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Review of Australia's Modern Slavery Act. Issue Paper



The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires a review to be undertaken three years after its commencement, with the report to be tabled in Parliament. The review was announced in March 2022 and is being led by Professor John McMillan AO, with the objective of considering the Act's operation over the first three years and options for improved operation and compliance. The review will consider both the terms of the Act and its administrative implementation, with specific features such as reporting thresholds, reporting criteria, enforcement mechanisms, and the option of establishing an independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner mentioned in the terms of reference. The review will be conducted in an open, transparent, and consultative manner through written submissions, targeted consultations, and a survey of entities reporting under the Act, with the review team consulting widely and responding to consultation invitations.

Thumbnail image for The Australian Modern Slavery Act 2018 requires a review to be undertaken three years after its commencement, with the report to be tabled in Parliament. The review was announced in March 2022 and is being led by Professor John McMillan AO, with the objective of considering the Act's operation over the first three years and options for improved operation and compliance. The review will consider both the terms of the Act and its administrative implementation, with specific features such as reporting thresholds, reporting criteria, enforcement mechanisms, and the option of establishing an independent Anti-Slavery Commissioner mentioned in the terms of reference. The review will be conducted in an open, transparent, and consultative manner through written submissions, targeted consultations, and a survey of entities reporting under the Act, with the review team consulting widely and responding to consultation invitations.






Policy Type


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Main industries targeted
  • Finance & Insurance
  • Information
  • Public administration
  • Manufacturing

Very High

Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)
  • SDG 11: Sustainable Cities and Communities
  • SDG 12: Responsible Consumption and Production
  • SDG 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions

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