Machine Translated by Google 2011 SOCIAL REPORT National Institute of Industrial Property, IP Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 INDEX INTRODUCTION ................................................. .................................................................. ..... 3 CHART ................................................. .................................................................. 5 PERSONNEL MAP MANAGEMENT ................................................ .................................. 6 TELEWORK ............................................................... .................................................................. 10 PERSONNEL MAP STRUCTURE ................................................... .......................... 11 PROFESSIONAL PROGRESSION, TIME SCHEMES AND ATTENDANCE ................................... 16 SOCIAL SECURITY ................................................ ............................................. 21 PERSONNEL CHARGES ..................................................... ..................................... 24 EXTRA WORK ................................................ ..................................... 26 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION ................................................ ................................... 27 CONCLUSION ................................................. .................................................................. ..... 33 ATTACHMENTS ..................................................................... .................................................................. ...... 35 National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 2 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 INTRODUCTION The objective of any Human Resources policy is to provide an effective knowledge of the areas of activity of the organization and its intervention, seeking to recognize the needs of the service in order to develop a different performance, integrated and aligned with the new challenges of Public Administration. The Social Report is thus presented as a single document, where, in a systematized, collect, treat and interpret, in a quantitative and qualitatively, the data referring to the reality of the human resources of each organization. With the publication of Decree-Law nº 190/96, of February 3rd, the elaboration of the social report became mandatory for the services and organizations of the central, regional and local public administration, including institutes audiences that review the nature of personalized services and funds public that, at the end of each calendar year, have a minimum of 50 workers at your service, with the ultimate aim of promoting greater efficiency, qualification and transparency and an improvement of quality in the provision of services. Thus, and similarly to previous years, the INPI 2011 social report, as it is a management tool of the utmost importance, it reflects their social situation through the set of information available in this work, and which highlights the strengths and weaknesses of management of its human resources, the degree of efficiency of investments social services and programs aimed at the personal fulfillment of workers, the National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 3 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 their identification with the company and the improvement of their own lives, among which we continue to highlight the “telework” project, ambitiously implemented in 2007, and already publicly recognized through the attribution of the “Good Practices in the Public Sector” award. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 4 Machine Translated by Google CHART National Institute of Industrial Property, IP Machine Translated by Google PERSONNEL MAP MANAGEMENT With the introduction of Law 12-A/2008, of February 27, which aimed to promote the regulation of the binding system, careers and remuneration of workers who exercise public functions, the definition of a important human resource management instrument – Personnel Map. The preparation of personnel maps (number of workstations and their characterization) translates an objective evaluation judgment about the need to ensure, in terms of work organization, an adequate response to needs imposed by law, by superior strategic guidelines established and by decisions organically taken. It is due to this assessment and as a result of which the body or service verifies whether find workers in sufficient, insufficient or excessive, as referred to in paragraph 1 of article 6 of the LVCR. From this analysis, and overcoming the legal constraints that led, for years, to a significant reduction of staff in this Institute, this was made possible by the joint authorization of Suas. Excellencies or Secretary of State for Public Administration, and His Exa. the Minister of State and Finance authorities who authorized, under the terms of no. 6 of art. 6th of LVCR, the opening of the public tender procedure for the occupation of 27 positions work on the INPI personnel map. The opening of this tender procedure made it possible, on the one hand, to occupation of 27 jobs in the INPI personnel map, as well as the National Institute of Industrial Property, IP Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 constitution of a pool of recruitment reserves since the number of successful candidates was greater than the number of jobs to be filled. The creation of this grant, used whenever, within a maximum period of 18 months from the date of approval of the final ranking list, provided need to occupy identical jobs, came to be useful in 2011, due to 2 departures, due to the termination of the employment contract, due to worker's initiative, which were filled with 2 admissions of reserve scholarship candidates. Among the movements observed on the staff map, there were 7 departures from the staff map, along with 7 admissions (3 admissions for the map of INPI personnel, 1 in internal mobility and 3 recruited under of the Professional Internship Program at INPI). National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 7 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 Once again, in 2011, the INPI did not neglect one of its objectives