 References 182 Abbreviations and acronyms 195 THE SECRETARY-GENERAL FOREWORD Water is life. Progress in nutrition, health, education, work, equality, environmental protection and international cooperation are all related to the availability and sustainable management of water and universal access to effective systems for disposing of our waste. These are the objectives of Sustainable Development Goal 6. If we remain off track to deliver on SDG 6 then we jeopardize the entire 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. Yet, today, billions of people still lack access to safe water and sanitation, resulting in needless deaths, chronic disease, missed education and reduced productivity. At the same time, demand for water -- from agriculture and industry as well as domestic use -- is rapidly rising and water pollution and ecosystem degradation are being made worse by increasing amounts of untreated wastewater. And all of this is happening against a backdrop of climate change, which is playing havoc with the predictability of our most precious resource. What this report makes clear is that we must tackle weak funding, planning, capacity and governance of water and sanitation services as a top priority. New partnerships are needed, involving stakeholders within and beyond the water and sanitation sectors, to address these fundamental issues, balance competing needs, and act to get SDG 6 back on track. Data and smart technologies must be embraced so interventions can be as effective as possible and progress tracked over time. The High-Level Panel on Water convened by the United Nations and the World Bank issued their final report Making Every Drop Count on World Water Day. The report’s recommendations set forth a global agenda for water action to help countries reach the SDG 6 targets. As we intensify our efforts to achieve SDG 6 and advance implementation of the International Decade for Action on Water, we should be guided and inspired by the fact that our work will lay the foundations for a healthier, fairer, more stable, equitable and prosperous world. The United Nations stands ready to support countries and their partners to achieve SDG 6 across the globe. António Guterres ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This report was prepared on behalf of UN-Water by the Task Force on the 6.4.1 and 6.4.2 Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) 6 Synthesis Report 2018, comprising the FAOSTAT – AQUASTAT: Riccardo Biancalani, Marlos De Souza and Cecilia representatives listed below. The World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP) Spottorno. of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) coordinated the development of the report. The Task Force was composed of the 6.5.1 following UN-Water Members and Partners and their representatives: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre: Maija Bertule, Peter Bjørn- sen, Paul Glennie and Gareth James Lloyd. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO): Marlos De Souza 6.5.2 International Labour Organization (ILO): Carlos Carrión-Crespo UNECE: Francesca Bernardini, Sonja Koeppel, Annukka Lipponen, Alistair Rieu- United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF): Tom Slaymaker and Guy Hutton Clarke and Sarah Tiefenauer-Linardon; UNESCO-IHP: Gabin Archambault, Alice United Nations Development Programme (UNDP): Marianne Kjellén Aureli, Aurélien Dumont, Johannes Nonner, Marcello Serrao and Jac van der Gun. United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE): Francesca Bernardini and Alistair Rieu-Clarke 6.6.1 United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization United Nations Environment Programme: Stuart Crane and Alain Tchadie; United (UNESCO), World Water Assessment Programme (WWAP): Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre: Sarah Stefan Uhlenbrook and Angela Renata Cordeiro Ortigara Darrah, Marine Deguignet, Edward Lewis and Arnout van Soesbergen; Interna- United Nations Environment Programme: Joakim Harlin and Peter Bjørnsen tional Water Management Institute (IWMI): Chris Dickens. United Nations Global Compact (UN Global Compact): Jason Morrison and Tien Shiao 6.a and 6.b United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat): UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water Graham Alabaster (GLAAS): Betsy Engebretson, Fiona Gore, Michael Hammond, Mark Hoeke and United Nations University (UNU): Vladimir Smakhtin Marina Takane (WHO). World Bank Group (WB): Luis Alberto Andrés World Health Organization (WHO): Kate Medlicott and Bruce Gordon This report received additional contributions from: World Meteorological Organization (WMO): Johannes Cullmann Aquafed: Ulrike Kelm and Jack Moss; CDP: Orlaith Delargy; Delft University of UN-Water Technical Advisory Unit Technology: Dirk-Jan Kok; FAO: Jippe Hoogeveen; Geneva Water Hub: Jelena Milenkovic and François Munger; Global Water Partnership: Frederik Pischke; The core drafting team comprised Angela Renata Cordeiro Ortigara (UNESCO Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research: Ilona Bärlund and Dietrich Bor- WWAP, Project Manager), Fiona Gore (WHO), Melvyn Kay (UNESCO WWAP chardt; IHE-Delft: Uta Wehn; ILO: Francisco Guerreiro; Joint Research Centre: Consultant, Editor-in-Chief), Lis Mullin Bernhardt (United Nations Environment Pro- Alan Belward, Davy Vanham and Jan Wollgast; Louisiana State University: John gramme), Joshua Newton (UNESCO WWAP Consultant, Editor), Tom Slaymaker Day; Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD): Yasmin (UNICEF) and Stefan Uhlenbrook (UNESCO WWAP, Task Force Coordinator). Ahmad, Elena Bernaldo de Quiros and Oriana Romano; UNDP-SIWI Water Gov- ernance Facility: Alejandro Jiménez; UNESCO: Manos Antoninis; UNESCO-IHP: The main data sources for the SDG 6 targets and indicators used in this Alexandros Makarigakis; UNESCO WWAP: Engin Koncagul, Andrés Valerio Oviedo, report come from the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 coordinated Kimberley Patrick, John Payne and Laurens Thuy; UN Global Compact: Abigail by UN-Water. The custodian agencies and their representatives who provided Warner; UNISDR: Ritsuko Yamazaki-Honda; Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya: substantial support to the drafting of the report and the provision of data and Ricard Giné Garriga; UNU-INWEH: Guillaume Baggio Ferla, Collin Manfield and information are listed below. Manzoor Qadir; WaterAid: Savio Carvalho; Women’s Federation for World Peace: Lesha Witmer; Ferran Ferrer and Manvirender Rawat, Independent Consultants. 6.1.1 and 6.2.1 WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and This report also benefited from feedback received by the External Review Panel com- Hygiene (JMP): Robert Bain and Tom Slaymaker (UNICEF); Rick Johnston and posed of: Sergio Ayrimoraes (National Water Agency, Brazil), Akiça Bahri (National Francesco Mitis (WHO). Agricultural Institute, Tunisia), Jamie Bartram (University of North Carolina, United States of America), Sergio Campos (Inter-American Development Bank, United States 6.3.1 of America), Roberto Lenton (University of Nebraska, United States of America), and UN-Habitat: Graham Alabaster; WHO: Kate Medlicott and Lars Schoebitz. Claudia Ringler (International Food Policy Research Institute, Canada). 6.3.2 The development of the report was financially supported by the German Global Environment Monitoring System for Freshwater (GEMS/Water): Kil- Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ), the ian Christ, Stuart Crane and Hartwig Kremer; International Centre for Water Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management of the Netherlands, the Resources and Global Change (UNESCO-IHP) Federal Institute of Hydrology, Government of Italy, the Swedish International Development Cooperation Germany: Siegfried Demuth, Marianela Fader, Claudia Färber, Dmytro Lisniak Agency (Sida) and the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation and Philipp Saile; University College Cork, Ireland: Deborah Chapman and (SDC). Participating agencies’ in-kind contributions and their respective Stuart Warner. donors are gratefully acknowledged. 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Examples of compo- Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. New York. nents can include, but are not limited to, tables, figures or images. EXECUTIVE SUMMARY A mother gives her child a bowl of safe water in Charsarda District, in Pakistan’s northwestern Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa Province, an area severely affected by monsoon floods in 2010. UN Photo/UNICEF/ZAK Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 10 Executive Summary A. Sustainable done to achieve this goal by 2030. The report is based on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators1 Development Goal 6 selected by Member States to track progress towards the eight global targets, plus complementary data and evi- All 193 Member States of the United Nations General dence from a wide range of sources. Assembly unanimously agreed to Transforming our world: the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 Agenda) in September 2015. The 2030 Agenda is a plan of action for people, the planet and prosperity. Mem- ber States resolved to “end poverty in all its forms”, to take B. Sustainable water and bold and transformative steps to “shift the world on to a sustainable and resilient path” and to ensure that “no one sanitation for all will be left behind”. Fresh water, in sufficient quantity and quality, is essential The 2030 Agenda established 17 Sustainable Develop- for all aspects of life and sustainable development. The ment Goals (SDGs) and 169 global targets, relating to human rights to water and sanitation are widely recog- development outcomes and means of implementation nized by Member States. Water resources are embedded (MoI), for the period 2015–2030. These were designed in all forms of development (e.g. food security, health pro- to be integrated and indivisible and to balance the motion and poverty reduction), in sustaining economic social, economic and environmental dimensions of growth in agriculture, industry and energy generation, and sustainable development. The 2030 Agenda further in maintaining healthy ecosystems. seeks to realize the human rights of all, and to achieve gender equality and empowerment of all women and Water-related ecosystems and the environment have girls. This ambitious universal agenda is intended to always provided natural sites for human settlements and be implemented by all countries and all stakeholders, civilizations, bringing benefits such as transportation, nat- acting in collaborative partnership. ural purification, irrigation, flood protection and habitats for biodiversity. However, population growth, agricultural The establishment of SDG 6, Ensure availability and intensification, urbanization, industrial production and sustainable management of water and sanitation for pollution, and climate change are beginning to overwhelm all, reflects the increased attention on water and san- and undermine nature’s ability to provide key functions itation issues in the global political agenda. The 2030 and services. Estimates suggest that if the natural envi- Agenda lists rising inequalities, natural resource deple- ronment continues to be degraded and unsustainable tion, environmental degradation and climate change pressures put on global water resources, 45 per cent of among the greatest challenges of our time. It recog- the global gross domestic product, 52 per cent of the nizes that social development and economic prosperity world’s population and 40 per cent of global grain pro- depend on the sustainable management of freshwater duction will be put at risk by 2050. Poor and marginalized resources and ecosystems and it highlights the inte- populations will be disproportionately affected, further grated nature of SDGs. exacerbating rising inequalities. This first synthesis report on SDG 6 seeks to inform dis- Agriculture (including irrigation, livestock and aquacul- cussions among Member States during the High-level ture) is by far the largest water consumer, accounting for Political Forum on Sustainable Development in July 2018. 69 per cent of annual water withdrawals globally. Industry It is an in-depth review and includes data on the global (including power generation) accounts for 19 per cent and baseline status of SDG 6, the current situation and trends households for 12 per cent. All these water uses can at global and regional levels, and what more needs to be pollute freshwater resources. Most wastewater from “Fresh water, in sufficient quantity and quality, is essential for all aspects of life and sustainable development. The human rights to water and sanitation are widely recognized by Member States. Water resources are embedded in all forms of development (e.g. food security, health promotion and poverty reduction), in sustaining economic growth in agriculture, industry and energy generation, and in maintaining healthy ecosystems.” 1 Data relating to targets are based on the latest data drives from 2015 (water, sanitation and hygiene data, and most MoI data) and 2017, or previously collected data. 11 municipal, industrial and agricultural sources is dis- 1. Target 6.1: Achieve access to safe charged back into water bodies without treatment. If not treated, this pollution further reduces the availabil- and affordable drinking water ity of fresh water for drinking and other uses, and also degrades ecosystems. Achieving universal access to safe and affordable drinking water by 2030 presents a huge challenge for all countries, There is a growing consensus that the challenges can be not just those with low incomes. The proportion of the global met by adopting a more integrated approach to managing population using at least a basic drinking water service and allocating water resources, including the protection increased from 81 per cent in 2000 to 89 per cent in 2015. of ecosystems upon which societies and economies However, only one in five countries below 95 per cent cov- depend. The concept of integrated water resources man- erage is on track to achieve universal basic water services agement (IWRM) is embedded in the 2030 Agenda and by 2030. Achieving target 6.1 means addressing the “unfin- requires governments to consider how water resources ished business” of extending services to 844 million people link different parts of society and how decisions in one who still lack even a basic water service, and progressively sector may affect water users in other sectors. It is an improving the quality of services to 2.1 billion people who approach that must involve all actors and stakeholders, lack water accessible on premises, available when needed from all levels, who use and potentially pollute water so and free from contamination (safely managed drinking that it is managed equitably and sustainably. water). It also implies going beyond households and pro- viding access to services in schools, health-care facilities and other institutional settings. The commitment to “leave no one behind” will require C. Achieving Sustainable increased attention on disadvantaged groups and efforts to monitor elimination of inequalities in drinking water ser- Development Goal 6 vices. Disaggregated data on basic services are available for a growing number of countries (80), by rural and urban targets area, wealth group and subnational region. This enables governments to better identify and target disadvantaged SDG 6 includes eight global targets that are universally groups, but further work is required to disaggregate esti- applicable and aspirational. However, each government mates for safely managed services. must decide how to incorporate them into national plan- ning processes, policies and strategies based on national In those countries where a large proportion of the popula- realities, capacities, levels of development and priorities. tion still lacks even a basic drinking water service, the initial They cover the entire water cycle including: provision of focus must remain on ensuring that everyone has access drinking water (target 6.1) and sanitation and hygiene to an improved drinking water source and reducing the time services (6.2), treatment and reuse of wastewater and spent (primarily by women and girls) collecting water. Fur- ambient water quality (6.3), water-use efficiency and ther work is also needed to establish a commonly agreed scarcity (6.4), IWRM including through transboundary method for assessing affordability, as payment for services cooperation (6.5), protecting and restoring water-related should not be a barrier to accessing services. ecosystems (6.6), international cooperation and capaci- ty-building (6.a) and participation in water and sanitation management (6.b). 2. Target 6.2: Achieve access to This report recognizes that monitoring progress towards sanitation and hygiene and end achieving SDG 6 is a learning process of review and improve- ment, that the selection of indicators, data collection and open defecation methodologies represent work in progress, and that coun- tries are at different stages in developing their monitoring Achieving universal access to adequate and equitable and reporting mechanisms. Less than half of Member States sanitation and hygiene by 2030 is a major challenge in have comparable data available on progress towards meet- many parts of the world. Target 6.2 calls for countries to ing each of the global SDG 6 targets. Almost 60 per cent of end open defecation, to ensure that everyone has access countries do not have data available for more than four global to a basic toilet and to put in place systems for safe SDG 6 indicators, and only 6 per cent reported on more than management of excreta. The proportion of the global eight global indicators, representing a major knowledge gap. population using at least a basic sanitation service Water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) targets have accumu- increased from 59 per cent in 2000 to 68 per cent between lated data since 2000 during the Millennium Development 2000 and 2015. However, 2.3 billion people still lacked Goal period, whereas most other targets have a much shorter basic services, 70 per cent were in rural areas, and just history of data acquisition. 1 in 10 countries below 95 per cent coverage is on track Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 12 Executive Summary to achieve universal coverage by 2030. Furthermore, wastewater is treated on site, few data are available and 4.5 billion people worldwide lacked a safely managed aggregated for national and regional assessments. Many sanitation service in 2015, where excreta were safely countries lack the capacity to collect and analyse the data disposed of in situ or treated off-site. needed for a full assessment. Reliable water quality moni- toring is essential to guide priorities for investment. It is also Target 6.2 also highlights the importance of hygiene and important for assessing the status of aquatic ecosystems calls for special attention to the needs of women and girls. and the need for protection and restoration. Handwashing with soap and water is widely recognized as a top priority for reducing disease transmission. The Increasing political will to tackle pollution at its source and to global status is not yet known, but least developed coun- treat wastewater will protect public health and the environ- tries (LDCs) had the lowest coverage: only 27 per cent had ment, mitigate the costly impact of pollution and increase the basic handwashing facilities, although coverage was availability of water resources. Wastewater is an undervalued higher in urban areas at 39 per cent. source of water, energy, nutrients and other recoverable by-products. Recycling, reusing and recovering what is nor- Some 892 million people still practise open defecation. mally seen as waste can alleviate water stress and provide Between 2000 and 2015, the total fell from just over many social, economic and environmental benefits. 1.2 billion. Of those who still practise open defecation, 90 per cent lived in rural areas, and the majority lived in just two regions with 558 million in Central Asia and Southern 4. Target 6.4: Increase water-use Asia and 220 million in sub-Saharan Africa. A substantial effort will be needed to end this practice by 2030. efficiency and ensure freshwater Substantial investment will be required, particularly in supplies rapidly growing urban areas, although solutions will vary depending on the relative importance of sewerage Few countries have the natural and financial resources to networks and on-site sanitation systems. Strengthening continue increasing water supplies. The alternative is to make the capacity of local and national authorities to manage better use of available resources. This target addresses the and regulate sanitation systems will be a high priority, issue of water scarcity and the importance of increasing including the development of information management water-use efficiency, with the latter being a measure of the systems, especially in low- and middle-income countries. value of water to the economy and society in units of United States dollars per cubic metre (US$/m3) of water used. 3. Target 6.3: Improve water quality, More than 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. It affects every continent, hinders sustainabil- wastewater treatment and safe reuse ity, and limits social and economic development. Although the global average water stress is only 11 per cent, 31 coun- Collecting, treating and reusing wastewater from households tries experience water stress between 25 per cent (when and industry, reducing diffuse pollution and improving water stress begins) and 70 per cent, and 22 countries are above quality are major challenges for the water sector. Ambient 70 per cent and are seriously stressed. The highest stress freshwater quality is at risk globally. Freshwater pollution is levels occur in Northern Africa and in Western, Central and prevalent and increasing in many regions worldwide. Pre- Southern Asia. Sub-Saharan Africa has a stress level of only liminary estimates of household wastewater flows, from 79 3 per cent, but this figure hides the large differences between mostly high- and high-middle-income countries, show that the wetter and drier parts of the region. Levels of stress are 59 per cent is safely treated. For these countries, it is further likely to increase as populations and the demand for water estimated that safe treatment levels of household wastewa- grow and the effects of climate change intensify. ter flows with sewer connections and on-site facilities are 76 per cent and 18 per cent, respectively. Agriculture is by far the largest water consumer, account- ing for nearly 70 per cent of all withdrawals globally and as Although water quality problems are largely associated much as 90 per cent in some arid countries. Saving just with developing countries, they also persist in devel- a fraction of this can significantly alleviate water stress in oped countries and include the loss of pristine quality other sectors. Alternative water sources, such as wastewa- water bodies, impacts associated with changes in ter, storm run-off and desalination, can also relieve water hydromorphology, the rise in emerging pollutants and stress. Safe wastewater reuse and recycling is a significant the spread of invasive species. untapped resource for industry and agriculture, but its use must overcome political and cultural barriers. Another The extent of industrial pollution is not known, as dis- option is to import food grown in water-rich countries, but charges are poorly monitored and seldom aggregated this may conflict with political sensitivities as countries at national level. Although some domestic and industrial seek food security in terms of self-sufficiency. 13 Sewage. Photo/Trey Ratcliff Creative Commons The water-use efficiency is 15 US$/m3 globally, but val- 25 per cent of countries in the three lower human devel- ues range from as little as 2 US$/m3 for countries whose opment index (HDI) groups reached the medium-low economies depend on agriculture, to 1,000 US$/m3 in highly classification. Modest progress is being made, but most industrialized, service-based or other economies that are countries will not meet the target by 2030 at current rates dependent on natural resources. This information is not of implementation. If the components of IWRM are broken sufficient to define detailed policies and to take specific down, most progress towards implementation is found operational decisions to improve the grass-roots efficiency in cross-sectoral coordination and public participation at of various water users. Additional indicators reflecting those national level (62 per cent), but financing (33 per cent), gen- uses would therefore be most helpful. Indicators that reflect der issues (33 per cent) and aquifer management (41 per improvements in water productivity and irrigation in agricul- cent) are areas of concern. There is no universal approach ture, and reduced losses in municipal distribution networks, to implementing IWRM, and each country must develop its industrial and energy cooling processes, are among the own pathway based on political, social, environmental and main issues that such indicators should monitor. economic circumstances. Water offers an opportunity for cooperation between coun- 5. Target 6.5: Implement integrated tries rather than a source of conflict. Implementing IWRM at the transboundary level demonstrates the critical need to water resources management strengthen cooperation over shared water resources. The average of the national percentage of transboundary basins The 2030 Agenda fully commits Member States to IWRM and covered by an operational arrangement is 59 per cent (based transboundary cooperation over shared water resources. on 2017/2018 data from 61 out of 153 countries sharing Putting this into practice will be the most comprehensive transboundary waters). However, the operational agreements step that countries make towards achieving SDG 6. Some and the joint bodies established were diverse and demon- 80 per cent of countries reported from all regions and on strated that, while based on principles of customary law, there all levels of development. The global average degree of is no universal solution for what these should look like. Coun- implementation of IWRM was 48 per cent (medium-low), tries reported barriers to reaching agreement. These included: but there were great variations among countries. Only lack of political will and power asymmetries among riparian Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 14 Executive Summary “The main challenge across the water sector is to enable and accelerate progress towards achieving SDG 6, based on the findings from assessment of progress on SDG 6 targets. The water sector is struggling to improve water resources management and to increase the coverage and quality of water and sanitation services. Some of the many challenges are practical actions that provide the “visible” side of water, such as installing taps and toilets, building reservoirs, drilling boreholes, and treating and reusing/recycling wastewater. However, some actions are much less visible.” countries; fragmented national legal, institutional and admin- level monitoring provides evidence for practical action, and istrative frameworks; lack of financial, human and technical larger basin-level monitoring provides an overall perspective. capacity; and poor data availability, especially in relation to transboundary aquifers and their boundaries. 7. Target 6.a: Expand international 6. Target 6.6: Protect and restore cooperation and capacity-building water-related ecosystems Expanding international cooperation and support for capacity development is fundamental and contributes to Historically, the drive for economic and social devel- achieving many goals including SDG 6. Over 80 per cent of opment has depended on exploiting natural resources, participating countries in the 2016/2017 cycle of the UN-Wa- including water-related ecosystems. Today, as the ter Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and demand for fresh water increases, awareness is focusing Drinking-Water (GLAAS) reported insufficient financing to on ensuring that the limited capacity of the natural envi- meet national WASH targets. The need for increased financial ronment to sustain the multiple services that society has resources to reach SDG targets 6.1–6.6 is clear. come to rely on is maintained. Water-related ecosystems underpin other SDGs, and yet they also depend on them, Funding has increased across the water sector since 2005, particularly those relating to food and energy production, as aid for agricultural water resources has nearly tripled. biodiversity, and land and sea ecosystems. Protecting and However, water sector official development assistance restoring water-related ecosystems cannot be achieved (ODA) has remained constant at around 5 per cent as a pro- without progress on these other goals and vice versa. portion of the total ODA disbursements. Total water sector ODA disbursements increased from US$7.4 billion in 2011 The world has lost 70 per cent of its natural wetland over to US$9.0 billion in 2016. the last century, including significant loss of freshwater species. Artificial water bodies such as reservoirs, dams Current data are not sufficient to assess the extent to which and rice paddies have been increasing in most regions, ODA is included in government-coordinated spending plans. but current data-collection systems do not differentiate It is expected that the monitoring framework for this target between natural and artificial water bodies. Reports sug- will develop over time. There is a need to better understand gest that the global data currently collected through the the extent and value of international cooperation, particularly SDG process do not reflect the general state or trends support for capacity development, as this is currently not part known about freshwater ecosystems from other data of the indicator. Both the target and the indicator are strongly sources. The global indicator is helpful but broad. Insuf- focused on external support and refer to the potential and ficient data are generated by countries to adequately need for stronger domestic engagement. Defining additional measure progress. Further detailed data will be essential indicators or modifying indicators to take account of this for accurate understanding of water-related ecosystems should be considered. and the benefits they provide. Earth observations can complement local ground data and support the national burden of data acquisition and reporting. 8. Target 6.b: Support stakeholder Member States will need to strengthen capacity, increase participation financial resources, and implement clear roles and responsi- bilities for data collection and processing. Monitoring at the Effective and sustainable water management depends ecosystem level and at the basin scale is important. Local- on the participation of a range of stakeholders, including 15 local communities. Over 75 per cent of countries reported capacity development and data acquisition and monitor- having clearly defined policies and procedures in place for ing. These are interlinked, and effective policies in each service users and communities to participate in planning activity are mutually reinforcing. They are all essential programmes for drinking water supply (urban: 79 per cent, elements in meeting SDG 6 targets. rural: 85 per cent) and sanitation (urban: 79 per cent, rural: 81 per cent). For water resources planning and management, 83 per cent of reporting countries had policies and proce- 1. Governance dures in place. Good water governance is an essential pillar for imple- Monitoring participation was limited prior to approval of menting SDG 6. Yet governance structures tend to be SDGs, and the monitoring framework for this target is still weak and fragmented in many countries. Good water under development. The target needs to recognize that governance provides the political, institutional and participation cannot be measured by quantity alone. A administrative rules, practices and processes for taking clearer set of indicators is needed that includes the quality decisions and implementing them. of participation, such as nature, effectiveness and value. Governments have responsibility for many govern- Progress monitoring is dominated by information from ance functions, such as formulating policy, developing the WASH sector, because of the extensive availability legal frameworks, planning, coordination, funding and of GLAAS data. However, data from other areas such as financing, capacity development, data acquisition and IWRM were included in the latest cycle of data collection monitoring, and regulation. However, governance is (2016/2017), although trend data are still lacking. Refined increasingly moving beyond government and taking monitoring is needed to give a “voice” to groups in other account of cooperation with other stakeholders including sectors, particularly in agriculture where there is a long the private sector. Good water governance comprises tradition of farmer participation in water user associations. many elements, but it principally includes: effective, responsive and accountable State institutions that respond to change; openness and transparency providing stakeholders with information; and giving citizens and communities a say and role in decision-making. D. Enabling and Participation and multi-stakeholder engagement are accelerating progress important parts of policy processes, although measuring their effectiveness is still in its infancy. The importance of The main challenge across the water sector is to enable having a transparent, universal and neutral platform for and accelerate progress towards achieving SDG 6, based government and citizen groups in place to mobilize avail- on the findings from assessment of progress on SDG 6 able resources and seek alternative means of ensuring targets. The water sector is struggling to improve water improved water services has proven to be essential and resources management and to increase the coverage complementary to local government support. The impor- and quality of water and sanitation services. Some of the tance of capacity becomes an important element in how many challenges are practical actions that provide the policy is created and carried out in practice. “visible” side of water, such as installing taps and toilets, building reservoirs, drilling boreholes, and treating and (a) Integrated water resources management reusing/recycling wastewater. However, some actions Good water governance is the key to implementing are much less visible. They are far more challenging and IWRM. As pressure on water resources has increased highly complex, and yet they underpin the visible side of over the past 25 years, the demand for greater cooper- water. They include the need for good water governance, ation across the water sector has grown. The concept which is crucial for implementing IWRM, resolving the of IWRM has gradually been accepted and is embed- challenges of sharing water and the benefits it provides ded in the 2030 Agenda (target 6.5). IWRM defines across national boundaries, and tackling the thorny issue the enabling environment for integration, the need of inequality where the rich have better water services for a strong institutional framework (including par- than the poor, and wealthy landowners control water, ticipation), the need for management instruments for which reduces the productivity of smallholders. effectively managing water resources (including those shared across national boundaries), and financing SDG 17 (Strengthen the means of implementation and requirements for water resources development and revitalize the global partnership for sustainable develop- management. ment) offers a framework for enabling and accelerating progress in all aspects of SDG 6, including the challenging IWRM is a relatively simple concept but putting it into issues of IWRM and eliminating inequalities, which will be practice is complex. There is no universal solution, essential for achieving SDG 6 and leaving no one behind. and each country must seek its own unique approach. MoI for water and sanitation include governance, finance, Guidance can come from experiences in other countries Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 16 Executive Summary A girl closes a pit latrine in a small village between Gabú and Bafatá Regions which had just been declared open-defecation free. Photo/© UNICEF/UNI137336/LeMoyne pursuing integration. Progress is linked with the state Only 62 per cent of people in LDCs have access to a of the national economy and the level of effective basic drinking water service compared to 89 per cent of governance, although a low HDI should not necessar- the global population. The disparity in basic sanitation ily be a barrier. services is even greater, where coverage in LDCs (32 per cent) is less than half the global average (68 per Implementing IWRM at the transboundary level provides cent). Only 27 per cent of the population in LDCs had a further justification for the critical need to strengthen basic handwashing facility at home. There are marked cooperation over shared water resources and the benefits differences between fragile and non-fragile States, and they provide. Countries need to cooperate to ensure that rural communities lag behind those in the urban sector. transboundary rivers, lakes and aquifers are managed in Urban populations are growing rapidly, and slums can an equitable and sustainable manner. proliferate when growth is not well managed. Ethnicity is important in determining access to water and sanita- (b) Eliminating inequalities tion. Indigenous and tribal people comprise more than 15 Good water governance underpins the elimination of per cent of the world’s poor, although they account for less inequalities. Equal access to sufficient safe and afforda- than 5 per cent of the world’s population. They care for an ble water, and adequate and equitable sanitation and estimated 22 per cent of the Earth’s surface and protect hygiene, can mean the difference between prosperity nearly 80 per cent of the remaining biodiversity on the and poverty, well-being and ill-health, and even living and planet. Many countries are failing to implement policies dying. Poverty has significantly decreased and access to that sufficiently target the most vulnerable. Few countries WASH services has increased over the past 20 years. But have financial measures in place to target these popula- inequalities have continued to increase; they are at an all- tions, at 27 per cent for drinking water and 19 per cent for time high and affect almost every country. Richer people sanitation services. generally have better WASH access than poorer people, and wealthy landowners often control water resources in 2. Finance ways that reduce the productivity of smallholder farmers. However, economic influence is only part of the picture. Financial needs in the water sector remain high. More fund- Inequalities in societies exist between urban and rural ing is required, ranging from more-effective use of existing communities, within urban communities, and among dif- resources through to providing new financing paradigms ferent cultures and genders. to create greater opportunities for making rapid progress in 17 future years. Current financial resources are inadequate to Several countries are now producing national capacity achieve SDG 6. The World Bank estimated the annual capital development strategies for the water sector. However, the costs of meeting SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2 as US$114 billion big challenge is implementation. There are means of rapidly per year. This does not include other SDG 6 targets. Nor does increasing vocational skills to meet specific shortages using it include operation and maintenance, monitoring, institu- short-term programmes of two to four years in length. But it tional support, sector strengthening and human resources. takes many years to strengthen institutional capacity with a cadre of experienced and effective professionals and tech- Investments in WASH bring social and environmental ben- nicians that can plan and enable progress towards SDG 6. efits, as do investments in other water and water-using The answer lies in long-term commitment and support for sectors. Estimates of the annual costs of damage from knowledge and capacity development. flooding, inadequate WASH and water scarcity amount to US$500 billion. This figure would be much higher if environ- mental costs could be valued and considered. The benefits 4. Data acquisition and monitoring of investing in water security should reduce these costs and promote growth, which can then provide revenue supporting Data underpin the governance elements of accountability, further investment, thus creating a virtuous circle. transparency and participation. They enable progress to be monitored and service providers, governments and Development partners in the WASH sector identified three development partners to be held accountable. Many financial challenges: (1) lack of finance for strengthening the countries lack the financial, institutional and human enabling environment and service delivery, (2) untapped use resources to acquire and analyse data to support govern- of repayable finance, including microfinance and blended ance. Less than half of Member States have comparable finance, and (3) resources inadequately targeted towards the data available on progress towards meeting each of the poor and vulnerable who are unable to access services. global SDG 6 targets. Bridging the finance gap necessitates improving the effi- Stakeholders have no basis for challenging factually ciency of existing financial resources, while increasing incorrect or biased positions without available data. Reli- innovative sources of financing, such as commercial and able, consistent and, whenever possible, disaggregated blended finance, including the private sector. An enabling data are essential to stimulate political commitment, environment is therefore needed that considers the special- inform policymaking and decision-making, and trigger ities of water investments (e.g. large upfront capital needs, well-placed investments towards health, environment long terms or associated risk management). ODA is crucial, and economic gains. Data acquisition and monitoring but it needs targeting where it can be most effective and used requires political commitment to transparency that to catalyse other funding sources. includes efforts related to accessibility and sharing of data. Increased utilization of the latest Earth observa- The World Bank has stated that these actions are self-re- tions, citizen science and private sector data should be inforcing in the WASH sector. Improving the use of existing incorporated into data-monitoring systems at all levels to resources, when coupled with implementing reforms, should complement existing data-collection efforts. lead to increased efficiencies, improved services and increased credit worthiness. This can lead to increased access to repayable and commercial financing, which can then be invested in further service improvements, thus con- tinuing the cycle. E. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 3. Capacity development The integrated approach to the 2030 Agenda recognizes Strong formal and informal institutions and human that most aspects of society, development, sustainable resources underpin good water governance. However, growth and the environment are symbiotic. Accepting an acute lack of capacity is constraining water resources this can make development more cost-effective, help to development and management in all its facets, across maximize synergies and reduce the risks that actions most developing countries, particularly in sub-Saha- taken to meet one goal will undermine other goals. It will ran Africa and South and South-eastern Asia. Human also ensure appropriate timing and sequencing of policy resource shortages are reported in all key areas, includ- and institutional reforms and related investments, so ing: agriculture and irrigated farming; water-related risk that limited resources are used efficiently and sustaina- management; water and sanitation services; wastewater bly. An integrated approach has important implications. treatment, recycling and reuse technologies; and desal- It means that progress towards SDG 6 can enable and ination. This is not a new phenomenon and has been a drive progress in most other SDGs; equally, the success leading concern and constraint on water-related develop- of SDG 6 will also depend on most other SDGs meeting ment for many decades. their targets. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 18 Executive Summary 1. Water and society are often critically exposed to unsafe water and are most affected by the lack of adequate sanitation facilities and/or The transformative vision and ambition of Member sufficient wastewater management. States to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to com- bat inequalities within and among countries, to build Women need much greater engagement in decision-mak- peaceful, just and inclusive societies, and to protect ing about WASH infrastructure and services; they need to human rights everywhere is at the heart of the 2030 be asked about location, design and management of water Agenda. Water is central to achieving this vision points and toilet facilities. Women and men need to be and ambition. It is essential for society’s health and equally represented on WASH committees, service provid- well-being, ending hunger, achieving food security and ers and water user associations, and a concerted effort is improving nutrition. required to promote more women in leadership positions. National and local governments therefore need to integrate Safe drinking water, and adequate sanitation and hygiene, gender issues into their policymaking and decision-making are fundamental to protecting health, and directly and enable women to have an effective voice and engage in contribute to achieving good health and well-being. meaningful participation. Water-related diseases are closely linked to poverty, and disproportionately affect vulnerable commu- Water is an essential ingredient in agriculture and food nities that do not have access even to basic WASH production. It is intrinsic to ending hunger, achieving food services. Universal access to WASH is essential for security, improving nutrition and promoting sustainable agri- ending preventable deaths from diarrhoea and other culture. Most water withdrawals are in the agriculture sector. water-related diseases, and for improving nutrition, Therefore, water shortages and scarcity can seriously affect health service delivery, social well-being and eco- agriculture and food production, particularly in vulnerable nomic productivity. Estimates suggest that every developing countries, where the demand for food is increas- US$1 invested in WASH yields a US$5 return, consid- ing and undernutrition is endemic. World hunger is rising ering all social and economic benefits. Inequalities again now, following a prolonged period of decline, as more must be eliminated and rates of progress increased people suffer food insecurity. This is especially noticeable in for those furthest behind, if WASH targets are to be sub-Saharan Africa, which experiences the highest level of met by 2030. This includes people in rural areas, and food insecurity, affecting almost 30 per cent of the popula- communities where neglected tropical diseases are tion. Conflict and fragility have also worsened food security endemic and “hotspots” where outbreak of diseases and are often compounded by floods and droughts, both of such as cholera recur. which can devastate crops and harvests. Schools have an important role to play. Improving access to WASH in schools can enhance pupil and teacher health, 2. Water and the environment school attendance and welfare, which benefits educa- tional outcomes for all. This is particularly beneficial for Ecosystems and their inhabitants, including humans, girls and young women with regard to menstrual hygiene are water users. Water-related ecosystems include management. School pupils are well placed to learn about wetlands, rivers, aquifers and lakes, and sustain a high safe water and sanitation, both in practice and in the class- level of biodiversity and life. They are vital for providing room, so that they and their families can understand the benefits and services such as drinking water, water links among water, health and nutrition. for food and energy, humidity, habitats for aquatic life, and natural solutions for water purification and climate Access to WASH, together with food security, can reduce resilience. They contribute to addressing competing infections that exacerbate undernutrition. Poor WASH con- demands, mitigating risks and promoting stability and tributes to undernutrition, which is both a rural and an urban trust-building measures, if they are managed well. health issue (but which is worse in rural communities). It is They are therefore essential for sustainable develop- endemic among the poor in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, ment, peace, security and human well-being. where many people live in insanitary conditions and do not get enough calories, protein and micronutrients in their diet. Water-related ecosystems are increasingly under Almost 25 per cent of children under the age of five was threat, as the demand grows for fresh water for agri- stunted and 10 per cent was wasted in 2016. culture, energy and human settlements. They endure effects from pollution, infrastructure development and Women are the predominant caretakers of domestic water, resource extraction. Degrading ecosystems can also collecting it for household use and irrigating crops. Many lead to conflict, displacement and migration. women in poor households bear the burden of retrieving water from distant sources and often have little option but Water quality is diminishing as pollution from patho- to use polluted wastewater for domestic purposes. Their gens, organic matter, nutrients and salinity increase role in societies and within their families means that they due to lack of properly managed sanitation, and indus- 19 “The transformative vision and ambition of Member States to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat inequalities within and among countries, to build peaceful, just and inclusive societies, and to protect human rights everywhere is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda. Water is central to achieving this vision and ambition. It is essential for society’s health and well-being, ending hunger, achieving food security and improving nutrition.” trial and agricultural run-off. Land and freshwater internationally reported natural hazards. Water-related ecosystems are totally interdependent. Land-based hazards accounted for 62 per cent of the deaths and ecosystems depend on freshwater resources in suf- 96 per cent of the people affected and 75 per cent of ficient quantity and quality; in turn, activities on land, total damage costs amounting to US$2.5 trillion. including land use, influence water availability and quality for people, industry and ecosystems. Poor While floods are immediate and visible and receive much water quality degrades freshwater habitats and coastal attention, droughts are a creeping phenomenon, like cli- areas and can affect fishers, thus influencing both bio- mate change. They contribute to overall water scarcity, diversity and food security. stress water supplies, and affect agriculture and aquatic ecosystems. Proactive drought policies and drought risk Interest is growing in nature-based solutions (NBSs), management can build greater societal resilience to the which use or mimic natural processes to increase water effects of drought and reduce the need for an emergency availability (e.g. soil moisture retention and groundwa- response. But this requires a fundamental shift in the way ter recharge), improve water quality (e.g. natural and droughts are perceived and managed. Overall, climate constructed wetlands and riparian buffer strips), and change, and its exacerbation of floods and droughts, reduce water-related risks by restoring flood plains and necessitates a more adaptable approach to water man- constructing decentralized water retention systems agement for countries and societies to be able to cope such as green roofs. with the increasing uncertainty. Agriculture is both a leading cause and a victim of Water stress (scarcity) is linked to hunger and food inse- water pollution. Agricultural water withdrawals are curity. Countries need to improve water productivity and consumed by crops, but some water is returned to water-use efficiency to overcome water shortage and water bodies, resulting in pollution. The lack of water scarcity, especially those facing high water stress. An treatment from domestic and industrial sources also important option for water savings is to reduce high levels makes agriculture a victim, as polluted water contam- of food loss and waste, which could save the resources inates crops and transmits disease to consumers and used to produce them for other productive purposes. the people involved in food production and processing. Cities and towns present a special and major water Much of the pollution affecting oceans and coastal challenge, as they are expected to be home for some zones comes from human activities and poorly man- 66 per cent of the world’s population by 2050. Increasing aged land-use practices. This also applies to solid urbanization and deteriorating infrastructure inhibit progress. waste dumped at or near coastal areas, which even- So does the growth in peri-urban slum populations where tually ends up in the sea. Reducing pollution and there is only limited access to safe water and sanitation and minimizing dumping of hazardous materials into which are linked to poverty, gender equality, and health and upstream ecosystems will benefit marine environ- nutrition problems. Cities do not function in isolation; they ments and reduce the impact on coastal ecosystems. exist within river basins and what happens in cities affects others downstream and vice versa. Climate change has a significant impact on freshwater systems and their management. Most effects due to Migration (often partly caused by environmental degrada- climate change will be experienced through changes tion and water insecurity) adds to the pressure on water in the hydrological cycle, such as overall water availa- resources. Unemployment across many Arab States has bility, water quality and frequency of extreme weather worsened in recent years as rural incomes have fallen due events (e.g. floods and droughts). Water-related to drought, land degradation and groundwater depletion, hazards account for a large part of disaster loss and resulting in low agricultural productivity. This has fuelled impact. Between 1990 and 2015, more than 1.6 mil- rural to urban migration, expanded informal settlements and lion people died, and 5.5 billion people affected in increased social unrest. The loss of agricultural jobs jeop- Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 20 Executive Summary Vietnamese farmers and water buffaloes work on rice fields. UN Photo/Kibae Park ardizes agricultural livelihoods and economic opportunities, growth and the pervasive way in which water is an input which particularly affects younger generations and vulnera- into so many economic activities. The findings confirm ble members of society. Migrants can place great burdens in that water insecurity acts as a major constraint to global countries where existing resources are often limited, poorly economic growth. managed and overexploited. About 1.4 billion livelihoods globally are directly dependent on water, including jobs in the food and beverage industry, 3. Water and the economy the energy industry and the water industry. Millions of smallholder farmers in developing countries rely on water Economic growth is still the priority for most countries. for irrigation and livestock farming for their livelihoods. SDGs cannot be met without growth, which tends to over- shadow other issues. But unsustainable use of water and Agriculture is a major industry, employing about 30 land resources will not help to meet these targets. Climate per cent of the global workforce. Agriculture is treated change is focusing minds on sustainability and the fact like any other industrial business in developed countries. that the natural resources of future generations are being Only 1.5 per cent of the nation’s workforce is employed consumed to satisfy the economic demands of today. in agriculture in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. But the wider agrifood industry, Although water is widely accepted as being important to which relies on agriculture for its raw materials, employs economic growth, recent studies have helped to quantify 14 per cent of the nation’s workforce and is worth and confirm this relationship. However, determining how US$145 billion to the national economy. However, water-related investments affect growth is fraught with uncertainty over future water supplies for agriculture difficulties because of the many pathways that lead to is leading to greater uncertainty among agrifood busi- 21 nesses and may act as a disincentive to future growth and investment. These issues are reflected across many similar industrialized countries. F. Key messages Agriculture is the mainstay of economic growth in many developing countries and is the leading consumer of 1. Integrating Sustainable Develop- water. Millions of smallholder producer farmers, more than 60 per cent of the workforce in sub-Saharan Africa, ment Goal 6 into the 2030 Agenda are involved in agriculture-related activities. Agricultural production and the economy in sub-Saharan Africa • Achieving SDG 6 is essential for progress on all other SDGs largely depend on the vagaries of sparse and unreliable and vice versa. Sustainable management of water and seasonal rainfall. Most countries face a combination of sanitation underpins wider efforts to end poverty, advance high hydrological variability, a lack of investment in water sustainable development and sustain peace and stability. infrastructure and weak water governance. Irrigated agri- culture is an option for only some. • The time to act on SDG 6 is now. The world is not on track to achieve the global SDG 6 targets by 2030 at Water quality is of equal concern as water quantity for the current rate of progress. the manufacturing industry. Most industrial processes degrade water quality. Industries in modern econo- • Global SDG 6 targets must be localized and adapted to mies have statutory duties to clean up their effluents to the country context. National governments must decide national and international standards before discharging how to incorporate SDG 6 targets into national planning into receiving water bodies such as lakes, rivers or the processes, policies and strategies, and set their own tar- sea. Many industries in developing countries still dis- gets, taking into account local circumstances. charge untreated or partially treated effluent, which raises concerns about pollution from toxic metals and organic • Effective water resources management needs more compounds. Those pollutants that are harmful to people and better data. Data underpin good water governance. and the environment in places where regulatory systems Less than half of Member States have comparable data are ill-equipped to deal with them are of concern. available on progress made towards SDG 6 targets. Industrial water demand in Europe is decreasing; it has levelled in North America, although demand is much higher 2. Understanding the baseline status than in other regions. Demand continues to rise in Australia and Oceania, Asia, South America and Africa. The and trends of the global indicators challenge is for developed nations to lower industrial water use and for developing countries to industrialize • Extending access to safe drinking water presents a without substantially increasing water demand and huge challenge. Achieving universal access to safe water pollution. and affordable drinking water means providing basic water services to 844 million people and improving Water and energy are closely associated. WASH ser- service quality to 2.1 billion people who lack safely vices, agriculture and industry all need energy for managed drinking water services. pumping water, treating wastewater, irrigating crops and desalination. The energy sector also needs water • Billions of people still need access to basic toilet and to cool thermal power plants, provide hydropower and handwashing facilities. Over 2.3 billion people lack basic grow biofuels. A 48 per cent increase in global energy sanitation services, 892 million still practice open defeca- consumption is expected by 2040 (above 2012 levels), tion and 4.5 billion people lack safely managed sanitation mostly in China, India, South-east Asia, parts of Africa, services. These will not be eradicated by 2030 with cur- Latin America and the Middle East. Energy demands rent trends. Only 27 per cent of the population in LDCs has in the water sector are increasing as more farmers access to soap and water for handwashing on premises. exploit groundwater for irrigation, and substantial increases in water treatment are expected in order to • Improving water quality can increase water availability. meet SDG 6 targets. Most wastewater in developing Worsening water pollution must be tackled at source countries is untreated. If this is to be halved by 2030 to and treated to protect public health and the environment meet SDG 6 targets, substantial amounts of additional and to increase water availability. energy will be needed if traditional methods of treat- ment are applied. A potential bonus is that the energy • Agriculture offers opportunities for significant water contained in wastewater is about 5–10 times greater savings. The agricultural sector accounts for nearly than the energy needed to treat it. Innovative methods 70 per cent of global freshwater withdrawals. Saving are required to extract and use it. just a fraction of this would significantly alleviate water stress in other sectors. