The SGX has proposed a list of core ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) metrics to assist issuers in providing and investors in accessing aligned ESG data. The Core ESG Metrics list consists of quantitative metrics that are relevant to most sectors and mapped against globally-accepted sustainability reporting frameworks. It is intended to provide guidance for issuers to disclose a standardised set of ESG metrics, creating better alignment between users and reporters of ESG information. The list has garnered strong support from respondents and is endorsed by institutional investors. SGX recommends issuers use the Core ESG Metrics as a starting point for reporting to facilitate consistency and comparability of ESG data disclosures, while still conducting a materiality assessment to ensure the relevance and completeness of their reported metrics. The list will be reviewed and revised periodically to keep in line with the evolution of international reporting standards. The list of Core ESG Metrics is included in the proposal.

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