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The Canadian Environmental Protection Act



The Canadian Environmental Protection Act, 1999 (CEPA) is a federal law in Canada that establishes a framework for the protection and conservation of the environment and human health. The Act places obligations on businesses to manage and reduce the environmental and health impacts of their activities. Businesses are required to comply with a range of regulations, guidelines, and codes of practice designed to prevent and manage environmental pollution and health risks, including those related to toxic substances, hazardous waste, and air and water pollution. Under CEPA, businesses are required to report on the release of toxic substances into the environment and implement measures to manage and reduce these releases. The Act also empowers the government to issue orders and regulations requiring businesses to take actions to prevent and mitigate the effects of pollution and other environmental risks. Additionally, CEPA establishes penalties and enforcement mechanisms to ensure compliance with the Act, including fines, penalties, and imprisonment for non-compliance. Overall, CEPA places significant obligations on businesses to protect the environment and human health, and to comply with regulations and guidelines aimed at reducing environmental pollution and risks.






North America

Issuer (type)

Government of Canada (Government)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • Low 0.43%
    • Low 0.01%
    • E focus: degradation, emissions, energy, environment, environmental management, fisheries, fresh water, hazardous waste, oceans, pollution, recycling, restoration, soil, waste, water, conservation
    • S focus: diversity, compensation
    • G focus: audit
    • Agriculture, Arts, Finance, Management, Manufacturing, Mining, Public administration, Real estate, Transportation