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation. 22 Executive Summary • Implementing IWRM is an important comprehensive rules, practices and processes for taking decisions and step towards achieving SDG 6. Integration across the implementing them. It is key to implementing IWRM. water and water-using sectors is essential for ensur- ing that limited water resources are shared effectively • Inequalities must be eliminated. Effective policies, strat- among many competing demands. egies and subsidies must be developed to ensure that no one is left behind. The 2030 Agenda will not succeed if • Sustaining water-related ecosystems is crucial to soci- governments fail to support the most vulnerable people. eties and economies. The world has lost 70 per cent of its natural wetlands over the last century. Sustaining • Water and sanitation require a new financing paradigm. and recovering water-related ecosystems are vital for This means increasing the efficiency of existing finan- societal well-being and economic growth. cial resources and mobilizing additional and innovative forms of domestic and international finance. • Improved international cooperation and more and better use of funding is needed. Over 80 per cent of • Capacity must be developed. A serious lack of insti- countries reports insufficient financing to meet national tutional and human capacity across the water sector WASH targets. ODA funding is important, but so too is is constraining progress, particularly in developing stronger domestic financial engagement, including the countries. Investing in capacity development requires a private sector, and better use of existing resources. long-term view as well as short-term measures. • Public participation is critical to water management. • Smart technologies can improve management and Community participation in decision-making can yield service delivery. Smart technologies supported by many benefits, but better means of measuring quality information technology can effectively improve all and effectiveness of such participation are needed aspects of water resources and WASH management. rather than just relying on quantity of engagement. • Multi-stakeholder partnerships can unlock potential. Sharing, accessing and adapting new solutions needs 3. Enabling and accelerating progress cooperation. SDG 6 provides the ideal platform for multi-stakeholder partnerships to ensure more effective • Good water governance is essential. Good water govern- and efficient progress on poverty reduction and sustain- ance provides the political, institutional and administrative able development. CHAPTER I Introduction Girls in Kuma Garadayat, North Darfur, celebrate the inauguration of their new school as part of the six development projects in the areas of education, sanitation, health, community development and women empowerment. UN Photo/Albert González Farran Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 24 Chapter I. Introduction All 193 Member States of the United Nations General As- to achieve the dedicated SDG on water and sanitation sembly unanimously agreed to Transforming our world: (SDG 6). It presents the global baseline status of SDG 6 the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development (the 2030 and what more needs to be done to achieve the goal by Agenda) in September 2015. The 2030 Agenda is a plan 2030. The information presented will be used to inform of action for people, the planet and prosperity. Member decision-making at the 2018 HLPF. States of the General Assembly resolved to “end poverty in all its forms”, to take bold and transformative steps to “shift the world on to a sustainable and resilient path” and to ensure that “no one will be left behind”. A. Sustainable The 2030 Agenda established 17 Sustainable Develop- Development Goal 6 ment Goals (SDGs) and 169 global targets, relating to development outcomes and means of implementation The establishment of SDG 6, Ensure availability and (MoI), for the period 2015–2030. These were designed sustainable management of water and sanitation for to be integrated and indivisible and to balance the social, all, reflects the increased attention on water and san- economic and environmental dimensions of sustainable itation issues in the global political agenda. The 2030 development. The 2030 Agenda further seeks to realize Agenda lists rising inequalities, natural resource deple- the human rights of all, and to achieve gender equality tion, environmental degradation and climate change as and empowerment of all women and girls. This ambi- some of the world’s greatest challenges. It recognizes tious universal agenda is intended to be implemented by that social development and economic prosperity de- all countries and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative pend on the sustainable management of freshwater re- partnership (United Nations, General Assembly, 2015a). sources and ecosystems and highlights the integrated nature of SDGs. The 2030 Agenda emphasizes that governments have primary responsibility for “follow up and review” of pro- SDG 6 will be reviewed for the first time in July 2018, gress towards SDGs and their targets at national, regional under the theme Transformation towards sustainable and global levels. It encourages Member States to estab- and resilient societies, along with a pre-selected set of lish regular and inclusive review processes and highlights SDGs comprising those on affordable and clean energy the need for “high quality, accessible, timely and reliable (SDG 7), sustainable cities and communities (SDG 11), disaggregated data” to measure progress. responsible consumption and production (SDG 12) and life on land (SDG 15). The goal on partnerships (SDG The High-level Political Forum (HLPF) on Sustainable 17) is reviewed annually at each HLPF. Linkages among Development is the main global platform on sustaina- SDG 6 and this set of goals will be examined in this re- ble development and has a central role in follow-up and port, as well as the linkages with other SDGs. review of the 2030 Agenda. HLPF meets annually under the auspices of the United Nations Economic and Social This first synthesis report on SDG 6 seeks to inform dis- Council and every four years under the auspices of the cussions among Member States during HLPF and the United Nations General Assembly. The theme of each in-depth review of SDG 6. It reviews the current situation HLPF, and a subset of goals to be reviewed, is agreed in and trends at global and regional levels. It also compiles advance. Member States present national reports, which the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indi- are reviewed together with reports and contributions from cators selected by Member States to track progress to- other major stakeholders (United Nations, Department of wards the eight global targets, plus complementary data Economic and Social Affairs, n.d.). and evidence from a wide range of sources. The report presents data on the global baseline status of SDG 6 The purpose of this report is to synthesize the latest and, importantly, what more needs to be done to achieve available data and evidence on the global status of efforts the goal by 2030 (box 1). “The establishment of SDG 6, Ensure availability and sustainable management of water and sanitation for all, reflects the increased attention on water and sanitation issues in the global political agenda. The 2030 Agenda lists rising inequalities, natural resource depletion, environmental degradation and climate change as some of the world’s greatest challenges.“ 25 BOX 1 What does this synthesis report offer to policymakers? This report presents data collected through the Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 coordinated by UN-Water and uses complementary sources of data and information to analyse policy linkages among different SDG targets and indicators in an integrated fashion. By assessing the global baseline status of SDG 6, it pro- vides Member States with an overview of water and sanitation issues in the context of the wider 2030 Agenda, and outlines what needs to be done to accelerate progress towards this goal. It provides the basis upon which a road map towards more sustainable development can be established. human rights to water and sanitation are widely recognized by Member States (box 2). Water resources are embedded B. Sustainable water and in all forms of development (food security, health promo- tion and poverty reduction), in sustaining economic growth sanitation for all in agriculture, industry and energy generation, and in main- taining healthy ecosystems. It is no coincidence that the Freshwater, in sufficient quantity and quality, is essential World Economic Forum has consistently ranked the water for all aspects of life and sustainable development. The crisis as a top global risk since 2012 (WEF, 2018). BOX 2 Human rights to water and sanitation Access to water and sanitation is required for the realization of other human rights, including the right to ade- quate housing, the right to the highest attainable standard of health and the right to life (United Nations, Office of the High Commissioner for Human Rights, 2003; United Nations, Economic and Social Council, 2010). The United Nations General Assembly and the Human Rights Council reaffirmed the human rights to safe drinking water and sanitation in 2015 (United Nations, General Assembly, 2015b; United Nations, Human Rights Council, 2016). All States have an obligation to move as quickly as possible towards full realization, using the maximum available resources, and to take active measures to reduce and eliminate existing inequalities, without discrimi- nation. The criteria of accessibility, availability, quality, acceptability and affordability are increasingly reflected in the frameworks used for monitoring water and sanitation at national and global levels. A human rights approach requires that individuals have rights to adequate water and sanitation services. It also requires services to be pro- vided in a way that respects the environment and does not negatively affect downstream communities or future generations (de Albuquerque, 2014). Water-related ecosystems and the environment have al- ural environment continues to be degraded and unsus- ways provided natural sites for human settlements and tainable pressures put on global water resources, by 2050 civilizations, bringing benefits such as transportation, this will put at risk 45 per cent of the global gross domes- natural purification, irrigation, flood protection and habi- tic product (GDP), 52 per cent of the world’s population tats for biodiversity. Major global trends (e.g. population and 40 per cent of global grain production (IFPRI, n.d.). growth, agricultural intensification, urbanization, industri- Poor and marginalized populations will be disproportion- al production and pollution, and climate change) are be- ately affected, further exacerbating rising inequalities. ginning to overwhelm and undermine nature’s ability to provide key functions and services (WWAP, 2009; WWAP Agriculture (including irrigation, livestock and aquaculture) and UN-Water, 2018). Estimates suggest that if the nat- is by far the largest water consumer globally, accounting Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 26 Chapter I. Introduction for 69 per cent of annual water withdrawals. Industry (in- cluding power generation) accounts for 19 per cent and households for 12 per cent (FAO, 2016a). All these water C. Monitoring Sustainable uses can pollute freshwater resources. Most wastewater from domestic, industrial and agricultural sources is dis- Development Goal 6 charged back into water bodies without treatment. If not treated, this pollution further reduces the availability of freshwater for drinking and other uses and degrades eco- SDG 6 includes eight separate targets that aim to address systems. the entire water cycle: provision of drinking water (6.1) and sanitation and hygiene services (6.2), treatment and reuse The challenge of meeting future demands and achieving of wastewater and ambient water quality (6.3), water-use sustainable water and sanitation for all is significant. Strong efficiency (6.4), IWRM including through transboundary political will and commitment are required. However, there cooperation (6.5), protecting and restoring water-related is no standard approach for sequencing the policies and ecosystems (6.6), international cooperation and capaci- institutional developments and investments required for ty-building (6.a) and local participation in water and sanita- effective management of water resources and provision of tion management (6.b) (table 1). services that will be valid for all countries and under all cir- cumstances. Finding sustainable development pathways The 2030 Agenda states that SDG targets are “global in na- will be challenging for water-insecure countries, especially ture and universally applicable, taking into account different for least developed countries (LDCs). This is because many national realities, capacities and levels of development and of the countries have limited water available per capita, in- respecting national policies and priorities” (United Nations, adequate professional and institutional capacity, and expe- General Assembly, 2015a, para. 55). Global targets are there- rience extremes of droughts and floods that require costly fore considered aspirational, and each government must water infrastructure (Ait-Kadi, 2016). decide how to incorporate SDG 6 targets into national plan- ning processes, policies and strategies. Governments are However, there is a growing consensus that these chal- expected to set their own targets guided by the global level lenges can be met by adopting a more integrated approach of ambition but taking into account national circumstances. to the management and allocation of water resources for National targets should also build on existing international different purposes, including the protection of ecosystems agreements related to water and sanitation, including the upon which societies and economies depend. The concept human rights to water and sanitation. of integrated water resources management (IWRM) is now reflected in the 2030 Agenda and requires governments to The United Nations Statistical Commission has established consider how water resources link different parts of society an Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators (IAEG- and how decisions in one sector may affect water users in SDGs) to develop and implement a global indicator frame- other sectors. It is an approach that must involve all actors work for the goals and targets of the 2030 Agenda. This group and stakeholders, from all levels, who use and potentially selected one or two indicators for each of the 169 global SDG pollute water so that water is managed in an equitable and targets, recognizing that these may not fully reflect all aspects sustainable manner (box 3). of the targets, for the purpose of global monitoring. BOX 3 IWRM “IWRM is a process which promotes the co-ordinated development and management of water, land and related resources, in order to maximize the resultant economic and social welfare in an equitable manner without compro- mising the sustainability of vital ecosystems.” (GWP, 2000a). IWRM is a process; therefore, it does not offer a universal approach to water management. Water resources, de- velopment priorities, and social and economic issues are all location and context specific. Country or water basin planning may differ, but IWRM provides a common approach, and experience shows that there are common fea- tures to all. These include: a strong enabling environment; sound investments in infrastructure; clear, robust and comprehensive institutional roles and responsibilities; and effective use of available management and technical instruments. These are the practical elements of implementing IWRM (Lenton and Muller, 2009). 27 The Statistical Commission approved the official list of tistical Commission in 2020 and 20253. It also notes that global SDG indicators2 in March 2017. The General Assem- the global indicators may be complemented by additional bly subsequently adopted this list in July 2017. The reso- national, regional and thematic indicators, which can be lution adopted states that the indicator framework will be further developed by Member States (United Nations, Gen- refined annually and reviewed comprehensively by the Sta- eral Assembly, 2017). Table 1. Targets and indicators of SDG 6 TARGET INDICATOR (CUSTODIAN AGENCIES) 6.1 By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to 6.1.1 Proportion of population using safely managed drinking safe and affordable drinking water for all water services (World Health Organization (WHO)/United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF)) 6.2 By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable 6.2.1a Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation sanitation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, services (WHO/UNICEF) paying special attention to the needs of women and 6.2.1b Proportion of population using a handwashing facility with girls and those in vulnerable situations soap and water available (WHO/UNICEF) 6.3 By 2030, improve water quality by reducing 6.3.1 Proportion of wastewater safely treated (WHO/United Nations pollution, eliminating dumping and minimizing release Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat/United Nations of hazardous chemicals and materials, halving the Statistics Division (UNSD)) proportion of untreated wastewater and substantially 6.3.2 Proportion of bodies of water with good ambient water quality increasing recycling and safe reuse globally (United Nations Environment Programme/UNSD) 6.4 By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency across 6.4.1 Change in water-use efficiency over time (Food and all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals and supply of Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO)) freshwater to address water scarcity and substantially reduce 6.4.2 Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of the number of people suffering from water scarcity available freshwater resources (FAO) 6.5 By 2030, implement integrated water resources 6.5.1 Degree of integrated water resources management management at all levels, including through implementation (0–100) (United Nations Environment Programme) transboundary cooperation as appropriate 6.5.2 Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO)/United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)) 6.6 By 2020, protect and restore water-related 6.6.1 Change in the extent of water-related ecosystems over time ecosystems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, (United Nations Environment Programme/Ramsar Convention) rivers, aquifers and lakes 6.a By 2030, expand international cooperation and capacity- 6.a.1 Amount of water- and sanitation-related official development building support to developing countries in water- and assistance that is part of a government-coordinated spending plan sanitation-related activities and programmes, including (WHO/United Nations Environment Programme/Organisation for water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewater Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)) treatment, recycling and reuse technologies 6.b Support and strengthen the participation of local 6.b.1 Proportion of local administrative units with established communities in improving water and sanitation and operational policies and procedures for participation of local management communities in water and sanitation management (WHO/United Nations Environment Programme/OECD) Source: Adapted from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2017) 2 3 The 2030 Agenda recognizes that data for several of the global targets remain unavailable. It calls for increased support for data collection and capacity-building in Member States to establish national and global baselines. IAEG-SDGs has classified the 232 global indicators based on methodological development and data availability. Tier I indi- cators have established methods, standards and data available for at least 50 per cent of the global population and 50 per cent of countries. Tier II indicators have established methods and standards, but data are not regularly produced by countries. Tier III indicators are those for which methods and standards are still being developed. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 28 Chapter I. Introduction IAEG-SDGs has identified “custodian agencies” for each of the 232 global SDG indicators. These agen- cies are expected to lead the development of methods D. Structure of this report and standards for data collection, contribute to sta- tistical capacity-building and data collection, estab- Chapter I provides an overview of SDG 6 in the context of lish mechanisms for compilation and verification of the 2030 Agenda and the emerging framework for nation- national data, maintain global databases and provide al and global monitoring under the UN-Water Integrated internationally comparable estimates for the purposes Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6. of global monitoring and reporting. Chapter II reviews current SDG 6 data resulting from the latest Reflecting the integrated nature of water, SDG 6 is data drive at the indicator level. It includes baseline data on the in- matched by a coordinated response from the United dicators and identifies gaps in knowledge, capacity and resource Nations system, including the United Nations agen- availability. Information comes from the Integrated Monitoring cies that deal with water, health, food, development, Initiative, complemented by data from other sources. vulnerable people, the environment, disasters, and human peace and security. The UN-Water Integrated Chapter III is based on the findings from chapter II and ex- Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 brings together eight amines the enablers for progress, challenges and obsta- United Nations agencies. These are custodians of the cles facing the sector. It targets water management and 11 SDG 6 global indicators and comprise the following sanitation priorities that can accelerate progress towards monitoring programmes: achieving SDG 6 by 2030. • The WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme Chapter IV looks beyond SDG 6, exploring how it connects for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene (JMP) with other SDGs and reviewing the evidence available to tracks progress on drinking water, sanitation and establish those key connections. The interconnected na- hygiene (SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2) and was estab- ture of all 17 SDGs and their 169 targets suggests a mutual lished in 1990. interdependence and that other SDGs will only be achieved • Integrated Monitoring of Water and Sanitation Relat- if SDG 6 is realized. Likewise, SDG 6 will only be achieved if ed SDG Targets (Global Environmental Management the other SDGs are accomplished. Initiative (GEMI))4 tracks progress on wastewater, water quality, water resources management and wa- Chapter V provides key messages on how coherent poli- ter-related ecosystems (SDG targets 6.3–6.6) and cies and strategies for the integrated and successful im- was established in 2014. plementation of SDG 6 might be achieved. • UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of San- itation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) tracks finance, This report includes all SDG 6 indicators agreed upon by capacity and the enabling environment (SDG targets IAEG-SDGs in 2017, which comprised Member States, and 6.a and 6.b) and was established in 2008. regional and international organizations as observers. Data collection and monitoring progress towards the achieve- ment of SDG 6 are part of a learning process of review and This report reviews data collected under the UN-Water improvement by the United Nations Statistical Commis- Integrated Monitoring Initiative for SDG 65. Custodian sion, Member States, United Nations agencies and other agencies will also produce reports with more detailed stakeholders. The report recognizes that the selection of analysis and disaggregation of SDG 6 global indica- indicators, data collection and methodologies represent tors and other indicators relevant for national and work in progress, and countries are at different stages in global monitoring. developing their monitoring and reporting mechanisms. 4 GEMI was established as an inter-agency initiative comprising: FAO, UNECE, United Nations Environment Programme, UNESCO, UN-Habitat, UNICEF, WHO and the World Meteorological Organization. The first phase of GEMI implementation (2015–2018) focused on developing and testing monitoring methodol- ogies and other support tools for countries, global implementation of SDG 6 monitoring and the start of a long-term process to build monitoring capacity in countries, as well as establishing a global baseline for SDG targets. 5 For further details, see CHAPTER II Global baseline status of targets and indicators Rice fields in Sapa, Viet Nam. UN Photo/Kibae Park Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 30 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Measuring river discharge in Kenya. Photo/Georgina Smith This chapter provides a global baseline status for SDG 6 nicity, migratory status, disability, geographic location or targets and indicators. It compiles data from the United other characteristics in accordance with the Fundamental Nations agencies contributing to the UN-Water Integrated Principles of Official Statistics (United Nations, General Monitoring Initiative for SDG 6 and provides Member States Assembly, 2014). Disaggregating data is challenging in with key information and an overview of the current state many parts of the world. While almost all countries can of water management and sanitation within SDG 6. Current disaggregate estimates of basic drinking water, sanita- rates of change and trajectories towards 2030 targets are tion and hygiene for urban and rural populations, doing established where sufficient data (such as those from pre- the same for environmental indicators is particularly chal- vious monitoring during the Millennium Development Goal lenging given the lack of commonly agreed methods and (MDG) period 2000–2015) are available. The chapter also standards for stratification. IAEG-SDGs has established a highlights specific challenges associated with measuring working group to develop further guidance on disaggre- and monitoring progress and identifies opportunities for gation of global SDG indicators. improvement. All SDG 6 indicators are new since the MDG period. They IAEG-SDGs developed an indicator framework for tracking incorporate many new elements that reflect the increased progress towards the global targets set by the 2030 Agen- ambition of the 2030 Agenda, although some are based da.6 This framework comprises 232 SDG global indicators, on information collected by national governments during which focus on specific measurable issues and aim to re- the MDG period. For example, indicators used for mon- flect the spirit and ambition of the targets (United Nations, itoring targets 6.1 and 6.2 on drinking water, sanitation General Assembly, 2017). However, the official list of indi- and hygiene go beyond simply measuring access to infra- cators does not fully reflect all aspects and ambitions of structure and also take into account the quality of servic- SDG targets. Additional complementary information sourc- es provided. Several significant data gaps were identified es are therefore used in this report where needed. Further in some countries, mainly because of introducing these indicators may be added in the future to meet specific na- new elements. tional and regional monitoring purposes and for in-depth reporting, particularly on cross-cutting themes. Table 2 summarizes the status of indicators for SDG 6 targets and highlights common challenges to and oppor- The 2030 Agenda states that SDG indicators should be dis- tunities for enhancing monitoring during the SDG period aggregated, where relevant, by income, sex, age, race, eth- (2015–2030). 6 Official metadata summaries for global indicators are available from 31 Table 2. Current status of indicators for global targets under SDG 6 Indicators Current status Progress Challenges of Opportunities for Disaggregation Global tracking progress improving moni- (relevance) database/ toring and tracking data progress source All SDG 6 global Less than 50 per Many Data quality and re- Further standardiza- High relevance for all Variable indicators cent of coun- SDG 6 liability vary across tion and harmoniza- indicators (though for each tries have com- global indi- countries and data tion of all indicators in different dimen- indicator parable baseline cators are sources; data avail- and monitoring to sions), but some lack estimates for new, and ability, frequency improve compara- commonly agreed most SDG 6 most have and coverage vary bility of data across stratifiers and few are global indicators only limited widely; disaggrega- countries; establish routinely produced by time series, tion is a challenge common under- national data providers making it for all indicators standing of how to difficult to assess MoI across determine SDG 6; build capaci- rates of ty throughout progress 6.1.1 Proportion Estimates Limited Good data on Strengthen reg- Urban/rural, subna- WHO/ of population available for 96 availability accessibility but ulatory data and tional region, wealth UNICEF using safe- countries, four of time se- limited data on expand coverage quintile, specific geo- JMP ly managed out of eight SDG ries makes availability and of regulatory data, graphic areas (slums) global drinking water regions, and for it difficult to quality, especially e.g. expand beyond and other locally dis- database services the world.a determine in rural areas; no urban areas to rural advantaged groups rates of commonly agreed areas; integrate new progress approach to moni- questions on availa- tor affordability bility and quality into household surveys 6.2.1a Propor- Estimates Limited Good data on ac- Strengthen Estimates for basic WHO/ tion of pop- available for 84 availability cess and regulatory data and services can be dis- UNICEF ulation using countries, five of time se- treatment of waste- expand coverage aggregated by rural/ JMP safely managed out of eight SDG ries makes water from sewers of regulatory data, urban, by wealth and global sanitation ser- regions, and for it difficult to but relatively few e.g. expand beyond by subnational region, database vices the world a determine data on treatment urban areas; inte- but few countries have rates of and disposal of ex- grate new questions disaggregated data progress creta from on-site on management of for safely managed sanitation facilities on-site sanitation in services such as septic household surveys tanks and latrines 6.2.1b Propor- Comparable Limited Observations of Increase the number Estimates for basic WHO/ tion of popu- data available availability handwashing of national house- services can be dis- UNICEF lation using a for 70 countries of time se- facilities and soap hold surveys that aggregated by rural/ JMP handwashing and two SDG ries makes and water during include observation urban, by wealth and global facility with regions, but these it difficult to household surveys of handwashing by subnational region, database soap and water are insufficient determine are more reliable facilities and track but few countries have available to generate a rates of than asking house- changes over time; disaggregated data global estimate; progress holds whether they develop alternative for safely managed few high-income wash hands; direct proxies for high-in- services countries collect observation of hand- come countries such information on washing behaviour as availability of handwashing is only feasible in piped water supplies, small studies hot water, showers or bathrooms on premises Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 32 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Indicators Current status Progress Challenges of Opportunities for Disaggregation Global tracking progress improving moni- (relevance) database/ toring and tracking data progress source 6.3.1 Proportion Preliminary esti- Limited No global esti- Enhance monitoring Currently not disag- WHO/ of wastewater mates available availability mates available for of key parameters gregated, but could UNICEF safely treated for 79 countries, of time se- industrial wastewa- of effluent stand- be disaggregated by JMP but limited ries makes ter; some data are ards that go beyond subsector to distin- global to household it difficult to based on design of environmental guish domestic and database, wastewater determine wastewater treat- parameters and ad- industrial wastewater UN-Habitat and no com- rates of ment technologies dress public health; prehensive data progress rather than actual address exposure on industrial performance; risks associated and other lack of insights with reuse of waste- non-house- on all wastewater water hold domestic streams wastewater 6.3.2 Proportion Data available Limited Limited availability Use well-estab- Five parameters (nitro- GEMStat of bodies of for 30 countries availability of data limits the lished monitor- gen, phosphorus, con- water water with good on open water of data possibility to deter- ing systems as ductivity, pH, dissolved quality ambient water bodies, 35 on makes it mine time trends examples of good oxygen) are monitored database, quality rivers, 25 on difficult to practices for coun- and combined into a United groundwater determine tries yet to develop water quality index Nations En- and 22 on all rates of adequate central vironment three progress national databases Programme on ambient water quality; incorporate Escherichia coli monitoring 6.4.1 Change Data Not yet Not yet possible to Increase the num- Subnational data FAO in water-use available for 168 possible to determine trends ber of countries with would be relevant AQUASTAT, efficiency over countries (but determine over time internal monitoring World time from different rates of processes, not Bank years) based progress based on interna- on AQUASTAT as this tional data sets, and World Bank is a new leading to more data, constantly indicator; updated and timely updated data from data 2002 to 2014 were used for this report, due to a lack of rep- resentative countries reporting in 2017 33 Indicators Current status Progress Challenges of Opportunities for Disaggregation Global tracking progress improving moni- (relevance) database/ toring and tracking data progress source 6.4.2 Level of Data avail- Data Not yet possible to Increase the number Few countries have FAO water stress: able for 171 updated to determine trends of countries with started disaggregating AQUASTAT, freshwater countries (but 2016 were over time internal monitoring data, and no results IWMI withdrawal as from different used for processes, not based are yet available; sub- a proportion of years) based this report, on international data national data would be available fresh- on AQUASTAT due to a sets, leading to more relevant water resources and Interna- lack of rep- updated and timely tional Water resentative data; improve estima- Management countries tion of environmental Institute (IWMI) reporting in flow requirements in a data, constantly 2017 country context updated 6.5.1 Degree IWRM data Baseline First global Encourage consist- Disaggregation of sur- United of integrated available for data show measurement of ency in individuals veys by question can be Nations water resources 157 countries, progress the indicator, so and authorities in- a useful quick diagnostic Environ- management covering all towards insufficient data volved in responding tool at the country level ment Pro- implementation SDG regions; 58 imple- available to estab- to questionnaires; to identify main areas of gramme- (0–100) countries have mentation; lish trends; some ensure rigorous progress or barriers to DHI Centre time series data similar, degree of subjec- and participatory progress; this includes a IWRM data though not tivity to answering country processes range of IWRM aspects, portal identi- surveys, although to collect data, to such as laws, policies, cal, data this is reduced ensure responses plans, institutions, stake- sets are through threshold are robust and holder participation, gen- available descriptions for widely accepted in der, private sector, data for 2007 each question and the country monitoring and sharing, and 2011, extensive guidance and financing; disaggre- and some gation at different levels progress is also possible, including can be national, subnational and identified transboundary levels 6.5.2 Proportion Data avail- Base- Limited data avail- Improve synergy Data can be disaggre- UNECE, of transbound- able for 107 line data able for TBAs, and between process gated separately for UNESCO ary basin area of 153 coun- show that 47 countries that of monitoring transboundary river with an opera- tries sharing countries share transbound- this indicator and and lake basins, and tional arrange- transboundary continue to ary waters have reporting on water for TBAs ment for water waters, although adopt new not responded to cooperation under cooperation more than 40 agreements the initial SDG 6.5.2 the Convention on countries lack for their reporting exercise the Protection and data related to trans- Use of Transbound- transboundary boundary ary Watercourses aquifers (TBAs) waters and and International revise exist- Lakes (several ing ones international meet- ings are planned for 2018 to review and refine monitor- ing methodology); capacity-building would increase the number and quality of reports Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 34 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Indicators Current status Progress Challenges of Opportunities for Disaggregation (rele- Global tracking progress improving moni- vance) database/ toring and tracking data progress source 6.6.1 Change National data Limited Limited availability Improve global data By ecosystem type, United in extent of available for 38 nationally of nationally de- on spatial extent of e.g. lakes, rivers and Nations water-related countries; global derived rived data to deter- lakes, groundwater, which is Environ- ecosystems Earth Observa- data make mine time trends; reservoirs and important to enable ment Pro- over time tion data avail- it difficult to national trends on estuaries; improve protection and restora- gramme able, measuring determine open water extent global data on water tion at the ecosystem national spatial progress; for 188 countries quality level extent of open Earth obser- are available (turbidity and water bodies, for vation data chlorophyll-a); 188 countries on spatial improve country extent of reporting on all open water basins bodies provide a baseline 6.a.1 Amount of Data on water Water and Good data on ODA Strengthen water Subnational, financing Creditor water- and san- and sanitation sanita- disbursements, sector financing type, subsector Reporting itation-related related ODA tion ODA but challenges data in countries System official develop- disbursements disburse- in assessing the based on standard- (CRS) Aid ment assis- available for 140 ments have proportion of ODA ized methods such Activity tance (ODA) countries increased included in govern- as TrackFinb database, that is part steadily, ment-coordinated UN-Water of a govern- but have spending plans GLAAS ment-coordi- remained nated spending constant as plan a propor- tion of total ODA since 2005 6.b.1 Propor- Data available Definition More participation Refine indicator to Subsector UN-Water tion of local for 110 coun- of progress may not necessarily monitor the extent GLAAS administrative tries (merged is highly be better; effective of participation, and units with data set from coun- participation must assess its nature, established the two lat- try and ensure that all effectiveness and and operational est cycles of subsector service users have a value policies and GLAAS) specific “voice” procedures for participation of local commu- nities in water and sanitation management a Further information on SDG regions is available from b Further information on the TrackFin initiative is available from 35 A. Target 6.1: Achieve safe and affordable drinking water “By 2030, achieve universal and equitable access to safe maintain good ambient water quality and to reduce and affordable drinking water for all” contamination risks within the supply system (SDG targets 6.2–6.6). The United Nations General Assembly (Human Rights Council) recognized access to water and sanitation SDG global indicator 6.1.1 addresses the use of “safely as human rights that are essential for full enjoyment managed” drinking water services, which comprise im- of life (United Nations, General Assembly, 2015b). proved sources that are accessible on premises, availa- The 2030 Agenda reiterates this and includes an ble when needed and free from contamination (box 4). ambitious global SDG target 6.1 to secure safe and The population using “basic” drinking water services affordable drinking water for all. Universal access (improved sources for which a round trip to collect water presents a major challenge and implies providing takes no more than 30 minutes) is one of the indicators households with water for drinking, cooking, personal used to track progress towards SDG target 1.4, which hygiene and other domestic purposes, as well as en- aims for universal access to basic services. Progress on suring such access to water in schools, health-care improving drinking water contributes directly to reducing facilities and other settings. Improving the availabili- poverty, and is a prerequisite for wider improvements in ty and quality of drinking water depends on effective nutrition, health, education, gender equality and produc- management of water resources and wastewater to tivity (see chapter IV). BOX 4 Monitoring safely managed drinking water services in Kenya Monitoring safely managed drinking water services requires data on the number of people using improved drinking water sources, and the number of those sources accessible on premises, available when needed and compliant with drinking water quality standards. The Water Services Regulatory Board in Kenya was established to regulate the water services subsector, following passage of the Water Act in 2002. The Board has since published nine annual reports (IMPACT reports) that ana- lyse utility performance based on nine key performance indicators. The first IMPACT report referred to compliance with residual chlorine targets. Subsequent reports have included compliance with bacteriological parameters, which were used to calculate SDG baselines in urban areas. Performance on the Board composite drinking water quality indicator increased to 92 per cent by 2014/2015 (WASREB, 2018). IMPACT reports also publish data on number of hours of water supply per day, by utility, which is an indica- tor of water availability when needed. In addition, two household surveys in Kenya directly asked household respondents about drinking water availability. A demographic and health survey in 2003 (supported by the United States Agency for International Development) found that 55 per cent of urban households used impro- ved sources from which water was “usually always available” (CBS, MOH and ORC Macro, 2004). Performance monitoring and assessment surveys conducted in 2014 and 2015 (supported by Johns Hopkins University) found that nearly three quarters of urban households were using improved sources from which water was “avai- lable when expected” (Johns Hopkins University, n.d.). However, multiple surveys conducted from 2000 to 2015 showed that only 55 per cent of households in urban areas had water supplies located on premises in 2015 (WHO and UNICEF, 2017a). Out of the three elements of accessibility on premises, availability when needed and compliance with drinking water standards, the first element was the lowest and determined an estimate for safely managed drinking water services. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 36 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Indicator 6.1.1: Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services Custodian agencies: WHO and UNICEF Introduction A safely managed drinking water service is defined as provid- ing drinking water from an improved source that is accessible on premises, available when needed, and free from faecal and Global drinking water coverage (per cent) in 2015 priority chemical contamination. WHO/UNICEF JMP produces internationally comparable es- timates based on official data from national statistics offices and other relevant authorities. As the data sources used for dif- ferent service-level parameters may not be the same, it is not always possible to determine which households or populations meet all three of the service-level criteria (accessible on prem- ises, available when needed and free from contamination). In- stead, safely managed drinking water services are calculated at the urban and rural levels by taking the minimum of the three service-level parameters. National estimates are generated as weighted averages of the urban and rural estimates, using population data from the latest report of the United Nations, De- partment of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Divisiona. Seven out of 10 people used safely managed drinking water in 2015. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Key messages • Five billion people use a safely managed drinking water service. • Estimates for safely managed drinking water are available for 96 countries and four out of eight SDG regions. • One billion people use a basic drinking water service. • Eight hundred and forty-four million people still lack even a basic drinking water service. • Two hundred and sixty-three million use a limited service, and 159 million still collect drinking water directly from surface water sources. • Seventy-four per cent of the global population use improved water sources accessible on premises, 79 per cent have water when needed and 73 per cent drink water free from contamination from surface water sources. 37 Updated JMP ladder for global monitoring of drinking water SERVICE LEVEL DEFINITION Drinking water from an improved water source that is located on premises, available when needed and SAFELY MANAGED free from faecal and priority chemical contamination Drinking water from an improved source, provided collection time is not more than 30 minutes for a BASIC round trip, including queuing Drinking water from an improved source for which collection time exceeds 30 minutes for a round LIMITED trip, including queuing UNIMPROVED Drinking water from an unprotected dug well or unprotected spring SURFACE WATER Drinking water directly from a river, dam, lake, pond, stream, canal or irrigation canal Note: Improved sources include: piped water, boreholes or tubewells, protected dug wells, protected springs, rainwater, and packaged or delivered water. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Regional drinking water coverage in 2015 (per cent) There are wide regional variations in coverage of safely managed drinking water services (from 24 per cent Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). in sub-Saharan Africa to 94 per cent in Europe and Note: *insufficient data to estimate safely managed services. Northern America). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 38 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Proportion of population using at least basic drinking water services in 2015 By 2015, 181 countries had achieved over 75 per cent Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). coverage with at least basic drinking water services. Proportion of population using safely managed drinking water services in 2015 5.2 billion people used safely managed drinking water services in 2015. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). 39 Progress towards universal basic drinking water services (2000–2015) among countries where at least 5 per cent of the population did not have basic services in 2015 The global population using at least a basic drinking water service increased from 81 to 89 per cent between 2000 and 2015. However, only one in five countries below 95 per cent coverage in 2015 is on track to achieving Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). universal basic water services by 2030. GDP per capita and coverage of safely managed drinking water across countries in 2015 Coverage of safely managed drinking water services varies Data source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). widely among countries with similar GDP. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 40 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Inequalities in use of basic drinking water by region, country, residence wealth in sub-Saharan Africa in 2015 Significant disparities in basic drinking water persist within countries. National data sources that enable disaggregation by urban/rural, by wealth and by subnational region often reveal significant inequalities among population subgroups. These data can inform efforts to reduce and eliminate Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). inequalities within countries. Percentage of households spending more than 3 per cent of total expenditure on WASH services in selected European countries SDG target 6.1 specifies that drinking water should be “affordable”, which implies that payment for services should not present a barrier to access or prevent people from meeting other basic needs. Further work is required to establish a commonly Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). agreed method for assessing affordability. Poor households in Europe are more likely to spend over 3 per cent of their total expenditure on WASH. 41 Proportion of total household expenditure on WASH services, by region (52 countries) Over 10 per cent of the population spends more than 2 per cent of their annual household expenditure on water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) in Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). three SDG regions. Sources: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World population prospects: key findings & advance tables, 2015 revision. Working Paper No. ESA/P/WP.241. World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017a). Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 2017 Update and SDG Baselines. Geneva. Available from __________ (2017b). WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Global Database. Updated July 2017. Available from a JMP methodology: 2017 update, November 2017. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 42 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Challenges, opportunities and policy implications Achieving universal access to safe and affordable drink- ing water by 2030 presents a huge challenge for all countries, not just those with low incomes. It is con- sistent with the broader transformative ambition of the 2030 Agenda to “end poverty in all its forms” and to “shift the world on to a sustainable and resilient path”. Target 6.1 challenges Member States to address the “unfin- ished business” of extending services to those popu- lations who remain unserved, and also to progressively improve the quality of services received. It also implies going beyond the household and considering access to services in schools, facilities and other institutional set- tings. The commitment to leave no one behind will re- quire increased attention on the needs and priorities of disadvantaged groups and deliberate efforts to monitor the reduction and elimination of inequalities in drinking water services. Each government must establish its own targets, taking into account national circumstances. In those countries where a large proportion of the population still lacks even a basic drinking water service, the initial focus Internally Displaced Persons (IDPs) at the Nifasha Camp will remain on ensuring that everyone has access to an in North Darfur, have access to water only two hours in the improved drinking water source and reducing the time morning, not enough time for all to be fully provided. spent (primarily by women and girls) collecting water. UN Photo/Albert González Farran Countries need to increasingly pay attention to improv- ing the quality of services, as coverage of basic services grows. This can only be achieved through substantial increases in investment from government and other sources and strengthening institutional arrangements for managing and regulating drinking water services. It Europe and Northern America region to 24 per cent in the also requires development of increasingly sophisticat- sub-Saharan Africa region, and the lack of time series ed information systems for monitoring coverage and makes it difficult to estimate trends. There are still signif- quality of services. Establishing sustainable models of icant gaps in country-level systems for data collection, service delivery is key to building willingness to pay and and further work is required to harmonize methods and attracting additional investment to keep services run- standards. Most countries have data on whether servic- ning in the long term. es are accessible on premises, but relatively few have data on availability and quality of drinking water, particu- Almost all countries and regions have robust estimates larly in rural areas and for populations using non-piped of trends in the provision of basic drinking water servic- networks and private supplies. There must be a concert- es. These data show that the global population using ed effort to strengthen national systems for monitoring basic services increased from 81 to 89 per cent between safely managed drinking water services, as technical in- 2000 and 2015. The two SDG regions of Australia and novations are reducing the cost of data collection. New Zealand and Europe and Northern America are al- ready very close to universal access, while the two SDG An increasing number of countries (80) are able to disag- regions of Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern gregate estimates for basic services by rural and urban, and South-Eastern Asia are on track to achieve universal wealth group and subnational region. This enables gov- access by 2030. However, just one in five countries with ernments to better identify and target disadvantaged less than 95 per cent coverage is currently on track to groups, but further work is required to disaggregate es- achieve universal basic services by 2030. timates for safely managed services (WHO and UNICEF, 2017b). Some countries already routinely collect informa- Estimates for safely managed drinking water are cur- tion on water in schools and facilities, and work is under rently only available for a subset of 96 countries and four way to harmonize questions and indicators used and to SDG regions. These vary widely from 94 per cent in the compile national data for the purpose of SDG reporting. 