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Listing Rules of Colombo Stock Exchange



Article 7.5 of the Listing Rules of Colombo Stock Exchange requires all listed companies to produce an annual report and for it to be circulated to shareholders and the Colombo Stock Exchange no more than five months after the close of the financial year. The financial statements of the annual report shall be completed in accordance with the Sri Lanka Accounting Standards and shall be audited in accordance with the Sri Lanka Auditing Standards. Article 7.6 of the Listing Rules sets out the required content of the annual report and accounts of listed companies, which includes various results and particulars of the company, information about material foreseeable risk factors and employee/industrial relations, and details of corporate governance practices. The corporate governance disclosures shall include how the listed company complies with the Code of Best Practice on Corporate Governance as well as key details around governance structure and role, audit, and remuneration.

Reporting Exchange

Sri Lanka





Issuer (type)

Colombo Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • Moderate 0.72%
    • Very High 0.84%
    • E focus: water
    • S focus: children
    • G focus: financial reporting, risk management, audit
    • Finance, Management, Professional services