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COM(2022) 453 - Proposal for a regulation on prohibiting products made with forced labour on the Union market



COM(2022) 453 is a proposal for a regulation by the European Commission to prohibit products made with forced labor from being sold in the European Union market. The proposed regulation aims to ensure that businesses operating in the EU do not contribute to human rights violations by preventing the importation and sale of goods that involve forced labor or other human rights abuses. The proposal outlines the obligations of businesses to conduct due diligence on their supply chains to ensure that they are free from forced labor, and it establishes penalties for non-compliance. The regulation also establishes a system for the EU to monitor and enforce the prohibition. The objective of the proposal is to promote respect for human rights and prevent forced labor from being used in the production of goods sold in the EU.







Issuer (type)

European Commission (Regional)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • Very High 1.93%
    • Low 0.00%
    • E focus: degradation, environment, sustainable product, waste, deforestation
    • S focus: diversity, forced labour, human rights, discrimination
    • G focus: corruption, forced labour, human rights, bribery
    • Administrative services, Finance, Information, Management, Manufacturing, Public administration, Retail trade