43 B. Target 6.2: Achieve access to sanitation and hygiene and end open defecation “By 2030, achieve access to adequate and equitable sani- Indicator 6.2.1b focuses on the presence of handwashing facil- tation and hygiene for all and end open defecation, paying ities with soap and water on premises. Handwashing with soap special attention to the needs of women and girls and those and water is a top priority for improving global health and is one in vulnerable situations” of the most cost-effective public health interventions. Good hy- giene practices, such as handwashing with soap and water after SDG target 6.2 aims for universal access to sanitation and also using the toilet and before preparing food, are essential to prevent to hygiene, which was overlooked in previous global targets. The illness and limit the spread of communicable diseases. term “adequate” is consistent with the United Nations resolution on the human right to sanitation that defines sanitation as “a sys- The proportion of the population using basic sanitation servic- tem for the collection, transport, treatment and disposal or reuse es and basic handwashing facilities is also used to track pro- of human excreta and associated hygiene” (United Nations, Gen- gress towards SDG target 1.4, which aims for universal access eral Assembly, 2009a, para. 63). It is clear that people have a right to basic services. to access a latrine or toilet, and also a right not to be harmed by unmanaged faecal waste. The global indicator for SDG target 6.2 Target 6.2 includes an explicit reference to ending open defeca- is divided into two parts, which cover sanitation and hygiene. tion, which is a major risk to public health and closely associat- ed with extreme poverty. It also calls for special attention to the Indicator 6.2.1a addresses the use of “safely managed” sani- needs of women and girls. They are disproportionately affected tation services (box 5). These are systems that safely separate by the lack of sanitation facilities providing privacy, and their digni- excreta and wastewater from human contact, either by safe ty and personal safety may be compromised by sharing facilities containment, treatment and disposal in situ, or by safe trans- with other households and practising open defecation. Bringing port and treatment off site. A safely managed sanitation system drinking water closer to home particularly benefits women and is essential for protecting and improving the health of individu- girls, who mainly shoulder the burden of water collection, and als, communities and the environment. Leaking latrines, septic frees up time for other things including education and work. Im- tanks and drains, and untreated faecal sludge and wastewater, proved access in public places to safe drinking water, sanitation, can all spread disease and pollute groundwater and surface and facilities for handwashing and menstrual hygiene manage- water sources used for drinking and recreation (SDG targets ment can also improve the school attendance of girls and make 6.1, 6.3, 6.5 and 6.6). it easier for women to work outside the home. BOX 5 Monitoring safely managed sanitation services in Ecuador Levels of basic sanitation services are generally high in Ecuador, but national data on the quality of these services were scarce. Therefore, the National Statistical Office (Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Censos) collaborated with the World Bank Global Water Practice and WHO/UNICEF JMP to pilot a new module in the Encuesta de Empleo, Desempleo y Subempleo, to track progress for SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2, in December 2016. Households were asked questions about sanitation facilities, with interviewers also asking to test drinking water quality and observe handwashing facilities. New sanitation questions focused on the management of on-site sanitation facilities (septic tanks and latrines), asking where effluent from septic tanks is discharged and whether latrines and septic tanks have been emptied. WHO/UNICEF JMP set a baseline for safely managed sanitation services by combining information on management of on-site sanitation facilities with data from municipalities on wastewater treatment. Further work is needed to verify administrative data on wastewater for households connected to sewer networks and to establish mechanisms for determining the extent to which excreta from emptying septic tanks are being treated. Source: Pozo and others (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 44 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Indicator 6.2.1a: Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services, including a handwashing facility with soap and water Custodian agencies: WHO and UNICEF Introduction Global sanitation coverage (per cent) in 2015 Use of a safely managed sanitation service is defined as use of an improved facility that is not shared with other households, and where excreta are safely disposed of in situ or transported and treated off site. WHO/UNICEF JMP produces internationally comparable es- timates based on national data sources. Data on improved sanitation facilities are routinely collected in household surveys and censuses, and may include information on sharing sani- tation facilities and emptying on-site sanitation facilities. Data on wastewater and faecal sludge treatment from on-site san- itation systems are increasingly collected by regulators, minis- tries, utilities, municipalities and other government institutions with the authority for oversight of service delivery. Safely man- aged sanitation services are calculated by adding together the populations using on-site systems where excreta are treated in situ or transported and treated off-site, and those with sewer connections which lead to excreta receiving at least secondary treatment. National estimates are generated as weighted aver- ages of the urban and rural estimates.a Two out of five people used safely managed sanitation services in 2015. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Key messages • Nearly 3 billion people use a safely managed sanitation service: 60 per cent of these people live in urban areas, with the other 40 per cent living in rural areas. • Estimates for safely managed sanitation are available for 84 countries and five out of eight SDG regions. • Two billion people use a basic sanitation service and 600 million people use a limited service. • Two billion people still lack even a basic sanitation service; 70 per cent of these live in rural areas. • Eight hundred and ninety-two million people still practise open defecation. 45 Updated JMP ladder for global monitoring of sanitation SERVICE LEVEL DEFINITION Use of improved facilities that are not shared with other households and where excreta are safely SAFELY MANAGED disposed of in situ or transported and treated offsite BASIC Use of improved facilities that are not shared with other households LIMITED Use of improved facilities shared between two or more households UNIMPROVED Use of pit latrines without a slab or platform, hanging latrines or bucket latrines Disposal of human faeces in fields, forests, bushes, open bodies of water, beaches or other OPEN DEFECATION open spaces or with solid waste Note: Improved facilities include flush/pour flush to piped sewer systems, septic tanks or pit latrines; ventilated improved pit latrines, composting toilets or pit latrines with slabs. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Regional sanitation coverage (per cent) in 2015 Estimates safely managed sanitation services are Note: * insufficient data to estimate safely man- available for five out of eight SDG regions. aged services. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 46 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Proportion of population using at least basic sanitation services across countries in 2015 By 2015, 154 countries had achieved over 75 per cent Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). coverage with at least basic sanitation services. Proportion of population using safely managed sanitation services across countries in 2015 2.9 billion people used safely managed sanitation services in 2015. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). 47 Progress towards universal basic sanitation services (2000–2015) among countries where at least 5 per cent of the population did not have basic services in 2015 The global population using at least a basic sanitation service increased from 59 to 68 per cent between 2000 and 2015. Just 1 in 10 countries below 95 per cent coverage in 2015 is on track to achieve universal basic sanitation Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). by 2030. GDP per capita and coverage of safely managed sanitation services across countries in 2015 Coverage of safely managed sanitation services varies Data source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). widely among countries with similar GDP. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 48 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Progress towards ending open defecation by country and globally (2000–2015) Substantial acceleration is required to end open defecation by 2030. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). Open defecation across SDG regions from 2000 through to 2015 Nine out of 10 people practising open defecation live in two SDG regions. The global total for open defecation fell from 1.2 billion to 892 million between 2000 and 2015. Nine out of 10 people lived in rural areas, almost two thirds (558 million) lived in Data source: WHO and Central and Southern Asia, with most of the rest (220 million) living in sub-Saharan Africa. UNICEF (2017b). 49 Inequalities in use of basic sanitation by region, country, residence, wealth quintile and sub-national region in Latin America and the Caribbean in 2015 Significant disparities in safely managed sanitation services Data source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). persist among and within countries. Regional variations in the proportion of population using sewer connections and on-site sanitation systems (per cent) Equal numbers of people use sewer connections and on-site sanitation globally. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Sources: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2015). World population prospects: key findings & advance tables, 2015 revision. Working Paper No. ESA/P/WP.241. World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017a). Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 2017 Update and SDG Baselines. Geneva. Available from __________ (2017b). WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Global Database. Updated July 2017. Available from a JMP methodology: 2017 update, November 2017. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 50 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Indicator 6.2.1b: Proportion of population with a handwashing facility with soap and water available on premises Custodian agencies: WHO and UNICEF A Haitian Red Cross worker demonstrates good hand washing techniques to students in Port au Prince. UN Photo/UNICEF/Marco Dormino Introduction A basic handwashing facility is defined as a handwashing facility common in household surveys. Facilities include a sink with tap with soap and water available on premises. water, but can also include other devices that contain, transport or regulate water flow. Soap includes bar soap, liquid soap, pow- Handwashing with soap and water is widely recognized as a der detergent and soapy water. top priority for reducing disease transmission. Self-reports of handwashing practice are unreliable, but direct observation of Many middle- and high-income countries lack sufficient data to the presence of handwashing facilities with water and soap is produce estimates. Key messages • Seventy countries have comparable data available on handwashing with soap and water, representing 30 per cent of the global population. • Coverage of basic handwashing facilities with soap and water varies from 15 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa to 76 per cent in Northern Africa and Western Asia, but current data are insufficient to produce global estimates for other SDG regions. • In LDCs, 27 per cent of the population have basic handwashing facilities, while 26 per cent have handwashing facilities lacking soap or water. The remaining 47 per cent have no facilities. • Less than 50 per cent of the population use basic handwashing facilities in 34 out of 38 African countries. A new JMP ladder for global monitoring of hygiene SERVICE LEVEL DEFINITION BASIC Availability of a handwashing facility on premises with soap and water LIMITED Availability of a handwashing facility on premises without soap and water NO FACILITY No handwashing facility on premises Source; WHO and UNICEF (2017a). Note: Handwashing facilities may be fixed or mobile and include a sink with tap water, buckets with taps, tippy-taps, and jugs or bains designated for handwashing. Soap includes bar soap, liquid soap, liquid soap, powder detergent, and soapy water but does not include ash, soil, sand or other handwashing agents. 51 Proportion of population using handwashing facilities by region in 2015 Coverage of basic handwashing facilities varies widely in Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). 70 countries with data in 2015. Proportion of population using basic handwashing facilities in 2015 Most countries in Africa had less than 50 per cent coverage Data source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). of basic handwashing facilities in 2015. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 52 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Proportion of population with basic handwashing facilities, by country and region in 2015 Seventy countries had comparable data available on basic handwashing facilities in 2015. Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). GDP per capita and coverage of basic handwashing facilities across countries in 2015 Low-income countries have the lowest coverage of basic Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). handwashing facilities. 53 Population with basic handwashing facilities including soap and water at home, by region, in 2015 Coverage of basic handwashing facilities was higher in Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017a). urban areas in all regions with data available in 2015. Sources: World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017a). Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 2017 Update and SDG Baselines. Geneva. Available from __________ (2017b). WHO/UNICEF Joint Monitoring Programme (JMP) Global Database. Updated July 2017. Available from Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 54 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Challenges, opportunities and policy implications Achieving universal access to adequate and equita- ble sanitation and hygiene by 2030 represents a major challenge in many parts of the world. Target 6.2 calls for countries to end open defecation and to ensure that everyone has access to a basic latrine or toilet, and also to put in place systems for safe management of the ex- creta produced. It highlights the importance of hygiene, which has previously been neglected in national and global targets and calls for special attention to the needs of women and girls. The proportion of the global population practising open defecation decreased from 20 to 12 per cent between 2000 and 2015, but faster progress will be required to end open defecation by 2030. The focus of efforts will Children investigate their community's newly improved need to be on the two regions of Central and Southern toilets in Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire. UN Photo/Patricia Esteve Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where most of the 892 mil- lion people who still practised open defecation lived in 2015. The initial focus in many countries will continue to be on ensuring that everyone has a basic sanitation service, as 2.3 billion people still lack an improved san- latrines, which dominate in rural areas. But many coun- itation facility that is not shared with other households. tries have data on the treatment of wastewater from Countries need to establish systems for safely treating sewer connections, which are primarily in urban areas. and disposing of the excreta produced. Substantial in- This is a major data gap, given that equal numbers of vestment will be required, particularly in rapidly growing people worldwide use sewer connections and on-site urban areas, although solutions will vary depending on systems, and further work is required to strengthen sys- the relative importance of sewerage networks and on- tems for local and national reporting. site sanitation systems. Strengthening the capacity of local and national authorities to manage and regulate Estimates for handwashing with soap and water are sanitation systems, including the development of infor- currently available for only 70 countries. Coverage var- mation management systems, is a high priority, espe- ies widely but is higher in urban than rural areas. There cially in low- and middle-income countries. are insufficient data to produce a global estimate, but coverage was generally higher in the regions of Eastern Almost all countries have robust estimates of trends in and South-Eastern Asia and Latin America and the Car- basic sanitation services. While the global population ibbean. Hygiene promotion efforts will need to focus on using these services increased from 59 to 68 per cent sub-Saharan Africa, where just 15 per cent of the pop- between 2000 and 2015, only one SDG region is current- ulation had basic handwashing facilities in 2015. Most ly on track to achieve universal basic sanitation by 2030. countries do not yet have sufficient data to be able to de- This is Australia and New Zealand, which is already near- termine trends, so it is difficult to assess the prospects ing universal coverage (WHO and UNICEF, 2017b). Just for achieving universal access by 2030. Data on hand- 1 in 10 countries with less than 95 per cent coverage washing facilities are not routinely collected in most in 2015 is on track to achieve universal basic sanitation middle- and high-income countries, where access to fa- services by 2030. cilities is assumed to be near universal. Work is ongoing to identify potential proxies such as availability of piped Estimates for safely managed sanitation were available water, hot water, showers or bathrooms in dwellings. for only 84 countries and five SDG regions in 2015. These varied from 78 per cent in Europe and Northern Ameri- Some countries already routinely collect data on san- ca to 22 per cent in Latin America and the Caribbean, itation and hygiene in schools and in facilities, related but the lack of time series makes it difficult to determine to the specific needs of women and girls, such as pro- trends. Data gaps remain in almost all countries, and viding single-sex toilets and making facilities available further work is required to harmonize the methods and for menstrual hygiene management. Work is ongoing to standards used to monitor the management of sanita- harmonize the questions and indicators used for mon- tion systems. Few countries have data on the treatment itoring and to compile national data for the purpose of and disposal of excreta emptied from septic tanks and global reporting. 55 C. Target 6.3: Improve water quality, wastewater and safe reuse “By 2030, improve water quality by reducing pollution, portunities for safe and productive use and reuse of water eliminating dumping and minimizing release of hazard- sources to augment freshwater supplies, particularly in ous chemicals and materials, halving the proportion of water-scarce regions. untreated wastewater and substantially increasing recy- cling and safe reuse globally” Target 6.3 calls for countries to halve the proportion of un- treated wastewater, to increase wastewater collection and Poor water quality poses risks to public health, food se- to ensure that on-site and off-site treatment technologies7 curity, and ecosystem services and functions. Untreated are operated and maintained, ensuring that effluent con- domestic wastewater contains pathogens, organics and sistently meets national standards. Industrial wastewater nutrients. Wastewater from industrial and other establish- generators need to be monitored and regulated through the ments may also contain hazardous substances, such as use of permits for discharge to sewers and/or the environ- heavy metals and other pollutants. Untreated wastewater ment. Removing hazardous pollutants at source and safely contaminates the environment, causing widespread dis- treating wastewater create opportunities for increasing the ease and damaged ecosystems. Water pollution limits op- safe reuse of water to combat water scarcity. Figure 1. Linkages among indicators on sanitation, wastewater and water quality 7 On-site (or decentralized) wastewater treatment systems treat wastewater in situ. Off-site wastewater treatment systems treat wastewater that has been conveyed using a sewerage system. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 56 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Progress on SDG target 6.3 partly relies on progress to- Water quality (box 6) is also one of the subindicators as- wards universal access to sanitation (indicator 6.2.1), sessed for indicator 6.6.1 on water-related ecosystems. improvement in domestic wastewater treatment perfor- mance, industrial wastewater source control and treat- Progress on SDG target 6.3 also contributes to safe ment (indicator 6.3.1) and reducing diffuse pollution from drinking water (target 6.1) and reduction in waterborne agriculture. Diffuse pollution is difficult to monitor, and fu- diseases (target 3.3). Increasing safe use of wastewa- ture methodologies need to account for the contribution it ter contributes to increasing food production (target makes to pollution in tandem with point sources. Indica- 2.4) and improved nutrition (target 2.2), while also miti- tor 6.3.2 assesses the combined impact of all wastewater gating water scarcity (target 6.4), increasing water-use discharges (including diffuse agricultural run-off not cov- efficiency (target 6.4) and contributing to sustainable ered in 6.3.1) on inland ambient water quality (figure 1). urbanization (target 11.2). BOX 6 Assessment of water quality worldwide With the limited water quality monitoring data available, the recent World Water Quality Assessment (United Nations Environment Programme, 2016) employed a modelling approach. It concluded that: pollution in Latin America, Africa and Asia increased between 1990 and 2010 because of growth in wastewater loadings to rivers and lakes. As an example, organic pollution (measured as biochemical oxygen demand) worsened in more than half of river stretches. Pollution increased to a severe level or was already severe and had worsened by 2010 in a subset of these river stretches. Howe- ver, most rivers are still in good condition, and there are great opportunities for reducing further pollution and restoring water quality. Model output: trend in biochemical oxygen demand (BOD) concentrations in rivers between 1990–1992 and 2008–2010 Source: (c) CESR, University of Kassel. April 2016, WaterGAP3.1. United Nations Environment Programme (2016). 57 duced because of its quality, quantity or time of occurrence. Indicator 6.3.1: Proportion of wastewater safely treated comprises two com- Proportion of wastewater ponents: safely treated - Percentage of safely treated domestic wastewater flows Custodian agencies: WHO/UN-Habitat/(UNSD) - Percentage of safely treated industrial wastewater flows The indicator assesses actual treatment performance Introduction based on effluent quality data and discharge permits where available. By comparison, indicator 6.2.1 (safely managed Wastewater is defined as water that is of no further immedi- sanitation) measures delivery to a secondary treatment ate value for the purpose for which it had been used or pro- technology or higher. Wastewater flows from generation to disposal Definition of indicator and methodology The second component measures volume of industrial wastewater flows in compliance with regulations and dis- The first component measures the flow of safely treated domes- charge permits as a proportion of all industrial wastewa- tic wastewater (sewage treated at treatment plants, wastewater ter discharged to sewers and to the environment. Industry from on-site facilities treated on site or emptied, transported and types are defined by ISIC codes. treated off site) as a proportion of all domestic wastewater gen- erated based on household per capita water-use data. Comprehensive wastewater monitoring comprises track- ing of: (1) household wastewater treated on site and off Domestic wastewater is defined as wastewater from house- site to national standards, (2) wastewater generated from holds and services. If the service types are defined by ISIC services, (3) industrial discharges to sewers and the envi- codes and require discharge consent, they are included in the ronment and (4) proportion of wastewater reused. Coun- industrial component. Preliminary domestic estimates cover tries can progressively monitor aspects according to their households only. “Safely treated” is defined as meeting national national priorities. treatment standards. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 58 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Wastewater Treatment Plant in Danbury, Connecticut. UN Photo/Evan Schneide Key messages • Preliminary estimatesa for domestic wastewater have been made for 79 countries. They are from mainly high- and-middle-income countries and exclude most of Africa and Asia. Insufficient data are available to make estimates for industrial wastewater. • Seventy-one per cent of domestic wastewater flow is collected in sewers, 9 per cent is collected by septic tanks and the remaining 20 per cent is not collected. • Fifty-nine per cent of all domestic wastewater flows is collected and safely treated. The untreated 41 per cent presents risks to the environment and public health. • Seventy-six per cent of domestic wastewater flows collected in sewers is safely treated. • Eighteen per cent of domestic wastewater flows generated by households with on-site facilities is safely treated in septic tanks". • Estimates should be considered as upper limits because data are skewed towards higher-income countries, and there are data gaps on treatment performance, other sources and sinks of wastewater. • Data on industrial discharges are poorly monitored and seldom aggregated at national level. • Comprehensive reporting on indicator 6.3.1 is impeded by major data gaps relating to on-site treatment of domestic wastewater. • Disaggregation of pollution load by source according to households, services and industry (which can be further disaggregated by International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) codes), will assist in identifying heavy polluters and consequently in applying the polluter pays principle to improve treatment. • A subindicator on reuse would respond to the full aspirations of indicator 6.3.1, and would encourage better assessment of reuse potential, in support of target 6.4 on water scarcity. National standards for wastewater covering multiple wastewater effluent quality requirements. National standards, most commonly issued by ministries treatment of environment, normally propose organic and nutrient parameters as primary measures of treatment. Levels of A review of national wastewater effluent standards analysed acceptance for each parameter vary according to source, data from 100 countries and collated 275 national standards disposal and reuse type. 59 Proportion of domestic wastewater treatment that is safely treated In 22 of the 79 countries with data, the safe treatment level of household wastewater flows is 50 per cent or less. Less than 25 per cent of the population is connected to sewered wastewater services in 102 countries (mostly in Africa and Asia). High-income countries are predominantly served by sewerage, and treatment plant performance rates are higher. Low- and middle-income countries Data sources: UN-Habitat; WHO. have predominantly on-site facilities and very few collect data on treatment for on-site facilities. Countries reporting on wastewater treatment based in terms of performance of treatment and expected performance based on the technology used More than a third of wastewater treatment estimates are based on treatment performance data. Twenty-eight of 79 country estimates for wastewater are based on reliable performance data reflecting whether treatment complies with national or regional standards. The remaining 51 country estimates are based on treatment technology data. Treatment performance reflects the Data sources: effects of overloading, unpermitted industrial discharge, and poor operation and maintenance on UN-Habitat; WHO. effluent quality. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 60 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Kavoor Sewerage Treatment Plant in India. Photo/ADB_Creative Commons Review of national standard of wastewater quality parameters Better alignment of national standards with global norms would facilitate comparison of global data, and in some Data source: WHO. cases could improve the quality of national standards. 61 Percentage of safely treated industrial wastewater flows Data source: European Union (2016). Note: “Not treated” wastewater may include wastewater that does not need to be treated before being discharged. Insufficient data are available to estimate treatment of industrial wastewater flows to sewers and direct to the environment. In most countries, discharge permit records are kept at the municipal level or in environmental protection agencies. They are seldom aggregated and reported at the national level. Collection and aggregation of permit data sorted by ISIC code are needed for complete reporting on indicator 6.3.1 (this could be achieved by issuing permits and ensuring that industries are compliant). Eurostat industrial emission data for 13 countries illustrate potential data sources for the industrial component of indicator 6.3.1. However, data should be interpreted with care as they could include as “untreated” wastewater that does not need to be treated before being discharged and which may constitute a substantial share. Combining the domestic and industrial components into a single indicator may be possible at a later stage when data become available on pollution loads expressed as the five-day biochemical oxygen demand for domestic and industrial discharges. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 62 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Wastewater as a resource. Reuse of wastewater in Arab States Data source: League of Arab States, UNESCWA and ACWUA (2016). Target 6.3 calls for a substantial increase of safe reuse of wastewater. Data on the use of wastewater and sludge are routinely collected in some regions to inform responses to water scarcity and pollution. Including a subindicator on reuse at the country and regional levels or during the 2020 revision of the SDG indicator framework would address the target more completely. Definitions of “safe reuse” for monitoring purposes are needed. Levels of treatment required should correspond to the level of risk to human health and the environment for each reuse type. The arid Arab States have proactive policies that address water scarcity and monitor progress. Jordan, Kuwait and Oman use at least secondary treatment prior to water use in agriculture. Other countries still have significant proportions of untreated wastewater. These represent opportunities to increase treatment and productive use for irrigation and groundwater recharge. Sources: European Union (2016). Eurostat Database. Available from League of Arab States, United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Western Asia (UNESCWA) and Arab Countries Water Utilities Association (ACWUA) (2016). Regional Initiative for Establishing a Regional Mechanism for Improved Monitoring and Reporting on Access to Water Supply and Sanita- tion in the Arab Region (MDG+ Initiative). Second Report. Amman (in Arabic). Available from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Statistical Division (2012). International Recommendations for Water Statistics. New York. Sales No. E.10.XVII.15. World Health Organization (WHO) and United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) (2017). Progress on Drinking Water, Sanitation and Hygiene: 2017 Update and SDG Baselines. Geneva. Available from a Preliminary estimates are calculated using data available at the time of publication and may change. 63 Monitoring the indicator and Indicator 6.3.2: methodology Proportion of bodies of Monitoring and assessing water quality is essential, but natu- water with good ambient ral variability in water bodies caused by differences in geology and climate means that it is not practical to set global ambient water quality water quality standards or targets. Each country must define “good ambient water quality” and set its own standards and Custodian agency: United Nations targets based on its specific conditions. These should ensure Environment Programme the aquatic ecosystem is healthy, and that there is no unaccept- able risk to human health arising from intended use of the water without prior treatment. The selected core parameters for indi- Introduction cator 6.3.2 are simple to measure and are a good starting point for countries with less-developed monitoring capacities. They Ambient water quality refers to natural, untreated water allow conclusions to be drawn on anthropogenic pollution such in rivers, lakes and groundwater, and represents a combi- as wastewater discharge and agricultural run-off. nation of natural and anthropogenic influences. Indicator 6.3.2 enables the impact of human development on ambi- The methodologya allows countries to increase the sophistica- ent water quality to be evaluated over time. It provides an tion of their submissions by including additional parameters, indication of the services that can be obtained from aquat- using supplementary methods of assessing water quality such ic ecosystems, such as safe water for drinking, preserved as biological methods and remotely sensed data, and by encour- biodiversity, sustainable fisheries and water for irrigation. aging countries to expand their monitoring networks over time. Parameters for monitoring SDG indicator 6.3.2 Parameter River Lake Groundwater Dissolved-oxygen X X Electrical-conductivity X X X Nitrogen X X Nitrate X Phosphorus X X pH X X X Key messages • Ambient freshwater quality is at risk globally. Freshwater pollution is prevalent and increasing in many parts of Latin America, Africa and Asia. The lack of water quality monitoring in many parts of the world does not allow for an exact global estimate of water pollution. • “Monitoring programmes can be perceived as expensive, but compared to the relative value of the water resources, and the savings made by making science-based decisions, these costs are minimal” (Lovett et al. 2007). • Increasing population and economic activity can propel a substantial increase in water pollution due to the emphasis on economic activity at the expense of environmental quality. • Public concern is often the instigator of change. There is pressure on relevant authorities to respond to rising pollution by initiating control measures aimed at reducing the pollution increase. If control measures are sufficient, the intensity of water pollution peaks, then levels of organic pollution, nutrient loading and pathogen contamination diminish. • Water quality problems persist, even in developed countries, including the continued loss of pristine quality water bodies and also effects associated with changes in hydromorphology, the rise in emerging pollutants and the spread of invasive species. • The first figure on the next page highlights various pressures on water quality as they rise and fall relative to increasing development. Actions can be taken to mitigate or avoid the effects, once drivers are identified. The main technical options for avoiding water quality deterioration are pollution prevention, treatment of polluted water, safe use of wastewater, and restoration and protection of ecosystems. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 64 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Pressures on water quality with increasing development: experiences from developed countries Source: Adapted from Borchardt and others (2016). Number of reporting countries (left) and water bodies (right) by water body type and region in 2017 Indicator 6.3.2 calls for available in situ data derived from national monitoring systems to be combined into a water quality index. This process will provide a broader database to reflect water quality status and a trend over time during the lifetime of the 2030 Agenda. The 2017 baseline data drive for indicator 6.3.2 resulted in 48 country submissions as of January 2018 for open waters, rivers and groundwater bodies. Thirty-two countries reported on 15,056 open water bodies, 37 on 36,142 rivers and 27 on 8,993 groundwater bodies. Twenty-four countries reported on all three water body types, nine on two types and six on one type. Source: International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change. Note: Data were available and collected from six out of eight SDG regions (Central and Southern Asia and Australia and New Zealand are pending clarification), and for all water body types, but countries in Europe and Northern America used the most data as output from developed and extensive monitoring programmes 65 Data scarcity low compared to those using many monitoring stations and values (top right). Some countries report using a low density of monitor- ing stations and monitoring values for a large propor- Some of the more developed countries used tens of thou- tion of the country (large circles, located bottom left, sands of monitoring records to calculate the indicator, in the figure below). As a result, the likelihood of the while some LDCs had limited monitoring programmes, or submitted value reflecting real-world water quality is only reported on a single key waterbody. Summary of 2017 baseline indicator 6.3.2 submissions Source: International Centre for Water Resources and Global Change. Notes: RBD is reporting basin district. The circle size relates to the proportion of the individual country covered. The location of the circles indicates the number of monitoring stations and monitoring values used in the indicator calculation in the individual country. Sources: Borchardt, Dietrich and others, eds. (2016). Integrated Water Resources Management: Concept, Research and Implementation. Basel: Springer International Publishing. Global Environment Monitoring System for Water (GEMS/Water) (2017). GEMStat. Available from Lovett, Gary M. and others (2007). Who needs environmental monitoring? Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 5, No. 5, pp. 253–260. United Nations Environment Programme 2016. A Snapshot of the World’s Water Quality: Towards a Global Assessment. Nairobi. Available from a Further information on the methodology is available from Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 66 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Challenges, opportunities and policy implications Water pollution has worsened since the 1990s in almost all rivers in Latin America, Africa and Asia, with severe pathogen pollution affecting around one third of all river stretches in these regions. The number of people at risk of health issues by coming into contact with polluted sur- face waters may be tens of millions on these continents (United Nations Environment Programme, 2016). Managing wastewater by increasing wastewater col- Water in Karial, an informal settlement in Dhaka, lection and treatment (on site and off site) can support Bangladesh. UN Photo/Kibae Park achievement of the 2030 Agenda. Wastewater should be seen as a sustainable source of water, energy, nutrients and other recoverable by-products, rather than as a bur- itoring systems need to assess performance of on-site den. Choosing the most appropriate type of wastewater and off-site domestic wastewater treatment systems. treatment system that can provide the most co-benefits Formalizing the informal sector through various policy in- is site specific, and countries need to build capacity to as- struments is needed to prevent excessive contamination. sess this. Reuse of water needs to take into account the Incentives for the informal sector to be registered with the whole river basin, as wastewater from one part of a basin government could be accompanied with combined anal- may well be the source of supply for others downstream. ysis of all wastewater sources and their relative contribu- A coordinated and pragmatic policy environment bringing tion to health and environmental risks. This would enable together industry, utilities, health, agriculture and the en- countries to prioritize investments on pollution control that vironment is needed to promote innovative safe recycling contribute most to achieving SDG target 6.3. and reuse of wastewater (WWAP, 2017). Key challenges in many parts of the world are localized Reporting on indicator 6.3.2 relies on a country’s capacity in the technical, personnel and financial capacities to to implement an ambient water quality monitoring pro- establish, maintain and further develop water quality gramme. Monitoring programmes and data interpretation monitoring. Monitoring everything is either simply not in many developed countries are routine and fulfil national possible or not cost-effective. Capacity development and regional reporting requirements aimed at protecting needs to look at the hardware available (laboratory level) or restoring water resources. However, most developing and the process of data collection in the field, as well countries lack capacity to collect and analyse the data as the analysis of data, upscaling solutions and institu- needed for indicator 6.3.2. Regional reporting of ambient tional collaboration on statistics. A specific policy focus water quality provides opportunities and challenges, and also needs to be put on groundwater monitoring (a ne- data collation to provide a complete picture can be prob- glected area), to inform water management decisions lematic for many countries. Data are often stored either with regard to quality, quantity and recharge dynamics. regionally or within single institutions, and many countries The use of Earth observation and citizen science as well do not have a central database facility for water quality as private sector data, now and in the future, must play data. Data often reside in the laboratories where samples an increasing role in addressing data gaps in time and were analysed and are not made available for reporting space. It could also provide complementary evidence at any level. Policies for harmonization of data standards and broaden the awareness and engagement of civil so- and open data access need to be put in place, to allow ciety and the private sector. establishment of information systems and data sharing to enable intra- and intersectoral cooperation within and Pollution, climate change, conflicts, water-related disas- beyond national boundaries. ters and demographic shifts are putting unprecedented pressure on water resources in many regions of the world. Managing wastewater and water quality also needs to in- More information on these complex linkages will improve clude better knowledge of pollution sources. SDG reporting the performance of decision makers. However, political could support countries in aggregating wastewater sub- acceptability to regulate pollution and decision implemen- national data and publicly reporting at the national level. tation are two of the main barriers for tackling the water This would include monitoring performance to ensure pollution challenge, in addition to the problem of gaps in treatment plants are managed and maintained to deliver data. The evidence available to inform decision-making effluent suitable for safe disposal or use according to na- will always be uncertain, as demonstrated by the emer- tional standards, which may vary from country to country. gence of new pollutants and the identification of diffuse Countries that do not have national standards and mon- pollution sources. Action must be taken at some point. 67 D. Target 6.4: Increase water-use efficiency and ensure freshwater supplies “By 2030, substantially increase water-use efficiency Increasing water-use efficiency means using less water while across all sectors and ensure sustainable withdrawals carrying out society’s economic activities. This can be done by and supply of freshwater to address water scarcity and increasing agricultural water productivity and reducing water substantially reduce the number of people suffering from losses, such as tackling leakages in municipal distribution water scarcity” networks. This is particularly relevant to sectors that use or consume high volumes of water, such as agriculture, industry, This target aims to ensure there is sufficient water for people, energy and municipal water supply. the economy and the environment, by reducing water with- drawals and increasing water-use efficiency across all sectors A high level of water stress (indicator 6.4.2) can affect econom- of society. Securing environmental water requirements is es- ic development and food security, and can increase competi- sential for maintaining ecosystem health and resilience, so that tion and potential conflict among users (box 7). This calls for enough water is left in the environment at any given moment to effective supply and demand management policies (linked to sustain natural processes. SDG targets 6.3 and 6.5). BOX 7 Assessing water scarcity in irrigated agriculture Irrigated agriculture is one of the main subsectors causing water scarcity in an increasing number of regions. The figure below shows estimated water stress in major river basins expressed as a percentage of incremental evaporation due to irrigation over groundwater and surface water resources. These results were generated by GlobWat, a freely available global soil water balance model developed by FAO and designed to assess water use in irrigated agriculture. Water balance is calculated using a two-step process. The first stage is a “vertical” water balance that includes evaporation from in situ rainfall (“green” water) and incremental eva- poration from irrigated crops. The second stage is a “horizontal” water balance that determines discharges from river (sub)basins, taking into account incremental evaporation from irrigation, open water and wetlands (“blue” water). Water stress per major river basin expressed as a percentage of in- cremental evaporation (E) due to irrigation over generated ground- water and surface water resources Source: Hoogeveen and others (2015). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 68 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Increasing water-use efficiency over time means decoupling Indicator 6.4.1: Change economic growth from water use across the main water-us- ing sectors of agriculture, industry, energy and municipal in water-use efficiency water supply. This has strong synergies with sustainable food production (SDG 2), economic growth (SDG 8), infrastructure over time and industrialization (SDG 9), cities and human settlements (SDG 11) and consumption and production (SDG 15). Custodian agency: FAO Introduction Water withdrawal by sector in the world (per cent), 2010 This indicator is designed to assess the economic and so- cial use of water resources in terms of the value added when water is used in different sectors of the economy. It includes losses that occur in distribution networks. Water-use efficiency is defined as the gross value added per unit of water used, expressed in US$/m3. It can help formulate water policy by focusing attention on those sec- tors or regions with low water-use efficiency, and on how to transfer successful actions from sectors or regions where water-use efficiency is much higher. This is a blue water indicator, meaning that it does not take into account the direct use of rainfall. Agriculture accounts for 69 per cent of annual water withdrawals. Data source: FAO (2016). Key messages • The rationale consists of providing information on efficiency of the economic and social usage of water resources. • Interpretation would be enhanced by using supplementary indicators at country level, including irrigation efficiency and municipality network efficiency. • Water-use efficiency is strongly influenced by the economic structure and the proportion of water-intensive sectors. • Change in water-use efficiency is influenced by “real” improvements and deteriorations, as well as by changes in economic and social structure. • Increasing values in time series indicate decoupling of economic growth from water use. This does not necessarily indicate decline in total water use or a reduction in the impact of water use (indicator 6.4.2). • Preliminary data show that water-use efficiency accounts for 15 US$/m3 globally, with country values ranging from about 2 to 1,000 US$/m3. 69 Water abstraction and GDP in the United States from 1960 to 2010 The figure below shows an example of decoupling. Water abstraction in the United States of America grew with increasing GDP from 1960 to 1980, then stabilized and ultimately decreased by 2010. Data sources: USGS (2018); World Bank (2018). Level of water-use efficiency by region (US$/m3) Data source: FAO (2016). Methodology and monitoringa or is directly abstracted (from SEEA-Waterb). While just a This indicator is defined as the change in value added di- few countries have reported on this indicator, preliminary vided by the volume of water used, in US$/m3, over time figures can be computed using the data available on FAO in a given major sector (showing the trend in water-use AQUASTAT, FAO FAOSTAT and the World Bank database.c efficiency). The economic sectors are defined following the ISIC codes. Water use is intended as water that is re- Preliminary estimates for water-use efficiency were availa- ceived by an industry or households from another industry ble for 168 countries and for all SDG regions in 2017. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 70 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Water-use efficiency (US$/m3) While the map below shows substantial differences among regions in terms of aggregated water-use efficiency, it indicates that countries at a different level of general development have comparable values of water-use efficiency. This is because the indicator takes into account a combination of economic size and water use. As water use generally increases with economic development, it is difficult to predict the outcome based on simple hypotheses. However, the actual indicator is based on the change of water-use efficiency over time, which will be computed at the country level. Data for computation are not yet available. Data source: FAO (2017). Sources: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2017). AQUASTAT Database. Water withdrawal by sector, around 2010. Available from __________ AQUASTAT Database. United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2017). Sustainable development knowledge platform. Available from UN-Water (2017). Integrated Monitoring Guide for SDG 6. Step-by-step Monitoring Methodology for Indicator 6.4.1 on Water-use Efficiency. Available from United States Geological Survey (USGS) (2018). USGS water use data for the nation. Available from World Bank (2018). DataBank – World Development Indicators. Available from a The methodology for this indicator was endorsed at Tier II by IAEG-SDGs during its session in November 2017. The next revision will take place in March 2020. FAO is also working with country partners towards developing a third indicator that could focus more on those resources. b Further information on SEEA-Water is available from c The metadata for this indicator are available from 71 Indicator 6.4.2: Level of water stress: freshwater withdrawal as a proportion of available freshwater resources Custodian agency: FAO Introduction Indicator 6.4.2 derives from indicator 7.5 on water stress that was applied during the MDG period, defined as “Pro- portion of total water resources used (percentage)”. How- ever, during the MDG period, this indicator only accounted for water use due to human activities. Environmental flow requirements are now also explicitly factored in as an impor- tant water user. Thus, water stress is defined as the ratio of total freshwater withdrawn by all major sectors to the total renewable freshwater resources, including environmental water requirements, and is expressed as a percentage. Drought in Niger 2011. UN Photo/WFP/Phil Behan Low water stress indicates little potential impact on re- source sustainability and on potential competition among users. High water stress indicates substantial use of water resources, with larger impacts on resource sustainability, Methodology and monitoring and the potential for conflicts among users. This indicator is useful for policymaking and helps to focus attention on The indicator was upgraded to Tier I at the IAEG-SDGs those regions under high water stress. session in November 2017.a Key messages • More than 2 billion people live in countries experiencing high water stress. The situation will likely worsen as populations and the demand for water grow, and as the effects of climate change intensify. • Water stress affects countries on every continent, and hinders the sustainability of natural resources, as well as economic and social development. • Estimates for the level of water stress are available for 171 countries and for all SDG regions. Thirty-one countries experience water stress between 25 and 70 per cent, and 22 countries are above 70 per cent and are considered to be seriously stressed. Eleven countries are above 100 per cent and include Libya, Saudi Arabia, United Arab Emirates and Kuwait, where the demand for freshwater is largely being met by desalination. • The global average water stress is 11 per cent, but there are significant differences among countries and regions, which global and regional assessments hide. Water stress values at the national level can hide differences between wet and dry areas of a country. One example is the large difference between the humid Amazon basin and the dry Pacific coast in Peru. • Regions with the highest water stress are Northern Africa and Western Asia (79 per cent) and Central and Southern Asia (66 per cent). • Sub-Saharan Africa has a low level of water stress at 3 per cent, but this regional value hides the large differences between the wetter north and drier south. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 72 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Area equipped for irrigation as a percentage of cultivated area Data source: FAO (2016). Level of water stress The map above shows the level of water stress estimated with data from AQUASTAT. Areas usually interpreted as very dry, like the Sahel region, appear to have low levels of stress, similar to more humid zones such as the Congo basin and Borneo. This is not contradictory. The indicator is based on the amount of water actually withdrawn in each country, which is generally low. This can be seen in the map below, which shows the proportion of cultivable land equipped for irrigation. The values mean that countries Data source: FAO have scope for improving and increasing their water supply, for agriculture, industry and (2016). households, within the sustainable use of resources. This is a call for more investments in infrastructure and education and should not be interpreted as a denial of the huge problems of water supply and access that many people in those countries actually face. 73 Levels of water stress by region (per cent), 2000–2014 Data source: FAO (2016). Level of water stress and GDP per capita in US$, 2002–2014 Water stress level varies widely among countries with Data source: FAO (2016). similar GDP. Sources: Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) (2016). AQUASTAT Database. Available from United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs (2017). Sustainable development knowledge platform. Available from UN-Water (2017). Integrated Monitoring Guide for SDG 6. Step-by-step Monitoring Methodology for Indicator 6.4.2 on Water Stress. Available from a The metadata for this indicator are available from Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 74 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Indicator 6.4.1 measures the financial value produced by the Challenges, opportunities and economy per volume of water used and includes all sectors that use water. However, this does not tell the whole story for those policy implications developing countries whose GDPs rely heavily on low-value ag- riculture. As most countries rely less than 30 per cent on agricul- Countries will need to make best use of their available water ture for their GDP, it is necessary to consider all the sectors using resources to achieve SDG target 6.4 (box 8). The agriculture water in order to assess the capacity of economy growth without sector is by far the largest water consumer in many developing overexploiting water resources. countries, and therefore also offers the greatest opportunities for water saving. Saving just a fraction can significantly alleviate While both indicators of target 6.4 can be disaggregated by eco- water stress in other sectors, particularly in arid countries where nomic sector, thus providing information for a detailed analysis of agriculture consumes a considerable amount of the available water use, in most cases, it would be futile to try to construct poli- water resources. Agricultural water savings can come in many cies that aim to move water from one economic sector to anoth- forms: through more sustainable and efficient food production er to increase the value of water-use efficiency. Other indicators (“more crop per drop”), through sustainable water management will signal problems and demand changes if the development practices and technologies, and through reducing water con- path becomes unbalanced. sumption by growing crops that are less water intensive in wa- ter-scarce regions. As economies grow, countries tend to use more water for irriga- tion, households, energy, industry, mining and leisure. These have Employing smart technological solutions can help to in- different capacities to produce value. Data show that in most crease irrigation efficiency, and using treated wastewater countries, there is scope to increase water use without affect- can help to reduce freshwater withdrawals. Implementing ing water resources. However, a decline in water-use efficiency, sustainable agricultural practices (SDG 2), such as selecting particularly if accompanied by an increase in water stress, would drought-tolerant crop species, using reduced-volume irriga- instead indicate that the development pattern will become un- tion systems and managing crops to reduce water losses, sustainable in the future. can also help to reduce water withdrawals and increase the effective use of available water resources. “Water-use efficiency” (indicator 6.4.1) refers to the economy and society. However, the information it provides is not suffi- Another option for water-scarce countries is to import food cient to define detailed policies and to take specific operational grown in water-rich countries, but this may conflict with political decisions to improve the grass-roots efficiency of various water sensitivities as countries seek food security in terms of self-suffi- users. Additional indicators reflecting those uses would be useful ciency. Although food production consumes most water, almost in such situations. Improvements in water productivity and irri- all the components of the food value chain offer opportunities gation efficiency in agriculture, reduction of losses in municipal to save water. Water savings in other sectors, such as in cooling distribution networks, and industrial and energy cooling process- for energy production, industrial plants and household use, must es are among the main issues that such indicators should moni- also be considered. tor. These will then provide decision makers with the information they need to orient their development choices. BOX 8 “Saving” water on irrigation schemes in the corn belt of western United States The western United States corn belt includes approximately 7.3 million hectares cultivated with maize. About 43 per cent of this area is irrigated and accounts for 58 per cent of the total annual maize production. Data on maize grain yield, applied irrigation, irrigation system and nitrogen fertilizer rate collected over a three-year period (2005–2007) from commercial farms concluded that water savings can be made from changes to the irrigation system and irrigation ma- nagement. While sprinkler and subsurface drip irrigation have the potential to increase irrigation efficiency (see footnote) when compared to gravity surface irrigation systems, irrigation schedules based on real-time crop requirements, soil water monitoring and short-term forecasts also appear to be good options. Scheduling irrigation based on soil water content and crop requirement could produce water savings up to 35 per cent with no yield penalty in eastern Nebraska, compared with standard farming practices. Centre pivot systems used 36 per cent less irrigation water than gravity sur- face irrigation to achieve the same yield, and conservation tillage required 20 per cent less irrigation water than conven- tional tillage. Crop residues under conservation tillage may diminish irrigation requirements by increasing precipitation storage efficiency and by reducing direct soil evaporation and surface run-off. Source: FAO (2012a). Note: “Irrigation efficiency” in this context is defined as water consumed by the crop divided by the amount withdrawn from a water source, and not as defined in indicator 6.4.1. Improvements in irrigation efficiency do not always directly translate into water savings. Research shows that farmers who “save” water tend to increase their irrigated area rather than give the water back for others to use. 75 E. Target 6.5: Implement integrated water resources management “By 2030, implement integrated water resources man- nations has been endorsed by numerous international agement at all levels, including through transboundary organizations, governmental organizations and non-gov- cooperation as appropriate” ernmental organizations (NGOs). This target is important because it is one of the few SDG targets that explicitly de- The 2030 Agenda fully commits Member States to IWRM mands transboundary cooperation over natural resources and transboundary cooperation over water resourc- management. Achieving it will have wide-ranging bene- es. Putting this into practice will arguably be the most fits, such as supporting SDG 16 (peace and justice). comprehensive step that countries can make towards achieving SDG 6 (box 9). Implementing a holistic IWRM Target 6.5 builds on Agenda 21 of the United Nations approach will provide institutional structures and mul- Conference on Environment and Development in 1992 ti-stakeholder processes to balance the development calling for “the application of integrated approaches to and use of water resources for people, for sustainable the development, management and use of water re- economic growth and for supporting vital ecosystem sources” (UNCED, 1992, chap. 18). With regard to trans- services. SDG target 6.5 thus embodies the core princi- boundary cooperation, target 6.5 also builds on the ples of the 2030 Agenda, and directly or indirectly sup- global opening of the 1992 Convention on the Protection ports all SDGs. and Use of Transboundary Watercourses and Interna- tional Lakes (Water Convention)8 (UNECE, 1992), the Transboundary cooperation is essential for ensuring sus- entry into force of the 1997 Convention on the Law of tainable development and use of water bodies, with 153 the Non-navigational Uses of International Watercours- countries sharing rivers, lakes and aquifers with other es (Watercourses Convention) (United Nations, General countries (box 10). Managing water bodies that cross Assembly, 1997) and the adoption, by the United Nations national administrative boundaries can catalyse cooper- General Assembly, of Resolution 63/124 including its ation, bring peace and stability to regions, and promote Annex on the Draft Articles on the Law of Transboundary economic development. The need for cooperation among Aquifers (United Nations, General Assembly, 2009b). BOX 9 Putting IWRM into practice Having a low human development index (HDI) does not necessarily constrain countries from putting IWRM into practice. Eight African countries with a low HDI reported medium to high levels of IWRM implementation, with scores ranging from 53 to 63: Benin, Burkina Faso, Mali, Mozambique, Senegal, Swaziland, Uganda and Zimbabwe. They reported medium to high implementation of policies, laws and plans (65) and institution and stakeholder participation (69). Most of these countries reported having high national institutional capacity and coordination among sectors, high levels of stakehol- der participation at national and local levels, and regular opportunities for private sector involvement in water resources development and management. However, they reported much lower levels of implementation for financing (41), which typically hindered implementation of management instruments (54). With the exception of Burkina Faso, these countries reported that the national budget for investment in water resources development and management, including infrastructure, was either insufficient to cover planned investments, or budget was allocated but not disbursed. Source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre (2018). 