strategic – the maintenance of a program of Long Term Internships in Information Management supported by Technological Databases – allowing the opening of a competition for the admission of 3 interns holders of competences in the areas of Electrical Engineering, namely Telecommunications, Technological Physics Engineering and Mechanical Engineering, with Specialization in Thermodynamics and Engineering of informatics The continuity of this innovative project allows, not only to stimulate the insertion of human resources with advanced training in the labor market, as well as how it provides professional expertise as a complement to training academic, not neglecting the offer of an external training component intensive, namely of an international nature. On the other hand, and as a result of a restructuring carried out in the Board of Directors, in 2011, a member left. Still, and with regard to admissions to the INPI personnel map, it is of highlight the entry of 1 Superior Technician through the CEAGP - Course of Advanced Studies in Public Management – and 1 technical assistant, on a regular basis inter-career internal mobility. It is also noted that in accordance with the principle of solidarity between Public Administration bodies and under the scope of international mobility services, the INPI agreed to keep two collaborators on loan public. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 8 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 It should also be noted that the INPI maintains, by agreement with another Organization, the from the Central Public Administration an employee at the INPI on mobility inside the category. Although the year 2011 has represented some movements, level of the Personnel map, the reality is that this effect had little effect on the overall number of staff, where admissions were compensated by registered outputs. The fluctuations seen in the INPI personnel map were mainly due to: - The occurrence of 3 departures due to retirement – 2 early and 1 due to incapacity; - The 1 exit, due to tender procedure, to enter another body (Social Security Institute, IP); - Termination of 2 employment contracts, on the employee's initiative; - The 1 termination of appointment, due to the restructuring of the Board Directive. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 9 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 TELEWORKING 4 years have passed since the INPI implemented teleworking as a new form of work organization and management, and recognized that the benefits achieved with its adoption, the INPI, in 2011, decided maintain this concept which, in addition to providing working conditions advantages for the teleworker, it allows achieving higher levels of efficiency ambitious for the organization. Indeed, in 2011, the results obtained in the performance of all teleworkers once again reached high levels, which also motivated the approval of this Institute to enlarge the team of workers who are performing their duties almost exclusively outside INPI premises. In this follow-up, it appears that although some of the collaborators have abandoned this form of work organization, circumstances, including the termination of the employment contract in public functions, the INPI increased the number of workers to 14, the develop its activity in a teleworking regime. HUMAN RESOURCES TELEWORKING H 5 Senior Technician M 9 T 14 National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 10 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 PERSONNEL MAP STRUCTURE Following the trend registered in 2010, which turned out to be the year of leverage in human capital in this Institute, consummated by the recruitment of 27 Senior Technicians, the year 2011 settled, as has been current practice, in principles of maintaining the quality of services and optimization of resources, competences and potentialities, with the primary objective of optimizing the balance between functional needs and performance, and with a view to responding to internal and external requirements in areas that are fundamental to INPI's mission. Thus, and as a result of the characterizing specificity of the activities performed in this Institute, namely those related to the protection, management and maintenance of Industrial Property rights, the INPI continues committed to practices that promote, on the one hand, the maintenance of corporate group of workers already instructed in these matters and holders of an enriched know-how , result of increased training diagnosed and designed according to the real needs of trainees, and on the other hand, develop monitoring of practices adopted by similar organisms, allowing, not only, a constant updating of knowledge, as well as its harmonization. Now, from the analysis of the total number of personnel that make up the map of INPI staff, in 2011 the age level was maintained average in the 42 years, compared to the year 2010. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 11 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 Similar to the trend registered in previous years, the group of technical staff who continue to register the highest percentage of staff, amounting to 59 of the total of 102 staff, representing 58% of the map of guys. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 12 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 The number of managers also registered a decrease motivated by the departure of a Head of Department, due to retirement, and the departure of 1 Member of the Board of Directors, due to termination of appointment. As far as the professional category of Technical Assistant is concerned, as in previous years, recorded a slight reduction, holding, however, 21% of the INPI's total staff. The increase in the reduction of staff, in this category, had in 2011 origin in processes of retirement and departure of a worker, due to tender procedure, for entry into another body of the Public administration. Finally, the category of Operational Assistant did not record any change, as opposed to the IT staff who saw their corporate reduced with one departure due to retirement. