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Draft Modern Slavery Bill. Report



The Report recommends the following key steps to improve the draft Bill: (1) simplifying criminal offences so as to ensure more convictions; (2) putting the principles of victim care and services on a statutory footing and making it easier for victims to claim compensation; changes that are morally right, politically expedient and fundamental to effective prosecution; (3) recognising the special case of children by creating separate offences of exploiting and trafficking a child; making clear that children cannot consent to modern slavery; making provision for distinct child assistance and support; and establishing a statutory system of advocates; (4) ensuring that victims are not prosecuted for crimes they were forced to commit while enslaved; (5) strengthening the asset recovery regime to seize the illicit gains made from modern slavery; (6) ensuring independence for the Anti-Slavery Commissioner in order to establish the post as a focal point for galvanising the fight against modern slavery; and (7) taking steps to make sure that goods and services produced elsewhere but sold in the UK are free from the taint of slavery.


United Kingdom





Issuer (type)

House of Lords; House of Commons; Joint Committee on the Draft Mondern Slavery Bill (Government)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • Moderate 0.87%
    • Low 0.01%
    • E focus: environment
    • S focus: compensation, discrimination, employment conditions, forced labour, gender equality, human rights, intellectual property, recruitment, working time, children
    • G focus: audit, bribery, business ethics, money laundering, accountability
    • Administrative services, Agriculture, Education, Finance, Management, Professional services, Public administration, Retail trade