8 The Water Convention was originally pan-European but has been global since 2016. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 76 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators BOX 10 Positive steps towards transboundary cooperation Many countries recognize the importance of adopting basin-wide agreements. For example, an agreement between Ukraine and the Republic of Moldova, on cooperation in the field of protection and sustainable development of the Dnies- ter River Basin, was adopted in 2012 and entered into force on 28 July 2017 (UNECE, 2017a). Similarly, Mozambique and Zimbabwe are currently negotiating operational arrangements for the Pungwe, Save and Buzi Rivers (IUCN, n.d.). The 1944 Treaty between Mexico and the United States for the Utilization of the Waters of the Colorado and Tijuana Rivers and of the Rio Grande has evolved to better account for transboundary groundwater, restoration in the Colorado Delta and drought management (IBWC, n.d.). The 1995 Mekong Agreement and Commission has proven to be an important platform for the countries of the lower Mekong region to exchange data and information and to develop joint plans and programmes. This has led to a better collective understanding of the social, economic and environmental dynamics of the basin and brought countries together to consider the benefits and potential impacts of existing and planned infrastructure projects (MRC, n.d.). An aerial view of the Niger River near Gao, Mali. UN Photo/Marco Dormino 77 Key components of IWRM questionnaire 2017/2018 Indicator 6.5.1: Degree Financing for water resources management of integrated water lags behind the other three key components of IWRM by about 10 per cent. resources management implementation Custodian agency: United Nations Environment Programme Introduction Implementing IWRM supports the equitable, efficient and sustainable use of water, which is vital to balancing the so- cial, economic and environmental dimensions of SDG 6 and Aspects of IWRM with the greatest degree of the 2030 Agenda. implementation are reported to be cross-sectoral coordination and public participation at the national level (62 per cent implementation). Reporting on IWRM is a Aspects of IWRM with the lowest degree of country-driven process implementation are reported to be financing (particularly subnational level, 33 per cent), gender The completion of the 6.5.1 questionnaire (see right considerations (particularly transboundary level, column) is a country-driven process, providing the op- portunity to bring together multiple governmental and 33 per cent) and aquifer management instruments non-governmental stakeholder groups. Completed ques- (41 per cent). tionnaires, which contain reasoning for the scores for Arrangements and organizational frameworks each question, provide national policymakers with a sim- ple diagnostic tool to identify which areas are progressing for transboundary management are reported to well, and those that may be facing barriers to progress. be more advanced (56 per cent) than data and information sharing (48 per cent) and financing (40 per cent) for transboundary cooperation. Key messages • In 2017/2018, the global average degree of implementation of IWRM was 48 per cent, corresponding to medium low, but with great variation among countries. • More than 80 per cent of countries (157) reported on IWRM implementation, with strong representation from all regions and levels of development. • Comparisons with earlier surveys in 2007 and 2011 show that while modest progress is being made, most countries will not achieve indicator 6.5.1 by 2030 at current rates of implementation. • Governments and external support agencies should learn from experience and increase implementation efforts, to ensure accelerated progress and positive outcomes. • Attention should be given to building on IWRM monitoring and reporting, to address barriers to progress. Fisherman along the Wataboo beach in Baucau, Timor- Leste. UN Photo/Martine Perret Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 78 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators IWRM implementation (per cent) in 2017/2018 Indicator definition Indicator 6.5.1 measures the degree to which IWRM is being put into practice as a score between 0 and 100. The score is determined through a self-assessed country questionnaire, with 33 questions split into four sections: policy, laws and plans; institutions and participation; management instruments; and financing.a Each section is divided into two subsections, addressing the “national” and “other” levels. Each country assigns each question a score from 0 to 100. The score selection is guided by descriptive thresholds. For each question, countries are encouraged to provide the reasoning behind their score. These measures help to increase the objec- tivity of the questionnaire, and the ability to subsequent- ly compare and better understand the scores, as well as track progress over time. Question scores are averaged to provide the overall score for indicator 6.5.1. Thirty-eight per cent of countries reported at least medium-high IWRM implementation in 2017/2018. Data source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre (2018). Status of IWRM implementation in countries in 2017/2018 In 2017/2018, 62 per cent of countries reported medium-low IWRM implementation or lower. Accelerated progress is needed in most regions to achieve the target. Data source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre (2018). 79 Each region contains examples of countries with at least medium-high implementation, although regional differences exist. This indicates that the level of development need not be an absolute barrier to progress, but it is an influencing factor. Very low Low Medium low Medium high High Very high Percentage thresholds 0–10 11-30 31-50 51-70 71-90 91-100 Average percentage of implementation of IWRM (left column), and the number of countries in each IWRM implementation category (right bar chart) in 2017/2018 Data source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre (2018). Average percentage of implementation of IWRM (left column), and the number of respondent countries (right bar chart) in 2017/2018 Of the countries in the very high HDI group, 85 per cent reported at least medium-high IWRM implementation. In the other three HDI groups, less than 25 per cent of countries had reached this level of implementation. This may be due to countries that are not yet in the very high HDI group prioritizing sectoral Data source: United development and use of water resources in a non-integrated manner. However, Nations Environment this development path is not likely to result in sustainable water use. The Programme-DHI Centre (2018). countries with at least medium-high implementation in each HDI group may provide learning opportunities for other countries in similar situations. Source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre Partnership (2018). IWRM Data Portal. Available from The full questionnaire and associated guidelines are available from Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 80 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators as 44 reports require clarification from the relevant country. Indicator 6.5.2: Proportion Data coverage, especially in relation to TBAs, is expected to of transboundary basin improve as the SDG monitoring process continues. area with an operational Indicator definition arrangement for water SDG indicator 6.5.2 measures the proportion of trans- cooperation boundary basin area within a country covered by an opera- tional arrangement, including the area of river and lake basins Custodian agencies: UNECE and UNESCO and aquifers. An “operational arrangement” is defined as a treaty, conven- Introduction tion, agreement or other formal arrangement that meets the following criteria: there is a joint body for transboundary co- Indicator 6.5.2 measures and monitors transboundary water operation in place; the countries involved meet at least once cooperation. per year; there is a joint or coordinated water management plan, or joint objectives have been set; and there is at least an A questionnaire was sent to all 153 countries that share trans- annual exchange of data and information. boundary basins (rivers, lakes and aquifers) in the first quar- ter of 2017, inviting them to report on transboundary water By considering the operationality of transboundary water co- cooperation. Responses were received from 107 countries. operation, these criteria seek to go beyond simply measuring Not all country responses are included in the baseline data, whether arrangements are in place. Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe. UN Photo/Evan Schneider Key messages • The average of the national percentage of transboundary basin area covered by an operational arrangement is 59 per cent in the period 2017/2018, based on data received from 61 out of 153 countries sharing transboundary waters. This value suggests that a significant effort is needed to ensure that operational arrangements are in place for all transboundary waters by 2030. • Seventeen countries report operational arrangements in place for all their transboundary basins, 14 of which are in Europe. • An assessment of SDG indicator 6.5.2 across the four criteria of operationality demonstrates considerable diversity in the types of transboundary water arrangements that countries have entered into and the joint bodies established. • Countries highlight the challenges in developing transboundary cooperative arrangements as including: power asymmetries among countries; fragmentation in national legal, institutional and administrative frameworks; lack of financial, human and technical capacity; and poor data availability, especially in relation to TBAs and their delineation. 81 Geospatial localization of transboundary rivers, lake basins and aquifers and national borders Two hundred and eighty-six transboundary rivers and lakes, and 592 TBAs, are shared by 153 countries. Fourteen transboundary river basins with the highest levels of economic dependence are home to 1.4 billion people. Areas Data sources: UNESCO-IGRAC and of high groundwater development stress in TBAs are presently limited, but UNESCO-IHP (2015); UNESCO-IHP are likely to more than double between now and 2050. and United Nations Environment Programme (2016b). Number of respondent countries to SDG indicator 6.5.2 questionnaire in 2017/2018 As of 28 February 2018, 107 countries had reported during the first reporting exercise for SDG indicator 6.5.2. Reporting must be viewed as a national perspective. Efforts have been made to harmonize the process of data collection, and to consider relevant international data sources, such as the Global Environment Facility Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme and UNESCO International Hydrological Programme (IHP) Internationally Shared Aquifer Resource Management Initiative (ISARM). However, data provided by the countries have been prioritized where discrepancies remained between international data sources and national data. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 82 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Regional breakdown of the number of countries sharing river and lake basins and responses to SDG indicator 6.5.2 in 2017/2018 The average of the national percentage of transboundary river and lake basin area covered by an operational arrangement is 64 per cent, based on 86 countries. Regional breakdown of the number of countries sharing aquifers and responses to SDG indicator 6.5.2 in 2017/2018 The average of the national percentage of TBA area covered by an operational arrangement is 47 per cent, based on 63 countries. 83 Proportion of transboundary basin area with an operational arrangement for water cooperation in 2017/2018 A significant effort is needed to ensure that all transboundary basin area are covered by operational arrangements. Out of the 19 countries in sub-Saharan Africa, 12 show that at least 50 per cent of their transboundary basins are covered by operational arrangements. For transboundary rivers and lakes only, 18 out of 27 countries report at least 75 per cent coverage; for TBAs, only 5 out of 18 meet this threshold. Countries in Europe and Northern America show the highest levels of transboundary cooperation. Out of the 24 countries considered, 21 report an indicator value of at least 75 per cent. Operational arrangements are absent in many basins in Northern Africa and Western Asia and in Latin America and the Caribbean. Data are only available for 2 out of 24 countries sharing transboundary waters in Central and Southern Asia, and Eastern and South-Eastern Asia. Sources: United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-International Groundwater Resources Assessment Centre (UNESCO-IGRAC) and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP) (2015). Transboundary Aquifers of the World Map. Scale 1:50,000,000. United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization-International Hydrological Programme (UNESCO-IHP) and United Nations Environment Programme (2016a). Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States: Status and Trends. Nairobi. _________ (2016b). Transboundary Aquifers and Groundwater Systems of Small Island Developing States: Status and Trends. Database Portal. Available from United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre Partnership and United Nations Environment Programme (2016). Transboundary River Basins: Status and Trends. Nairobi.Available from Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 84 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators proach. Most countries are not on track to achieve target Challenges, opportunities and 6.5 by 2030, although good progress has been made in some aspects of IWRM. This is illustrated by the progress policy implications on implementing IWRM (figure 2), and that only 17 coun- tries reported having operational arrangements in place All countries have at least started implementing various for all their transboundary basins in 2017/2018. Most aspects of IWRM (indicator 6.5.1) since the 1992 Unit- of the 51 countries that participated in IWRM surveys in ed Nations Conference on Environment and Develop- 2007, 2011 and 2017 have advanced their implementation ment where Members States called for more integration by one or two categories over the last decade. Experience among the water and water-using sectors. For example, has shown that full implementation often takes more than approximately 75 per cent of countries have approved a decade, particularly when arrangements among coun- water resources policies and laws that are based on in- tries need to be negotiated and adopted. Most countries tegrated approaches. However, only modest progress has will therefore have to accelerate their progress of imple- been made in terms of implementing a fully integrated ap- mentation to achieve target 6.5 by 2030. Figure 2. Progress in implementation of IWRM plans, 2007–2017 Data source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre (2018). Governments and external support agencies will need Ensuring that operational arrangements cover all trans- to increase implementation efforts, to ensure acceler- boundary waters will demand a significant effort at the ated progress and positive outcomes. There is a wealth transboundary level (indicator 6.5.2). There is a need to in- of experience and opportunities for learning from coun- crease and better target technical and financial assistance tries who have achieved advanced levels of implemen- from development partners to enhance the capacity of tation, although there is no simple, universal approach. countries to negotiate and implement transboundary co- Each country must develop its own pathway based on operative arrangements. An opportunity exists to capitalize its political, social, environmental and economic cir- on the entry into force of the 1997 Watercourses Conven- cumstances, taking experiences into account. Evidence tion, the opening of the Water Convention to countries suggests that where to start and what to do should outside the pan-European region, and the adoption, by the focus on a country’s economic development, political United Nations General Assembly, of Resolution 63/124 in- stability and HDI status. cluding its Annex on the Draft Articles on the Law of Trans- boundary Aquifers (box 11). There are positive signs that One of the strengths of the questionnaires developed countries are working to enhance transboundary water for indicators 6.5.1 and 6.5.2 is that the data can be cooperation with their neighbours in light of these global easily disaggregated by question and used by countries frameworks. Many countries have recently adopted new as a quick diagnostic tool to identify which aspects of agreements or revised existing ones, and there are many IWRM are progressing well, and at which level (local, instances where countries are negotiating operational ar- national or, where relevant, transboundary). In addition, rangements for transboundary waters where none exist. the questionnaires can be used to highlight aspects However, cooperation over TBAs is critical to managing that may be facing barriers to progress. The greatest water resources in many regions, particularly North Africa opportunities for accelerated implementation appear to where shared groundwater resources dominate water re- be in financing for water resources development and sources planning and management. TBAs should be suffi- management, and in devolving IWRM to the lowest ap- ciently integrated into transboundary basin agreements, or propriate level. new aquifer-specific arrangements should be established. 85 BOX 11 TBA cooperation: the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System UNESCO-IHP launched ISARM owing to the lack of knowledge on transboundary groundwater. The aim was to improve governance and management of TBAs using a multidisciplinary approach. The insights and knowledge gained through ISARM led UNESCO-IHP to undertake the first baseline multi-criteria assess- ment of 199 TBAs worldwide under the Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme funded by the Global Environment Facility. The methodology developed allows for comparative analysis and prioritization of risks and interventions through a set of indicators. This methodology was improved to include all relevant TBA aspects required for joint decision-making and TBA mana- gement in the Governance of Groundwater Resources in Transboundary Aquifers project, funded by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. This was applied to an in-depth assessment of the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System shared by Botswana, Namibia and South Africa, combining science and water diplomacy to facilitate multilevel and interdisciplinary dialogues to foster cooperation. The Governments of Botswana, Namibia and South Africa established a Multi-Country Cooperation Mecha- nism for the management and governance of the Stampriet Transboundary Aquifer System. This was the first of its kind to be nested in a river basin organization, fully capturing the IWRM approach and directly contributing to the implementation of SDG target 6.5 at national and transboundary levels. Source: UNESCO-IHP (2016). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 86 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Mountain scenery in southeast Iceland. UN Photo/Eskinder Debebe 87 F. Target 6.6: Protect and restore water-related ecosystems “By 2020, protect and restore water-related ecosys- and large-scale human activities threaten to degrade tems, including mountains, forests, wetlands, rivers, and destroy them (GWP, 2016). aquifers and lakes” SDG target 6.6 focuses on protecting and restoring water-re- Freshwater aquatic ecosystems are the world’s most lated ecosystems to ensure they continue to provide sustain- biologically diverse environments, and provide many able social and economic services and benefits to society. products and services on which human well-being de- This target seeks to halt ecosystem degradation and destruc- pends. Water-related ecosystems help to sustain the tion and to assist in recovering those already degraded. The global hydrological cycle, the carbon cycle and nutrient target includes water-related ecosystems such as vegetated cycles, and they also support water security (box 12). wetlands, rivers, lakes, reservoirs and groundwater, and those They provide natural freshwater storage, regulate flows, occurring in mountains and forests that play a special role in purify water and replenish groundwater. Complementary storing freshwater and maintaining water quality. Monitoring services include maintaining forests and providing water highlights the need to protect and conserve ecosystems and for agriculture, employment, energy generation, naviga- enables policymakers and decision makers to set manage- tion, recreation and tourism. Water mediates all these ment objectives (box 13). SDG target 6.6 directly contributes services. However, ecosystems are still often managed to wider improvements in ecosystem health, both marine for short-term gain at the expense of long-term benefits, (SDG 14) and terrestrial (SDG 15). BOX 12 Water-related ecosystem services Water-related ecosystems provide ecological and economic services and benefits to society by generating income, promoting well-being and preventing damage that inflicts costs on society. Ecological Sevices Economic Sevices Climate moderation Food Nutrient cycling Drinking water Waste treatment Irrigation water Flood control Hydroelectricity Groundwater recharge Transportation corridors Habitats for many species Recreation Genetic resources and biodiversity Employment Scientific information Source: Adapted from Miller and Spoolman (2009). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 88 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators BOX 13 Regional surface water extent in Central Asia and Southern Europe The spatial extent of surface water was assessed at a regional level using data provided by the Joint Research Centre (JRC) of the European Commission (Pekel and others, 2016). One observation from analysing this data set is a notable decline in surface water extent in Central Asia. The region experienced a decline of 7.4 per cent between 2001 and 2015, which was linked to an increase in total water withdrawals of 229 per cent. Renewable water availability per capita declined by 25 per cent between 2002 and 2014 (see figure below). The situation was different in Southern Europe. Surface water extent increased by 4.5 per cent between 2000 and 2010, which corresponded to a decline in total water withdrawal of 24 per cent and an 11 per cent increase in renewable water availability per capita (2002–2014). However, surface water extent only tells part of the story because the data do not differentiate between artificial and natural water bodies. Although regional trend data show surface water extent increased in many regions from 2001 to 2015, this is likely to be the result of constructing new reservoirs and increases in flood irrigation (Pekel and others, 2016). Research suggests that some artificial reservoirs can damage riparian ecosystems by changing their ecological cycles and biodiver- sity (Rosenberg and others, 1997). Comparison of surface water extent (2000–2015), total water withdrawal (2000–2010) and renewable water availability per capita (2002–2014) Data sources: FAO (2016a); Pekel and others (2016). 89 water-related ecosystems, such as forests and mountains, are Indicator 6.6.1: Change in covered elsewhere in SDGs. the extent of water-related Definition of indicator and methodology ecosystems over time The indicator method defines “extent” as “the size or area Custodian agency: United Nations of something”, thus going beyond spatial area to include Environment Programme other size (quantitative) measures of water-related eco- systems, i.e. quantity, quality and health. This indicator monitors four main categories of ecosystems: vegetated Introduction wetlands (including swamps, swamp forests, marshes, paddies, peatlands and mangroves), open water bodies Target 6.6 focuses on protection and restoration of water-relat- (such as lakes and reservoirs), rivers and estuaries and ed ecosystems to ensure they continue to provide sustainable groundwater. Four subindicators (spatial extent, water services to society. Water is essential for all ecosystems, and this quantity, water quality and ecosystem health) describe target focuses on those that are exclusively water bodies. Other different aspects of these ecosystems. Mangrove Forest Reforestation. UN Photo/Irwandi M Gade Key messages • Water-related ecosystems underpin and depend on other SDGs, in particular those relating to food and energy production, biodiversity and ecosystems on land and sea. Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems cannot be achieved without progress on these other goals and vice versa. • The world has lost 70 per cent of its natural wetland extent, including a significant loss of freshwater species, over the last 100 years. Artificial water bodies, such as reservoirs, dams and rice paddies, have been increasing in most regions of the world. • There are currently insufficient data to adequately measure progress towards SDG target 6.6. However, monitoring changes to water-related ecosystems can be supported using Earth observations. Such global data have a significant role to play in supporting countries in monitoring and reporting on indicator 6.6.1. • Protecting and restoring water-related ecosystems refers to actions that include: valuing the benefits and co-benefits provided by water-related ecosystem services; understanding and addressing land-use change impacts on water-related ecosystems; and prioritizing restoration and protection of source watersheds such as forests and critical basins. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 90 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Monitoring States requested to provide data. Of these 38 countries, As of early 2018, 38 countries had reported data for in- 82 per cent submitted data on all three of the subindica- dicator 6.6.1, which is 20 per cent of the 193 Member tors: spatial extent, quantity and quality. Summary of countries reporting against subindicators and ecosystem types Subindicator Number of reporting countries Ecosystem type Number of reporting countries Spatial extent 33 Vegetated wetlands 21 Open water bodies 31 River water bodies 18 Quantity 29 Open water bodies 19 River water bodies 24 Groundwater bodies 14 Quality 32 Open water bodies 21 River water bodies 31 Groundwater bodies 25 Notes: Countries reporting include those from Europe (15 countries), sub-Saharan Africa (11), Northern Africa and Western Asia (4), Latin America and the Caribbean (3), Eastern and Southern Asia (2) and Oceania (2). Most of the data reported are from 2015 onwards. Countries were asked to select and report on their most significant water-related ecosystems, with the result that some countries reported on most of their water-related ecosystems while others reported on a few. Sixteen countries reported data on basins covering more than 75 per cent of the surface area of their country; two countries submitted data for basins that cover between 25 and 75 per cent; and eight countries submitted data for basins that cover less than 25 per cent. Country example: change in spatial extent of open water Data source: JRC. Trends in the spatial extent of surface water were assessed using the data available from 188 United Nations Member States provided by JRC, to fill data gaps and generate regional analysis. These global data were captured from 1984 to 2015 at 30 m resolution every eight days, and accounted for seasonal fluctuations. This raw data set was processed and packaged into country data sets and shared with national statistics offices. Each country data set comprised annual national spatial extents from 2001 to 2015, percentage change statistics based on five-year averages and graphical depictions of the data.a The figures below show national and regional loss and gain trends in the spatial extent of open water. a From the 188 countries that had Earth observation data available, 36 were not provided with data because they had already submitted nationally derived data. From the resulting 152 coun- tries, 133 national statistics offices had no objection to the data being shared. Twenty-one countries preferred not to validate the data because they were a Tier III indicator or countries wished to use their own geospatial data. 91 Regional analysis: average loss and gain trends of open water Note: This figure presents the regional percentage change in average spatial extent of open water from 2001 to 2015. It is important to note that the JRC data set includes all open water (natural and artificial), and therefore the data capture the spatial extent of water within new reservoirs and areas that have been flooded for irrigation. Wetland extent trend index The concurrent loss in natural wetlands indicates that there may be significant conversion to artificial wetlands or other land-use types such as agriculture. The JRC data do not differentiate between types of surface water and do not capture some of the major areas of vegetated wetland, so they are complemented by the wetland extent trend index, which calculates average trends in natural wetland extent over time. The figure below shows a decline in average wetland extent in all regions, which varies from 12 per cent (Oceania) to 59 per cent (Latin America and the Caribbean, excluding Orinoco and Amazon river basins) for the wetlands sampled. Data sources: Dixon and others (2016); United Nations Environment Programme-WCMC (forthcoming). Note: Regional average trends in natural wetland extent, which is the aggregation of equally weighted marine/coastal and inland wetland trends, relative to 1970. Trends indicate an average percentage decline in natural wetland extent for the sampled localities in the data set. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 92 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Sources: Davidson, Nick C. (2014). How much wetland has the world lost? Long-term and recent trends in global wetland area. Marine and Freshwater Research, vol. 65. Dixon and others (2016). Tracking global change in ecosystem area: the wetland extent trends index. Biological Conservation, vol. 193, pp. 27–35. International Rice Research Institute (IRRI) (2017). IRRI world rice statistics. Available from Lehner, Bernhard and Günther Grill (2013). Global river hydrography and network routing: baseline data and new approaches to study the world’s large river systems. Hydrological Processes, vol. 27, pp. 2171–2186. Lehner, Bernhard and others (2011). High-resolution mapping of the world’s reservoirs and dams for sustainable river-flow manage- ment. Frontiers in Ecology and the Environment, vol. 9, pp. 494–502. Miller, G. Tyler and Scott E. Spoolman (2009). Living in the Environment: Concepts, Connections, and Solutions; 16th ed. Belmont, C.A.: Brooks/Cole. Pekel, Jean-Francois and others (2016). High-resolution mapping of global surface water and its long-term changes. Nature, vol. 50, pp. 418–422. United Nations Environment Programme World Conservation Monitoring Centre (forthcoming). Wetland extent trends (WET) index – 2017 update. In Global Wetland Outlook: State of the World’s Wetlands and their Services to People. Gland, Switzerland: Secretariat of the Ramsar Convention on Wetlands. World Wildlife Fund (WWF) (2016). Living Planet Report. Gland, Switzerland. Available from Challenges, opportunities and progress towards the target. Monitoring changes to wa- ter-related ecosystems can be supported using Earth policy implications observations. Combining different types of data (i.e. na- tionally derived data and global/geospatial data) gener- Historically, the drive for economic and social development ates an accurate and contextualized understanding of has depended on exploitation of natural resources, includ- changes in extent of water-related ecosystems. Earth ob- ing water-related ecosystems. Today, as populations expand, servation data are readily available and accurate and can livelihoods improve and the demand for freshwater increases, reduce the monitoring and reporting burden on countries awareness is now focusing on ensuring that the limited capac- and complement in situ data such as river flows. ity of the natural environment to sustain the multiple services • Develop monitoring and reporting capacity. Coun- that society has come to rely on is maintained. try feedback has indicated a general lack of capacity among institutions for collecting water-related ecosys- The global indicator is helpful but broad in nature. Further de- tem data. Data collection was conducted by different tailed data (quantitative, geospatial and qualitative) will be institutions at national and subnational levels that were essential for accurate understanding of water-related ecosys- not used to sharing data. Many countries reported they tems and the benefits they provide. Earth observations can were unable to coordinate, compile and report on com- complement local ground data and support the national burden plete accurate data. National governments are urged to: of acquisition and reporting. Member States will therefore need (1) strengthen operational capacity including provision to strengthen operational capacity and increase financial re- of adequate time and financial resources, (2) implement sources, implement clear roles and responsibilities for data col- clear roles and responsibilities for data collection and (3) lection and processing, and ensure political will at the highest ensure political will exists for this at senior government level. Monitoring at the ecosystem level and at the basin scale is level. This indicator does not yet have any internationally important. The local level provides evidence for practical action, established methodology or standards available, though while larger basin monitoring provides an overall perspective methodology and standards are being developed and within hydrological boundaries. tested for future use. • Understand the value of water-related ecosystem ser- Global data collected through the SDG process do not reflect vices. Protecting and restoring water-related ecosys- the general state or trends known about freshwater ecosys- tems, in particular source watersheds such as forests tems from other data sources, given the “newness” of indicator and critical basins, requires decision makers to under- 6.6.1. However, monitoring has revealed a variety of opportuni- stand the social and economic values of ecosystem ties, such as monitoring change over time. Understanding how services to society. For example, it is more cost-effec- ecosystems are changing will provide evidence of their value tive to invest in protecting wetland areas, which may that can underpin decision-making towards their future protec- provide water filtration and purification services, than tion and restoration. Steps that countries can take to boost the to invest in water treatment facilities. In addition, data achievement of SDG target 6.6 include the following: relating to land cover (SDG 15) should be reviewed in conjunction with data on changes in extent of water-re- • Improve data availability and compilation. There are lated ecosystems because of the symbiotic relationship currently insufficient data available to adequately measure between land and water ecosystems. 93 G. Targets 6.a and 6.b: Means of implementation The targets on MoI create an enabling environment established in most countries. Establishing MoI targets necessary for success of the 2030 Agenda. MDGs were and indicators within SDG 6 provides a unique oppor- criticized as being overly focused on outcomes, with in- tunity to mobilize support and resources as well as sufficient attention paid to MoI and the resources required shape policy priorities at the global and national levels to achieve them. SDGs therefore include MoI targets to galvanize implementation. As much as MDG mon- under each of the first 16 goals as well as a dedicated goal itoring has helped to establish monitoring systems at (SDG 17) on MoI. SDG 17 (Strengthen the means of im- the national level and has supported building capacity plementation and revitalize the global partnership for sus- in national statistics offices to monitor outcome indi- tainable development) defines seven MoI building blocks: cators, selecting appropriate targets and indicators can (1) finance, (2) technology, (3) capacity-building, (4) trade, support development of monitoring systems for MoI at (5) policy and institutional coherence, (6) multi-stakehold- all levels. er partnerships and (7) data, monitoring and accounta- bility. Defining meaningful and measurable indicators for MoI targets provide a key to achieving SDG 6 through MoI is more challenging than using established outcome supporting implementation to meet SDG targets 6.1– measures, such as access to basic drinking water and 6.6. There are economic, social and environmental sanitation. This section discusses the MoI targets for SDG benefits from meeting these targets. There are costs 6. Chapter III deals with the detailed aspects of MoI, in- involved, but these must be weighed against the eco- cluding finance, capacity development and participation. nomic costs of not achieving them. These include coping with poorer health among populations and the Data on the effectiveness of the enabling environment are economic impacts of insecure access to clean, reliable limited, and systems for monitoring MoI have yet to be water resources and safe sanitation. 1. Target 6.a: Expand international cooperation and capacity-building “By 2030, expand international cooperation and capaci- tiary education (SDG target 4.3) and improve education and ty-building support to developing countries in water- and awareness-raising on climate change mitigation and adapta- sanitation-related activities and programmes, including tion (SDG target 13.3). Support for technology should result in water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, wastewa- improved infrastructure and industries that are more resource ter treatment, recycling and reuse technologies” efficient and environmentally sound (SDG target 9.4). Expanded international cooperation can contribute to many The need for increased financial resources to reach SDG goals and targets. International cooperation is often multi- targets 6.1–6.6 is clear. The capital investments necessary faceted. Efforts that aim to improve water supply and sani- to achieve drinking water supply, sanitation and hygiene tar- tation can help to reduce preventable deaths of babies and gets (SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2) are around three times the young children (SDG target 3.2) and combat waterborne current levels of investment, with additional financing re- diseases (SDG target 3.3). Programmes that support IWRM quired for operation and maintenance of existing services can ensure conservation, restoration and sustainable use and infrastructure (Hutton and Varughese, 2016). Similarly, of freshwater ecosystems (SDG targets 15.1 and 6.6) and financing to achieve SDG targets 6.3–6.6 will require a sig- help to restore degraded land and soil and to reduce drought nificant increase. and flood risk (SDG targets 15.3 and 6.4). Capacity-building in the water sector can promote job creation (SDG target Expanding international cooperation and support for capaci- 8.3), promote equal access to vocational, technical and ter- ty development is fundamental to achieving SDG 6. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 94 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators generate socioeconomic and health benefits that great- Indicator 6.a.1: Amount ly exceed the cost of doing so. Needs are greatest in de- veloping countries. This calls for increased mobilization of water- and sanitation- of domestic funds, and also a significant scaling-up of external support to cover interim gaps while national ca- related official development pacity and resources are under development. Target 6.a seeks to expand international cooperation and capaci- assistance that is part of a ty-building support to developing countries. government-coordinated Definition of indicator and methodology spending plan International cooperation refers to external aid in the form Custodian agencies: WHO/United Nations of grants or loans from external support agencies, for the Environment Programme/OECD purposes of monitoring this target. ODA can be used as a proxy for this, captured annually by OECD CRS. This Introduction indicator assesses the proportion of water- and sanita- tion-related ODA included in government-coordinated Hundreds of billions of dollars still need to be raised to spending plans, as an indication of alignment and coop- fund the implementation of SDG 6, which is expected to eration among donor and recipient countries. Regional ODA water- and sanitation-related disbursements for 2011 and 2016 (millions of US$, constant 2016 US$) Data source: OECD (2018). Key messages • Adequate financial resources are critical for achieving SDG 6 by 2030, whether by attracting new sources or better utilizing existing resources. • Total water sector ODA data show that disbursements increased from US$7.4 billion to US$9.0 billion between 2011 and 2016. • Funding has increased across the sector since 2005, with aid for agricultural water resources nearly tripling. However, water sector ODA has remained relatively constant as a proportion of total ODA disbursements at approximately 5 per cent since 2005. • The GLAAS 2017 finance-focused report indicates that government WASH budgets are increasing (annual average rate of 4.9 per cent over inflation); at the same time, over 80 per cent of participating countries report insufficient financing to meet national WASH targets. • There is some evidence that ODA commitments to water and sanitation have declined since 2012, in particular for sub-Saharan Africa, indicating uncertainty in future investments. • Regional changes have varied. Water sector ODA disbursements to sub-Saharan Africa increased by US$711 million from 2011 to 2016, and the region received the largest proportion of country-allocable water sector ODA in 2016 at 33 per cent. Northern Africa and Western Asia followed with an increase of US$497 million in water sector ODA from 2011 to 2016, which allowed the region to reach 20 per cent of the total water sector ODA in 2016. Latin America and the Caribbean and Eastern and South-eastern Asia were the two regions that experienced a decrease in water sector ODA disbursements from 2011 to 2016. Basic drinking water and sanitation systems accounted for nearly a quarter (22 per cent) of total ODA disbursements in sub-Saharan Africa. ODA for large drinking water and sanitation systems remained steady as a proportion of total ODA disbursements from 2011 to 2016, at approximately 40 per cent. 95 About the data Data on the amount of water- and sanitation-related ODA included in government-coordinated spending plans will be The current data included in the monitoring of the in- collected through future UN-Water GLAAS country surveys. dicator are ODA flows from all donors to developing The GLAAS initiative collects data through country surveys countries eligible for ODA in the water sector. The data sent to national representatives as well as through exter- available are not yet sufficient to assess whether the nal support agency surveys sent to key donors and NGOs ODA is included in the government budget for all coun- in the WASH sector. Eighty-three countries and 25 external tries. ODA to the water sector includes aid for drinking support agencies participated in the latest data-collection water supplies, sanitation and hygiene (i.e. water and cycle in 2017. In addition, comprehensive data on national sanitation; OECD-DAC 140a) as well as aid in other and subnational financial flows can be obtained through the areas, such as agricultural water resources, flood pro- GLAAS TrackFin initiative, for those countries implementing tection and hydroelectric power. the methodology. Disbursement of ODA to the water sector, 2011–2016 (USD millions, constant 2016 US$) Basic drinking water supply and basic Water sector policy and administrative sanitation (CRS 14030, 14031, 14032) systems (CRS 14020, 14021, 14022) Water supply and sanitation - large supply and sanitation (CRS 14081) Education and training in water Water resources conservation Waste managemen t/disposal Agricultural water resources TOTAL water and sanitation River basins' development Hydroelectric power plants (including data collection) management (CRS 14010) Flood prevention/control TOTAL water sector (CRS 14015) (CRS 41050) (CRS 14040) (CRS 14050) (CRS 23220) (CRS 31140) (CRS 140) SDG Regions Year Central Asia and Southern Asia 2011 81 28 521 182 10 43 2 866 137 232 56 1291 2016 60 31 687 268 72 33 3 1153 141 274 81 1650 Eastern Asia and South-eastern Asia 2011 75 79 319 165 179 67 2 886 47 201 127 1261 2016 64 35 361 221 50 51 0.2 780 73 198 147 1198 Latin America and the Caribbean 2011 22 6 557 70 8 19 2 684 130 34 12 860 2016 129 22 276 86 104 27 4 649 31 21 15 715 Northern America and Europe 2011 7 1 80 10 7 22 0.01 126 21 3 2 151 2016 7 3 139 7 16 22 0.3 195 3 2 34 233 Oceania excluding Australia and New Zealand 2011 24 1 5 17 0.1 3 0 50 0 0 0 50 2016 9 3 13 45 2 2 0.01 74 13 0 1 88 Sub-Saharan Africa 2011 133 13 926 500 37 25 20 1654 157 224 20 2056 2016 393 42 1010 603 64 56 11 2179 264 237 86 2767 Western Asia and Northern Africa 2011 136 7 621 64 15 31 3 877 100 234 6 1218 2016 134 17 1040 171 19 56 2 1439 43 217 16 1715 TOTAL* 2011 709 156 3104 1141 269 225 39 5643 617 938 227 7425 2016 1004 184 3657 1559 340 260 34 7038 570 969 382 8958 * Includes regional aid that cannot be categorized by SDG region. Also includes aid for Kosovo. Data source: OECD (2018). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 96 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Regional breakdown for water and sanitation commitments, 2016 Data source: OECD (2018). Annual water sector ODA disbursement (thousands of constant 2016 US$), and water sector ODA as a percentage of total ODA disbursements, 2002–2016 ODA to the water sector has remained relatively constant since 2005, at about 5 per cent of the total ODA disbursements. Data source: OECD (2018). 97 Comparison between the development aid commitments in water and sanitation and the development aid commitments in health, population and HIV/AIDS, 2000–2016 External aid commitments for water and sanitation declined from 8 to 5 per cent of the total aid commitments between 2012 and 2016. Data source: OECD (2018). Achieving SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2 will require tripling also have positive effects and contribute to improving of capital investments to US$114 billion per year, in ad- other critical areas related to public health covered by dition to operations and maintenance costs, which are SDGs such as nutrition, economic development, educa- key for sustainable services. Investments in WASH will tion and climate resilience. Sources: Hutton, Guy and Mili Varughese (2016). The Costs of Meeting the 2030 Sustainable Development Goal Targets on Drinking Water, Sani- tation, and Hygiene. Washington, D.C.: World Bank. Available from Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2018). Creditor Reporting System: aid activities, OECD international development statistics (database). Available from World Health Organization (WHO) (2017). UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2017 Report: Financing Universal Water, Sanitation and Hygiene under the Sustainable Development Goals. Geneva. Available from a OECD-DAC 140 is the purpose code used to refer to water supply and sanitation activities in the OECD CRS database, Challenges, opportunities and policy implications for capacity development, as this is currently not part of the indicator. Both the target and the indicator are The current data are not sufficient to assess whether strongly focused on external support and refer to the ODA is included in government-coordinated spend- potential and need for stronger domestic engagement. ing plans (box 14). It is expected that the monitoring Defining additional indicators or rewording indicators framework for this target will develop over time. There to take account of this should be considered. See chap- is a need for better understanding of the extent and ter III for further discussion on challenges and opportu- value of international cooperation, particularly support nities regarding finance and capacity development. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 98 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators A woman in El Fasher, North Darfur, uses a Water Roller. UN Photo/Albert González Farran BOX 14 Improving coordination and disbursement of ODA funding Most countries indicated limited availability of financial reports on external aid expenditures for WASH in 2017. Reasons included: (1) partners reporting only activities and outcomes, but not financial information; (2) direct implementation of projects and programmes by development partners with little reporting or collaboration with national authorities; and (3) other reporting difficulties, including a lack of disaggregation of projects into separate subsectors. Some countries have established coordination frameworks at the national level to encourage improved collaboration among technical and financial partners and national institutions. This collaboration includes development partners, donors and international NGOs, using a database as a key instrument to centralize aid commitments and disbursements that are disaggregated by subsector and regions, and which are updated on a quarterly basis. For example, Madagascar has esta- blished a Permanent Technical Secretariat for the Coordination of Aid. The National Target Programme for Rural Water Supply and Sanitation in Viet Nam disperses affordable finance to households, in the form of low-interest loans through the Vietnam Bank for Social Policies This scheme, which was first a national-level initiative of the government, has evolved to be an effective means for multiple international donors, including the Department for International Development in the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, to disperse ODA at the local level. Source: WHO (2017a). 99 2. Target 6.b: Support stakeholder participation “Support and strengthen the participation of local commu- Community participation is a key component of increasing nities in improving water and sanitation management” sustainable WASH service provision, particularly in rural areas (SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2), and also for IWRM (target Effective and sustainable water and sanitation manage- 6.5). Achieving this can contribute towards increased partic- ment depends on the participation of a range of stake- ipation of women in political, economic and public life (target holders, including local communities, which is the focus of 5.5), and empower and promote social, economic and polit- target 6.b. Participation implies provision of mechanisms ical inclusion (targets 10.2 and 10.3). It can also contribute to enable affected individuals and communities to mean- towards ensuring conservation, restoration and sustainable ingfully contribute to decisions related to water and sani- use of freshwater ecosystems and their services (target tation planning and management. This can promote “local 15.1) and ensuring responsive, inclusive, participatory and ownership” and lead to long-term sustainability of services. representative decision-making at all levels (target 16.7). cator provides a starting point, but gives a limited understanding of the role of public participation in water and sanitation manage- Indicator 6.b.1: Percentage ment. It does not address the nature and effective implementation of public participation, and whether this participation is useful for of local administrative water and sanitation management. An in-depth study is currently under way, to better understand the complex issue of participation units with established and and how it is currently measured, and to provide recommenda- tions on the monitoring of this target. operational policies and procedures for participation Definition of indicator and methodology of local communities Local administrative units refer to subdistricts, municipalities, communes or other local community-level units covering in water and sanitation urban and rural areas as defined by governments. Policies and procedures for participation of local communities in management water and sanitation management define a formal mecha- nism to ensure participation of users in planning water and Custodian agencies: WHO/United Nations sanitation activities. This indicator assesses the percentage Environment Programme/OECD of local administrative units that have an established opera- tional mechanism by which individuals and communities can Introduction contribute to decisions and directions about water and sani- tation management. Target 6.b aims for the participation of local communities in water and sanitation planning and management. This is essential for The current data on local community participation are not ensuring that the needs of local users are being met and that the sufficient at the local administrative unit level to report on this impact of development decisions is fully understood by local com- indicator globally. A set of questions in the GLAAS country munities. The involvement of all relevant stakeholders is necessary survey is directed at understanding the role of local participa- to ensure that technical and administrative solutions are adapted tion in water and sanitation planning. The relevant questions to the local context and to encourage local ownership. In turn, this include whether there are policies and procedures defined in promotes long-term sustainability. law or policy, whether there is any specific mention of wom- en’s participation and the degree to which communities Defining the procedures for participation of local communities in participate in planning. OECD has set water governance in- policy or law is vital for ensuring that the needs of everyone in the dicators, including stakeholder engagement, that will further community are met, including the most vulnerable. Indicator 6.b.1 inform this indicator. Additional information on public partici- is measured by the number of local administration units with oper- pation in water resources, policy, planning and management ational policies and procedures for local participation divided by the at the national and local levels is available from the IWRM sur- total number of local administrative units in the country. This indi- vey (see section on indicator 6.5.1). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 100 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators Community participation. Photo/Katrin Gronemeier Key messages • Data from the 2013/2014 and 2016/2017 cycles of GLAAS have been merged for the purposes of this analysis, taking the latest data points for 110 participating countries. • Over 75 per cent of countries report having clearly defined policies and procedures in place for the participation of service users and communities in planning programmes for drinking water supply (urban: 79 per cent, rural: 85 per cent) and sanitation (urban: 79 per cent, rural: 81 per cent). • Levels of participation remain comparatively low, although most countries report having clearly defined procedures for local participation. Less than 25 per cent of countries report a high level of participation in any subsector. Levels of participation tend to be higher for drinking water supply (22 per cent) and sanitation (21 per cent) in rural areas compared to urban areas (13 per cent and 9 per cent, respectively). • Rural drinking water supply tends to have the highest proportion of countries with defined procedures for participation, among the four subsectors, and urban sanitation has the lowest. This is a result that has been seen consistently since the 2009/2010 cycle of GLAAS. • Eighty-three per cent of 82 countries report having policies and procedures for water resources planning and management, which was added to the GLAAS survey in 2016/2017. Percentages of countries with defined procedures in law or policy for participation (110 countries) The number of countries that report high levels of user participation remains comparatively low, although the proportion of countries with clearly defined procedures for participation by Source: WHO (2017). service users/communities in WASH planning programmes and water resources planning and management is consistently high. 101 Percentages of countries with low, moderate, high and no levels of participation by SDG region (rural drinking water supply) Levels of participation by SDG region for rural drinking water supply vary. The Central and Southern Asia region showed the highest proportion (31 per cent) of countries reporting high Source: WHO (2017). participation, and over 80 per cent of countries in sub-Saharan Note: * indicates no data available for Africa reported having moderate or high levels of participation. Australia and New Zealand. GLAAS is currently undertaking an in-depth study on target the sector and assessing the effectiveness of participation 6.b, to better understand the complex issue of participation, policies, with the objective of refining the monitoring of this including identifying the types of participation that exist in indicator. Sources: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2018). Implementing the OECD Principles on Water Governance: Indicator Framework and Evolving Practices. OECD Studies on Water. Paris. Available from World Health Organization (WHO) (2014). UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water (GLAAS) 2014 Report: Investing in Water and Sanitation: Increasing Access, Reducing Inequalities. Geneva. Available from __________ (2017). UN-Water Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-water (GLAAS) 2017 Report: Financing Universal Water, Sanitation and Hygiene under the Sustainable Development Goals. Geneva. Available from sanitation_ health/publications/glaas-report-2017/en/. Challenges, opportunities and policy currently recognize that participation cannot be measured implications by quantity alone. Rather, it must also be assessed by quality and the extent to which participation is effective. Policies to promote and incorporate public participation in water and sanitation management were considered so im- The assessment of progress on this target is dominated portant that an entire target was dedicated to stakeholder by information in the WASH sector, because of the exten- participation (box 15). The monitoring framework for this sive availability of GLAAS data. Collection of data in other target is still under development, and monitoring participa- areas such as IWRM was included in the latest cycle of tion was limited prior to approval of SDGs. A clearer set of data collection in 2016/2017, although trend data are still indicators may be needed that can monitor the existence of lacking. Refined monitoring is needed to give a voice to participation, and also its nature, effectiveness and value. groups in other sectors, particularly in agriculture where This additional information will provide insights into the there is a long tradition of farmer participation through challenges to achieving target 6.b. Indicator 6.b.1 does not water user associations. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 102 Chapter II. Global Baseline Status of Targets and Indicators BOX 15 Forms of participation Public participation includes the use of procedures and methods to inform, consult and involve local communities and citizens (OECD, 2015). This concept differs from that of stakeholder engagement, which implies, beyond civil society, the involvement of several actors such as governments, the private sector, regulators, service providers, donor agencies and investors. It is possible to distinguish across several forms of stakeholder engagement: from communication, to consul- tation, participation, representation, partnership and co-production. These various forms imply a gradual consideration of stakeholder comments, advice and ideas. Participation means that stakeholders play an active part in decision-making. The risk is that stakeholder views may not necessarily affect final decisions, although they will improve transparency in decision-making. Countries recognize that different forms of participation occur for national processes (e.g. development of laws, regulations and national strategies) versus operational- or community-level processes (e.g. user committees, citizen complaints and tariff reviews). The framework for local participation can be set at the national level, through defining public dissemination, hearing procedures and deadlines for government units, or, where appropriate, by transboundary institutions. Albania, Cos- ta Rica and Peru define public hearing procedures as part of a formal process of tariff regulation. Mexico defines user par- ticipation in the National Water Law, specifically through bodies such as basin councils, groundwater technical committees and irrigation units, as well as federalized programmes. Local participation can take many forms, such as WASH committees at village level, as in Lao People’s Democratic Repu- blic, Rwanda, United Republic of Tanzania and Zimbabwe, or in national workshops as part of developing national WASH policies and strategies as in Costa Rica and Senegal. One recurring aspect of local participation is gender inclusion, where some countries, such as Fiji, Mozambique, Nepal, Peru and Rwanda, define a minimum percentage of female participation in user committees and encourage active female participation in all phases of the project cycle. Source: WHO (2018). CHAPTER III Enabling and accelerating progress A view of Victoria Falls between Zambia and Zimbabwe. UN Photo/Evan Schneider Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 104 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress This chapter focuses on the enablers for progress in the SDG 17 (Strengthen the means of implementation and water sector and the challenges and obstacles faced. It revitalize the global partnership for sustainable develop- targets priorities that can accelerate progress towards ment) offers a framework for enabling and accelerating achieving SDG 6 by 2030. progress in all aspects of SDG 6, including the challenging issues of IWRM and eliminating inequalities, which will be The water sector is struggling to improve water resourc- essential for achieving SDG 6 and leaving no one behind. es management and to increase coverage of water and sanitation services. The lack of long-term sustainability and functionality of many water systems undermines progress. Additional investments are needed to ensure A. Integrating water that systems reach end users. However, the areas where needs are the greatest are not always those where most resources management of the resources are spent. The biggest steps towards achieving SDG 6 will come Some of the many challenges that the water sector from recognizing the interconnected nature of water faces are relatively straightforward physical actions and sanitation and acting on the linkages. Governments that provide the “visible” side of water, such as installing have traditionally taken a “silo” or fragmented approach taps and toilets, building reservoirs, drilling boreholes, to managing water and sanitation, even in countries with and treating and reusing/recycling wastewater. Much of good governance. This approach is often reflected in the this material progress can be achieved in the short term, way international development agencies are organized noting the operations and maintenance necessary to en- and provide support to LDCs. sure it remains sustainable over time. International organizations have long emphasized the need However, some challenges are much less visible. Yet to address water issues in an integrated manner, particularly they underpin progress across all aspects of the water in water-scarce areas with potential conflicts among com- sector and are highly complex. They include the need for peting uses for water. The 1992 International Conference on IWRM (and transboundary cooperation) and tackling the Water and the Environment was responsible for developing thorny issue of inequality, where richer people general- the Dublin Principles (box 16), which provide the foundation ly have better access to water and sanitation services for an integrated approach to managing water resources. than poorer people, and wealthy landowners control The demand for more cooperation across the water sector water resources in ways that reduce the productivity of has grown, and the concept of IWRM has gradually become smallholders who depend on ecosystem integrity. These accepted to the point where it is now incorporated within the are persistent and stubborn problems that cannot be 2030 Agenda, in SDG indicator 6.5.1. The essential elements resolved quickly (some may even take decades). Such of IWRM comprise an enabling environment for integration, issues should not be put to one side and ignored, as is a strong institutional framework (including participation), often the case, because they will not disappear. Failure management instruments to effectively manage water re- to deal with them can only make matters worse in the sources (including the transboundary waters), and financing future, and may prevent sustainable development. for water resources development and management. BOX 16 Dublin Principles for managing water Freshwater is a finite and vulnerable resource, essential to sustain life, development and the environment Water development and management should be based on a participatory approach, involving users, planners and policymakers at all levels Women play a central part in the provision, management and safeguarding of water Water has an economic value in all its competing uses and should be recognized as an economic good. Source: ICWE (1992) 105 Current progress towards IWRM is encouraging, with 38 will come from the experiences of other countries that have per cent of countries having reached medium-high, high already followed this pathway. or very high levels of implementation. Many countries have embedded IWRM in policies and legislation and have pre- Lessons have been learned from IWRM successes and pared legal and financial tools for implementation. But most failures through work by Shah (2016) and the Global Water countries have yet to seriously put plans into action. There Partnership. A generic framework was established as a is still a need for greater awareness among some countries first step towards integration (Shah, 2016). This links IWRM that water links all socioeconomic goals, and cross-sectoral progress to the state of the national economy and the level cooperation will be essential. of effective governance that this implies (table 3). It rang- es from Stage I (fragile States) to Stage IV (highly formal Water resources differ in scope, scale and quality among States such as most western countries). Shah (2016) sug- countries, as do social and economic issues and develop- gests the kinds of interventions needed for each stage in ment priorities. Hence, there is no universal solution to put- six key areas of: (1) capacity-building, (2) institutional re- ting IWRM into practice, and each country must seek its own form, (3) policy and legal regime, (4) investment priorities, unique solution (in partnership with other countries when re- (5) management of ecosystem impacts and (6) water pric- sources are shared). Guidance for those pursing integration ing and cost recovery. Table 3. Indicative priorities for an IWRM strategy to succeed EVOLUTIONARY STAGE I: STAGE II: LARGELY STAGE III: STAGE IV: HIGHLY STAGE COMPLETELY INFORMAL FORMALIZING FORMAL INFORMAL Percentage using 5–15 15–35 35–75 75–95 formal water economy Examples Bhutan, Congo Bangladesh, United China, Mexico, Thailand, Australia, Canada, Republic of Tanzania Turkey France, United States Capacity-building Invest in basic techno- Build capacities for Build local capacities High-level techno- managerial capacities efficient management of for water resources managerial capacity for creating affordable water infrastructure and management at the for water and energy- infrastructure and water service provision catchment/river basin level efficient water service economy Institutional Make existing Create representative Integrate customary and Modern water industry reforms institutions equitable and participatory formal user organizations with professionally and gender sensitive institutions at project or and territorial agencies into managed service watershed levels basin organization providers Policy and legal Build effective Establish basic water Introduce a policy and Policy and regulatory regime policies for water for policy and water legal regime for transition framework for a livelihoods and food law consistent with to basin-level water modern water industry security; create a local institutions and governance and transboundary regulatory framework customary law water governance for bulk water users Investment Establish and improve Invest in infrastructure Invest in infrastructure for Technologies and priority water infrastructure modernization for basin-level water allocation infrastructure for for consumptive and improved service and management including improving water and productive use by the delivery and water-use inter-basin transfers and energy efficiency in the poor and women efficiency managed aquifer recharge water economy Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 106 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress EVOLUTIONARY STAGE I: STAGE II: LARGELY STAGE III: STAGE IV: HIGHLY STAGE COMPLETELY INFORMAL FORMALIZING FORMAL INFORMAL Managing Create broad Proactively manage Focus on water quality and Zero or minimal ecosystem awareness of aquatic water quality and health management, urban discharge water impacts ecosystems; regulate ecosystem impacts at wastewater recycling and economy; reduce water diversion and project level; invest in control of groundwater carbon footprint pollution by corporate low-cost recycling depletion consumers Water as a social Minimize perverse Use volumetric water Provide full financial cost Full economic cost and economic subsidies; make pricing for bulk users; recovery of water services; recovery of water good subsidies smart, establish partial cost establish metered water services including the rationing to minimize recovery for retail supplies; cover 90 per cent costs of managing waste consumers; target of the population by service ecosystem impacts subsidies for the poor providers Source: Adapted from Shah (2016). Evidence linking IWRM indicator data on the degree of 0.7. However, above this value (high HDI and very high HDI), implementation with HDI, as a proxy for socioeconomic there appears to be greater potential for countries to have development, suggests there is merit in this framework IWRM implementation scores above 70 per cent (United (figure 3). There is little linkage for HDI scores up to about Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre, 2018). Figure 3. Relationship between HDI (2015) and degree of IWRM implementation 107 Data source: United Nations Environment Programme-DHI Centre (2018). There is logic to the framework, in addition to the link and can waste time and energy in trying to do something between HDI and IWRM. For example, in fragile States, that has already been done elsewhere (Shah, 2016). where formal water infrastructure and institutions are mostly non-existent, and people rely on informal water Experience shows that forcing the pace on developing supplies, IWRM priorities are likely to be creating infra- countries does not work and can be counterproductive. structure, building local capacity and developing basin Water management actions must build on the knowledge, planning. Trying to implement water pricing and cost experience and achievements of the past. The use of rigid recovery in such a socioeconomic environment would formulas or methods has often failed to deliver the de- clearly be inappropriate. sired benefits (Shah, 2016). It is difficult to persuade countries to spend time and money on environmental issues and water manage- Transboundary cooperation ment instruments, when their priority is eradicating hunger and poverty and providing access to basic SDG target 6.5 calls for implementation of IWRM at all water and sanitation services. It is primarily developed levels, including the transboundary level as appropriate. countries with strong economies and institutions that This is further evidence and recognition of the critical focus on management tools, cost recovery of water need to strengthen cooperation over transboundary wa- and sanitation services, and the aquatic environment. ters. However, a large gap exists between aspirations and Several middle-income countries are also beginning actions that lead to improved water security. to focus on these issues. Some developing countries in Africa that have strong institutions and acute water The holistic and indivisible nature of water poses a chal- shortages are also taking steps towards integration. lenge when water crosses political boundaries. The world’s These countries are likely to have put in significant ef- 286 transboundary river and lake basins cover almost half forts towards regulating water resources for the ben- of the Earth’s surface area, over 153 countries have terri- efit of people, freshwater ecosystems and economic tory in a transboundary water basin and almost 600 TBAs development. have been identified. Africa has many of the world’s major transboundary watercourses, which cover more than half Putting IWRM into practice in different countries is about of its surface area and constitute more than 90 per cent of finding a balance between learning from the experiences its surface water resources. Transboundary groundwater of other countries and adapting this to local conditions. constitutes an important source of water, particularly for Too much focus on the former may be problematic be- meeting basic human needs in water-scarce countries. cause the organization of water economies in poorer countries can vary. But if these countries only see their States need to cooperate to ensure that transboundary exceptional circumstances, they may forfeit the opportu- rivers, lakes and aquifers are managed in an equitable nity to learn from the mistakes and successes of others and sustainable manner. Cooperation has the potential Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 108 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress to promote accelerated economic growth, increase human in 2016; and the adoption of the International Law Com- well-being, enhance environmental sustainability and se- mission’s Draft Articles on Transboundary in 2008. Box cure political stability (UNECE, 2015a). It allows countries 17 gives an example of how international cooperation to better assess, agree and implement actions that fully has created benefits in a transboundary watershed in capture the potential of transboundary water sources, South-eastern Europe. which can lead to benefits beyond water itself. Coopera- tion can also ensure that effective adaptation measures There are many examples of cooperation, but cooperation are in place at the basin level to deal with risks associated for its own sake will not necessarily provide benefits. There with climate change (UNECE, 2009). Conversely, a lack of is too much focus on “input” cooperation and not enough on cooperation among countries sharing transboundary wa- “output” cooperation (Tarlock, 2015). The need is emerging ters can constitute a major barrier to sustainable develop- for measurable benefits from cooperation, such as shared ment. Unilateral action on transboundary waters may even hydropower revenues, agreements on water abstraction and cause or exacerbate political tensions in some instances restoration of ecosystem services. International law offers (UN-Water, 2008). an important framework by which States must cooperate over their transboundary waters in an equitable and reason- The need for cooperation among nations has been en- able manner (Wouters, 2013). dorsed by numerous international organizations, govern- mental organizations and NGOs. Key milestones include: Constraints to making progress remain severe. Data from the entry into force of the Watercourse Convention in SDG indicators 6.5.1 and 6.5.2 suggest that a significant num- 2014; the Water Convention opened to all Member States ber of transboundary basins lack operational arrangements. BOX 17 Benefits of cooperation in the Drina River basin The Drina River basin, a tributary of the Sava River basin, is shared by Montenegro, Serbia, and Bosnia and Herze- govina. This water-rich river basin is characterized by untouched landscapes and good biodiversity. The area has a high level of unemployment among youth, which is driving migration towards large cities as well as other countries. The population of the Drina basin was severely affected by floods in 2010 and 2014. Key economic activities in the basin include power generation, small-scale agriculture and nature-based tourism. Hydropower generation is key in contributing to energy security, delivering on international commitments on green- house gas emission reductions and electricity export potential. Groundwater represents the main water supply. Biodiversity is significant, particularly within the upper parts of the basin, which are home to rare and endangered species such as brown bear, wolf, chamois, wildcat and otter (UNECE, 2017b). A multidisciplinary nexus assessment was carried out in the Drina basin to identify (through a transboundary dia- logue) key linkages among energy, water, land and ecosystem resources (UNECE, 2015b). Its purpose was to assist sector authorities and stakeholders. Economic benefits of transboundary cooperation were identified as increased electricity production (e.g. optimizing water release regimes), increased agricultural production (e.g. by improving irrigation systems though coordina- tion and exchange of experience), reduced damage from floods and droughts (e.g. by better modelling of flood and drought risk, developing protective infrastructure and cooperation in flow regulation) and development of the tou- rism sector. Other benefits included increased energy trade and integration and energy security, increased numbers of people employed due to cross-border economic activity, reduced rural–urban migration, reduced economic and human costs of floods, increased resilience of local communities to climate change, and protection of water quality and ecosystems (e.g. through improved wastewater treatment and solid waste disposal). The Sava River Basin Commission and its legal framework were identified as important for promoting cooperation at the basin level. However, improvements in governance at many levels (e.g. improved coordination among sectors within each country, more formal cooperation arrangements among countries, broader engagement of stakehol- ders and greater focus on compliance) are critical, together with the needs for technical solutions and a coordinated basin-wide investment strategy (UNECE, 2017b). 109 “Inequality and the need to leave no one behind are persistent problems with no clear solutions. Equal access to sufficient safe and affordable water, and adequate and equitable sanitation and hygiene, can mean the difference between prosperity and poverty, well-being and ill-health, and even living and dying.” Such findings reflect previous estimates, which suggest that between prosperity and poverty, well-being and ill-health, only 158 of the world’s 286 transboundary rivers, lakes and and even living and dying. Only 62 per cent of people in aquifers are covered by some form of cooperative manage- LDCs had access to a basic drinking water service in ment framework (United Nations Environment Programme 2015, compared to 89 per cent of the global population. and others, 2002). Intersectoral coordination, together with a The disparity in sanitation and hygiene was greater: only collaborative governance model that engages stakeholders 32 per cent had access to a basic sanitation service in at multiple levels, will be critical for ensuring that transbound- LDCs, compared to 68 per cent of the global population. ary rivers, lakes and aquifers fulfil their potential as catalysts Only 27 per cent of people in LDCs had a basic hand- for regional cooperation and sustainable development. washing facility at home (WHO and UNICEF, 2017b). While poverty is decreasing, inequalities are increasing, and are at an all-time high. This affects almost every country in the world and is not just a developing country problem. B. Eliminating inequalities Income is a good predictor of access to water and Inequality and the need to leave no one behind are per- sanitation at a general level (figures 4 and 5). Howev- sistent problems with no clear solutions. Equal access to er, income or economic influences are only parts of the sufficient safe and affordable water, and adequate and picture. Inequalities in societies and in access to water equitable sanitation and hygiene, can mean the difference resources and services are multifaceted. Figure 4. Access to basic drinking water and gross national income (GNI) per capita by HDI group (circle size is proportional to population), 2015 Data sources: WHO and UNICEF (2017c); World Bank (2017a). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 110 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress Figure 5. Access to basic sanitation and gross national income (GNI) per capita by HDI group (circle size is proportional to population) Data sources: WHO and UNICEF (2017c); World Bank (2017a). The latest GLAAS report (WHO, 2017a) shows that many and 47 per cent are monitoring their progress in providing countries are failing to implement policies that sufficient- drinking water and sanitation services, respectively (figure ly target the most vulnerable people. While 74 per cent of 6). Fewer countries still have financial measures in place to countries have policies and plans to target poor populations target these populations, at 27 per cent and 19 per cent for with both water and sanitation services, only 55 per cent drinking water and sanitation services, respectively. Figure 6. Percentage of countries implementing measures to extend services to poor populations by World Bank income group GOVERNANCE MONITORING FINANCE Policies and planes Progress in Specific measures have specific extending service in the financing measures to reach provision to plan to target poo populations poor population resources to is tracked and poor populations World Bank Number reported are consistently income group of countries applied SANITATION All responding countries 74 74% 47% 19% 80-100% 60-79% Low income 15 73% 33% 7% 40-59% Low middle income 29 66% 48% 10% 0-39%% Upper middle income 26 85% 58% 27% WATER All responding countries 74 74% 55% 27% Low income 15 73% 53% 20% Low middle income 29 66% 48% 14% Upper middle income 26 85% 69% 38% Source: WHO (2017a). 111 Inequalities in the water sector exist among and within 1. Among and within countries countries, between rural and urban communities, within urban communities and also among sociocultural environ- ments, as outlined below. There is a marked difference between fragile and non-fragile States, in both basic drinking water and sanitation services (figure 7). Figure 7. Proportion of population using basic drinking water (left) and sanitation (right) services in fragile and non-fragile States in 2015 Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). Inequalities can be hidden in global data. Disaggregat- washing facilities exceeds 80 per cent in all except the ing data to national and subnational levels can highlight poorest wealth group, which lags behind at 54 per cent. “hotspots” where inequalities are most acute. For exam- Although Bangladesh is close to eliminating open defe- ple, Angola, which has a relatively high coverage of basic cation, the problem is now concentrated among the low- drinking water compared to other countries in sub-Saha- est wealth group and two subnational regions (WHO and ran Africa, has a 40 per cent gap between urban and rural UNICEF, 2017b). areas and a 65 per cent gap between the richest and poor- est people. In the best-performing subnational region in Inequalities are found in all countries, and the differenc- Panama, 95 per cent of the population uses basic sanita- es in basic service coverage among the different wealth tion, compared to just 1 per cent in the worst-performing groups provides a useful measure of the gap between rich subnational region. In Tunisia, coverage of basic hand- and poor people (figure 8). “Inequalities in the water sector exist among and within countries, between rural and urban communities, within urban communities and also among sociocultural environments.“ Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 112 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress Figure 8. Use of basic drinking water, sanitation and hygiene by national wealth group, 2010–2014 Rich-poor gaps are generally larger for sanitation than for drinking water or hygiene Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017b). 2. Between urban and rural populations Rural communities lag behind the urban sector in pro- viding access to basic water and sanitation facilities, although there is good progress at the global level. Some 159 million people still collected drinking water from distant surface water sources, mostly rural com- munities in Central and Southern Asia and sub-Saha- ran Africa, in 2015. A similar global picture is evident for sanitation, where 892 million people still defecated in the open, with the majority again residing in rural communities (WHO and UNICEF, 2017b). The World Bank’s WASH Poverty Diagnostics Initiative graphically shows these differences (figure 9). 113 Figure 9. Use of improved water in urban and rural areas for selected countries Source: Andrés and others (2017). Abbreviation: WPD, WASH poverty diagnostic. 3. Within urban areas proportion of the urban population in developing countries living in slums (households that lack one or more of the Water and sanitation inequalities are not just rural/urban is- basic needs of water, sanitation, sufficient living area or sues. Slums can proliferate where urban growth is not well house durability) decreased by 9 per cent (to 30 per cent) managed, and development is unplanned. They become between 2000 and 2014. However, the absolute number of disadvantaged with few formal services because access slum dwellers has continued to grow, from 689 million in to services is cumbersome, expensive and insecure. The 1990 to 881 million in 2014. This occurred mainly in middle- Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 114 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress and low-income countries. The proportion of urban popu- critical in sub-Saharan Africa, where nearly 60 per cent of lation living in slums increased from 21 per cent in 2000 to the urban population still lived in slums in 2014 (UN-Habitat, 25 per cent in 2014 in Western Asia. The challenge remains 2016) (figure 10). Figure 10. Percentage of urban population living in slums (population living in households that lack either improved water, improved sanitation, sufficient living area (more than three persons per room) or durable housing) in 2000 and 2014 Data source: UN-Habitat (2016). There are economies of scale that benefit densely populat- access and lower costs for rural communities. Solutions like ed urban communities, but in many low-income countries, community-based sanitation such as EcoSan technologies these systems tend not to cater for everyone. Slum areas are now being adopted in many countries. These can also can be overlooked for political or other reasons, because provide other benefits by creating local jobs and helping to of the perceived risk of damage to infrastructure or simply protect the environment. because these areas are recent additions to a city. Howev- er, slum dwellers should not be excluded from formal water services based on economic criteria, as they tend to pay the 4. Among sociocultural environments most for a lower quality service (UNDP, 2006). Poor com- munities can be reliable paying customers when given the Ethnicity is important in determining access to water and opportunity to enjoy formal piped services under the same sanitation. For example, only 33 per cent of indigenous pop- conditions as wealthier urban dwellers. ulations has access to improved sanitation in Guatemala, compared to 70 per cent of non-indigenous populations Sanitation-related disease is a concern in densely pop- (World Bank, 2017b). ulated areas. The urban poor are two to three times less likely to access any type of improved sanitation than their Remnants of the previously legal caste system can have an wealthier neighbours (World Bank, 2017b). Diarrhoeal dis- effect on sanitation in India. A child born into one of the low- ease prevalence in slum areas may be as high as in rural est castes is three times more likely to live in a household villages (UN-Habitat, 2006). Investments in small-scale and where members defecate in the open than a child born into decentralized water and sanitation solutions could improve one of the higher castes (World Bank, 2017b). 115 Children play with garbage in Phnom Penh’s Stung Meanchey slums in Cambodia, where some 2000 people live on the garbage dump and make their living selling recyclable refuse. UN Photo/Kibae Park Some 370 million indigenous peoples live in 70 countries governance and politics play a powerful role in a country’s across all inhabited continents. They comprise more than 15 development, in shaping policies and determining the way per cent of the world’s poor, although they account for less in which they are implemented. Assessing and improving than 5 per cent of the world’s population. Indigenous peo- governance are therefore essential steps in developing pro- ples can play a crucial role in managing natural resources, as grammes that aim to achieve SDG 6 targets. indigenous lands and territories contain some 80 per cent of the planet’s biodiversity (IFAD, 2012). Good governance is one of the key pillars of SDGs. It is ad- dressed through SDG 16 (Promote peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, provide access to justice for all and build effective, accountable institutions at C. Means of implementation all levels). It is also addressed through SDG targets 17.13– 17.17, which relate to elements such as policy coherence, The 2030 Agenda has a strong focus on MoI, including the multi-stakeholder partnerships and effective institutions. specific goal SDG 17, which offers an enabling framework for implementation of SDGs. Within SDG 6, there are also MoI Development actors have increasingly emphasized the im- targets specific to the goal (6.a and 6.b). portance of good governance for sustainable development. The term “governance” covers a wide set of actors that cre- The important MoI for water and sanitation comprise gov- ate development outcomes. This is partly as a reaction to ernance, finance, capacity development, and data acquisition experience in many countries where governments alone and monitoring. They are interlinked, and effective policies in were not able to deliver on various development needs. each activity are mutually reinforcing. They are all essential The original perception of governments as providers of elements in meeting SDG 6 targets. For example, SDG tar- services and development has shifted to that of enablers or get 6.1 on access to safe drinking water requires: finance for providers of conditions enabling sustainable development. water treatment technologies; trained staff to design, operate Environmental imperatives have forced governments and and maintain facilities; data monitoring for evidence-based society to engage more in how resources are used and dis- decision-making; and good governance and accountable in- posed of after use. stitutions with clear roles and responsibilities. Pressures on water resources have intensified such that debate on water allocation has shifted from a tech- 1. Governance nical/physical one of how to abstract and use available water resources to a political and governance focus The Ministerial Declaration of The Hague on Water Secu- about “who should get how much water” (Chartres and rity in the 21st Century referred to improving governance Varma, 2011; Niasse, 2017). The result is that water as one of the main challenges to increasing water securi- scarcity has stimulated water policy and water law re- ty and suggested “governing water wisely” (WWC, 2000). forms in many countries. The Global Water Partnership also emphasized that “the world water crisis is mainly a crisis of governance” (GWP, Good governance is the main theme of the collaborative 2000b). The United Nations World Water Development Re- behaviours developed in 2014 by the Sanitation and Water port (WWAP, 2006) and the Human Development Report for All (SWA) global platform (box 18). SWA is a partnership (UNDP, 2006) highlighted the importance of governance of over 50 governments, 25 external support agencies, and and actors working together, stating that “scarcity at the numerous civil society organizations, academic partners heart of the global water crisis is rooted in power, poverty and private sector organizations. This can improve long- and inequality, not in physical availability.” These affirm that term performance and sustainability in the WASH sector. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 116 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress BOX 18 SWA collaborative behaviours SWA identified four collaborative behaviours that could improve long-term sector performance and sustainability, if jointly adopted by governments and development partners: • Enhance government leadership of sector planning processes • Strengthen and use country systems • Use one information and mutual accountability platform built around a multi-stakeholder, government-led cycle of planning, monitoring and learning • Build sustainable water and sanitation sector financing strategies that incorporate data on taxes, tariffs and transfers, as well as estimates for non-tariff household expenditure Adopting these behaviours can improve accountability and produce better results. Nine indicators were developed to monitor the collaborative behaviours, to improve long-term sector performance and sustainability in the WASH sector. These draw on the success from the health sector and International Health Partnership indicators. The data required for the indicators come from published data and existing monitoring ini- tiatives, such as OECD, GLAAS and World Bank assessments. The following key principles helped to drive indicator development: • Focus on the core element(s) of each behaviour. It is impossible to cover everything with these indicators, although the behaviours can be complex, and so it is important to concentrate on the central issues. • Encourage the WASH sector to measure aspects that have not been measured before. The core elements of the behaviours are difficult to monitor, but this should not prevent the sector from attempting to do so. • Leverage existing monitoring initiatives and adapt tools accordingly in the future. Monitoring behaviours should not put an additional burden on countries for data collection. Source: SWA (2018). (a) Governance functions Seventy per cent of the 74 responding countries to the 2011/2012 GLAAS survey had water and sanitation pol- Governance involves core functions such as formulating icies in place (WHO, 2012). The 2014 survey showed this policy and developing legal frameworks, planning, coordi- increased to 80 per cent of 93 respondents (WHO, 2014). nation, funding and financing (section C.2 below), capacity development (section C.3), data acquisition and monitor- There was a wave of water policy and water law reforms, ing (section C.4) and regulation. Many of these functions in response to water scarcity. Most of the 134 coun- are performed by governments. A line ministry tasked tries that contributed to a 2012 IWRM survey initiated or with water resources management or providing water and made changes in their water policies (79 per cent) or their sanitation services would engage in these core water gov- water laws (82 per cent) (United Nations Environment ernance functions. However, in the spirit of “governance” Programme, 2012). The reforms also embodied many of the going beyond “government”, the core functions need to normative provisions found in the 1992 Water Convention take into account cooperation with other stakeholders, in- and the 1997 Watercourses Convention (Niasse, 2017). cluding the private sector. (ii) Planning and coordination (i) Policy and institutional arrangements Planning is increasingly becoming participatory in pol- A key governance function is policy formulation and en- icy processes, together with stakeholder involvement. gagement with stakeholders to express priorities. These Conventional planning has become “strategic” planning, may be translated into national legislation, sector regula- suggesting a focus on goals and visions. Participatory, tion and/or institutional arrangements that identify actors bottom-up and dynamic processes are used, instead of and responsibilities. top-down, centralized decision-making with a narrow 117 “Twenty-nine per cent of countries reported having national water plans in place that were costed, funded, implemented and regularly reviewed in the 2013/2014 GLAAS survey. The values were 23 per cent for sanitation and 20 per cent for hygiene.” focus on current problems. Planning processes are itera- lative system. They are a prerogative for the pub- tive rather than linear, and there is increased focus on risk. lic sector, including line ministries and regulators. Water planners are beginning to take drought and flood risk An important role for regulators is monitoring per- fully on board to prepare for what may happen in the future. formance or benchmarking operators, to enhance capacity and instil competitive pressure to comply Twenty-nine per cent of countries reported having na- with higher performance standards. tional water plans in place that were costed, funded, implemented and regularly reviewed in the 2013/2014 However, customer service and performance re- GLAAS survey. The values were 23 per cent for sanitation views showed low levels of information made and 20 per cent for hygiene (WHO, 2014). available to the public, despite the opportunity for transparency. The levels of customer satisfaction Coordination has become an increasingly important reviews were lower than for performance reviews. governance and government function. All 73 coun- Urban drinking water providers appeared to perform tries reported having a coordination mechanism in better than their rural sanitation counterparts. How- place in the 2013/2014 GLAAS survey. This included ever, all sectors lag behind desirable levels of re- all ministries and government agencies that influ- lease and transparency of reviews, thus highlighting enced WASH service delivery plus non-governmental this needs significant improvement (WHO, 2014). stakeholders (WHO, 2014). The GLAAS country survey in 2016/2017 showed (iii) Regulation and licensing that about 70 per cent of countries reported legal- ly binding national standards for quality of service Regulation, licensing water abstraction and disposal, and for both drinking water and sanitation/wastewater providing services are operational extensions to the legis- (figure 11) (WHO, 2017a). Figure 11. Percentage of countries with policies, regulations and standards Data source: WHO (2017a). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 118 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress (b) Principles of good governance “Governments and bodies are responsible and account- able for their actions to implement OECD defined water governance as the “range of po- litical, institutional and administrative rules, practices SDGs. Institutions that respond to change and processes (formal and informal) through which decisions are taken and implemented, stakeholders and are accountable to citizens and other can articulate their interests and have their concerns considered, and decision makers are held accounta- stakeholders are needed urgently.” ble for water management” (OECD, 2015). Good gov- ernance comprises many elements, but the following three principles stand out: (1) effective, responsive and accountable State institutions, (2) openness and transparency and (3) participation in decision-making. Institutions with roles and responsibilities for providing (i) Effective, responsive and accountable institutions services and implementing SDGs must be accountable to the people they serve. This works together with the Governments and bodies are responsible and ac- need to be open and transparent, and the importance countable for their actions to implement SDGs. Insti- of data acquisition and monitoring. “Accountability in tutions that respond to change and are accountable to the WASH sector is the democratic principle where- citizens and other stakeholders are needed urgently. by elected officials and those in charge of providing They should have vision, develop long-term sectoral access to water supply and sanitation services ac- plans matched with financing strategies, set targets count for their actions and answer to those they serve” and take actions. Most countries now have WASH pol- (UNDP WGF and UNICEF, 2015a). Accountability has icies/plans, but less than one third have reported hav- several dimensions, including social accountability, ing plans that are costed, implemented and regularly where individuals and communities can hold service reviewed (figure 12). providers and governments to account, and financial, Mutual accountability among all stakeholders is es- administrative and political accountability. sential. This includes accountability between govern- Figure 13 shows a simple framework for accountability ments and the people they serve and accountability where relationships exist among governments, service among government institutions, civil society and de- providers and communities/users, bolstered if neces- velopment partners. See box 19 for an example of the sary, by external agencies. Regulation, licensing and power of accountability. enforcing standards are also a key part of the account- ability framework. Figure 12. Number of countries with approved national WASH policies communicated through a public formal announcement (93 countries in total) Figure 13. Framework for accountability Source: WHO (2014). Source: UNDP WGF and UNICEF (2015a). 119 BOX 19 Power of accountability An example of the power of accountability comes from the Johannesburg Water customer care programme. The water utility faced customer payment problems when services and service levels did not meet community expectations. Johannesburg Water responded by offering customers two call-in centres, two walk-in contact centres and contact by mail and email, to address the issue. The utility has benefited enormously from maintaining good customer care and relations. Customers are more likely to inform it of service failures that can be rectified quickly when the utility responds swiftly and provides feedback. Customers are therefore satisfied and more willing to pay for services. This increases cost recovery and the ability of Johannesburg Water to further invest in services. Source: UNDP WGF and UNICEF (2015b). (ii) Openness and transparency sufficient human resources may also be required. Applying openness and transparency in practice Openness and transparency involve providing in- depends on the availability and quality of data formation to stakeholders. The information may be monitoring. on service levels, leakage rates, non-revenue water, water quality, environmental impacts, tariffs and fi- (iii) Participation in decision-making nancial surpluses, strategies and plans. Openness and transparency may also concern promoting A principle of good governance is that citizens transparency in procurement, and ensuring that and communities have a voice and a role in deci- governments, service providers and communities sion-making. This can range from token participation get value for money and reduce corruption. by being informed, through to active control of the Openness and transparency require regulato- decision-making processes. Participation can include ry frameworks built upon legal and institution- voting for representatives at the local and national al structures. In countries where transparency is levels, participating in stakeholder events and forums, high, utilities can be required by law to publish and playing a role in community or catchment com- information on their performance across a wide mittees. Box 20 provides an example of participation range of parameters. Data reporting infrastruc- in decision-making through the use of participatory ture, in the form of information technology, and budgeting in Brazil. BOX 20 Decision-making by participatory budgeting in Brazil The Municipal Department of Water and Sewerage in Porto Alegre supplies water and sanitation services and is supported through a progressive tariff that generates a surplus of 5–15 per cent annually. Citizens use parti- cipatory mechanisms to propose and vote on how to use this surplus to make new investments. They are also represented on a citizen’s board that oversees the public utility and its contractors, thus promoting accountability. The Municipal Department of Water and Sewerage has kept up with population growth and expanded services significantly since citizen participation has increased. The percentage of dwellings with access to treated water rose from 94.7 per cent in 1989 to 99.5 per cent in 2002, and the proportion with access to the municipal sewer network grew from 46 per cent in 1989 to 84 per cent in 2002. Source: TNI and CEO (2005). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 120 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress Participation and multi-stakeholder engagement vices has also proven to be essential and comple- are important parts of policy processes. The mentary to local government support. The value importance of having a transparent, universal of capacity becomes an important element in how and neutral platform for government and citizen policies are created and carried out. Box 21 shows groups to mobilize available resources and seek an example of a partnership for water and sanita- alternative means of ensuring improved water ser- tion in Pakistan. BOX 21 Partnership for water and sanitation in Pakistan The Karachi Water Partnership was established as a neutral, multi-stakeholder group unified by a common aim to promote government–citizen collaboration for improved water resources management in the city. The multiple wa- ter management issues confronting the 18 million inhabitants of Karachi were unlikely to be solved without active contribution from all concerned. The partnership has proven to be key for developing change in the management of water and sanitation in Karachi. It was mandated to act through signing seven memorandums of understanding with city-based institutions, inclu- ding the City District Government of Karachi and the Karachi Water and Sewerage Board. More than 300 partners have joined the partnership since its launch, with each one signing a pledge to conserve and better manage water and sewage in homes, in places of work and study, and in public spaces. Water supply and sanitation facilities were provided for over 400 teachers and 8,500 school children in 55 schools, and US$70,000 was raised to create and support the partnership. At the neighbourhood level, the Orangi Pilot Project provided a model for communities to organize themselves around sewer lanes, as part of work on low-cost sanitation, housing, health, education and credit for microenter- prise. Extensive mapping was used to disentangle land ownership, which can cause personal risks in situations of high demand for land. The achievements of local Women and Water Networks has highlighted the role that women play in catalysing change within communities. Establishment of such networks was recognized as a prerequisite for advancing work at the district level. Sources: Global Water Partnership; Orangi Pilot Project. 2. Finance US$114 billion per year (Hutton and Varughese, 2016). This figure excludes operation and maintenance, mon- Greater levels of finance and new financing paradigms itoring, institutional support, sector strengthening and are necessary to provide opportunities for making human resources. The focus on capital expenditure rapid progress in the future, while needs in the water and ignoring current expenditure has been referred to sector remain high. The current financial resources as “systems blindness” (Fonseca and Pories, 2017). available to countries are inadequate to achieve SDG 6. The 2016/2017 GLAAS survey reported 80 per cent of Investments in WASH bring social and environmental the 70 respondent countries had insufficient finance benefits, as do investments in other water and wa- to meet their national WASH targets, which in many ter-using sectors. Estimates of the annual costs of cases are less ambitious than the related SDG targets damage from flooding, inadequate WASH and water (WHO, 2017a). The World Bank estimated the annual scarcity amount to US$500 billion per year (Sadoff capital costs of meeting SDG targets 6.1 and 6.2 as and others, 2015). This figure would be much higher if 121 environmental costs could be valued and considered. is repayable or commercial finance. This source is sig- The benefits of investing in the water sector should nificantly underused, and there is much potential for it reduce these costs and promote growth, which can to expand (WHO, 2017a). then provide revenue supporting further investment, thus creating a virtuous circle. Tariffs are typically the largest source of funding. They include user fees and household investments, covering Bridging the finance gap necessitates improving the self-supply solutions, such as wells and water tanks, efficiency of existing financial resources, while in- and household sanitation. Sixty-six per cent of financ- creasing the role of innovative sources of financing, ing came from household sources, although this varied such as commercial and blended finance. The Addis considerably among countries. Tariffs do not support Ababa Action Agenda (adopted in 2015) states the cost recovery in many cases. Tariff revenues were suf- need for a new framework to finance sustainable ficient to cover most of the operation and maintenance development. It asks countries to mobilize domestic costs in fewer than half the countries surveyed. Cost public resources, and to promote domestic and inter- recovery from tariffs was lower in rural areas than in national businesses to raise private finance for invest- urban areas. ment in ways that further sustainable development Taxes include all funding from public budgets allocated (United Nations, 2015). by governments (at the central or local levels) for in- vestment, subsidies and general sector funding. Taxes The role of ODA is critical. It must be targeted where it can form most non-household sources of WASH finance. be most effective and used to catalyse additional funding Government budgets increased annually at an average sources through the power of blended finance. Mobilizing of 4.9 per cent after inflation between 2013 and 2016 private and business finance will require measures to im- (WHO, 2017a). prove the attractiveness of water and sanitation sectors Transfers involve financing from overseas in the form to investors of official development finance (ODF), contributions from NGOs and remittances. ODF consists of con- (a) Current status cessional financing through grants or loans (ODA), or through non-concessional financing or other offi- Funding for water and sanitation typically comes cial flows (excluding export credits). This is typically from three sources: tariffs, taxes and transfers, known the smallest component of funding in the water and as the “three Ts”. Detailed data from 25 countries sanitation sector, although external support is a major showed these three elements constitute 92 per cent contributor to WASH in some countries and could po- of the combined annual WASH expenditure of US$43 tentially play a role in catalysing new forms of finance. billion (figure 14). The other major source of financing ODA for water- and sanitation-related activities is the subject of SDG target 6.a (WHO, 2017a). ODF commitments for all sectors rose from US$106 billion to US$265 billion between 20009 and 2016 (quoted in 2016 constant prices). ODF commitments Figure 14. Sources of annual financing for WASH services to the water sector have increased in recent years, al- in 25 countries though they are decreasing as a percentage of the total. However, they dropped from US$18.4 billion in 2015 to US$15.1 billion in 2016. ODA and ODF disbursements have also increased and are currently US$13.0 billion (figure 15). Most disbursements came from ODA (68.7 per cent) in 2016. ODA targeted at the water sector has shifted away from grants towards concessional loans since 2005. The percentage of disbursed concessional loans from ODA increased from 39 to 61 per cent in 2016 (OECD, 2017). While ODF investments in the water sector remain un- certain and are a small part of the overall funding total, some countries still rely on external funds, with 11 coun- tries receiving more than 20 per cent of their WASH fi- nancing from these external sources (WHO, 2017a). 