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 13 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 With regard to the distribution of employees by gender, we recognize that, as in previous years, females are dominant. In terms of composition of the qualification level of human resources of this Institute we see a similar trend compared to previous years where the degree of licenciatura predominates, in comparison with the other academic qualifications. It should be noted, however, the observation of a greater academic specialization of INPI employees, which currently has of 2 Bologna masters, 7 masters, 2 doctorates and 2 MBAs. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 14 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 As regards the average seniority level, there was an increase to the 15-year average, as opposed to the 14-year average recorded in 2010. This This increase is justified by the higher volume of inflows of new workers in 2010, which resulted in a rejuvenation of the personnel map, with the minor movements registered in the map in 2011, did not contradict the natural growth trend of this indicator. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 15 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 PROFESSIONAL PROGRESSION, TIME SCHEMES AND ATTENDANCE The evaluation of the performance of workers who exercise public functions constitutes one of the pillars of the human resources management model in the scope of public administration bodies and services. This model applies to the performance of public services, their respective managers and other workers. In 2011, the INPI, once again, applied the SIADAP - integrated system management and performance evaluation in Public Administration, relative to the performance obtained in 2010, not having culminated in any changes in salary positioning in the career professional of employees integrated either within the scope of SIADAP 2, or under SIADAP 3. Once again, objectives harmonized with the mission of this Organization, with the aim of promoting the involvement of all workers in the mission of the Institute and contribute to the promotion of professional motivation. Contrary to what happened in previous years, the year 2011 did not give rise to the attribution of performance bonuses, promotions or progressions, complying with the legal guidelines issued by the government. The timetable typologies practiced in this Institute from several years ago to this date, have remained stable, verifying, once again, a greater National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 16 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 incidence of workers with flexible hours, as a result of INPI's commitment in promoting a growing quality of its assistance. In more residual terms, it can be seen that there are some timetables special schedules and some shift schedules, along with the usual situations of exemptions from schedules practiced exclusively by the governing body of this body. The INPI thus remains committed to promoting the conciliation between the professional and personal lives of all its employees, embracing the causes of social responsibility that are at your reach. It should also be noted, with regard to this point, that the INPI, recognizing the good results achieved by all participants in the project “telecommuting”, and which are evident not only in the number of employees who joined the program, as well as those who, already included in the project, expressed their willingness to stay there, promoted membership, for reasons assorted, plus 3 employees, making up, in 2011, the totality of 14 teleworkers performing functions almost exclusively outside of your facilities. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 17 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 Finally, and with regard to the attendance of employees in this body, it should be noted that the year 2011, compared to the year 2010, witnessed a slight decrease in the absenteeism rate, amounting to value of 7.6% of this index. It should be noted, and considering the totality of staff in 2011 reflected in the INPI personnel map, which the level average age of its employees remained at 42 years old, along with the level average seniority of 15 years, which mirrors other motivational reasons relating to the absenteeism rate verified in the meantime. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 18 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 average tenure of 15 years, which mirrors other motivational reasons relating to the absenteeism rate observed in the meantime. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 19 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 Among the records of absenteeism, it is important to highlight those that occurred in seat of an accident at work - one that occurs in the exercise of the activity to be company service and causes bodily injury or functional disturbance, which may cause death, loss or permanent or temporary reduction of capacity for work. For this purpose, it should be noted that of the 8 accidents at work, over the course of year 2011, 6 occurred on the road , reflected in a total of 163 days of down, with no loss of days, due to a downtime, in those who occurred in the workplace. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 20 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 SOCIAL SECURITY Throughout 2011, INPI continued with the promotion and surveillance of the health of its workers, in compliance with legislation in force and primarily from the perspective of preventing diseases and risks for the health of its employees. The anti-flu vaccination campaign was also carried out on time, with the participation of around 30 employees. Indeed, these services continued to be provided by the company “Page Health", which has been guided by rigor, modernization and broad knowledge in these areas, being possible means of diagnosing several natures, from analyzes, RX, electrocardiogram, among others and consultation doctor. In this sense, and considering the age group in which the workers, were carried out between periodic examinations and new admissions, 53 diagnostic exams, analyzes and medical consultation according to the regulations in force, with the purpose of processing the fitness for work. On the other hand, in 2010, with the possibility of accessing the social subsystem of