This Act lays down the general principles of environment protection in Poland, creates a framework for administration, planning and decision-making at the national level, and regulates various matters related to environment protection, in particular the principles of the establishment of: (a) the conditions for the protection of environmental resources; (b) the conditions for the release of substances or energies into the environment; (c) the costs of the use of the environment. The present Act is composed of the following sections: General provisions (sec. 1); Protection of environmental resources, i.e. air, water, land, noise pollution, electro-magnetic pollution, animals and plants (sec. 2); Pollution prevention (sec. 3); Serious breakdowns (sec. 4); Financial and legal assets (sec. 5); Liability in environment protection (sec. 6); Authorities and institutions of environment protection (sec. 7); Final provision (sec. 9). This Act establishes also an ecological policy for creating conditions required to introduce environment protection.

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