9 A part of the rise in ODF commitments from 2000 to 2016 is likely due to incomplete CRS data on Other Official Flow (OOF) commitments in 2000. Source: WHO (2017a). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 122 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress Figure 15. ODF disbursements to the water sector by year Data source: OECD (2018). Assessment of IWRM implementation indicated that the commonly overlooked. Affordability remains a prob- finance component lagged other aspects such as poli- lem. The poor and vulnerable are often unable to ac- cies, institutions and management instruments and was cess services. It is paradoxical that the poor often pay constraining the achievement of SDG 6. National budgets more per volume of water for a low-quality service for investments in water resources infrastructure and re- than the wealthy who are connected to a utility net- current costs of water resources management were ei- work with a continuous water supply (UNDP, 2006). ther insufficient or not fully disbursed. WHO/UNICEF JMP found that countries had made progress towards the MDGs without significant- Development partners have identified three main financial ly reducing inequalities in 2015 (WHO and UNICEF, challenges in the WASH sector (Fonseca and Pories, 2017): 2015a). Few countries are consistently applying fi- nancial measures to target resources to poor popula- • Lack of finance for strengthening the enabling en- tions (WHO, 2017a). vironment, including systems that support existing infrastructure and service delivery. The focus is on (b) Accelerating progress capital investments in new infrastructure, including pipelines, wells, water storage facilities and latrines. The challenge of financing SDG 6 presents opportunities • Untapped use of repayable finance, including mi- for new and innovative actions that fall broadly into two crofinance and blended finance. Only 8 per cent of categories: funding came from repayable finance, rather than the three Ts. The water sector is often not seen as • Use existing resources more efficiently and effec- attractive to investors because of inadequate tariffs tively. Despite the problems, annual budgets and to cover all recurrent costs, low tariff collection rates, resources in the water sector are already substan- low revenue streams, weak regulatory frameworks tial and amount to US$85 billion from 57 responding and poor sector leadership. countries (WHO, 2017a). Existing resources must be • Inequalities in services provision. Resources are not used to target areas such as institutional strengthen- adequately targeted, and areas such as sanitation are ing, which can translate capital investments into ef- 123 fective service delivery. They should also be used to ed finance. Microfinance has been shown to work when target vulnerable populations. combined with government subsidies to increase access • Mobilize repayable finance. A paradigm shift is need- to water and sanitation (e.g. through the Clean India Cam- ed that increases the uptake of innovative financing paign). The role of business in supporting the water and mechanisms. These include repayable finance in the sanitation sector should not be limited to large compa- form of microfinance, blended finance and commer- nies, as small-scale entrepreneurs also have a role to play. cial finance. Action is needed to make the water and sanitation sectors more attractive to private finance. The model of using existing resources more efficiently and improving performance can lead to increased cred- The World Bank stated that these actions are self-rein- itworthiness and access to commercial finance, thus fur- forcing in the WASH sector. Improving the use of exist- ther improving service delivery (figure 16). ing resources, when coupled with reforms, should lead to increased efficiencies, improved services and increased creditworthiness. This can lead to increased access to repayable and commercial financing, which can then be Figure 16. Cycle of water sector reform invested in further service improvements, thus continuing the cycle (World Bank, 2017c). Sector reforms may be needed to use existing resourc- es more efficiently and effectively. Better financial plan- ning and budgeting should be strategic and consultative. Only about one third of countries (35 per cent) reported the use of sector development or action plans to identify future investment needs or strategies for future financ- ing according to the latest GLAAS survey (WHO, 2017a). Existing budgets can be better allocated more equitably or to areas where the pay-off may be greater. Tariffs and subsidies can be better designed and collected to in- crease cost recovery and improve services, thus increas- ing willingness to pay for services. Improving commercial and technical efficiencies should result in better service provision and reduce costs. Source: World Bank (2017c). The key opportunity arising from sectoral reform and the Abbreviation: WWS, water supply and sanitation. effective use of existing resources is the potential to use public funding to leverage repayable finance in the form of blended finance or microfinance, and ultimately more Action is also needed to extend the value of water beyond sustainable commercial finance. Commercial finance the cost of accessing it, to include its economic and social comes in many forms, including bank loans, equity and value. OECD has developed a framework and four princi- bonds. There are many benefits of raising commercial ples to improve the way water is valued (OECD, 2012a): finance in the WASH sector, including longer term sus- tainability, faster access to finance and lower transac- • The polluter pays principle creates conditions under tion costs. which pollution is a costly activity. This either influ- ences behaviour to reduce pollution or generates Blended finance is the strategic use of public taxes, devel- revenues to alleviate pollution and compensate for opment grants and concessional loans to mobilize private welfare loss. It internalizes the external costs of capital flows to emerging and frontier markets. Blended pollution. finance can offer more affordable access, while enticing • The beneficiary pays principle enables the financial lenders into the market. It can operate through subsidiz- burden of water resources management to be shared. ing loans, providing guarantees, supporting grace periods It takes into account the high opportunity cost related and extending loan repayment schedules. to using public funds for providing private goods that users can ill-afford. Requisites are that private bene- Microfinance is a strategy for increasing the use of repay- fits attached to water resources management are in- able finance in the sector. It enables households to take ventoried and valued, beneficiaries are identified, and out small loans to provide capital for investments such mechanisms are set to harness them. as water connections and toilet facilities. These loans • Equity is a feature of many policy frameworks for offer low interest rates that can be paid back over time water management. It is often invoked to address and provide a catalyst for the private component of blend- affordability or competitiveness issues, when water Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 124 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress Example of New Zealand’s renewable and sustainable energy efforts. Geothermal energy is converted into electricity and is also used to heat green houses. UN Photo/Evan Schneider bills, driven by the first two principles, may be dispro- Knowledge and capacity development (KCD) goes beyond portionate with user capacity to pay. the need to strengthen the capacity of individuals, which is • Coherence among policies that affect water resourc- often interpreted as education and training. Individuals need es can usefully be considered a fourth principle. Ag- these, but they also need much more. They must acquire riculture, land-use or energy policies can severely skills, knowledge and attitudes, and be empowered to solve increase the cost of water management. Factoring problems, which technical training alone cannot provide. water and reforming allocation of public moneys into these policies can be more cost-effective than mobi- KCD includes building organizations in which individ- lizing additional funding in the water sector. uals work together within established rules to provide regulations, incentives, agreements, rights and finance for service provision. Organizations can also provide the An example of this principle is the approach to the water– additional capacities that individuals need, but the rules energy–food nexus, which highlights the interconnected- are often missing, or they are not adhered to because of ness of water and its role in food production and energy corruption or nepotism. generation. Recognizing these connections allows for a fuller understanding of the trade-offs that exist in water Another element of capacity development is an enabling resources management. socioeconomic environment, which provides a broad context within which water for people, for industry and for the environment can flourish. This is essentially the 3. Capacity development responsibility of governments in their role of enabler or provider of conditions for sustainable development. Strong formal and informal institutions and human re- sources underpin good water governance. However, Human resource shortages are reported in water- and there is an acute lack of capacity, which is constraining sanitation-related activities and programmes, including the development and management of water resources water harvesting, desalination, water efficiency, waste- in all its facets in most developing countries, particularly water treatment, management of floods and droughts, across sub-Saharan Africa and South and South-east- and utilizing recycling and reuse technologies. Nearly ern Asia. Every investment in water infrastructure is at half of the 74 responding countries in the 2011/2012 risk and may even be ineffective if not accompanied with GLAAS survey were unable to state how many staff were capacity-development programmes to ensure proper working in the water sector (WHO, 2012). Only one third management and maintenance. This is not a new phe- of the 94 countries surveyed had comprehensive human nomenon. It has been a leading concern and constraint resource strategies for urban and rural areas for drinking to water-related development for many decades. Too water, sanitation and hygiene in the next reporting cycle little capacity has been developed, and what has been (figure 17) (WHO, 2014). WASH activities that benefit done has not always resolved the problem. SDG target most from increased human resources are monitoring 6.a specifically references capacity-building; however, and evaluation, national and local planning, and opera- there is no indicator to monitor it explicitly. tion and maintenance. 125 Figure 17. Human resource strategies in sanitation, disaggregated for urban and rural areas (94 countries) Source: WHO (2014). Similar human resources deficiencies also occur in the KCD is an intrinsically slow and complex process. Yet, agriculture sector. Skills and experience are lacking in water donors are usually more interested in quick perfor- irrigated farming and in water conservation for rain-fed mance results as an indication of KCD effectiveness. There farming (FAO, 2004). The increasing involvement of the are methods for rapidly increasing vocational skills to meet private sector in agriculture and irrigation is creating new specific shortages using short-term programmes of two to demands for more-responsive government agencies. four years. However, it takes many years to strengthen in- Skills such as organizing stakeholders and openly pro- stitutional capacity with experienced and effective profes- viding information, as well as those for contracting and sionals and technicians that can plan and enable progress tendering, are increasingly sought in government agen- towards SDG 6. The answer lies in long-term commitment cies, as the role of governments changes from provider to and support for KCD (Mvurliwenande and others, 2017). enabler. A lack of qualified professionals and technicians weakens the institutions that provide governance. Several countries are now producing national capacity-develop- 4. Data acquisition and monitoring ment strategies for the water sector (WWAP, 2016). How- ever, the big challenge is implementation. “We cannot plan and manage what we do not measure and monitor” is a statement that few would disagree with. Data Education and training provide a vital basis for build- acquisition and monitoring provide the foundation for good ing much-needed human capacity in the water and governance. It is not possible to plan, manage and evaluate water-using sectors. Education and vocational train- water resources and water allocations without available ing programmes are viewed as conditions enabling data. Data underpin the governance elements of account- the achievement of SDG 6. The expertise required in ability, transparency and participation, and enable progress the water sector at all levels of education, in numerous to be monitored and service providers, governments and agencies, communities, schools and private companies, development partners to be held accountable. is extremely broad. Public debate without data is poorly informed, and stake- The need for comprehensive capacity-development pro- holders have no basis for challenging factually incorrect or grammes to create a cadre of specialists and technicians biased positions. Reliable and consistent data are essential working in the water sector is well recognized. However, to stimulate political commitment, inform policymaking and funds are often allocated for developing infrastructure decision-making, and trigger well-placed investments to- rather than people. The former produces something that wards health, environment and economic gains. Data acqui- can be seen, whereas the latter is mostly invisible. sition and monitoring also require a political commitment to Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 126 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress transparency. This means sharing data within and among al policies and priorities” for its successful implementa- countries, which can be especially sensitive in the case of tion (United Nations, General Assembly, 2015a, para. 5). transboundary watercourses and waterbodies. It is important to acknowledge and support countries in adapting SDGs to their reality and aspirations in setting (a) National-level monitoring nationally relevant steps for achieving SDG targets that align with their development status and strategies. Ad- National processes on monitoring are at the centre of ditional or locally more applicable indicators and mean- achieving SDGs. Although it applies to all countries, the ingful numerical values, which can be adjusted over time, 2030 Agenda must consider “different national realities, are useful in achieving these targets. Box 22 provides an capacities and levels of development and respect nation- example of a national-level data system in Brazil. BOX 22 Brazil’s National Water Resources Information System The National Water Resources Information System is a large database on water in Brazil. It consists of a set of processes for collecting, organizing and transmitting data and information. The system consolidates water status data from all over Brazil, including reservoir levels, river stream-flows and water quality, as well as information on water users, including urban supply systems, irrigation networks and industries. This means that the quantity of available water is known, together with its quality and the purposes for which it is used. This information is vital for efficient water management. The Brazilian National Water Agency is responsible for coordinating the system and complying with the principles of decentralized data and information uptake and production, unified system coordination and guaranteed access by society. Information is stored in a database and disclosed in the form of interactive maps. All data in the system are publi- cly available and may be accessed free of charge by anyone. There is a metadata portal linked to the system that was set up to organize and systematize geospatial information produced and used by the Brazilian National Water Agency, to ensure it is disseminated and accessible via the Internet. Thirty-eight interactive maps were available in 2016, produced from 144 geoservice layers and associated with 200 different metadata. The system provides input for actions and studies in Brazil, including preparing for environmen- tal economic water accounts and SDGs, especially SDG 6. Source: ANA (n.d.). Figure 18. Data collected and used to inform decisions on resource allocations (65 countries) National data help governments make evi- dence-based decisions and are the foundation of global monitoring efforts. In the 2016/2017 GLAAS survey, nearly 70 per cent of countries indicated data were available and used for decisions on allocating resources for sanitation and drinking water (figure 18) (WHO, 2017a). This increased from the 2013/2014 survey, which reported that data were available, an- alysed and used for resource allocation decisions in 48 per cent of countries for drinking water and 31 per cent for sanitation (WHO, 2014). Source: WHO (2017a). 127 Countries reported that monitoring and surveillance sys- and align regional and global initiatives to what is already tems were usually insufficient in 2013/2014 (WHO, 2014) taking place at the national level, rather than adding ad- (figure 19). It is therefore crucial that national monitoring ditional monitoring burdens on Member States. National systems be strengthened and supported. Development monitoring systems can and should feed into regional and partners should work within national monitoring systems global monitoring systems. Figure 19. Data flow in SDG reporting, highlighting the central role of the National Statistical System Source: United Nations (n.d.). (b) Regional- and global-level monitoring The capacity of countries to report on the global SDG 6 indicators varies (figure 20). Incorporating the Regional and global monitoring initiatives are key ele- global SDG indicator framework into national moni- ments of the data-monitoring landscape. The Pan-Af- toring systems is an ongoing process. Resources and rican Monitoring and Reporting System10 is an example capacity-building are required to close data gaps and that highlights harmonized monitoring and reporting of harmonize reporting, although a lot of water and san- water and sanitation indicators for the whole of Africa itation data exist at the country level. Less than half while linking with other global monitoring and report- of Member States currently have comparable data on ing processes. The African Ministers’ Council on Water, progress towards each of the global SDG 6 targets. The which leads the Pan-African monitoring initiative, has average Member State reported on one third of all the worked closely with all the national governments in- global indicators for SDG 6, and only 6 per cent reported volved, and also with international organizations, to en- on more than eight indicators. This represents a major sure alignment among the different levels. knowledge gap. “Countries reported that monitoring and surveillance systems were usually insufficient in 2013/2014. It is therefore crucial that national monitoring systems be strengthened and supported. Development partners should work within national monitoring systems and align regional and global initiatives to what is already taking place at the national level, rather than adding additional monitoring burdens on Member States.” 10 Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 128 Chapter III. Enabling and accelerating progress Figure 20. Proportion of countries reporting on SDG 6 indicators, 2016–2018 Data sources: WHO/UNICEF JMP; GEMI; GLAAS. There is still much work to be done to ensure availabil- toring more effective and efficient, as well as to harmonize ity of timely and good-quality data on all global SDG 6 reporting requirements at global, regional and national indicators. Institutional capacity-building and integration levels. International collaboration and partnerships can across stakeholders need to be intensified to make moni- support data collection, analysis and use (box 23). BOX 23 Accounting for water Water accounting is about quantifying water resources and uses, much like financial accounting provides infor- mation on income and expenditure. Given that water is a precious and limited resource, it is paradoxical that ac- counting for water receives so little attention. The current lack of nationally and internationally accepted water accounting methods is a serious drawback to water resources planning and water allocation. Many developing countries lack data. Government line departments rarely have access to a common information base when attempting to align water development plans. Different countries in the same river basin often use different databases and systems of measurement, which can seriously hinder effective transboundary water ma- nagement. FAO is currently working towards establishing an accepted system of water accounting. This will go beyond data collection, and will provide a scientific and transparent basis for evidence-informed strategy development, opera- tional decision-making, and targeted communication or awareness-raising programmes. Modern technologies can also help to relieve the burden of data acquisition. These include the use of Earth obser- vations, mobile and basin/field hydrometric sources and information from different water-using disciplines. Re- search is needed to map alternative ways of acquiring data, establish common water metrics and develop methods that better capture the connections among water users, support SDG monitoring and investigate early warning systems for emerging water risks. Sources: FAO (2017a); FAO and WWC (2018). CHAPTER IV Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Projections on Sustainable Development Goals and 70th Anniversary of the United Nations. UN Photo/Cia Pak Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 130 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 This chapter looks beyond SDG 6 and explores how this among water resources management and sanitation goal connects with other SDGs and how it can bring im- and other goals, highlighting some possible trade-offs mense benefits for sustainable development. It reviews that need to be addressed to avoid achieving one goal at the evidence available that establishes key connections the expense of realizing others (figure 21). Figure 21. How SDG 6 can bring immense benefits for sustainable development A coordinated and integrated approach to the 2030 cause of the many ways in which water pervades all Agenda can make implementing and monitoring aspects of life. This chapter therefore focuses on those SDG-related national development plans more cost-ef- linkages where maximum benefit can be derived in fective. It will help to maximize synergies and reduce terms of water for people, for a healthy environment the risks that actions taken to meet one goal will under- and for the economy. mine other goals. It will also ensure appropriate timing and sequencing of policy and institutional reforms and Progress on SDG 6 will be impossible without progress public investments so that limited resources are used on the other goals and vice versa. This reflects the in- more efficiently and sustainably. tegrated, indivisible and interlinked nature of all SDGs. Water and sanitation have a particular role to play in There are many ways to examine the linkages among the 2030 Agenda, because of their centrality to each water and the other SDGs. Overlaps are inevitable re- of the three dimensions that cut across all SDGs (so- gardless of the methodology. They are complex be- ciety, economy and environment). In society, they are a 131 Female students attend class at the Sultan Razia High School in the Balkh province. UN Photo/Shehzad Noorani prerequisite to meeting basic human rights, dignity and A previous UN-Water publication (UN-Water, 2016) ex- needs; in the economy, water is a limiting factor in all plored many of these complex interlinkages and trade- productive activities such as agriculture, industry and offs and highlighted the importance of mainstreaming energy; and in the environment, water is needed for the water into policies and plans of other sectors, as well as proper functioning of all ecosystems and their inhabit- how managing interlinkages supports the three sustain- ants, including human. able development dimensions (figure 22). Figure 22. SDG 6 interlinks the three dimensions of sustainable development Source: UN-Water (2016). SDGs with specific references to water include SDG terdependencies and development trade-offs. These 3 (good health and well-being), SDG 4 (quality edu- include: the nexus among water, energy and food; cation), SDG 11 (sustainable cities and water com- those between water and industrial production; and munities), SDG 12 (responsible consumption and those between water and land ecosystems. This re- production) and SDG 15 (life on land). SDGs for re- view offers an opportunity to focus on links that are view by HLPF in 2018 are also linked to water (box now important because of recent events and the ef- 24) and reflect many well-known and understood in- fects of climate change. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 132 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 BOX 24 Transitioning towards sustainable and resilient societies: water and the other SDGs under review at HLPF 2018 SDG 6 is inextricably linked to the other SDGs being reviewed at the annual HLPF in July 2018. The following is a brief overview of some of the linkages and main messages. SDG 6 SDG 7: Water and energy are mutually dependent, with all energy forms requiring water to varying degrees. In turn, water management, including treatment and pumping, requires energy (see the section on “Water and society” below). SDG 6 SDG 11: Cities and human settlements provide basic services to their inhabitants, including drinking water and sanitation. Cities are also increasingly playing a role in the management of water-related ecosystems, including floods and droughts (see “Water and society”). SDG 6 SDG 12: Water is an integral part of consumption and production cycles of food, energy, goods and ser- vices. Managing these processes sustainably is important in protecting the quantity and quality of water resources and using them more efficiently (see “Water and the environment”). SDG 6 SDG 15: Water and land management are closely associated, with activities taking place on land (in- cluding agriculture) using and potentially polluting water resources. Freshwater is also known as terrestrial water, and water is an indivisible part of what is known as the landscape approach. Water is also needed for all the world’s ecosystems to function properly, including those on water, land and in seas (see “Water and the environment”). SDG 6 SDG 17: The MoI SDG is key to success of the 2030 Agenda, and includes partnerships, finance, tech- nology, capacity-building, data acquisition and monitoring, and governance, all essential for SDG 6 achievement (see chapter III). basic WASH services. Adequate universal access to WASH A. Water and society is essential for ending preventable deaths from diarrhoea and other water-related diseases, and for improving nutri- The transformative vision and ambition of Member tion, health service delivery, social well-being and economic States to end poverty and hunger everywhere, to combat productivity. Investing in WASH has an impact: it has been inequalities within and among countries, to build peace- estimated that every US$1 invested in WASH yields a US$5 ful, just and inclusive societies, and to protect human return in health and economic benefits (Hutton, 2004). rights everywhere is at the heart of the 2030 Agenda. The human rights to water and sanitation are explicitly men- tioned in the Agenda and are fundamental to providing 2. Diarrhoea basic human needs and services (United Nations, Gener- al Assembly, 2015a). This section discusses the linkages Inadequate WASH is a key contributor to diarrhoeal disease, among WASH in human health, food security (combat- the second leading cause of death in children under the age of ing hunger) and well-being, with a view towards building five worldwide (WHO, 2017b). The most severe threat posed peaceful and just societies and reducing inequalities. by diarrhoea is dehydration, but diarrhoea is also a leading cause of malnutrition. Poor drinking water, sanitation and hy- giene access directly accounts for 882,000 diarrhoeal deaths 1. Water, sanitation, hygiene and health every year (Prüss-Ustün and others, 2014). Safe drinking water and adequate sanitation and hy- Cholera is an acute diarrhoeal disease and can kill within giene are fundamental to protecting health, and directly hours if left untreated (WHO, 2018a). It still affects more than contribute to achieving SDG 3. WASH-related disease is 40 countries, resulting in an estimated 2.9 million cases and closely linked to poverty, and disproportionately affects 95,000 deaths per year worldwide (Ali and others, 2015). An vulnerable communities that do not have access even to estimated 40–80 million people in Africa live in cholera “hot- 133 spots” (figure 23) (GTFCC, 2017; Lessler and others, 2018). Humanitarian crises due to natural disasters and conflicts in- This includes populations living in crowded unsanitary crease the risk of epidemics. Households living in cholera-af- peri-urban slums and refugee camps, as well as in rural areas fected countries tend to have the lowest access to basic along rivers and lake shores where basic water and sanitation water and sanitation services (figure 24). services are lacking. Figure 23. Map of cholera hotspots, 2010–2016 Source: Lessler and others (2018). Figure 24. Basic access to water and sanitation in cholera and non-cholera endemic countries, 2015 3. Neglected tropical diseases Poor access to WASH is a key contributor to neglected tropical diseases (NTDs). These diseases affect over 1 bil- lion people worldwide in 149 countries and cost developing economies billions of United States dollars a year (WHO, n.d.). People living in areas endemic to NTDs are often the poorest, most marginalized and vulnerable in society. Reducing ine- qualities is at the core of the 2030 Agenda. The WASH sector has a clear role to play in preventing and managing disease by providing WASH services for populations most at risk. Untreated excreta in the environment contributes to the spread of disease, including certain NTDs. For example, tra- choma is the leading cause of preventable blindness world- wide and is responsible for the blindness or visual impairment of 1.9 million people in 41 countries (WHO, 2018b). It results Source: GTFCC (2017) and sources cited therein. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 134 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 from a bacterial infection transmitted through eye-seeking soap for handwashing, in low- and middle-income countries flies breeding in faeces. Other NTDs such as soil-transmitted (WHO and UNICEF, 2015b). Health-care facilities with unsan- helminthiases and schistosomiases, linked to open defeca- itary environments expose patients and staff to infections. tion or practices such as reuse of untreated wastewater and faecal sludge for food production, contribute to poor physi- Infections associated with health care affect hundreds of cal growth and cognitive development among children and millions of patients every year, with 15 per cent of patients iron-deficiency anaemia. One quarter of the world’s popula- estimated to develop one or more infections during a tion is estimated to be infected by soil-transmitted helminth hospital stay (Allegranzi and others, 2010). Infection rates infections, and 218 million people are estimated to require are especially high in newborns. Sepsis and other severe preventive treatment for schistosomiasis (WHO, 2018c). infections are major killers, and are estimated to cause 430,000 deaths annually, largely in low resource settings (Oza and others, 2015). 4. Other water- and sanitation-related Health-care facilities that do not have adequate water and diseases sanitation for infection prevention and control can contribute to antimicrobial resistance. The same applies to intensive Other water- and sanitation-related diseases are linked to livestock facilities and antibiotic manufacturing industries poor water management. Wastewater and inadequate drain- that do not adequately manage their wastewater. Such re- age provide ideal breeding grounds for mosquitoes (known sistance can have devastating health consequences and in- as disease vectors), which transmit malaria, dengue, chikun- crease treatment costs. The WASH and health sectors must gunya and zika. More than 400,000 people annually still die work together to address this immense challenge and attain from malaria, most of them children under the age of five the goal of universal access to basic water and sanitation in (WHO, 2018d). Diseases such as dengue, chikungunya and all settings, including health-care facilities. West Nile virus are now emerging in countries where they were previously unknown. 7. Water, sanitation and hygiene 5. Chemical contamination in water in education and wastewater Improving access to WASH facilities in schools can improve the health, attendance and welfare of students and teachers, Access to safe sources of water protects from harmful lev- and can therefore contribute to better educational outcomes. els of chemical contaminants including arsenic and fluoride, WASH in schools is particularly important for girls and young which pose significant health concerns. Long-term exposure women, as is providing privacy for menstrual hygiene man- to inorganic arsenic in water that is used for drinking, cook- agement. School pupils are well placed to start learning ing and food preparation causes chronic arsenic poisoning, about safe water and sanitation through school curriculum. leading to skin lesions and cancers. Arsenic in groundwater Pupils and their families can then begin to understand the is widespread and significant in some regions. It is estimated links among water, health and nutrition. (See also the section that between 19 million and 39 million people in Bangladesh below on “Water and the economy”.) are at risk of exposure to arsenic concentrations higher than WHO guideline values (UNICEF, 2015a). In 2013, only 52 per cent of primary schools in LDCs had ade- quate access to water supplies, and only 51 per cent had ade- Exposure to hazardous chemicals in wastewater may also quate sanitation. These compared to global figures for primary pose risks to public health, particularly downstream of indus- schools of 71 per cent and 69 per cent, respectively (UNICEF, trial activities such as mining and manufacturing. Chemical 2015b). Only 11 countries of the 149 included in the study by pollution from industry and agriculture should be minimized UNICEF (2015b) were able to provide information on school at source, in line with SDG target 6.3. hygiene and access to basic handwashing facilities. Just 10 per cent of schools had access to such facilities in Burundi (UNICEF, 2015b). Girls’ enrolment increased more than that 6. Water, sanitation and hygiene in of boys following the construction of school latrines in India (Adukia, 2017). Clean and well-maintained primary school toi- health-care settings lets were more important than the number of toilets for improv- ing attendance in Kenya (Dreibelbis and others, 2013). Maintaining a sanitary environment in health centres is es- sential for quality and equity in universal health coverage Education can also encourage households to treat water so and in infection prevention and control strategies. However, that it is suitable for drinking. Reports suggest the incidence one fifth of health-care facilities lacks basic sanitation and of diarrhoea fell by 30 per cent in low- and lower middle-in- one third lacks access to safe drinking water and water and come countries when women completed secondary school 135 education (UNESCO, 2014). Water purification increased by 9 However, women usually still have less influence than per cent in urban India when most adults completed primary men about how water, sanitation and wastewater servic- school education and by 22 per cent when they completed es and infrastructure are designed and managed. Women secondary school education (Jalan and others, 2009). and girls continue to bear the work burden of most house- hold water-related tasks. Some 263 million people in 2015 spent over 30 minutes per trip collecting water from 8. Water and gender sources outside the home, often over long distances (fig- ure 25) (WHO and UNICEF, 2017b). Eliminating persistent gender inequality in many LDCs has the potential to improve family health and well-being, in- Water is heavy. Carrying it consumes time and valuable crease household food security and alleviate poverty. Women personal energy that can prevent girls from attending are the predominant caretakers of domestic water, collecting school. Women and girls are responsible for water collec- water for household use and using water for irrigated agri- tion in 8 out of 10 households where water is not acces- culture (FAO, 2017b). Many women in poor households bear sible in the home across 61 countries (WHO and UNICEF, the burden of retrieving water from distant sources and often 2017b). Bringing water sources closer to people reduces have little option but to use polluted wastewater for domes- the time needed to collect water and makes more time tic purposes. Their roles in societies and within their families available for educational activities, especially for females means they are critically exposed to unsafe water and are (WWAP, 2015). Paths to water sources that are long and most affected by the lack of adequate sanitation facilities through remote areas put women and girls at risk of sexu- and/or sufficient wastewater treatment. This exposure oc- al and other physical violence. This is especially prevalent curs within the home and in gardens where water and waste- in fragile countries (World Bank, 2018). water are used for irrigating vegetables. Figure 25. Primary responsibility for water collection in rural areas, by gender and age (per cent) Source: WHO and UNICEF (2017d). Note: Restricted to countries where at least 1 in 10 households have water off premises Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 136 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Gender inequalities and the lack of water and sanitation 50 per cent in sub-Saharan Africa, especially where poverty have important implications for girls’ education. In Zambia, is persistent, and women have few other employment op- improved water and sanitation in schools reduced repeti- portunities. Many women now head or manage farms and tion and dropout rates for girls. Adequate sanitation provi- households across this region, as men have left and migrat- sion has an even stronger impact than water supply (Agol ed to cities in search of employment (FAO, 2011a). and others, 2017). However, women still face barriers such as lack of access People with disabilities face significant barriers, regardless to land ownership and water, agricultural inputs, services, of gender. Even where households have access to im- markets, economic opportunities and participation in deci- proved water and sanitation facilities, disabled household sion-making processes. Local norms and beliefs often af- members may not be able to access those without assis- fect their land rights, work stability, the type of activities in tance. The needs of disabled people must be considered which they can participate and access to agricultural inputs. when designing toilets. The result is that women’s agricultural productivity is 20–30 per cent lower than male farmers (FAO, 2017b). Such ine- Social stigma may also impede certain people from using qualities threaten agricultural production and household food private or shared facilities. This may include people who security. Agriculture and water resources plans must include transgress their gender roles, or where taboos prevent certain measures to reduce gender inequality. family members from using the same facility. Taboos around menstruation may also prevent women and girls from using Women’s poorer access to secure agricultural land tenure the regular water and sanitation facilities (WaterAid, n.d.). rights explains their limited access to water for productive use, which is intrinsically linked to access to land (Wahaj and Women supply 43 per cent of all agricultural labour in low- Hartl, 2007). Gender inequality in water use in agriculture re- and middle-income countries. This figure reaches more than mains a reflection of inequalities in land titling (figure 26). Figure 26. Proportion of women (per cent) among total number of land title holders in selected countries Data source: FAO (n.d.a). Addressing gender inequality can create many benefits. be asked about location, design and management of water Women need much greater engagement in decision-mak- points and toilet facilities. Women and men need to be equal- ing on WASH infrastructure and services. They also need to ly represented on WASH committees and service providers. 137 “Reducing food losses and wastage, particularly when the food is grown under irrigation with water pumped from rivers and groundwater, can result in water savings. Reducing food losses could have a significant impact on the livelihoods of many smallholder farmers in developing countries, given that they live on the margins of food insecurity.“ A concerted effort is also required to promote more women losses and waste are: 30 per cent of cereals, 20 per cent of dairy in leadership positions. National and local governments products, 35 per cent of fish and seafood, 45 per cent of fruits therefore need to integrate gender issues into their policy- and vegetables, 20 per cent of meat, 20 per cent of oilseeds and making and decision-making and enable women to have an pulses, and 45 per cent of roots and tubers (FAO, 2015a). Most effective voice and to engage in meaningful participation. food losses in developing countries occur on farms due to inad- equate pest and disease control, and poor harvesting, storage and transportation. Food waste occurs in rich countries along 9. Water, nutrition and hunger supply chains and rots in the bins of consumers and retailers (FAO, n.d.b). All this is contradictory to both SDG 2 and SDG 12, SDG 2 aims to end hunger, achieve food security and improved which promote sustainable production and consumption. nutrition, and promote sustainable agriculture. All these issues are intrinsically related to water (HLPE, 2015). Water availability Water footprints are often used to highlight the large amount for agricultural activities is an essential component for achiev- of water consumed in producing food, but care is needed as ing SDG 2, as most water withdrawals are for agriculture (FAO, the water source used is just as important as the amount used 2016a). (See the section below on “Water and the environment” (box 25). Reducing food losses and wastage, particularly when for details on the connections among agricultural production, the food is grown under irrigation with water pumped from water stress and water-use efficiency.) rivers and groundwater, can result in water savings. Reducing food losses could have a significant impact on the livelihoods Malnutrition is a problem in both developing and developed of many smallholder farmers in developing countries, given that countries, but for different reasons. Annual estimates of food they live on the margins of food insecurity (FAO, 2011b; 2015b). BOX 25 “Water footprints” in food – a useful concept linking diets with water Over the past 40 years, nutrition has shifted from “traditional diets” (plant based, and high in cereal and fibre) towards “Wes- tern-style” diets (high-calorie foods, livestock products, processed foods, fast foods and bottled soft drinks), particularly in richer countries. Water footprints seek to quantify the amount of blue and green water resources required to produce food. The average Euro- pean diet consumes 3,653 litres per person per day (Vanham and others, 2013). This is considerably more than the average 120 litres per day that a citizen of the European Union uses for drinking, cooking, washing and flushing. Significant proportions of the European Union population are overweight or obese. Citizens are encouraged to eat less meat, sugar, crop oils and animal fats, all of which have large water footprints. They should eat more fruit and vegetables, which are less water intensive to produce, according to dietary guidelines. Such a healthy diet could reduce the region’s water footprint. A shift to a healthy diet has three major benefits: (1) citizens increase their life quality and expectancy, (2) water can be saved and (3) health-care systems can save money. The mounting impact of malnutrition on public health and economic develop- ment costs US$3.5 trillion per year (WHO, 2016). However, decisions should not just be based on water consumption, but also on the sustainability of these water uses. For example, it is important to assess whether the water abstracted from rivers or groundwater (blue water) to produce these food products, contributes to local water stress and anything else that could happen to the land and water used for food production. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 138 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Food insecurity11 occurs when people lack secure access vere droughts in Aleppo, Idlib and Homs (in Syria) were a to sufficient amounts of safe and nutritious food for nor- driver of conflict and migration. The El Niño phenomenon mal growth and development and an active and healthy reinforced droughts in Burundi, Democratic Republic of the life. World hunger is rising again, after a prolonged period Congo and Somalia (FAO and others, 2017). of decline. Some 815 million people were undernourished in 2016, an increase from 777 million in 2015. Data from Hunger and food security are intrinsically related, and water 150 countries between 2014 and 2016 revealed that 9.1 plays an important role in this process. The availability of per cent of the world’s population suffered from severe water for agricultural activities can actively slow down the food insecurity, corresponding to 667 million people (FAO achievement of SDG 2. The global hunger index (figure 27) and others, 2017). describes the relative national progress on reducing hun- ger over the 25 year period from 1992 to 2017. Countries Sub-Saharan Africa experiences the highest level of food in green are high-achieving “frontier” countries that have insecurity, which affects almost 30 per cent of the popu- made greater progress than other countries at a similar lation. Other food-insecure regions include Southern Asia level in 1992. Closer examination of their economic, social, (12.9 per cent), Northern Africa (12.2 per cent) and Western governance, environmental, cultural and other political ele- Asia (9.8 per cent). Food security has worsened in areas of ments can help to understand the important contributing conflict and fragility, and is often compounded by droughts factors to reducing hunger. Countries in red are undera- or floods. Yemen’s economic crisis was further aggravated chieving. They are lagging behind, and have made relative- by natural hazards in 2016, including flooding caused by ly weak progress on reducing hunger compared to other unusually high rains and tropical cyclones. Prolonged se- countries with similar levels in 1992. Figure 27. Change in global hunger index over time Data sources: von Grebmer and others (2015; 2017). 11 Defined as prevalence of moderate or severe food insecurity in the population, based on the food insecurity experience scale (United Nations, General Assembly, 2017). 139 10. Water, sanitation, hygiene and development. An estimated 45 per cent of all under-five deaths globally is due to undernutrition. Nutritional defi- undernutrition ciencies from conception to the age of two can result in disease and death or have long-term consequences on Access to WASH is crucial for reducing infections that cognitive and social abilities, school performance and exacerbate undernutrition. Poor WASH contributes to un- work productivity in adulthood. Severe anaemia during dernutrition by causing frequent parasite infections and pregnancy increases the risk of pre-term delivery and episodes of diarrhoea, which can result in enteric dys- low birth weight (Black and others, 2013). The burden of function though chronic ingestion of pathogens. Under- undernutrition on countries is enormous. The estimated nutrition is both a rural and an urban health issue. It is annual economic costs are US$2.1 trillion (FAO, 2013a). endemic among the poor in sub-Saharan Africa and Asia, where many people live in insanitary environments and Improving WASH services can contribute to reducing stunt- do not get enough calories, protein and micronutrients in ing in children under the age of five. However, the causes their diet. Almost 23 per cent of children under the age of childhood stunting are complex and include many other of five was stunted and 7.7 per cent was wasted in 2016 factors such as access to adequate food and health care, (UNICEF and others, 2017). which are all influenced by economic development (figure 28). A multi-sectoral approach to addressing undernutrition, Overcoming child and maternal undernutrition remains which incorporates nutrition-specific and nutrition-sensitive one of the most pressing global challenges to sustainable interventions, including WASH, is needed. Figure 28. Childhood (under five years old) stunting as a function of per capita gross national income (GNI) and at least basic sanitation (per cent) Data source: United Nations, Statistics Division (n.d.). Note: Bubbles are proportional to population under five years old. 11. Water, sanitation, hygiene and lag behind the urban sector in drinking water and in sanitation access (figure 29). Some 159 million people in 2015 still collect- urban/rural inequalities ed drinking water from distant surface water sources, mostly rural communities in Central and Southern Asia and sub-Saha- There is good progress globally in providing access to basic ran Africa. A similar global picture is evident for sanitation where WASH facilities, but inequalities still remain. Rural communities 892 million people still defecated in the open, with most resid- Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 140 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 ing in rural communities (WHO and UNICEF, 2017b). If the tar- those furthest behind, including those in rural areas, and com- gets for WASH are to be achieved by 2030, inequalities must munities where NTDs are endemic and where outbreaks of be reduced. Rates of progress must increase substantially for diseases such as cholera recur. Figure 29. World water and sanitation ladders for national, rural and urban populations, 2000–2015 Data source: WHO and UNICEF (2017c). 141 1. Water quality and pollution B. Water and the Worsening water quality and pathogenic, organic and environment salinity pollution in the world’s freshwater bodies, ema- nating from a variety of sources, including a lack of prop- erly managed sanitation, and industrial and agricultural Water-related ecosystems including wetlands, rivers, aquifers run-off, are widespread and of growing concern (United and lakes sustain a high level of biodiversity and life (Dudgeon Nations Environment Programme, 2016). Intensification and others, 2005). They are vital for ensuring a range of benefits of food production is also a leading cause of water qual- and services such as drinking water, water for food and energy, ity degradation. Examples of the agricultural impact of humidity, habitats for aquatic life, and natural solutions for water water quality are given in table 4. Poor water quality de- purification and climate resilience. Water-related ecosystems grades freshwater habitats (lakes and rivers) and coast- can contribute to addressing competing demands, mitigating al areas, and affects fish stocks, influencing biodiversity risks and promoting stability and trust-building measures, if and food security (SDG 2). Hydroelectric dams become they are managed well. They are therefore essential for sus- less effective when eroded sediments reduce reservoir tainable development, peace, security and human well-being. storage (Brodowin, 2013; Stickler and others, 2013). The cumulative impact and trade-offs among ecosystem However, water-related ecosystems are increasingly under services are not always foreseen and may have a de- threat, relying on sufficient water quantity and quality to main- layed effect downstream. tain their full functionality. These ecosystems are enduring effects from human activities such as pollution, infrastruc- The linkages among the state of water resources and pres- ture development and resource extraction, in addition to the sures driving the provision of water-related benefits to people growing demand for freshwater supplies for agriculture, en- can be difficult to measure. Global data on potential water pol- ergy and human settlements. Competition among uses and lutants and water quality metrics are mixed and vary in scale users of freshwater exacerbates these challenges and calls and resolution. Hydrological models for assessing water for improved water governance. Degradation of water-related quality offer a useful tool to combine data layers. Modelled ecosystems and competition for scarce water resources can global water quality as a percentage of water that may be pol- cause conflict, displacement and migration. Furthermore, the luted from urban, industrial, agricultural, road surfaces, oil and effects of climate change are altering the hydrological cycle, gas, and mining sources for 2010 showed notable hotspots resulting in more frequent and severe extreme events and dis- such as in the Middle East, Sahel and India (figure 30) (United asters such as droughts and floods. Nations Environment Programme, 2016). Figure 30. Modelled human impact on water quality in 2010 Sources: Mulligan (2009); King’s College London and Ambio TEK (n.d.). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 142 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Agricultural activity Impact Surface water Groundwater Tillage/ploughing Sediment/turbidity: sediments carry phosphorus and Possibly reduced groundwater recharge under pesticides are adsorbed to sediment particles; silta- certain circumstances tion of river beds causes loss of habitats, spawning grounds, etc. Fertilization Run-off of nutrients, especially phosphorus, leads Leaching of nitrate to groundwater; excessive to eutrophication causing taste and odour in public levels are a threat to public health water supplies, and excess algae growth leading to deoxygenation of water and fish mortality Manure spreading Carried out as a fertilization activity; spreading on fro- Contamination of groundwater, especially by zen ground results in high levels of contamination of nitrogen receiving waters by pathogens, metals, phosphorus and nitrogen, leading to eutrophication and potential contamination Pesticides Run-off of pesticides leads to: contamination of Some pesticides may leach into groundwater surface water and biota, dysfunction of ecological causing human health problems from contami- system in surface waters by loss of top predators nated wells due to growth inhibition and reproductive failure and public health impacts from eating contaminated fish; pesticides are carried as dust by wind over very long distances and contaminate aquatic systems thousands of miles away (e.g. tropical/subtropical pesticides found in Arctic mammals) Feedlots/animal Contamination of surface water with many patho- Potential leaching of nitrogen, metals, etc., to corrals gens (bacteria, viruses, etc.) leads to chronic public groundwater health problems; there is also contamination by metals contained in urine and faeces Irrigation Run-off of salts leads to: salinization of surface Enrichment of groundwater with salts and nutri- waters, run-off of fertilizers and pesticides to surface ents (especially nitrate) waters with ecological damage, bioaccumulation in edible fish species, etc.; high levels of trace elements such as selenium can cause serious ecological dam- age and potential human health impacts Clear cutting Erosion of land leads to high levels of turbidity in Disruption of the hydrological regime, often with rivers, siltation of bottom habitat, etc.; disruption and increased surface run-off and decreased ground- change of hydrological regime, often with loss of water recharge; affects surface water by decreas- perennial streams, causes public health problems ing flow in dry periods, concentrating nutrients due to loss of potable water and contaminants in surface water Silviculture Broad range of effects including pesticide run-off and contamination of surface water and fish, and erosion and sedimentation problems Aquaculture Release of pesticides and high levels of nutrients to Groundwater pumping to reduce the salinity of surface water and groundwater through feed and pond water (e.g. in the coastal zone of Mekong faeces leads to serious eutrophication Delta) can lead to saline intrusion Source: Adapted from Ongley (1996). 