the ADSE extended to all employees, with a view to the convergence of social security systems in Public Administration, where also, with the entry into force of Law 64-A/2008, of December 31, all workers who exercised functions in the modalities of appointment and individual employment contracts were transferred to the type of employment contract National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 21 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 work in public functions, there was a significant increase in contributions presented at this Institute. However, in 2011, due to the entry of Order No. 1452/2011, of 18 January, this Institute ceased to be the entity responsible for processing of contributions, transferring this responsibility directly to ADSE. As a result of the application of the rules laid down in the said diploma, with effective January 1, 2011, and because the ADSE beneficiary has 6 months from the date of receipt to present this document to the co-payment processing body, only the INPI registered the processing of contributions in the months of January, February and March from 2011. On the other hand, and in compliance with said order, the receipts presented at this Institute, with a date after January 1 of the previous year, were processed according to the new rules: processing administrative body, forwarding to the ADSE, and respective payment endorsed by the latter. Contrasting with the 225 requests for reimbursement submitted in the year 2010, comes, the year 2011, revealing a drastic drop to 19 orders contribution, which corresponded to the amount of €1,539.89 as total amount shared. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 22 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 23 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 PERSONNEL CHARGES Personnel expenses in 2011 amounted to 3,514,419.01 Euros. These expenses include the Basic Remuneration of Personnel, Bodies Social and Other Personnel (Personnel Awaiting Retirement and Interns), the Allowances (Meal allowances, Expenses allowances, etc.) and Social Charges (Family allowance for children and young people) and Remuneration (Contributions for CGA and Social Security). Compared to the previous year, this value represents a decrease in costs of approximately 352,670.61 euros, which represents a reduction compared to the year previous year of around 9.2%. The relative weight of Personnel Expenses, in total of Expenses, decreased by 3% compared to the previous year. A more detailed analysis of these charges makes it possible to identify that almost all components contributed to this decrease, with the exception of Charges with Remuneration, namely the charges with the ADSE, which registered an increase of 4.6% compared to the previous year. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 24 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 The headings where the decrease was most pronounced were “Remunerations with Personnel in any other situation" and the "Social Charges Obligatory", with a reduction of 100% and 185%, respectively. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 25 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 EXTRA WORK As in 2010, also in the year object of this analysis, no if any additional hours have been registered at this Institute. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 26 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATION As in previous years, and considering the importance of Training as an indispensable means and tool for the management of Human Resources for their development, were principles underlying the elaboration of the INPI Training Plan for 2011 the rigor in the diagnosis, the focus on the objectives to be achieved, and the concern with the optimization of existing resources, in a logic of cost containment, passing namely, by developing, whenever possible, partnerships with similar organisms. In this way, during the past year, they were designed according to the INPI, two external courses, in partnership with OHMI - Instituto de Harmonization of the Internal Market – and WIPO – World Trade Organization Intellectual property. These actions, carried out at the Institute's premises, were intended for employees of the various Organic Units. It should be noted, and in line with the strategy already undertaken in the Training in previous years: • The continuation of training in the English language, starting to coincide with with academic year 2011; • As part of the project “Batch 18 – Biotechnology”, and similarly to last year, continued training in the German language, way to fill some gaps of skills in knowledge technicians for 3 examiners involved; • Maintaining a strong focus on the training of examiners INPI juniors and seniors, especially of an international nature, National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 27 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 pertinent to the correct performance of its functions. These were individual training in the specific technological areas of each, namely chemistry, mechanics, biotechnology, etc. Still following the project that started, in 2007, the Long-term Professional Internships in the field of Patents – with the with the aim of filling a gap in the internal market of qualifications and profound skills in this area – they were admitted, in November 2011, plus 3 new interns. With the exception of a bold project of some scale started in 2010, with an impact on the training carried out over the past year: the Project certification from the National Institute of Industrial Property, as Training Entity. However, this project was in standby during the year 2011 as the DGERT has not yet defined the formal requirements for the application of legislation regarding the presentation of applications to that entity. This project is of the utmost importance for the Institute in two ways distinct but equally relevant: the training provided by the INPI to abroad, through the Academy, and whose demand on the part of the market has increased, and that of in-house training, which is fundamental for updating Institute assets. In this way, and with the aim of enabling, with the necessary skills, all its senior technicians, the INPI, invested in updating its Internal Trainers Exchange, implementing, during 2011, another course of Pedagogical Formation of Trainers. