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Sustainable Reporting Guide, 2018



This Sustainability Reporting Guide seeks to provide guidance on how to embed sustainability in your organisation and help you identify, evaluate and manage your material EES risks and opportunities. It also highlights the business case for sustainability, providing case studies to illustrate how sustainability may add value to your organisation, and also example disclosures to aid you in your preparation of the Sustainability Statement in accordance with the Listing Requirements of Bursa Malaysia Securities Berhad (“Bursa Malaysia”).







Issuer (type)

Bursa Malaysia (Stock Exchange)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • Low 0.54%
    • Low 0.00%
    • E focus: climate change, climate risk, conservation, degradation, emissions, energy, environment, environmental management, environmental policy, fresh water, ghg emissions, greenhouse gas, hazardous substances, hazardous waste, land use, oil spill, oil spills, pollution, product stewardship, recycled materials, renewable energy, resource efficiency, resource use, soil, sustainable agriculture, waste, water, water management, water quality, biodiversity
    • S focus: discrimination, diversity, employee turnover, forced labour, human rights, philanthropic activities, social impacts, value creation, children
    • G focus: audit, bribery, business ethics, business reporting, competitive behavior, competitive behaviour, corruption, esg reporting, internal control, legal challenges, money laundering, responsible investment, risk management, accountability
    • GRI 201, GRI 203, GRI 204, GRI 205, GRI 206, GRI 301, GRI 302, GRI 303, GRI 304, GRI 305, GRI 306, GRI 307, GRI 308, GRI 401, GRI 403, GRI 404, GRI 405, GRI 406, GRI 407, GRI 408, GRI 409, GRI 412, GRI 413, GRI 414, GRI 417, GRI 418, GRI 419, GRI 103
    • Agriculture, Construction, Finance, Information, Management, Manufacturing, Mining, Real estate