143 Deforestation can reduce soil quality, which may lead to senic and fluoride, which pose significant health concerns. increased surface water run-off and sedimentation in wa- Arsenic contamination of groundwater is widespread, and terways (Asghari and others, 2016), erosion and land-slides. there are several regions where this is significant in drinking Such changes can overwhelm the capacity of downstream water. Testing for contaminants such as arsenic and fluoride natural ecosystems, directly affect water quality in lakes, riv- will help to better characterize exposure and inform policies ers and streams, and cause coastal eutrophication and poor and programming to mitigate health risks. ocean health. Integrated monitoring and management of land and water Chemical contamination is another concern. Providing ac- resources is complex, with watershed-wide approaches cess to safe sources of water protects from harmful levels needed. Box 26 exemplifies how surface water pollution is of chemical contaminants including naturally occurring ar- dealt with in the Netherlands. BOX 26 Surface water pollution in the Netherlands About 43 per cent of the grassland and 82 per cent of the maize land in the Netherlands was mostly saturated in nutrients due to overfertilization in 1990 (Breeuwsma and Silva, 1992). Nutrient concentrations in surface waters therefore consistently exceeded water quality standards (Oenema and Roest, 1998; Oenema and others, 2007). The Dutch Manure Law entered into force in 1986 in recognition of this problem, and the European Nitrates Di- rective was adopted in 1991, resulting in measures that included a ban on applying fertilizers outside the growing season and an annual maximum limit of 170 kg of nitrogen per hectare applied (Council of the European Commu- nities, 1991). Nutrient pollution rates in the Netherlands are still falling now, but many open surface waters routinely fail to meet environmental quality standards (Rozemeijer and others, 2014). A study by Rozemeijer and others (2014) showed that even though phosphorus concentrations were reduced by 0.02 mg/l per decade, 76 per cent of 167 rivers where agricultural fertilizers were the main cause of pollution still did not meet water quality standards. With recent growth of the livestock sector due to dismantling the milk quota (European Commission, 2015), the Dutch Government has introduced a new and firmer phosphate decree to limit the national dairy population. The amount of phosphate that farmers can produce may not exceed the 2015 reported amounts under the new decree. This resembles policies on carbon dioxide emission rights, in that phosphate rights may be traded among farmers. The case of the Netherlands demonstrates the long-lasting impact that soil phosphorus pollution may have on surface water quality, and the extent of policy, regulation and economic restrictions necessary to prevent further deterioration of the environment. 2. Water-, land- and nature-based Interest is growing in nature-based solutions (NBSs), which use or mimic natural processes to enhance solutions water availability (e.g. soil moisture retention or groundwater recharge), improve water quality (e.g. Terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are symbiotic. Land- natural and constructed wetlands or riparian buffer based ecosystems depend on freshwater resources in suffi- strips), and reduce risks associated with water-related cient quantity and quality. In turn, activities on land, including disasters and climate change (e.g. floodplain restora- how land is used, influence water availability and quality for tion or green roofs) (SDGs 11 and 13) (box 27) (WWAP people, industry and ecosystems. and UN-Water, 2018). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 144 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Canals in Palangkaraya, Central Kalimantan Province, Indonesia, provide water for restoring forest and degraded peatlands. UN Photo/Mark Garten BOX 27 NBSs for water NBSs provide a means of conserving or rehabilitating natural ecosystems and/or enhancing or creating natural processes in modified or artificial ecosystems. They can be applied at micro (e.g. a dry toilet) or macro (e.g. lands- cape) scales. NBSs include green infrastructure that can substitute, augment or work in parallel with “grey” infrastructure in a cost-effective manner. The goal is to find the most appropriate blend of green and grey infrastructure that maxi- mizes benefits and system efficiency while minimizing costs and trade-offs. However, despite a long history and growing experience in the application of NBSs, there are still many cases where water resources policy and management ignore NBS options – even where they are obvious and proven and effective. Water management remains heavily dominated by traditional, human-built (grey) infrastructure, and the potential for NBSs remains underutilized. Evidence suggests that this is still well below 5 per cent of the total investment in water resources management infrastructure, despite rapidly growing investments in NBSs. NBSs are essential for achieving SDG 6 and other water-related targets, but they can also help to support progress on other aspects of the 2030 Agenda through generating social, economic and environmental co-benefits, including human health (SDG 3), food (SDG 2) and energy (SDG 7) security, sustainable economic growth, livelihoods and decent jobs (SDG 8), ecosystem rehabilitation and maintenance, and biodiversity (SDG 15). Although NBSs are not a remedy, they will play an important role in moving towards a circular economy and in buil- ding a more equitable future for all. Source: WWAP and UN-Water (2018). Forest catchments, which provide much of the world’s freshwater is reduced at the same time as the demand freshwater, are a key provider of NBSs. Some 28 per cent for water increases to service human and agricultural of global forest ecosystems, covering 4,800 million km2, needs. This affects water quality. Global forest cover purify and supply 60–80 per cent of the freshwater needs decreased from 31.7 per cent in 1990 to 30.7 per cent in of more than half of the world’s population (Liniger and 2015 (FAO, 2016b), mostly due to agriculture and infra- Weingartner, 1998; UN-Habitat, 2003). structure development. Box 28 demonstrates the effect of deforestation on water quality in Madagascar. When land/forest is converted to agriculture and settle- ments, the capacity of forest ecosystems to produce 145 BOX 28 Effect of deforestation on water quality in Madagascar Deforestation is the most important environmental problem in Madagascar, particularly along the east coast and the northeast (Ministère de l’Agriculture, 2015). The WaterWorld modela (Mulligan, 2013) was used to show water quality changes between 2000 and 2010 due to forest loss, using remotely sensed data (Hansen and others, 2013). Modelled water quality and potential changes in water quality as a result of deforestation in Madagascar. (A) Base- line percentage human impact on water quality for 2010, (B) percentage increase in potential pollution resulting from forest loss and (C) percentage forest loss from 2000 to 2010 Sources: Hansen; UMD; Google; United States Geological Survey; National Aeronautics and Space Administration. Modelled results show that on average, 3.3 per cent of all water resources was polluted by human activities. The effects are low, but widespread, and affect 75 per cent of the population. Some 1,320,000 people (7.3 per cent of the population in 2010) are living in areas where more than 25 per cent of water is polluted. About 250,000 people are in areas with severely polluted water (more than 50 per cent of the human footprint index). Most widespread pollution is low and comes from subsistence agriculture in this area, which makes little use of chemical fertilizers and pesticides. However, untreated municipal wastewater, waste disposal sites and industrial discharges are major point sources of surface water and groundwater pollution in urban areas (Heathwaite, 2010; Ministère de l’Environnement et des Forêts, 2012; NGWA, 2012). Some 22 per cent of cultivated land is irrigated and accounts for 96 per cent of the total water withdrawal. Conver- ting forest land to agriculture may increase water withdrawal (FAO, 2016a). Deforestation correlates with an ave- rage increase of 0.2 per cent in potential water pollution, which could affect 2.2 million people (12.2 per cent of the population). Pollution entering the ocean may also damage coastal habitats such as coral and seagrass, thus affecting fisheries. a The WaterWorld model is a hydrological model that assesses surface water contamination resulting from human activities such as deforestation. The output is the human footprint on water quality indicator (Mulligan, 2009). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 146 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Protecting forest catchments and encouraging sustain- na, Australia, Brazil, Canada and the United States (Abell able land management practices, such as buffer strips and others, 2017). along waterways and conservation agriculture, can re- duce the impact on water quality (Chase and others, Protected areas are helping to guarantee access to safe 2016). Some 125 million hectares of conservation agri- water supplies and sustain aquatic ecosystems in many culture had been introduced by 2011, mostly in Argenti- parts of the world (box 29). BOX 29 Protected areas can sustain water supplies and aquatic ecosystems Protected areas are one of the most effective tools for maintaining ecosystems in a natural state. They help to maintain water services vital to human welfare and support the rich diversity of aquatic species found in rivers, lakes and wetland ecosystems. Protecting, restoring and sustaining mountain ecosystems, “the water towers of the world”, are particularly impor- tant contributors to water security. People and industries downstream rely on protected mountain ecosystems as a source of freshwater for domestic and economic activities, including small- and large-scale irrigation, hydropower and various industries (IUCN, 2012). About 23 per cent of mountain areas sustains downstream water supplies globally, and another 30 per cent sup- ports supplies to some extent (Viviroli and others, 2007; Egan and Price, 2017). Protected areas provide drinking water for a third of the world’s 105 largest cities. In Ecuador, 80 per cent of Quito’s 1.5 million residents get drinking water from two protected areas in the Andes; in the Dominican Republic, the Madre de las Aguas Conservation Area protects the source of 17 rivers that provide water for domestic use and irrigation for over half the country’s popu- lation (United Nations Environment Programme-WCMC and IUCN, 2016). Many protected areas need an integrated approach to multi-sectoral ecosystem management, both within coun- tries and where resources are shared among two or more countries with riparian rights to resources. An integrated approach can help to secure high-quality water supplies and address problems of scarcity and excess, which are likely to increase as populations increase and the climate changes. 3. Water and food production most water withdrawals worldwide. Except for water lost through evapotranspiration from crops, water is recycled to Agriculture exists within a symbiosis of land and water surface water and groundwater, resulting in pollution. But that requires both sufficient quantity and quality and, as agriculture and food production are also victims, as they FAO makes clear, “appropriate steps must be taken to use wastewater and polluted surface water and groundwa- ensure that agricultural activities do not adversely affect ter that contaminate crops and transmit disease to con- water quality so that subsequent uses of water for differ- sumers and farmworkers. ent purposes are not impaired” (FAO, 1990). Water withdrawals Agriculture and food production are both a leading cause12 and a victim of water pollution, in addition to accounting for Agriculture accounts for 69 per cent of annual water with- 12 Conventionally, in most countries, all types of agricultural practices and land use, including animal feeding operations (feed-lots), are treated as non-point sources. The main characteristics of non-point sources are that they respond to hydrological conditions, are not easily measured or controlled directly (and therefore are difficult to regulate) and focus on land and related management practices. Control of point sources in those countries having effective control programmes is carried out by effluent treatment ac- cording to regulations, usually under a system of discharge permits. In comparison, control of non-point sources, especially in agriculture, has been by education, promotion of appropriate management practices and modification of land use (Ongley, 1996). 147 drawals globally from renewable water resources which pollution loads. These increases then affect water availa- accounts for 40 per cent of the world food and fibre pro- bility, as well as ecosystems and human health. duced. The remaining 30 per cent accounts for municipal (approximately 12 per cent) and industrial use, including Figure 31 compares global water withdrawal over time in energy (approximately 19 per cent). Most agricultur- three sectors: agriculture (including irrigation, livestock al withdrawals are for irrigated farming, but this varies watering and cleaning, aquaculture), industry and munici- among regions depending on climate and the promi- palities. Note that all withdrawals are not the same in that nence of irrigated farming in the economy. Agricultural agriculture consumes water, whereas industry and mu- withdrawals vary regionally from more than 80 per cent nicipalities only use water that is increasingly recycled for of total withdrawals in Africa and Asia to just over 20 other purposes. per cent in Europe (FAO, 2016a). Population growth over time is also included in the figure. Agriculture has intensified in recent years, and production Population has increased 4.4-fold over the last century, has increased to meet the food demands from a grow- while water withdrawals increased 7.3-fold over the same ing population with changing diets. This has occurred in period. While world population is still growing linearly, the both commercial and traditional farming, and has led to increase in water withdrawals has slowed down over the increases in water consumption and also in waterborne last few decades. Figure 31. Water withdrawal and global population over time in agriculture, industry and municipalities, 1900–2010 Source: FAO (2016a). However, it is a misconception to regard agricultural as blue water is supplied only to supplement inadequate water consumption as being dependent primarily on rainfall to ensure a viable economic crop. Hence, glob- water withdrawals (so-called blue water). Approximate- al agricultural water consumption is much greater than ly 80 per cent of global cropland is rain-fed, and some suggested by the above withdrawal figures that refer 60 per cent of the world’s food is produced on rain-fed only to blue water. land – by consuming rainfall that has infiltrated into the soil (so-called green water) (Falkenmark and Rockström, The area equipped for irrigation globally has more than 2004). Green water is also important on irrigated land, doubled, from 1.4 million km2 in 1961 to 3.2 million km2 Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 148 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 in 2012 (FAO, 2016a). Livestock has more than tripled water management practices that encourage infiltration from 7.3 billion units in 1970 to 24.2 billion units in 2011 and reduce evaporation from soil, crops and open water (FAO, n.d.c). Aquaculture, especially inland fed aquacul- bodies can reduce water consumption. Water storage ture, particularly in Asia, has grown more than twenty- can play an important role, as can transporting water in fold since the 1980s (FAO, 2012b). pipelines rather than open canals and on-farm technolo- gies that help to reduce water wastage during irrigation. Insecure access to water for agriculture is a major con- straint on poverty reduction, especially in rural areas. Water is one of the most important production assets for 4. Water stress and food insecurity millions of smallholder farmers who live in water-scarce countries. Securing access to, controlling and managing Water stress 13 (scarcity) is linked to hunger and food water is key to enhancing their livelihoods. Local inter- insecurity. Regions with high levels of water stress in- ventions in water management can contribute to rapidly clude Northern Africa and Western Asia (79 per cent) improving the livelihoods of the rural poor and helping and Central and Southern Asia (66 per cent) (figure 32). eradicate extreme poverty and food insecurity. Interven- Both regions also show high prevalence of severe food tions will need to focus on substantially increasing the insecurity. But while water stress is only 3 per cent in effective use of available resources in areas of scarcity. sub-Saharan Africa, the region has a high prevalence of severe food insecurity (29 per cent). This is due Most countries need to improve water management, for partly to unevenly distributed water resources that both irrigated and rain-fed farming, to improve effective are poorly managed, lack investment and are affected water use and overcome water shortage and scarcity, by conflict and natural hazards such as droughts and especially those countries facing high water stress. Farm floods (FAO, 2016a). Figure 32. Water-use efficiency (indicator 6.4.1), water stress (indicator 6.4.2) and prevalence of severe food insecurity Data source: FAO (2016a). 13 Water stress is defined as “The symptoms of water scarcity or shortage, e.g. widespread, frequent and serious restrictions on use, growing conflict between users and competition for water, declining standards of reliability and service, harvest failures and food insecurity” (FAO, n.d.d). 149 Countries need to improve water productivity and wa- between water productivity in agriculture and water ter-use efficiency to overcome water shortage and stress in countries. This figure excludes high-income scarcity, especially those countries that face high water developed countries, as they have higher levels of pro- stress. Figure 33 shows a strong negative correlation ductivity in addition to smaller agricultural sectors. Figure 33. Water stress and water productivity in agriculture, 2002–2014 Data sources: FAO (2016a); World Bank (2018). There are many small areas of land in urban and peri-ur- Figure 34. Water withdrawal ratios by continent ban areas producing high-value fruit, vegetables and an- imals for the urban market. They are usually irrigated, often using untreated wastewater, which causes health risks. National data do not normally include such activ- ities, but they are an important source of food for urban dwellers. The global area is estimated to be 11 per cent of all irrigated croplands with a cropping intensity14 of 1.48. Rain-fed peri-urban agriculture comprises about 4.7 per cent of rain-fed croplands with a cropping inten- sity of 1.03 (Thebo and others, 2014). Water withdrawal ratios vary among regions, ranging from 91 per cent, 7 per cent and 2 per cent for agricul- tural, municipal and industrial water withdrawal, respec- tively, in South Asia to 5 per cent, 23 per cent and 73 per cent, respectively, in Western Europe (FAO, 2016a). The importance of agricultural water withdrawals is Source: FAO (2016a). highly dependent on the climate and the prominence of agriculture in the economy. Figure 34 shows water with- drawal ratios by continent, where the agricultural share varies from more than 80 per cent in Africa and Asia to 14 The fraction of the cultivated area that is harvested. The cropping intensity may exceed just over 20 per cent in Europe. 100 per cent where more than one crop cycle is permitted each year on the same area. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 150 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 An important option for making water savings is reducing food loss and waste (box 30). BOX 30 Reducing food loss and waste reduces agricultural water consumption One third of food produced for human consumption – equivalent to 1.3 billion tons and valued at US$1 trillion – is lost or wasted worldwide each year, mostly in the industrialized world (FAO, 2011b). Food is spoiled during harvest, storage and transporting, it is wasted along supply chains and also rots in the bins of consumers and retailers (FAO, n.d.b). This is contradictory to SDG 12, which promotes sustainable production and consumption. The global food loss index measures the total losses of agricultural commodities from production to retail and includes losses on farm, during transportation, in storage and during processing. Annual estimates of global food losses and waste are 30 per cent of cereals, 20 per cent of dairy products, 35 per cent of fish and seafood, 45 per cent of fruits and vegetables, 20 per cent of meat, 20 per cent of oilseeds and pulses, and 45 per cent of roots and tubers (FAO, 2015a). All the resources consumed to produce this food, including considerable amounts of water, are wasted. Notably, the carbon footprint of food waste was estimated at 3.3 billion tons of greenhouse gases, making food wastage the third-highest emitter of greenhouse gases (FAO, 2013b). Reducing losses and waste can significantly reduce water consumption on farms and along the food value chains. Water can then be released for more productive pur- poses instead, thus having a significant impact on food security, economies and the environment, especially water withdrawals. This links directly to sustainable consumption (SDG 12) and helps to decrease per capita food waste (target 12.3). A reduction in food losses could have an immediate and significant impact on the livelihoods of smallholder far- mers, where food is lost primarily due to infrastructure or capacity gaps, given that many such farmers in develo- ping countries live on the margins of food insecurity (FAO, 2011b; 2015b). 5. Water, cooperation and peace which rely primarily on agriculture for employment. This particularly affects younger generations and vul- Countries with a high water stress in the Middle East, nerable members of society. Some 70 per cent of the such as Jordan, Lebanon and Turkey, have witnessed population is mostly young and dependent on a single recent significant influxes of refugees. This pressure agriculture/livelihood in the drylands of Africa (Milet- has added to the demands on water resources in the to and others, 2017). See box 31 for an example in the region, where existing resources are often poorly man- Lake Chad basin of Africa. aged and overexploited. Unemployment across the Arab world has worsened in recent years as rural incomes have fallen due to droughts, land degradation and groundwater depletion, “Good water management can support resulting in low agricultural productivity. Inadequate and unreliable water supply has contributed to agricul- socioeconomic development, and bring peace tural job losses, fuelling rural to urban migration and the expansion of informal settlements and social un- and security to countries and across countries rest (WWAP, 2016). that share freshwater ecosystems, particularly The loss of agricultural jobs jeopardizes agricultural livelihoods and economic opportunities in drier regions, those under threat.” 151 Security Council considers situation in Lake Chad Basin in September 2017. UN Photo/Manuel Elias BOX 31 Degradation, armed conflict and displacement of people in the Lake Chad basin The Lake Chad region is one of the poorest areas in Africa, where poverty especially affects women. The riparian countries have high gender inequality rates where women have much lower access to education, information, agri- cultural extension services and credit. Lake Chad has rich biodiversity, and some 2 million people living on its banks and islands rely on the ecosystem services it provides, such as for fishing, agriculture and livestock farming. A further 50 million people live in the Lake Chad basin (Magrin and others, 2016). The basin has changed significantly over the past 30 years, due primarily to variations in rainfall and reduced flows into the lake, resulting from dam building on feeder rivers and irrigation development. Water levels have fallen, and the lake’s area shrunk by more than 90 per cent from 1963 to 1998a This has led to the loss of globally significant biodiversity and degraded ecosystems (IUCN, 2008). Erosion, desertification, deforestation and climate change have added to the basin’s vulnerability. Armed conflict has affected the area for many years, and an increase in terrorist activity has attracted mainly young, vulnerable people (non-educated, jobless and poor fringes of the population) (International Crisis Group, 2016). Mass displacement of people and their livestock has taken place due to the combined effects of ecosystem de- gradation, war and political crises. The decrease in natural resources has also generated recurring social conflicts, especially among farmers, herders and fishers. a The lake’s surface area was approximately 25,000 km² in 1963, but in 1985, it did not exceed 2,500 km² and reached less than 2,000 km² in the 2010s, according to the database on global natural resources by United Nations Environment Programme. Good water management can support socioeco- agement also serves to eradicate poverty, promote nomic development, and bring peace and security to human health, food and energy production, and pro- countries and across countries that share freshwa- vide sustainable livelihood conditions for vulnerable ter ecosystems, particularly those under threat (box groups. Box 33 provides an example in the Senegal 32). Holistic, integrated and sustainable water man- River basin. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 152 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Water is supplied by the military in Old Dhaka, Bangladesh. UN Photo/Kibae Park BOX 32 Water and peace Peace and development are inextricably linked. The Charter of the United Nations reflects this close connection with great clarity. Peace is more than the mere absence of war; it requires sustainable development. Development requires actors to cooperate and resolve their tensions without resorting to force. Any conflict limits development and prevents achievement of SDGs. This is regardless of whether the conflict is in the form of local tension, at the social or political level, or at the transboundary level. Competition over water can be a source of tension and a contributing factor to violent conflict. Water is seldom the only driver of conflict, but it is often among the important contributing factors. It is increasingly being used as a weapon of war in the armed conflicts of our era; water resources and installations are all too frequent objects of armed action. This is a practice that violates International Humanitarian Law. The Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace analysed these problems and made some recommendations. These were addressed towards nations, the United Nations Security Council, and other United Nations entities, international bodies and non-State actors. The Panel also emphasized that water cooperation must be used as an instrument of peace. Reducing tensions and addressing important challenges around water is a necessity for reducing the risk of conflict. Water is a powerful tool for promoting cooperation. Water is vital and unique, and it has no substitute. It offers incentives for cooperation of all stakeholders. Transboundary water cooperation is an important example and de- monstrates a long history (in all regions of the world) of collaboration rather than conflict. These experiences create an important message. The more equitable an international water agreement, the more effective and stable cooperation becomes. Sharing benefits around water and creating river basin water user asso- ciations are incentives for cooperation and entry points for dialogue, peace and stability. The problem today is that there are too few such arrangements. Water cooperation is necessary at all levels: local, intersectoral, national, basin and international. Sharing water data and strengthening transparency is essential for success. Global monitoring of developments relating to water quantity and quality needs to be strengthened. Financial incentives for improved water cooperation must be imple- mented. Water diplomacy must be strengthened, as it represents a major contribution to maintaining international peace and security. Source: Global High-Level Panel on Water and Peace (2017). 153 BOX 33 Senegal River Basin Development Authority The Senegal River basin is characterized by high water variability between the dry and rainy seasons (Bolognesi and others, 2016). Several droughts drastically disrupted the local population in the region during the 1970s. Three countries bordering the Senegal River (Mali, Mauritania and Senegal) developed a close framework of cooperation through establishment of the Senegal River Basin Development Authority (Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal, OMVS) in 1972 (Convention concerning the Status of the Senegal River, 1972; Convention establi- shing OMVS, 1972). They were joined by Guinea in 2006. These four countries were the first African States to adopt specific legal instruments for joint work on an inter- national watercourse from 1978 (Convention concerning the Legal Status of Common Works, 1978; Convention regarding Financing Arrangements for Common Works, 1982). These instruments adopted under OMVS represent an example of cooperation in the use of shared water resource (Mbengue, 2013; 2014). OMVS was subsequently the driving force for the construction of the Diama and Manantali dams, completed in 1986 and 1988, respectively. These waterworks, which were subject to a common and indivisible ownership regime among the riparian States, play a significant role in strengthening cooperation in the Senegal River basin (Tignino and Sangbana, 2016). OMVS has managed to contain tensions among riparian States on several occasions. Incidents along the Senegal River border occurred between Senegal and Mauritania during the period 1989–1991. The escalation of violence was swift and caused many deaths on both sides of the border. Diplomatic relations between the two countries were cut off for two years. OMVS continued to function during this period, serving as the only communication framework between the two States. OMVS held a Council of Ministers meeting in Nouakchott, Mauritania, as soon as relations thawed and even before formal resumption of diplomatic relations. Diplomatic relations were then restored. This example illustrates the resilience of a basin organization to conflicts (even armed ones) that can break out among the riparian countries of an international river and the contribution that a solid framework of cooperation in the field of water can make for development and peace in a region. Source: Geneva Water Hub. 6. Water and marine ecosystems Primary microplastics enter oceans mostly from vehicle tyre dust and paints washed into drainage Rivers and streams connect precipitation falling on systems during rainstorms (United Nations Environ- mountain and forest catchment areas to coastal and ment Programme, 2016). Secondary microplastics marine ecosystems. Much of the pollution affecting reach oceans from the breakdown of larger plastic oceans and coastal zones comes from human activities waste that originates from mismanaged solid waste and poorly managed land-use practices. Agricultural along coasts and rivers (Sherrington, 2016). Fisher- activities can lead to nutrient run-off into watercours- ies and aquaculture also contribute to the disper- es, and indirectly through infiltration into groundwater. sion of microplastics in the sea (FAO, 2017c). Discharging untreated or poorly treated industrial and Point source discharges from domestic and indus- domestic wastewaters into watercourses or directly trial wastewater into marine environments, espe- into the sea pollutes rivers and the marine environ- cially along densely populated coasts, lead to the ment. This also applies to solid waste dumped at or presence of pathogens and elevated levels of haz- near coastal areas, which eventually ends up in the ardous substances such as heavy metals, persistent sea (Corcoran and others, 2010). Reducing pollution organic pollutants and pharmaceuticals (WWAP, and minimizing dumping of hazardous materials into 2017). Point and non-point land-based pollution upstream ecosystems will benefit marine environ- sources need to be addressed to reduce pollution in ments and reduce the impact on coastal ecosystems. coastal areas. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 154 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Global nitrogen flows have increased significantly Nitrogen concentrations in surface waters are often over the last century in response to agricultural inten- persistent, and a considerable time lag exists between sification, elevated levels of atmospheric deposition ecological responses and improvements in water and an increase in per capita wastewater loads due quality. This is often attributed to releases from lega- to changing diets. Scientists have counted more than cy nitrogen stores in groundwater aquifers (Van Meter 400 so-called “dead zones” in coastal waters around and others, 2017). As an example, the Baltic Sea has the world where excess nutrients lead to areas of low suffered eutrophication over the past century, which to no oxygen that can kill fish and other marine life has been reflected in recurring algal blooms resulting (Diaz and Rosenberg, 2008; WWAP, 2017). Harmful from increased nutrient loading from 1965 onwards algal blooms, artificially fuelled by fertilizer run-off, (figure 35). This has remained high despite policy release toxins in water that can poison molluscs and measures in the late 1970s to reduce incoming nutri- fish (Schwartz, 2005). ent loads. Figure 35. Eutrophication in the Baltic Sea, 1901–2012 Source: Adapted from Andersen and others (2015). Another example is the Gulf of Mexico, where 98 river deltas (Allison and others, 2016).About 40 per cent per cent of nitrogen discharged into it originated from of the global population live within 10 km of a coast, non-point sources within the Mississippi River basin leading to mounting pressures on coastal ecosystems (Mitsch and others, 2001). Scientists demonstrated (CIESIN, 2006). Fish habitats are being destroyed near to that agricultural run-off containing nitrogen fertilizer densely populated cities such as in Karachi (Pakistan), entering the Mississippi River played a pivotal role in which is close to the Arabian Sea. This affects the live- creating the annual dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico lihoods of fishing communities, and communities suffer (Schwartz, 2005). poor health because of the pollution (Jilani, 2017). Some of the world’s largest urban centres, home to more Box 34 shows an example of cleaning up the Stock- than 500 million people, are located along the coast or in holm archipelago. 155 BOX 34 Cleaning up the Stockholm archipelago Nitrogen and phosphorous inputs from land-based sources, from both diffuse and point sources, increased subs- tantially above reference levels in the vulnerable coastal zone of the Stockholm archipelago (Boesch and others, 2006). Wastewater from approximately 200,000 people was discharged into the archipelago as early as 1900, and kept increasing until the early 1970s (Brattberg, 1986; Johansson and Wallström, 2001). Sewage treatment plants using biological systems were built between 1968 and 1973 to remove organic pollu- tion and phosphorus. Phosphorus limits were introduced, resulting in substantial reductions in algal biomass and cyanobacteria within 10–20 years. But legacy storage and internal nutrient loads still pose risks of eutrophication. Nutrient loadings in the Stockholm Archipelago from Lake Mälaren and sewage treatment plants (STP), 1970–2004 Source: Boesch and others (2006). Abbreviations: DIN, dissolved inorganic nitrogen; TN, total nitrogen; TP, total phosphorus. 7. Water-related disasters and climate change Climate change is expected to have significant impacts on freshwater systems and their management. Most effects will be experienced through changes in the hydrological cycle, such as overall water availability, water quality and frequen- cy of extreme weather events (e.g. floods and droughts). This cycle affects many water-using sectors including agriculture, energy, navigation, tourism and public health. Water-related hazards account for a significant amount of disaster loss and impact (figure 36). More than 1.6 million people died, and 5.5 billion people were affected by interna- tionally reported natural hazards between 1990 and 2015. Water-related hazards accounted for 62 per cent of deaths, 96 per cent of the people affected and 75 per cent of total damage costs amounting to US$2.5 trillion. For water-relat- ed hazards, mortality was mainly attributed to storms (45 per cent), tsunami (28 per cent), people affected by floods (54 per cent) and people affected by droughts (31 per cent). Victims of floods to hit Pakistan in 2010. The flooding caused Economic damage was largely due to storms (49 per cent) by monsoon rains claimed up to to 1,400 lives and affected 2.5 and floods (32 per cent) (CRED, n.d.). million people. UN Photo/WFP/Amjad Jamal Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 156 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Figure 36. Disaster mortality (left), directly affected people (middle) and damage by water-related hazards (right), 1990–2015 Data source: CRED (n.d.). Concerns have grown about the increasing severity of episode can be either briefly disrupted or ended by heavy droughts over the past decade. The Intergovernmental torrential downpours that may cause additional harm due Panel on Climate Change stated in 2013 that the world to flash flooding. had become more drought prone during the previous 25 years (IPCC, 2013). Droughts contribute to overall water Second, the lack of a universal or standardized drought scarcity, as they temporarily stress water supplies, and definition makes it more complicated to recognize both affect agriculture and aquatic ecosystems. the occurrence and severity of a drought event and also to establish triggering mechanisms for managing societal im- Although drought disasters account for less than 20 pact. Drought definitions vary by regional and sectoral appli- per cent of disaster occurrences in Africa, they represent cations. Public sentiment to respond is often lacking, as the more than 95 per cent of the death toll caused by disas- effects of droughts are not as visual as the effects of other ters and more than 80 per cent of the number of people natural hazards. affected by disasters in Africa (WMO and GWP, 2014). Major droughts were found to reduce average per capita Third, drought effects do not affect infrastructure (in contrast GDP growth by 0.5 per cent globally. A 50 per cent reduc- to floods, hurricanes and most other natural hazards). They tion in drought effects could lead to a 20 per cent increase usually affect large geographical areas. Thus, quantifying ef- in per capita GDP over a period of 30 years in vulnerable fects and providing disaster relief are far more difficult tasks economies (Sadoff and others, 2015). for droughts than they are for other natural hazards (Wilhite, 2011). These drought characteristics make coordination of There is strong evidence that drought preparedness and early warning, impact assessment and response difficult for risk mitigation help to lower the eventual drought re- scientists, natural resource managers and policymakers. lief costs (WMO and GWP, 2017). The effects of climate change are expected to accelerate over the course of Recent advances in drought management include integrat- this century. Not all the effects are negative, but climate ed approaches and risk reduction. These address multiple change scenarios will need to be factored into deci- components of drought management through stakeholder sion-making processes. engagement aimed at developing and implementing prepar- edness plans that build on the “three-pillar approach” incor- Droughts differ from other natural hazards in several porating: (1) comprehensive drought early warning systems, ways. First, they have slow onset and cessation charac- (2) vulnerability and impact assessments and (3) appropri- teristics, and their effects may linger for years after the ate mitigation and response actions (Stefanski and Pischke, event has ended. Droughts share with climate change the 2017; IDMP, n.d.). distinction of being a creeping phenomenon, creating a major challenge of recognition of potentially harmful soci- Combined analysis of flood, population and economic etal changes (WMO and GWP, 2014). Moreover, a drought data (CRED, n.d.; United Nations, Department of Econom- 157 ic and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2017a; United Na- The world population grew by an average of 1.1 per cent tions, Statistics Division, n.d.) suggests that economic flood per year between 1976 and 2015. But the total population damage grows more rapidly than population or economy. affected by floods rose by 2.7 per cent. Some 34 per cent This may be partly attributed to climate change. The total of the global population was affected in some way by flood- economic damage has increased (6.6 per cent on average), ing between 2006 and 2015, and 21 per cent was in upper- while GDP between 1976 and 2015 grew at an average an- to middle-income countries (figure 38). The proportion of nual rate of 5 per cent. Flood occurrence has increased in flood-affected population and economic damage relative to countries of all income categories, and was, on average, four GDP has decreased since 2017 for all income regions, most times higher than during 1976–1985, even in the latest peri- likely due to nations adopting policies for flood management od of 2006–2015 (figure 37). and reducing vulnerability. Figure 37. Flood occurrence (left) and economic damage (right) increase over time Data sources: CRED (n.d.); United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017a); United Nations, Statistics Division (n.d.). Figure 38. Percentage change in flood-affected population (left) and flood damage percentage of GDP (right) over time Data sources: CRED (n.d.); United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2017a); United Nations, Statistics Division (n.d.). Although they may invest in flood management, de- Global disaster risk is highly concentrated in low- and lower- veloped countries are still vulnerable to floods, due to to middle-income countries with rapid economic growth, higher wealth concentration. The economic damage per where the exposure of people and assets to natural hazards capita due to water hazard grew, while the population is growing at a faster rate than risk-reducing capacities. In- affected by floods decreased over the past 10 years (to direct damages that are particularly high in lower-income 2017), demonstrating that development does not always countries are not considered in figure 39, as there are no es- help to reduce economic losses (figure 39). timates available. Examples of these include such issues as people not being able to go to work and school, and increased food prices due to disaster-induced poor harvest. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 158 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Figure 39. Relationship between water hazard damage per capita and GDP, 2015 Data source: World Bank (2018). The average annual loss due to potential occurrence of The current international focus on mitigating the effects of water-related disasters (e.g. tropical cyclones, riverine climate change by strengthening resilience and adaptive floods or tsunami) is estimated at US$181 billion in the capacity is also influencing desire among the internation- built environment alone. As the distribution of average al community to improve IWRM across the water and wa- annual loss reflects the value and vulnerability of capital ter-using sectors. There are 286 transboundary river basins stock in hazard-prone areas, in absolute terms, average globally, containing 60 per cent of available water resources, annual loss is globally concentrated in large, higher-in- and serving almost 3 billion people in 153 countries. Add to come, hazard-exposed economies. these some 600 aquifers shared by two or more countries, all of which are vulnerable to the effects of climate change (De The average annual loss of water-related hazards in pro- Stefano and others, 2010; 2012). portion to the value of their capital stock varies across regions, and is higher in Central Asia and Southern Asia, Climate change is being addressed in river basin manage- sub-Saharan Africa, and Latin America and the Caribbe- ment plans in transboundary basins such as the Rivers an (which is approximately double the global average). Danube, Rhine, Mekong and Nile, and Lake Victoria. This has Low- and lower- to middle-income countries are three led to the development of basin-wide adaptation strategies. and four times the average, respectively. The dispropor- The desire to mitigate the effects of climate change among tionately high risk of lower-income countries relative to shared water bodies offers an ideal entry point for coopera- the size of their economies has been recognized. For ex- tion in managing and sharing available water resources. ample, the average annual loss of water-related hazards in relation to GDP shows the highest concentrations of Nationally determined contributions (NDCs) are post-2020 risk in many low- and lower- to middle-income coun- climate actions that Member States intend to take under tries including LDCs, in particular small island develop- the 2015 Paris Agreement, which entered into force in ing States. 2016. More than 90 per cent of NDCs with an adaptation component refer to water (FWP, 2016). Thus, the target to Successful disaster risk reduction in hazard-prone areas integrate climate change measures into national policies, (most of which are in lower-income developing countries) strategies and planning has a direct connection with water. is one of the key factors in eradicating poverty and promot- ing prosperity. It can prevent future disastrous events from Many NDCs from water-poor regions propose increas- pulling more people into poverty, destroying/disrupting liveli- ing the efficiency of irrigation (more crop per drop) and hoods and assets, and impeding recovery. harvesting and reusing rainwater at the household level. 159 Some NDCs include measures for IWRM and for improv- predicted to grow), SDGs 11 and 6 will become increasingly ing universal access to drinking water (SDG target 6.1). symbiotic if they are to be realized. Rarely though do the NDCs mention climate initiatives involving sanitation provision, reducing water pollution Most future population growth will be in developing coun- or sustaining aquatic ecosystems. Yet significant funds tries. Populations are still growing rapidly in Africa and Asia, committed through global climate financing processes and more people are migrating from rural areas into urban (e.g. the Green Climate Fund) consider water issues as centres in search of better livelihoods. Africa’s urban popu- central. This reflects a connection with increased water- lation is growing by 3.9 per cent annually. By 2030, Africa’s and sanitation-related spending, water and sanitation urban population is forecast to rise to almost 50 per cent of partnerships and capacity-building. the population or some 654 million people (Jacobsen, 2013). Cities are struggling to accommodate current populations 8. Water challenges in cities and provide all necessary services including water supply and sanitation. Rapid growth will add further to the pressures Some 54 per cent of the world’s population (3.9 billion peo- on limited resources, increasing the demand for water as well ple) lives in towns and cities, and this is expected to rise to 66 as land and energy. Growth is mostly unplanned, and slums per cent by 2050 (United Nations, Department of Economic proliferate as disadvantaged people settle in less-costly and Social Affairs, Population Division, 2014). Universal ac- areas with fewer formal services, all of which reinforce social cess to safe, affordable drinking water and basic sanitation and economic inequalities. The slum population in sub-Sa- has a direct effect on urban development, providing higher haran Africa reached 200 million people in 2014 – some 56 standards of living and health, and better conditions in the per cent of the region’s urban population (Bahri, 2015). living environments of cities. Climate change adds to the burden of urban water manage- Challenges such as urbanization, climate change and dete- ment. Rainfall patterns are changing and are less predicta- riorating urban infrastructure are putting pressure on urban ble, increasing the risk of droughts and floods. The changing settlements. Rural communities also face many issues, from urban landscape also alters local hydrology, reducing natural lack of access to water and sanitation to poor water quality. infiltration and increasing run-off and flood risks. These pressures inhibit progress and are linked to poverty, gender equality, health and nutrition. Peri-urban areas and Many cities across the world are already vulnerable to slums face unique problems where water and sanitation droughts. As cities grow, so too does their demand for food, can play a central role in improving livelihoods. With a large energy and water. Box 35 provides an example of a water proportion of the world already living in cities (and which is challenge in the city of Cape Town, South Africa. BOX 35 Spotlight on water and cities: averting “Day Zero” in Cape Town, South Africa Cape Town is at the centre of international attention in 2018 due to an impending “Day Zero” – the day the water taps to the city will run dry. This drastic situation has arisen because of a prolonged three year drought, which has caused water storage levels in Cape Town’s nearby dams to be at unsustainably low levels. Cape Town is one of the world’s first major cities to face such severe drought and water supply conditions. Water managers have taken emergency steps to conserve water and to increase the effectiveness of piped delivery of wa- ter to households. Incentives such as water rationing, penalties for overuse and closing down illegal boreholes have been used to reduce household water use. The authorities are now planning steps to improve water governance by coordinating water allocations across those sectors that are heavy water consumers (e.g. agriculture and industry). The Cape region is a fruit-growing area that exports high-quality produce to Europe and other parts of Africa and is a key foreign exchange earner. It has had valuable orchards decimated by droughts and lack of water for irrigation. This is an example of how droughts are not just a local issue. The lack of produce for export affects many other countries across the world that have come to depend on fruit from this region. Limits and vulnerability arising from dependence on dam storage are evident. Local groundwater resources and de- salination facilities are options for additional drinking water. Source: United Nations Environment Programme (2018). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 160 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Building sustainable cities and communities – The New Access to piped water grew faster (3.1 per cent annually) than Urban Agenda – will require US$7.5 trillion investment in the rate of population increase (2.7 per cent annually) between water infrastructure by 2030 to meet existing deficiencies 2000 and 2015, in 71 out of 121 countries (green in figure 40). and cope with future demand. This is 15 per cent of the But the reverse was true in 42 countries (yellow). The popula- anticipated US$49 trillion investment in infrastructure tion grew faster (2.7 per cent annually) than the rate of access needed globally to support economic development and to piped water (2.2 per cent annually). Six countries (red) experi- provide essential services by 2030 (McKinsey Global In- enced a reduction in piped water access (1.7 per cent annually) stitute, 2016). Some 60 per cent of the investment is ex- although their urban population grew (3.2 per cent annually); four pected to be in emerging economies. of these six countries were in sub-Saharan Africa. Figure 40. Annual urban population growth versus piped water coverage growth in urban areas, 2000–2015 Data sources: WHO and UNICEF (2017c) (piped water access growth); United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014) (urban population growth). Note: Green denotes “Keeping up” – countries where the increase of piped water access is higher than the urban growth rate. Yellow denotes “Not keeping up” – countries where the increase of piped water access is less than the urban growth rate. Red denotes “Falling behind” – countries where piped water access decreased while urban population continued to grow. “Building sustainable cities and communities – The New Urban Agenda – will require US$7.5 trillion investment in water infrastructure by 2030 to meet existing deficiencies and cope with future demand.“ A similar picture emerges for urban sanitation (figure 41). tries (yellow). The average increase in sewer access was Sixty-six out of 120 countries (green) experienced sewer 2.0 per cent per year, while the population grew at 3.1 access growth (2.9 per cent per year) between 2000 and per cent per year. The remaining countries (red) experi- 2015, which was greater than urban population growth enced a decrease in sewer access of 5.5 per cent per year, (2.7 per cent per year). The reverse was true in 35 coun- while the population grew at 3.2 per cent per year. 161 Figure 41. Urban population growth versus sewer coverage growth in urban areas, 2000–2015 Data sources: WHO and UNICEF (2017c) (sewer access growth); United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Population Division (2014) (urban population growth). Note: Green denotes “Keeping up” – countries where the increase in urban sewer access is higher than the urban growth rate. Yellow denotes “Not keeping up” – countries where the increase sewer access is less than the urban growth rate. Red denotes “Falling behind” – countries where sewer access decreased while urban population continued to grow. Population growth has outpaced growth in sewer connec- to use water at current rates (2030 Water Resources Group, tions in many countries. Sewers are not performing well 2009). This will put both water and food security at risk, con- in many cities. The gap is being filled by other improved straining sustainable economic development. forms of sanitation, such as septic tanks and improved latrines, and unimproved forms of sanitation. Septic tank Economic growth is still a priority for most countries. SDGs access increased annually by 6.3 per cent between 2000 cannot be met without growth, which tends to overshadow and 2015, while improved latrines and other improved other issues. Unsustainable “borrowing” from water and types increased by 7.2 per cent. land resources will not help to meet these targets. Climate change is focusing minds on sustainability and on the fact that natural resources of the future are being consumed to satisfy the economic demands of today. This is worse than the financial crisis because if resources are depleted be- C. Water and the economy yond a sustainable level, there is no means of paying back the debt. “Quantitative easing”, as practised in the financial world, is not an option for natural resources. Water is embedded in all aspects of development and in sustaining economic growth in agriculture, industry and energy generation. The Stockholm Statement (2011) de- 1. Water and economic growth scribed water as the “bloodstream of the green economy”. Pressures are increasing as the demand for more resources Water is well accepted as being important to econom- continues. It is estimated that demand could outstrip supply ic growth, but this has not been proven. Recent studies by as much as 40 per cent by 2030, if the world continues undertaken by GWP, OECD and Oxford University (Sadoff Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 162 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 and others, 2015) have helped to quantify and confirm the same time, economic growth may increase risks by this relationship. However, determining how water-relat- increasing the value of exposed assets. ed investments affect growth is fraught with difficulties because of the many pathways that lead to growth and Data collected from large river basins across the world the pervasive way in which water is an input into so many link economic growth to hydrological variability and to economic activities. investment in risk mitigation (figure 42). The wealthier basins (green dots clustered in the top left of the figure) The empirical evidence gathered has led to findings con- feature “easy” hydrology14 and large investments in water firming that water insecurity acts as a constraint to global security. The poorer basins (red dots clustered in the economic growth. The studies stress the importance of lower right) have invested less in water security and many investment in water security for development and the im- face “difficult” hydrology. Investment to transition from portance of development to enable investment in water water insecurity to water security is greatest in those ba- security. Economic growth provides resources to invest sins with highly variable hydrology – extremes of floods in water management to reduce water-related risks. At and droughts (figure 43). Figure 42. River basin economic growth, hydrological variability and investment in water security Source: Hall and others (2014). Note: The horizontal axis summarizes hydrological variability. The vertical axis is a composite indicator of investment in infrastructure and institutional capacity. Basins include those with populations over 2 million people and indicate high (green), middle (yellow) and low (red) levels of GDP per capita based on World Bank definitions. 14 “Easy” hydrology occurs when rainfall is more reliable; it is mostly within 15–20 per cent of long-term averages and its intensity is modest. In contrast, “difficult” hydrology affects most developing countries where rainfall is seasonal and intensive with variations exceeding 40–50 per cent of long-term averages, and there are extremes of floods and droughts that make infrastructure more expensive. 163 Figure 43. Relative economic impact of water insecurity Source: Sadoff and others (2015). Note: Three economic indicators were standardized to the same total economic impact globally: water scarcity to agriculture (orange), flood damage to property (yellow), and inadequate water supply and sanitation (green). 