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Nº 35550-MINAE(*)-S-MOPT-MAG-MEIC (*) Modificación al Reglamento General sobre los Procedimientos de Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental (EIA) en Materia de Intervención de Monumentos Históricos y Arquitectónicos

Nº 35550-MINAE(*)-S-MOPT-MAG-MEIC (*) Amendment to the General Regulations on Environmental Impact Assessment Procedures (EIA) in Intervention of Historical and Architectural Monuments



The modification to the General Regulation on Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) Procedures in the Matter of Intervention of Historical and Architectural Monuments, published in 2009 in Costa Rica, does not impose specific obligations on businesses. However, it establishes the need for the competent authorities to consider the impact of any intervention in historical and architectural monuments on the environment and cultural heritage. Therefore, businesses that are planning to carry out activities that may impact historical and architectural monuments must comply with the EIA procedures established by this regulation and obtain the necessary permits from the competent authorities.


Costa Rica




South America

Issuer (type)

Government of Costa Rica; Ministry of Environment and Energy; Ministry of Public Health, Public Works and Transportation; Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock; Ministry of Economy, Industry and Commerce (Government)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • Very Low 0.00%
    • Low 0.00%
    • E focus: energy, environment, conservation
    • Agriculture, Construction, Information, Transportation