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Nařízení vlády č. 145/2008 Sb. kterým se stanoví seznam znečišťujících látek a prahových hodnot a údaje požadované pro ohlašování do integrovaného registru znečišťování životního prostředí

Government Regulation No. 145/2008 Coll. establishing a list of pollutants and threshold values and data required for reporting to the integrated environmental pollution register



The 2008 Regulation of the Czech Republic No. 145/2008 Sb. establishes a list of pollutants and threshold values as well as the data required for reporting to the Integrated Register of Environmental Pollution. The obligations of businesses under this regulation include the obligation to report emissions and releases of pollutants to the Integrated Register, to measure and monitor emissions and releases, and to comply with the threshold values established for each pollutant. The regulation also requires businesses to maintain records and documentation related to their emissions and releases of pollutants.

Thumbnail image for The 2008 Regulation of the Czech Republic No. 145/2008 Sb. establishes a list of pollutants and threshold values as well as the data required for reporting to the Integrated Register of Environmental Pollution. The obligations of businesses under this regulation include the obligation to report emissions and releases of pollutants to the Integrated Register, to measure and monitor emissions and releases, and to comply with the threshold values established for each pollutant. The regulation also requires businesses to maintain records and documentation related to their emissions and releases of pollutants.

Czech Republic





Issuer (type)

Ministry of the Environment (Ministerstvo životního prostředí) (Government)

Policy Type


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Main industries targeted
  • Arts, Entertainment, & Recreation
  • Transportation & Warehousing
  • Administrative, Support, Waste Management
  • Manufacturing


Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • SDG 3: Good Health and Well-being
  • SDG 6: Clean Water and Sanitation
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 14: Life Below Water

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