2. Water in the workplace There are regional disparities. In Africa, communica- ble diseases are the leading cause of occupational About 1.4 billion livelihoods are directly dependent on deaths, 91,158 people or 27.8 per cent of all occupa- water (WWAP, 2016). These include jobs in the food and tional deaths, while in Europe and the Western Pacif- beverage industry, the energy industry and the water ic Region, it is less than 5 per cent (Hämäläinen and industry. Millions of smallholder farmers in develop- others, 2017). ing countries rely on water for irrigation and livestock farming for their livelihoods. Access to water is there- The workplace is an important part of people’s lives fore essential. So is access to improved drinking water in industrialized societies, and WASH can contrib- and sanitation, which contributes to producing a healthy, ute significantly to occupational and general health educated and productive workforce – the foundation of (ILO, 2016). Access to improved WASH in employees’ economic growth and social development. homes means that workers spend less time at home either sick or tending to ill children, and more time in There is a lack of information on the impact of access to the workplace, where they can contribute to business water for food production on the livelihoods of smallhold- and earn money for their families (Schulte and Fen- er farmers. But there is a wealth of information on produc- wick, 2017). tivity losses due to illness caused by poor sanitation and hygiene practices. Estimates suggest the cost to many The private sector is beginning to monitor employee countries can be up to 5 per cent of GDP (World Bank, access to WASH. Approximately 49 per cent of com- 2017d). The lack of sanitation holds back annual eco- panies responding to a water survey reported that nomic growth and productivity, equivalent to 6.3 per cent they monitor employee access to WASH at more than of GDP in Bangladesh, 6.4 per cent in India, 7.2 per cent in 50 per cent of their facilities (CDP, 2017a). Improved Cambodia, 2.4 per cent in Niger and 3.9 per cent in Paki- sanitation gives every covered household an addi- stan. Hutton (2012) showed that US$260 billion was lost tional 1,000 hours a year to work, study and care for each year globally because of poor sanitation and un- children (WWAP, 2009). Research on factories in Viet safe water. Communicable diseases, resulting from poor Nam (ILO, 2015a) showed that workers experienced sanitation and hygiene practices, were responsible for 9 greater satisfaction with water, air quality, toilets, per cent of annual workplace deaths. This was lower than canteens and health services; profitability increased, the 2002 value (17 per cent) (ILO, 2005). and absenteeism fell. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 164 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Enforcing policies for providing WASH can be made sanitation systems led to a 30–40 per cent reduction attractive by highlighting the increased productivity it in the incidence of diarrhoea in one mining communi- can generate in workplaces and the costs it can pre- ty at Newmont Mining, Ghana. This is a place where vent in public health. For instance, through the HER- diarrhoeal diseases were the fourth-largest source of project of Levi Strauss & Co., absenteeism among hospital admissions and the tenth-largest cause of women fell by 55 per cent and staff turnover dropped death (CEO Water Mandate, 2017). from 50 per cent to 12 per cent. One of Levi’s facto- ries calculated a US$4 return for every US$1 invested An example of intervention for menstruation man- (WaterAid and others, 2016). Similarly, investments in agement in Bangladesh is given in box 36. BOX 36 Menstruation management in the workplace in Bangladesh Some 80 per cent of factory workers are young women in Bangladesh. A study by Business for Social Responsi- bility concluded that 60 per cent were using rags from the factory floor as menstrual cloths. These cloths were chemically charged and often freshly dyed, and so infections were common. This resulted in 73 per cent of women missing work for an average of six days a month. Women had no safe place to purchase cloth or pads or to change or dispose of them. The six days lost is a huge economic challenge to them, the employer and the supply chain, especially when women are paid by the garment. An intervention to change this reportedly saw absenteeism drop to 3 per cent, resulting in significant economic gains for the workers and the factory owner. Source: WWAP (2016). 3. Water and human capacity how many staff were working in the sector (WHO, 2012). There has long been a lack of experienced profession- Only one third of 94 countries surveyed had compre- als and technicians in most developing countries, for hensive human resource strategies for WASH services planning and managing all aspects of water resources. in urban and rural areas (WHO, 2014). The water sector This is a major constraint on sustainable growth, and carries a stigma that makes it difficult to attract profes- affects all aspects of life. On the supply side, there is sionals, particularly those willing to work in rural areas often a lack of experienced teaching capacity and poor- (IWA, 2014). ly equipped laboratories and facilities in tertiary educa- tion in many developing countries. An overly traditional Similar acute shortages of human resources are report- curriculum, which is engineering and science oriented, ed in the agricultural sector. Skills and experience are in may not address modern water issues such as man- short supply in irrigated farming and in water conser- agement, the environment and socioeconomics. On the vation for rain-fed farming, particularly in sub-Saharan demand side, the water sector often lacks incentives to Africa and South Asia (FAO, 2004). This shortage limits attract young professionals who prefer more lucrative nations’ ability to achieve water and food security goals and financially rewarding and progressive careers in in the face of climate change, which causes severe the expanding private sector. droughts and floods, often resulting in famine and the need for external emergency aid. Participants in the International Conference on Water and the Environment in 1992 identified an acute lack of Education and vocational training programmes are human capacity in the water sector, and later surveys viewed as enabling the achievement of SDG 6. The ex- revealed a worrying lack of awareness of this deficien- pertise required in the water sector, at all levels of ed- cy (IWA, 2014). Nearly half of the 74 countries surveyed ucation, in numerous agencies, communities, schools for a global status update in 2011 were unable to state and private companies, is crucial. 165 Tertiary education institutions have a responsibility to in- teachers and communities, and stimulating innovation. crease the capacity of qualified human resources, which Such institutions should support research and develop- are essential to achieving SDG 6 (figure 44). They must ment and produce future generations of highly qualified provide knowledge and skills in water and sanitation, water personnel who are knowledgeable in water science, tech- for agriculture and energy, technologies, management nology and management. Opportunities exist to improve techniques, planning and operational activities, policy de- education in developing countries by linking to online ed- velopment, promoting integrated approaches, educating ucation that specifically targets the water sector. Figure 44. Students (millions, and percentage of global total) enrolled in tertiary education in SDG world regions in 2015 Data source: UNESCO Institute for Statistics. Most water-related courses tend to be in engineering faculties and so they provide a proxy for water-relat- ed education activities. Water also now features in other programmes such as environmental and social sciences, but it is difficult to determine the true extent. Full-time undergraduate engineering programmes in 2014/2015 represented 7.1 per cent (458,643) of the global student enrolment (6,417,881). In these years, 106,658 Bachelor of Science degrees in engineering were awarded (figure 45). A total of 48,550 students graduated in civil, chemical, mechanical and environ- mental engineering, which were courses most likely to offer significant water-related curriculum. Thus, 43 per cent of engineering graduates could potentially work in the water sector (Yoder, 2016). Enrolment of women in tertiary science, technology, engineering and mathematics subjects is still low. Only 26 per cent of students in engineering, manu- facturing and construction-related studies and 38.7 per cent of students in natural sciences, mathematics, statistics, information and communication technolo- Water professionals receive their MSc diploma at UNESCO-IHE gies were female (Fiske, 2012; European Union, n.d.). in the Netherlands. Photo/UNESCO-IHE Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 166 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Figure 45. Bachelor of Science degrees awarded by engineering discipline in the United States in 2014/2015 (total of 106,658) Source: Yoder (2016). 4. Water and the agricultural industry smallholder producer farmers; more than 60 per cent Agriculture is not just the leading consumer of water re- of the workforce in sub-Saharan Africa is involved sources; it is also a major global industry, contributing to in agriculture-related activities (WWAP, 2016). Mar- economic growth and employing some 30 per cent of the ket structures are limited, and agrifood businesses global workforce (ILO, 2015b; WWAP, 2016). Agriculture and their value chains are still in their infancy (box is treated like any other industrial business in developed 37). Thus, many farmers have little incentive to grow countries. For example, in the United Kingdom, only 1.5 more food beyond the immediate needs of the fam- per cent of the nation’s workforce is employed in agricul- ily. Agricultural production and the economy large- ture, producing about 60 per cent of the nation’s food re- ly depend on the vagaries of sparse and unreliable quirements. But the wider agrifood industry, which relies seasonal rainfall in sub-Saharan Africa. In Ethiopia on agriculture for its raw materials, employs 3.8 million and the United Republic of Tanzania, the rise and fall people, 14 per cent of the workforce, and is worth US$145 of annual GDP is closely correlated with rainfall, be- billion to the national economy. However, uncertainty over cause their economies are strongly related to agricul- future water supplies for agriculture is leading to great- ture (WWAP, 2009). Irrigated agriculture is an option er uncertainty among agrifood businesses based in the for some, but most countries face a combination of country and may act as a disincentive to future growth high hydrological variability (which brings extremes and investment (Water for Food Group, 2017). of floods and droughts) and a lack of investment in water infrastructure and good water governance to Agriculture is the mainstay of economic growth in exploit and effectively control and manage renewable many developing countries. It relies on millions of water resources. 167 Coffee handlers from Cooperative Café Timor in Timor-Leste are seen sifting coffee beans. UN Photo/Martine Perret BOX 37 Risks to agricultural supply chains Water is an essential ingredient in products produced by global agrifood companies, the manufacturers and distri- butors of food and beverages. One of the most substantive water risks for companies in this sector lies within the agricultural supply chain. A CDP water survey in 2017 showed that agrifood companies identified supply chain disruption as a serious risk. Many are already experiencing severe financial losses due to water scarcity. A food conglomerate reported losing US$25 million due to two consecutive dry years in the Pongola–Umzimkulu River basin in South Africa. A large South African retail firm reported that drought and unprecedented heat in the Breede–Gourits River basin affected irrigation rights, which reduced crop yields and increased prices. Leading companies are beginning to invest to mitigate these risks by engaging with suppliers, public policymakers and other stakeholders in river basins. One multinational flavourings company expects the prices of raw materials to rise by 10–20 per cent in the South Pacific Basin, where severe dry conditions have affected growing conditions. The company has therefore set up support projects for farmers to teach them good agricultural practices, including im- proving irrigation techniques. The company has also partnered with drip irrigation providers to subsidize and supply farmers with modern irrigation systems to reduce water wastage. Sources: CDP (2017a; 2017b). International trading in food is common, as market forc- water-rich countries, which is like importing water (box es seek to balance supply and demand for food and other 38). This is an overly simplistic picture because many agricultural products. In doing so they are also helping countries like to be self-sufficient for food dependence to balance the supply and demand for water through and are reluctant to become dependent on imports. “virtual water” trading. Many water-stressed countries Some also grow high-value crops for international mar- mitigate their food security risks by importing food from kets as a means of earning foreign exchange. Both is- other countries. If food cannot be grown in-country be- sues can and do lead to overexploitation of in-country cause of insufficient water resources, it is imported from water resources and unsustainable production. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 168 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 BOX 38 Virtual water trading in Latin America and the Caribbean Latin America and the Caribbean is a water-rich region, with 34 per cent of the world’s freshwater resources. Agri- culture accounted for 68 per cent of withdrawals in 2001 – 11 per cent for industrial use and 21 per cent for domes- tic use. Abundant water and available arable land led to significant growth as an exporter of agricultural commodi- ties to the world market. The growth in this sector improved the economic and social conditions of the region, while contributing to world food production. This then reduced the pressure on freshwater resources and food security in other countries. However, such development must be conducted in a sustainable manner, by considering the challenges present in the region. Latin America and the Caribbean is a net virtual water exporter comprising five major products: soybean (36 per cent), coffee (14 per cent), cotton (10 per cent), livestock products (10 per cent) and sugarcane (8 per cent), all mostly with a water footprint based on rain-fed agriculture using green water. The main importers are the United States (22 per cent), China (8 per cent), Germany (6 per cent), Netherlands (5 per cent), Italy (5 per cent), and Spain, France and Russian Federation (4 per cent each). The region also imports a significant amount of virtual water from the rest of the world: cotton products (42 per cent) (mainly from the United States and Pakistan), wheat (12 per cent) (mainly from the United States and Canada) and livestock products (11 per cent) (mainly from the United States). About 54 per cent of virtual water imports go to Mexico. The international virtual water flows within the region are small compared to exchanges with the rest of the world. Most of the virtual water flows are related to crop products (88 per cent). Those related to trade in animal and industrial products contribute 9 per cent and 3 per cent, respectively. The virtual water flows within the region are mostly green water (88 per cent), while blue and grey water contribute 5 per cent and 7 per cent, respectively. Net virtual water import related to imports of agricultural and industrial products from Latin America and the Caribbean (green) and countries with net virtual water export due to agricultural and industrial exports to Latin America and the Caribbean (red) over the period 1996–2005 (only the largest gross virtual water flows (>10 billion m3/year) are shown) Source: Mekonnen and others (2015). 169 5. Water and the manufacturing sector Industry accounts for up to 19 per cent of total water withdrawals globally, with substantial variations among Manufacturing industries bring together manufacturing countries and among the industrial, agricultural and mu- and technically productive enterprises. These industries nicipal sectors (FAO, 2016a). Future economic growth are not water consumers like the agriculture sector. They and rising GDP will increase industrial water use (Ercin tend to use and then discharge water, which is often of and Hoekstra, 2012). Global industrial water demand poorer quality. They do not always need large quantities of (not including electricity) is expected to increase by 55 water or necessarily drinking water quality, yet CDP data per cent by 2050, partly as a result of a 400 per cent in- show that 66 per cent of companies surveyed considered crease in manufacturing (OECD, 2012b). Industrial water sufficient amounts of good-quality water to be “impor- use is projected to increase from 300 km3/year in 2010 tant” or “vital” for their direct operations (CDP, 2017b). to 550 km3/year by the end of the twenty-first century The challenge is to balance industrial water needs, both in (Wada and Bierkens, 2014). Figure 46 illustrates actual terms of quantity and quality, with those for people, agri- and projected water withdrawals for industry in com- culture, energy and the environment, so that all can derive parison with agriculture and domestic water supply for benefit from its use. different available data sets. Figure 46. Per capita and sectoral actual and projected water withdrawals Source: Amarasinghe and Smakhtin (2014) and sources cited therein. Abbreviations: BAU, business as usual; IFPRI, International Food Policy Research Institute; WWV, World Water Vision. Trends in water withdrawal vary regionally, within coun- The main issue for industry is less about water quanti- tries and within industries. Industrial water demand in ty than the quality of water discharged after use. Most Europe is decreasing; it has levelled in North America industrial processes degrade water quality. Industries (Shiklomanov, 1998; WWAP, 2009), although total water in modern economies have statutory duties to clean up use is much higher than in other regions. Demand their effluents to national and international standards continues to rise in Australia and Oceania, Asia, South before discharging into receiving water bodies such as America and Africa. The challenge is for developed na- lakes, rivers or seas. The extent to which water is treat- tions to lower industrial water use and for developing ed depends on the quantity and quality of the receiv- countries to industrialize without substantially increas- ing water body and how the diluted water is to be used ing water demand. downstream. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 170 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 “There is a misconception that environmental quality and economic growth are conflicting. Environmental degradation does and will affect the worldwide economy, particularly in poor and vulnerable nations. Poor water quality has a variety of economic effects, ranging from a direct impact on industry and livelihoods, to human health costs, loss of ecosystem services and the need for more wastewater treatment plants.” Most industries in developing countries discharge un- Improving water efficiency and ensuring sustainable treated or partially treated effluent. Contaminants in- withdrawals will reduce water risk, but businesses face a clude metals and organic compounds, which can be variety of physical, reputational and regulatory water risks toxic for people and animals (Palaniappan and others, (Schulte and Morrison, 2014). Droughts and floods also 2010). The pollutants that are harmful to people and the bring risks. Investing in technologies can reduce water environment in places where regulatory systems are ill- use and improve treatment. Industries were able to lower equipped to deal with them are of concern (Binz and oth- their water demand by 40–90 per cent when incentives ers, 2012; UNESCO, 2015). were used (WWAP, 2006; Visvanathan and Asano, 2009). The market for industrial wastewater treatment technol- Industrial water pollution combined with sewage near ogies is projected to grow by 50 per cent between 2015 coastal areas can have devastating effects on marine and 2020 (Global Water Intelligence, 2015). habitats and wildlife, and on human health and liveli- hoods (Palaniappan and others, 2010). There is a misconception that environmental quality and economic growth are conflicting. Environmental deg- There are several obstacles that the private sector faces radation does and will affect the worldwide economy, to prevent pollution (WWAP, 2017). There may not be ef- particularly in poor and vulnerable nations (Stern, 2004; fective or cost-effective replacements for toxins used Flörke and others, 2013). Poor water quality has a varie- in industrial processes. Costs may be greater than the ty of economic effects, ranging from a direct impact on economic benefits to be gained from switching to more industry and livelihoods, to human health costs, loss of sustainable technologies, and initial investments may be ecosystem services and the need for more wastewater large and take a significant amount of time to pay back. treatment plants (Palaniappan and others, 2010). Maintenance and energy use may increase. Timing and amount of water available may not meet actual needs Global cost estimates of the impact of poor water quality when considering wastewater reuse (WWAP, 2017). on industry are not available. However, as an example, it was estimated that the industrial sector in China lost These obstacles are especially challenging for small- US$1.7 billion to water pollution in 1992 (Palaniappan and medium-sized enterprises, which may not have and others, 2010). Just 12 companies reported US$24 the capacity to make continuous improvements. million in financial impacts relating to declining water Small- and medium-sized enterprises deserve sup- quality (box 39) in a 2017 CDP survey. The economic port for upgrading because, according to the United effects related to human health of poor water quality Nations World Water Assessment Programme, they range from loss in productivity to health-care costs. The “dominate sectors like textile, dry cleaning, metal fin- annual cost of environmental degradation of water in ishing, printing, [and] food and beverage”, all of which Middle East and North Africa countries was shown to be have significant water use and water impact (WWAP, 0.5–2.5 per cent of GDP (World Bank, 2007). 2017). There is no universal method to pollution pre- vention given these challenges (United Nations Envi- Therefore, it is wise to address water resource degrada- ronment Programme, 2016). There are still lessons to tion resulting from industrial water use while encourag- be shared across watersheds with similar industries ing economic growth. Each US$1 used to improve water or environmental problems, although solutions will be supply and sanitation leads to an economy-wide return location and capacity specific. of US$4–14 (WWAP, 2009). 171 BOX 39 Agrifood, energy and manufacturing companies disclosing water-relat- ed information The CDP water programme was launched in 2009 to motivate companies to measure and disclose water-related information to their institutional investors. This was the first systemic linkage between water and financial informa- tion. CDP now holds the largest corporate water data set in the world and adds to it annually through its information request to companies, governments, cities, States and regions. Water is fundamental to industry, and both quality and quantity matter. Some 66 per cent of companies surveyed in 2017 considered sufficient amounts of good-quality freshwater to be “important” or “vital” for their operations. But companies recognize that water supply and quality is by no means guaranteed. Over 3,700 corporate water risks were reported in 2017, with a variety of physical, regulatory and reputational drivers. Top five water-related risk drivers and risks Sources: CDP (2017a; 2017b). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 172 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Industries located next to each other on an eco-industrial The CDP surveys reveal that the private sector faces park can exchange wastewater for reuse and share treat- water challenges and solutions that align with the ment technologies (and associated costs). For small- and 2030 Agenda (CDP, 2017a; 2017b). Therefore, engage- medium-sized enterprises that may not have much ca- ment by the private sector in innovating and pursuing pacity to pay for facility upgrades, eco-industrial parks are sustainable industrial processes is crucial. Techno- one way of taking advantage of shared systems. logical improvements translate to increased water productivity and decreased water use in production Zero effluent discharge is the ultimate target for which (Ercin and Hoekstra, 2012). These will become even businesses should aim. This requires that industries re- more important as developing countries industrialize, duce their water withdrawal and polluted discharge, and and industrial water uses and discharges increase in that any effluent is recycled or sold to another user. One “business as usual” scenarios. example is the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Programme, which is an initiative for the apparel, leather The food and beverage industry is proactive in good and footwear industries working to advance towards zero water management and is one of the top three industrial discharge of hazardous chemicals in the supply chain water markets (box 40) (Global Water Intelligence, 2012; (ZDHC, n.d.). Zero effluent discharge moves towards the McGregor, 2015). “cradle-to-cradle” concept, in which natural resources are used and ideally reused continually (WWAP, 2006). BOX 40 Food and beverage industry Water stewardship is becoming an increasingly important element of corporate sustainability. Many leading food and beverage corporations feature facets of water stewardship in their sustainability reports. Major companies acknowledge that physical and reputational water risks motivate their water stewardship goals. The companies are reliant on good water quality, for inclusion in the final product and for processing, cleaning, pasteurizing, cooling, diluting, brining, fermenting and more (Jones and others, 2015). Water-use analysis and benchmarking in one food and beverage company in Turkey were used to identify oppor- tunities for water conservation in the factory’s cooling systems. Water recycling and reuse were implemented. The cooling water demand dropped 92 per cent as a result, saving the company 503,893 m3 of water yearly and reducing the wastewater discharge by over 57 per cent. The payback period for these changes was seven months (Alkaya and Demirer, 2015). Coca-Cola has worked for many years to reduce water risk. It has identified one solution outside of its bottling factories: a goal to return water to communities and nature equal to the volume of their beverages. It replenished 221 billion litres or 133 per cent of the water used in its drinks in 2016. The methods included conducting a source water vulnerability assessment for each bottling plant and developing a source water protection plan to address issues by supporting specific community projects (The Coca-Cola Company, 2017). Source: CEO Water Mandate (2017). 6. Water and the energy sector available for women and children to pursue education and other productive activities. WASH services, agriculture and industry consume sub- stantial amounts of energy for pumping water, treating Energy generation requires water to cool thermal power plants, wastewater, irrigating crops and desalination. Providing grow biofuels, extract primary fossil fuels and generate hydro- energy for pumping can increase access to water, pro- power. About 10 per cent of global water withdrawals was ducing many benefits in community health, food produc- used for producing energy in 2014 (excluding hydropower). tion and people’s livelihoods. It can reduce cooking with Some 12 per cent of water withdrawals for energy generation biomass, with noted health benefits and make more time was used for producing primary fuels (figure 47) (IEA, 2016a). 173 Figure 47. Water withdrawals in the energy sector, 2014 Two thirds of global water withdrawals are from sur- face water and one third is from groundwater. Pumping groundwater is about seven times more energy intensive than surface water abstraction. But surface water usually requires much more (energy-intensive) treatment prior to use than groundwater (IEA, 2016a). One growing concern is the increasing use of groundwater for irrigation and the impact this will have on energy demand. Groundwater already supplies one third of the world’s irrigated area. This source is popular among the many millions of impoverished smallholder farmers across sub-Saharan Africa and South Asia because of easy ac- cess, reliability and flexibility (Shah, 2012). The demand for groundwater is likely to increase substantially, and so too will the energy needed for pumping, with few effective Source: IEA (2016a). controls in place. Abbreviation: bcm, billion cubic metres. The link between energy requirements and groundwater pumping is direct and strong in India. India’s energy policy Growing economies will consume more energy, which is used to stimulate or control groundwater abstraction means more water will be needed for generation. Pre- for irrigation, where electric pumps are used (Shah, 2012). dictions for future energy consumption vary. It is esti- mated that global energy consumption will increase by (a) Energy for water services 48 per cent above 2012 levels, by 2040 (US EIA, 2016). However, the International Energy Agency suggests the Although 86 per cent of the world’s population has ac- increase will be lower (30 per cent), with demand declin- cess to electricity, there are still 1.1 billion people living ing in OECD countries and increasing in Southeast Asia, mostly in LDCs that do not (IEA, 2017a); some 590 mil- India, China and parts of Africa, Latin America and the lion, more than half the global total live in sub-Saha- Middle East (IEA, 2016b). ran Africa. Access to electricity is poor and population growth is overtaking progress in electrification (World Projections to 2040 based on 2005 figures show less Bank, 2017e). Significantly more people lack access than a 2 per cent rise in water withdrawals for energy. to electricity than water (figure 48), although there are Yet the water sector is expected to double its energy no indications on water reliability, which is a problem consumption to 8 per cent (IEA, 2016a; 2016b). Much of in many countries. There are no data on how many the water withdrawn for energy generation returns to the people lack both water and electricity. China is an ex- source. However, consumption is expected to increase ception to these overall statistics, with 100 per cent by 60 per cent to 75 billion m3 due to advanced cool- access to electricity and close to 95 per cent for water ing methods and particularly significant withdrawals for (although this still means that over 73 million people growing biofuel crops (IEA, 2016a). do not have access to water) (World Bank, 2017e). Figure 48. Population (millions) without access to water and electricity, 2014 Data sources: IEA (n.d.); WHO and UNICEF (2017c). Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 174 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 Introducing electricity for pumping and water wastewater treatment are not to be constrained by treatment would increase access to water with a lack of electricity. This also applies in reverse, if the potential to improve health and well-being increasing access to energy is not to be constrained and increase growth in agricultural and industrial by the lack of water. economies. Providing much-needed electricity in A special case that illustrates the connection be- water-stressed areas may lead to conflicts among tween energy and water supply is desalination (box competing water users, with trade-offs needed to 41), which is evolving into a viable alternative water resolve them. It will be important for the water and source to combat water scarcity and water stress. energy sectors to cooperate and coordinate invest- It provides only around 1 per cent of the world’s ments if targets for providing water services and drinking water, but its use is growing annually. BOX 41 Desalination There were approximately 18,000 desalination plants around the world in 2015, with a total installed production capa- city of 87 million m3/day. Some 44 per cent of this capacity (37 million m3/day) was in the Middle East (mainly Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United Arab Emirates, Qatar and Bahrain) and North Africa (mainly Libya and Algeria). An expected US$10 billion investment in the next five years would add 5.7 million m3/day. The capacity is expected to double by 2030 (Voutchkov, 2016). Other countries using large desalination plants include Australia, Israel, Spain and United States. While desalination in the Middle East is projected to grow by 7–9 per cent annually, large desalination developments over the next decade are expected across Asia, United States and Latin America (FAO, 2016a; USGS, 2016; Voutchkov, 2016). Desalinated water is produced from brackish water (salt content less than 10,000 mg/l) and seawater with a salinity in the range 30,000–44,000 mg/l. Brackish water is limited in volume, and so most desalination will be from seawater, which is abundant. This offers a logical solution for sustainable, long-term management as water demand grows in arid regions (Voutchkov, 2016). However, desalination is costly and energy intensive, requiring significant investments in infrastructure. Technology advances can be expected to reduce the cost of desalinated water by 20 per cent in the next five years, and by up to 60 per cent in the next 20 years, making it a viable and cost-effective competitor for potable water production (USGS, 2016; Voutchkov, 2016). Desalination also has an environmental impact that must be understood and managed. Modern reverse-osmosis de- salination plants take in large volumes of seawater and discharge highly concentrated brine back into the sea. This is potentially harmful to fish and other marine organisms such as plankton, eggs and larvae. Brine has twice the salinity of seawater and it is much denser, so the two do not mix easily. The brine sinks and spreads along the ocean floor. There are methods for dispersing concentrated brine that involve diluting with wastewater and encouraging mixing, but further research is needed, especially to understand the long-term impact (Cooley and others, 2013). The International Energy Agency estimates that 120 40 per cent for abstraction, 25 per cent for wastewa- million tons of oil equivalent of energy was consumed ter treatment and 20 per cent for water distribution. to treat, process and move water in 2014. This was just Energy consumption in the water sector is projected over 1 per cent of the world’s total energy consump- to increase by about 50 per cent above 2014 levels by tion and equivalent to the energy demand of Australia 2030 (IEA, 2016b). The largest increases are expect- (IEA, 2016a). Electricity accounted for 60 per cent of ed in desalination and water transfers. However, water this total (820 TWh), which was equivalent to the an- management can also be part of the solution to meet- nual electricity consumption in the Russian Federation. ing the demand. Wastewater treatment plants can be The water sector consumed 4 per cent of the world’s designed to generate energy due to heat content and total electricity production in the same year (figure 49): organic material. 175 Figure 49. Electricity consumption in the water sector by process Sources: IEA (2016a) and sources cited therein. Note: * supply includes groundwater and surface water treatment. Global energy consumption across the water sector (c) Renewable sources of energy is projected to double by 2040 (IEA, 2016c). The larg- est increase is expected for desalination, which may Some 17.5 per cent of global energy consumption increase from 5 per cent in 2015 to 20 per cent of all came from renewable sources of energy in 2010 electricity consumption in the water sector by 2040 (United Nations, Department of Economic and (IEA, 2016a) (figure 49). Social Affairs, Population Division, 2017b). This increased to 18.3 per cent in 2014. Hydropower (b) Energy for and from wastewater treatment contributes 70 per cent, wind 16 per cent, bioen- ergy 9 per cent and solar photovoltaics 5 per cent Forty-two per cent of electricity consumption in (IEA, 2017b). Renewables are expected to contrib- the water sector is already used to treat wastewa- ute nearly 60 per cent of all new electricity genera- ter in developed countries. However, 80 per cent tion by 2040 (IEA, 2016b). But only a few countries of wastewater (including urban and agricultural are making sufficient progress to meet the 2030 run-off) is still not treated globally (WWAP, 2017). renewables target. Between 60 per cent and 95 per cent of municipal Hydropower will account for 33 per cent of new wastewater is not collected in LDCs (IEA, 2016a). A renewable energy generation by 2040. Hydropow- significant increase of energy consumption is ex- er in non-OECD countries is expected to increase pected if all this wastewater is to be treated. by 71 per cent from 2012 to 2040. This is almost Wastewater collection and treatment will require 60 40 per cent of the total renewables increase for per cent more electricity by 2040 (figure 48). Halving these countries, particularly in Asia (US EIA, 2016). the 80 per cent of untreated wastewater would re- As hydropower grows, so too will the demand for quire an additional 400 TWh of energy, if convention- water. This is mitigated to some extent, as most of al techniques are applied. This is almost 50 per cent the water is only used and not consumed. Water more than the 820 TWh already being consumed is still available for others downstream, though across the water sector. Most of this will be required matching downstream demands, often from ag- in low-income countries where only 8 per cent of the riculture, and mitigating ecosystem and other industrial and municipal wastewater receives any effects do not always fit with the demands for en- kind of treatment (Sato and others, 2013). ergy in cities and industry. A potential bonus is that the energy contained in The water consumed for irrigating biofuels is a wastewater is about 5–10 times greater than the concern. It can be as much as 500,000 l/MWh, energy needed to treat it. This energy source could which contrasts with fossil fuel which requires produce 30–100 TWh to treat municipal waste- only up to 1,000 l/MWh (IEA, 2016a). water by 2040, if the energy is properly harnessed Box 42 demonstrates how small savings in energy (IEA, 2016a). can have a big impact on water available for people. Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 176 Chapter IV. Beyond Sustainable Development Goal 6 BOX 42 Reducing water used to produce energy The 10 per cent of annual global water withdrawals for energy represents a large volume of water – 398 billion m3. A small saving in energy use or an increase in efficiency can make a big difference to water accessible for people. A saving of 1 per cent (4 billion m3) would provide enough water annually for 219 million people based on 50 litres per day as a basic access service level. This offers the prospect that solutions to water scarcity are within reach, especially if similar reductions are made in other water-using sectors such as agriculture and industry, although it is affected by location and many other factors. CHAPTER V Key messages Autumn Peltier, 13-year-old water advocate from the Anishinaabe tribe of Canada, addresses the event to launch the International Decade for Action titled “Water for Sustainable Development 2018–2028”. UN Photo/Manuel Elias Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 178 Chapter V. Key messages This synthesis report for SDG 6 (Ensure availability and for all countries but continuing with business as usual sustainable management of water and sanitation for all) will not suffice. Achieving sustainable management reviews the opportunities and challenges for progress to- of water and sanitation for all will require profound wards achievement of the goal and highlights the follow- evolution of actions among policymakers and deci- ing key messages. sion makers. Actions need to be taken now to move towards a more sustainable and resilient path, leaving The 2030 Agenda is universal and transformative for all no one behind, if the 2030 Agenda targets are to be Member States. It aims to end poverty in all its forms achieved. and “shift the world on to a sustainable and resilient path” (United Nations, General Assembly, 2015a). Its 17 • Global SDG 6 targets must be localized and adapted to global targets are integrated and indivisible, seek to bal- the country context. SDG 6 targets are aspirational, ance social, economic and environmental welfare, and like all global SDG targets. Each national government address the desired outcomes and MoI. The ambitious must decide how to incorporate SDG 6 targets into agenda is intended to be implemented by all countries its national planning processes, policies and strate- and all stakeholders, acting in collaborative partnership. gies. It must set its own targets guided by the level SDG 6 on water and sanitation provides a tremendous of ambition at the global level, while taking into ac- opportunity to accelerate progress on the 2030 Agen- count local circumstances (United Nations Develop- da, given the water sector’s central role in human rights, ment Group, 2016). The global targets are relevant to poverty reduction, inequality elimination, peace and jus- all countries, but their relative importance is highly tice, and the environment. context specific. SDG 6 national targets should build on existing national priorities and international agree- ments related to water and sanitation, including inter- national human rights standards, for the benefit of all. A. Integrating Sustainable • More and better data are required for national, regional and global monitoring. Less than half of Member States Development Goal 6 into currently have comparable data available on progress made towards each of the global SDG 6 targets. Al- the 2030 Agenda most 60 per cent of countries do not currently have data available for more than four global SDG 6 indica- tors, and only 6 per cent reported on more than eight An integrated approach to the 2030 Agenda can make global indicators, representing a major knowledge gap. implementing and monitoring SDG-related national de- Data sometimes exist but are often not accessible or velopment plans more cost-effective. It will also help to shared. The financial, institutional/organizational and maximize synergies and reduce the risks that actions human resources to fully monitor SDG 6 are lacking. taken to meet one goal will undermine other goals. It will Further work is required to standardize and harmonize ensure appropriate timing and sequencing of policy and indicators used in national and global monitoring, as institutional reforms and public investments, so that lim- well as to increase understanding on how to assess ited resources are used more efficiently and sustainably. MoI across SDG 6. Increased uptake and use of data to inform decision-making and ensure accountability will • Achieving SDG 6 is essential for progress on all other be crucial for achieving SDG 6. SDGs and vice versa. Sustainable management of water and sanitation for all underpins wider efforts to end poverty and advance sustainable development. Making progress on SDG 6 will enable and drive pro- gress on all the other SDGs, from health to hunger and B. Understanding the from gender equality to environmental protection and sustainable growth. This means that achieving SDG baseline status and 6 depends on the overall progress of the entire 2030 Agenda. All SDGs are mutually dependent on one an- trends of the global other; action therefore needs to be of an integrated nature, ensuring that all SDGs advance together. indicators • The time to act on SDG 6 is now. The global targets for SDG 6 will not be achieved by 2030 at current rates, This review of the latest SDG 6 indicator data has pro- taking into account the status of SDG 6 global indica- duced a baseline from which to measure future progress tors, and considering trends in financing, capacity and and has identified gaps in knowledge, capacity and re- political commitment. The targets present challenges source availability. 179 A child from the Za’atari Refugee Camp in Jordan raises a flag to represent Goal 6, Clean Water and Sanitation. Photo/UNICEF/Jordan Badran • Extending access to safe drinking water presents a huge lion people still practise open defecation, and faster challenge and requires increased attention on the qual- progress is needed for its eradication by 2030. Over ity of services provided. Achieving universal access to 2.3 billion people still lack basic sanitation services safe and affordable drinking water requires extending and 4.5 billion people lack safely managed sanitation access to the 844 million people who still lack even a services. Only 27 per cent of the population in LDCs basic water service. It also requires progressively im- has access to soap and water for handwashing on proving the quality of services for the 2.1 billion people premises. Achieving universal access to sanitation who lack water that is accessible on premises, available and hygiene will enable progress on health, nutri- when needed and free from contamination. Universal tion, education and gender issues. But it will require access also implies providing access in services in considerable investment, especially in areas of rapid schools, health-care facilities and other institutional urbanization. Strengthening the capacity of local and settings. This will require substantial increases in in- national authorities is essential for managing and vestment from governments and other sources and regulating sanitation systems, especially in low- and strengthening institutional arrangements for man- middle-income countries. Further work is required to aging and regulating drinking water services in many harmonize the methods and standards used to moni- countries. The health and economic benefits of doing tor the treatment and disposal of excreta from on-site so will far outweigh the costs. It also requires the de- sanitation systems. velopment of increasingly sophisticated information . systems to close current gaps, and to monitor cover- • Improving water quality can increase water availability. age and quality of services. Pollution of water resources is a barrier to making pro- gress towards the 2030 Agenda targets. Water pollution • Billions of people still need access to basic toilet and has worsened since the 1990s in almost all rivers in Latin handwashing facilities, and treatment and disposal of America, Africa and Asia. Severe pathogen pollution al- excreta is an even bigger challenge. Some 892 mil- ready affects around one third of all river stretches in these Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation 180 Chapter V. Key messages A field of corn grows in Haiti thanks to the newly constructed irrigation system that pulls water from a nearby river. UN Photo/Logan Abassi regions. Increasing political will to tackle pollution at es. Achieving an advanced level of implementation its source and treat wastewater will protect public requires increased financing for water resources de- health and the environment, mitigate the costly effects velopment and management and devolving IWRM to of pollution and provide additional water resources. the lowest appropriate level. Transboundary coopera- Wastewater is an undervalued source of water, ener- tion is essential to implement IWRM at all levels, with gy, nutrients and other recoverable by-products. Re- 153 countries sharing rivers, lakes and aquifers. The cycling, reusing and recovering waste can alleviate average national proportion of transboundary basins water stress. A coordinated, coherent and pragmatic covered by an operational arrangement is 59 per cent, policy environment is therefore required for the multi- meaning that a significant effort is needed to ensure ple stakeholders involved in the monitoring, collection, that operational arrangements are in place for all treatment, recycling and reuse of wastewater to en- transboundary waters by 2030. Now is the time to take gage in safe and innovative practices. advantage of the global legal frameworks on shared surface water and groundwater to develop country • Agriculture offers opportunities for significant water capacities to negotiate and implement transboundary savings. More than 2 billion people live in countries cooperative arrangements. experiencing high water stress. The agriculture sec- tor is by far the largest user of freshwater, account- • Sustaining water-related ecosystems is crucial to soci- ing for nearly 70 per cent of global water withdrawals. eties and economies. The world has lost 70 per cent Saving just a fraction of this would significantly alle- of its natural wetland extent in the last century, in- viate water stress in other sectors, particularly in arid cluding significant loss of freshwater species. Water countries where agriculture can consume as much as is essential for the health of all ecosystems and pro- 90 per cent of available water resources. It would also vides vital services to economies and societies that strengthen economic development instead of con- are not properly valued when trade-offs are required straining growth. Agricultural water savings can come in decision-making around the precious resource. The in many forms, such as increasing productivity of food baseline data of the indicator do not allow for a prop- crops (more crop per drop), improving water man- er picture of the general state or trends of freshwater agement practices and technologies, implementing ecosystems. Further detailed data (quantitative, geo- sustainable agricultural practices, growing fewer wa- spatial and qualitative) and its compilation are required ter-intensive crops in water-scarce regions, reducing to demonstrate accurate, contextualized understand- food loss and waste, and importing food grown from ing of water-related ecosystems, in particular monitor- water-rich countries. Savings can also come from mu- ing change over time. nicipalities, industry and energy production. • Improved international cooperation and more and better • Implementing IWRM is an important comprehensive use of funding is needed. Over 80 per cent of partici- step towards achieving SDG 6. The global average pating countries reported insufficient finance to meet degree of implementation of IWRM is 48 per cent, national WASH targets. The current indicator based corresponding to a medium-low level, but with great on ODA monitors external aid provided to developing variation among countries. Accelerated progress is countries but does not reflect all elements of the tar- needed in most regions to achieve the IWRM target. get. It may be necessary to complement the existing However, it must be recognized that there is no uni- indicator with additional information relating to capac- versal approach and that each country must develop ity development, human resources and other elements its own pathway to implementation based on its politi- in target 6.a. Stronger domestic financial engagement cal, social, environmental and economic circumstanc- and better use of existing resources will be required 181 to achieve the goal of leaving no one behind, although in supporting these efforts, to enable policymakers to ODA will continue to contribute to development needs identify disadvantaged groups and to tailor support to for water and sanitation. their specific needs and priorities. • Public participation is critical to water management. • Water and sanitation require a new financing paradigm. Local community participation in water and sanitation Increasing the efficiency of existing financial re- management has the potential to yield benefits such sources and mobilizing additional ones in the form as empowerment of marginalized groups and sus- of domestic public finance and domestic and inter- tainable service delivery. However, the current indica- national finance (ODA, loans, grants, etc.) are neces- tor monitors the existence of policies and procedures sary. Domestic and public finance can be leveraged to for local community participation and not whether this increase the role of private financing, through promot- participation is genuine and meaningful. Further re- ing innovative financing streams such as blended fi- search is required to understand the complexities of nance and microfinance. Targeted public finance and participation and its impact, to ensure that policies are reforms are necessary to improve the performance of effective and sustainable. existing services, increase cost recovery and financial security, and make the sector more attractive to pri- vate investment. This can lead to a virtuous circle of improved service levels, attracting further investment C. Enabling and until services are financially sustainable. accelerating progress • Capacity must be developed. A serious lack of capac- ity is constraining progress towards SDG 6 in many countries. Capacity development is a cross-cutting MoI offers a framework for enabling and accelerating pro- issue that is essential for improving service levels, op- gress on all aspects of SDG 6, including the challenging is- erating and maintaining technology, and monitoring sues of governance and eliminating inequalities, which will be performance. Capacity development is required in en- essential for achieving this goal and leaving no one behind. gineering, scientific and technical disciplines, and also across all areas of the water sector, including in policy, • Good water governance is essential. Bold political law, governance, finance, information technology and choices will be needed to ensure that resources are management. Investment in capacity development re- equitably allocated and to ensure provision of water quires a long-term view, as its benefits may not be felt and sanitation for all. Good governance, intersectoral immediately. coordination and policy development via engaging stakeholders in an accountable and transparent man- • Smart technologies can improve management and ner can then be expressed as national legislation, sec- service delivery. Applying existing methods and tools tor regulation and/or institutional arrangements that will help in achieving SDG 6 targets. However, smart identify clear roles and responsibilities for institutions. technologies supported by information technology can This requires implementation of IWRM and national effectively improve all aspects of water and sanitation strategies that focus on the water–food–energy–eco- management. Use of the latest Earth observations, system nexus and seek to maximize synergies and citizen science and private sector data is increasing, address trade-offs between SDG 6 and other goals. but these are not yet sufficiently incorporated into da- An improved enabling environment for investment will ta-monitoring systems at all levels. Furthermore, local create the necessary impetus for private sector invest- adaptation of technology and sharing of knowledge ment that will boost progress on SDG 6. can be supported through collaborative partnerships for sustainable development. • Inequalities must be eliminated. Inequalities exist in every country where marginalized communities and • Multi-stakeholder partnerships can unlock potential. disadvantaged groups such as women, children, poor, Sharing, accessing and adapting solutions takes indigenous peoples, rural communities and those cooperation. Multi-stakeholder partnerships, at the living in fragile States do not have equal access to national, regional and global levels, can bring actors water and sanitation and are more susceptible to the together from the public and private sectors, civil so- impacts of pollution and water-related disasters. The ciety and academia to align work, optimize resourc- 2030 Agenda will not succeed if governments fail these es and unlock the potential of collaboration through people. The inequalities that prevent the rights to water ownership and interdependence. SDG 6 provides the and sanitation of marginalized communities and dis- ideal platform for multi-stakeholder partnerships due advantaged groups from being satisfied must be ad- to its interconnectivity with the other goals of the dressed in accordance with the international human 2030 Agenda, thus ensuring progress on poverty re- rights framework. Disaggregated data play a vital role duction and sustainable development. 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Charting Our Water Future: Economic Frameworks to Inform Decision-Making. 195 Abbreviations and acronyms CRS Creditor Reporting System FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations GDP Gross domestic product GEMI Global Environmental Management Initiative GLAAS Global Analysis and Assessment of Sanitation and Drinking-Water HDI Human development index HLPF High-level Political Forum IAEG-SDGs Inter-agency and Expert Group on SDG Indicators IHP International Hydrological Programme ISARM Internationally Shared Aquifer Resource Management Initiative ISIC International Standard Industrial Classification IWMI International Water Management Institute IWRM Integrated water resources management JMP Joint Monitoring Programme for Water Supply, Sanitation and Hygiene JRC Joint Research Centre (European Commission) KCD Knowledge and capacity development LDC Least developed country MDG Millennium Development Goal MoI Means of implementation NBS Nature-based solution NDC Nationally determined contribution NGO Non-governmental organization NTD Neglected tropical disease ODA Official development assistance ODF Official development finance OECD Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development OMVS Organisation pour la Mise en Valeur du fleuve Sénégal SDG Sustainable Development Goal SWA Sanitation and Water for All TBA Transboundary aquifer UNECE United Nations Economic Commission for Europe UNEP United Nations Environment Programme UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization UN-Habitat United Nations Human Settlements Programme UNICEF United Nations Children’s Fund UNSD United Nations Statistics Division WASH Water, sanitation and hygiene WHO World Health Organization Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation 2018 2018 Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report on Water and Sanitation The world is not on track to reach Sustainable Development Goal 6 (SDG 6) on Water and Sanitation by the deadline set for 2030. Today, billions of people lack safe water, sanitation and handwashing facilities. Ecosystems and water sources are becoming more polluted, and funding for water and sanitation services is inadequate. In addition, governance and delivery systems are weak and fragmented. UN-Water’s Sustainable Development Goal 6 Synthesis Report 2018 on Water and Sanitation builds on the latest data available for the 11 SDG 6 global indicators. Representing a joint position from the United Nations family, the report offers guidance to understanding global progress on SDG 6 and its interdependencies with other goals and targets. It also provides insight into how countries can plan and act to ensure that no one is left behind when implementing the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development. ISBN 978-92-1-101370-2 Cover_SR_2018_june_ok.indd 1 26/6/18 11:37