Machine Translated by Google Buenos Aires, December 06, 2007.- The Legislature of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires sanction with force of law Article 1.- The purpose of this law is the promotion of socially and environmentally responsible and sustainable behavior by the organizations included herein, establishing for this purpose the legal framework of the Balance of Social and Environmental Responsibility (BRSA). Article 2.- The presentation of the BRSA will be voluntary except for those companies that have a workforce of more than three hundred (300) workers and also have a turnover that exceeds, in the last year, the values indicated for medium-sized companies in the Resolution SEPyME No. 147/06, concordant and complementary. In the latter case, the presentation of the BRSA will be mandatory. Article 3.- Those companies that voluntarily submit their BRSA and that are not required by law to submit it, may obtain promotional benefits, established by regulation, related to access to credits and special programs, incentives for technological innovation and others that set enforcement authority. The promotional benefits established in accordance with this law will not reach companies that must submit the BRSA. Article 4.- All companies that have legal domicile in the jurisdiction of the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires and carry out their main activity in the city with at least one year of activity in the city are included within the scope of the law. the moment of validity of this law, whether they are nationals or foreigners. Article 5°.- The BRSA will reflect the internal procedures that will be applicable by the companies and that satisfy the requirements of being objective, concrete and measurable, traceable and auditable. Once presented to the Government in accordance with these regulations, the BRSAs will be public and freely accessible to the population. Article 6.- The presentation of the BRSA will be annual, on a date that must be harmonized by regulation. Article 7°.- The minimum content that must be observed for the presentation of the BRSA will be established by the application authority. The commitments assumed in the BRSA will be based on indicators designed in such a way that they allow the objective assessment and evaluation of the conditions of equity and social, environmental, economic and financial sustainability assumed by the companies in their behavior. The terms set forth for the Social Balance do not exclude Machine Translated by Google the extension, by the organizations included, of the information of the exposed items. Article 8°.- The requirements elaborated by the application authority for the preparation of the BRSA will include conditions of equity and social and environmental aspects: • Equity refers to promoting all necessary cultural changes to achieve equality between men and women. • The social aspect refers to the relationships of organizations with their employees, the community in which they operate, their clients, suppliers and other community organizations, in such a way as to seek and promote the sustainable development of social and human capital. • The environmental aspect encompasses interactions with the environment, promoting activities that are not only compatible with the regulations that govern the places where its facilities are located and of influence of its actions, but also add to the thresholds established by the regulations, in merit to the behaviors that the standard promotes, a greater reduction of pollution and a more sustainable use of natural resources. Article 9°.- The presentation of the BRSA through the corresponding administrative procedure must contain at least the following information: a. The business social reason. b. Legal URL. c. Rubro. d. Professionals involved in the preparation of the BRSA. and. Mention of the socio-environmental behavior assumed by the organization based on the requirements established by the application authority. Article 10.- The competent body will manage a registry, of public access and available on the City Government's website, where the registered organizations are listed and the terms of the BRSA presented by each organization are made known. Once the BRSA has been received, the application authority must verify that its content conforms to what is determined by this law and, if so, will proceed to register the organization in the registry, renewing the registration annually. The registry will contain a section where a list of the obligated companies according to article 2 that have not complied with their obligation will be stated. The enforcement authority must group the organizations by virtue of those that submit their BRSA on a voluntary or mandatory basis, in accordance with the provisions of article 2 and also depending on the number and magnitude of the commitments assumed in the BRSA based on reference indicators. The magnitude of the commitments will be taken into account for the purpose of assigning the beneficiaries access priority with respect to the benefits provided for in the rule in article 3 and regulations. Machine Translated by Google Article 11.- An adequate management and systematization of the information related to this law must be ensured, especially the BRSA presented by the organizations, which will be public and freely accessible to the population under the terms of Law No. No. 104 and No. 303. The enforcement authority will prepare annual reports in which the results of the management of this law are disclosed. Article 12.- The BRSA must be prepared by suitable professionals. Article 13.- The obstruction, falsity or concealment of relevant information in the BRSA are typified as an infraction, as well as the failure to present the same in cases where it is legally mandatory. If the infraction is verified, the company must be removed from the registry of companies that comply with the standard and in the event that the company is one of the obligated subjects according to article 2, it will be identified in the list of companies that do not comply. with the obligation to present the BRSA, until the infraction is corrected. In the case of companies whose presentation has been voluntary, the benefits provided by this law will be suspended. This is without prejudice to the actions that may result from the verification of any other irregularity in violation of current regulations. Any public official and employee who, through action or omission and without just cause, affects the regular exercise of this law is considered guilty of serious misconduct, without prejudice to the civil and criminal responsibilities that may correspond. Article 14.- The application authority will establish the procedure for challenging the BRSA by citizens in cases of obstruction, falsity or concealment of data, stipulating the grounds for challenge, deadlines for substantiation, agencies for the same and appeals against the resolutions that are issued. Article 15.- Once an audit has been carried out by the City Government and in the event that it is determined that the audited company does not comply with this law, the procedure mentioned in the previous article will automatically be initiated ex officio, which, if verified irregularities detected will cause the mention in the registry of non- compliance in the case of organizations legally obliged to submit the BRSA or suspend the benefits provided by this law in the case of organizations that are not required to submit the BRSA and whose submission has been voluntary, without prejudice to the actions to which it gives rise if any other irregularity is verified. Article 16.- The Ministry of Production will be the enforcement authority of the law, which will be empowered to dictate the administrative acts and sign the instruments that are necessary to comply with the law and its regulations. Likewise, it will participate in an Intergovernmental Liaison Committee involving the Ministries of Environment and Public Space, Finance, Social Development and Planning and Public Works, in order to evaluate the progress of the law and the actions aimed at its better implementation. Machine Translated by Google Article 17.- The application authority: The. Arbitrate administrative and technical measures to facilitate the realization of the BRSA in cases where its presentation was voluntary. b. It will supervise the presentation of the BRSA in the cases in which their presentation was mandatory. c. It will carry out comparative control by periods of the commitments assumed by the companies. d. It will issue an annual report on the degree of implementation of the law. and. You can issue a certificate of presentation of the BRSA in the current period. F. It will disseminate the list of companies registered in the registry mentioned in article 10 and those that, being legally obliged, do not comply with the obligation to present the BRSA. g. You can establish distinctions in order to reward and stimulate the Corporate Social Responsibility actions. First Transitory Clause: for the purposes of its implementation, the Executive Branch will regulate this law within sixty (60) days of its enactment. Second Transitory Clause: in order to determine the indicators corresponding to the BRSAs, the enforcement authority will take as a reference the minimum information of the guidelines and indicators developed by the ETHOS Institute (Brazil) or the AA 1000 - Accountability standards (of the Institute of Social and Ethical Accountability - Great Britain) and Global Reporting Initiative (GRI in its G3 version), without prejudice to the modifications, replacements and updates that it implements in this regard for the best achievement of the purposes sought in this law. The enforcement authority will take into account the standards that will be created at the national level in the future in order to update these parameters. Article 18.- Communicate, etc. SANTIAGO DE ESTRADA ALICE BEAUTIFUL LAW No. 2,594 Sanction: 06/12/2007 Promulgation: In fact on 01/16/2008 Publication: BOCBA No. 2859 of 01/28/2008