The Corporate Governance Code for Slovakia (hereinafter the ‘Code’) is a part of the Stock Exchange rules for securities admission to the regulated market, which are approved by the BSSE Management Board and the National Bank of Slovakia. In compliance with an Amendment to the Accountancy Act No 431/2002 Coll. as amended by subsequent legislation, effective from 1 January 2008, the Code applies to all companies that have securities admitted to trading on the BSSE’s regulated market i.e. on the Main Listed Market, the Parallel Listed Market and/or the Regulated Free Market. In their Annual Reports, for the year 2007 for the first time, said companies will include a statement prepared on the ‘comply or explain’ basis specifying to what degree they have complied with the principles of good corporate governance. If a company has not so far applied a certain principle, it will give reasons in the Annual Report.

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