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 28 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 This objective, programmed in stages and according to priorities established by the Organic Units, had a 1st phase or course, with starting at the end of 2009 (Nov. 2009) and ending in February 2010, with a duration of 98 hours and which included 14 senior technicians, and one 2nd course, starting in April and ending in July, with a total duration also 92 hours, extended to 12 more senior technicians. This 3rd stage or The course began in March 2011 and ended in May of the same year. These courses allowed everyone involved to obtain the Certificate of Pedagogical Aptitude, condition sine qua non so that the INPI can receive the certification as a training entity. With regard to the 2011 Training Plan, and after an overall analysis, it was found that the frequency indicators this year revealed levels of more significant participation in the Senior Technician and Assistant category Technician. Likewise, the volume of training hours given was situated in the higher levels for the same groups, namely in the category Senior Technician. The high volume of training hours in the Senior Technician category was due, in large part, to the training provided to examiners interns at the Department of Patents and Utility Models, specifically training of an international nature, but also courses of Pedagogical Training of Trainers, actions with a duration prolonged. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 29 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 Thus, of the 108 participations that took place, in a universe of 127 recipients, 70.37% belonged to the Superior Technician category 9.26% to the category Managers (including the Board of Directors), 13.89% in the Assistant category technician, 3.70% to the IT group and finally 2.78% belonged to Operational Assistant category. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 30 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 With regard to hours of training, 70.81% corresponded to the category Senior Technician, 21.72% for Technical Assistants, 2.68% for Assistants Operational, 3.12% to IT. The remaining 1.68% corresponds to to the 40 hours of training given to Managers. Still, with regard to the training costs involved, these refer only to the external training component and direct costs, National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 31 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 indirect costs are not accounted for (cost/training hour, travel, daily allowances, etc.), with the same number, in 2011, in the around 81,473.42 euros. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 32 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 CONCLUSION In the wake of provisions favorable to the INPI, developed in 2010, also the past year is represented by some milestones, an inference sustained by the results developed in this document and which are summarized from the following way: - 3 senior technicians admitted, in the seat of the Reserve Scholarship of recruitment, and through the CEAGP - Advanced Studies Course in Public Management, which made it possible to balance the number of exits that occurred in this category in 2011. - Due to the high number of retirement processes that have came to assist, the hiring of 1 assistant was also carried out technician in internal mobility, which reinforced this corporate workers. - Of note, the recruitment of 3 new interns, to the long-term professional internships, in the area of patents, with the with the aim of filling a gap in the internal market of qualifications and specialized skills in that area; - As in previous years, the level of technicality held by the INPI remained stable, supported by the majority percentage of employees holding a Bachelor's/Master's degree and/or doctorate; National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 33 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 - With regard to training, we can see that the Global Training Plan INPI training, for the year 2011, was, once again, adequate to the professional profiles of its employees, the INPI's mission and strategy, in in order to give continuity to the valorization of the individual competences of each one, thus promoting the motivation of its employees. - Nevertheless, compared to 2010, and due to constraints financial reflections of the national situation, there was a decrease of training actions provided. - Still on the 2010 training plan, it was found that the levels of participation of the senior technician and technical assistant categories were more high compared to other professional categories; - Also with regard to ADSE contributions, and pursuant to the entry into force of Order No. 1452/2011, of January 18, which resulted in transfer of responsibility for processing contributions directly to ADSE, there was a convergent decrease of contributions. - Finally, and considering INPI's participation in cases of social accountability, we continue to emphasize the commitment that the INPI continued to pursue the “telework” project, having awarded, in the year 2011, the benefits resulting from it to 3 more employees. National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 34 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 ANNEXES National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 35 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 1. ADMISSIONS 2. LEAVES AND REASONS FOR LEAVING National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 36 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 3. AGE LEVELS National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 37 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 4. SENIORITY LEVELS 5. QUALIFICATION LEVELS 6. PROGRESSIONS / PROMOTIONS 7. HOURS National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 38 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 8. LEVELS OF ABSENTISM National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 39 Machine Translated by Google Social Report 2011 9. PERSONNEL EXPENSES National Institute of Industrial Property, IP 40