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Eswatini Stock Exchange ESG Reporting Guide



The 2022 Eswatini Stock Exchange ESG Reporting Guide is a guide that sets out the Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) reporting requirements for companies listed on the Eswatini Stock Exchange. The guide provides a framework for companies to report on their ESG performance and impacts, including areas such as climate change, diversity and inclusion, human rights, and business ethics. The guide aims to promote transparency, accountability, and responsible business practices among listed companies in Eswatini. Companies are encouraged to use the guide to improve their ESG performance and provide investors with more comprehensive and comparable information to make informed investment decisions.







Issuer (type)

Eswatini Stock Exchange (Stock Exchange)

Instrument type


Disclosure instrument


Geographical scope


Mandatory or voluntary


Text analysis

    • High 1.24%
    • Low 0.00%
    • E focus: climate change, climate risk, emissions, energy, energy use, environment, ghg emissions, recycling, solid waste, waste, water, water use, biodiversity
    • S focus: compensation, data privacy, discrimination, discrimination policy, diversity, financial inclusion, forced labour, gender equality, gender pay, human capital, human rights, recruitment, social impacts, value creation, collective bargaining
    • G focus: audit, collective bargaining, corruption, data privacy, discrimination policy, financial inclusion, forced labour, gender equality, gender pay, human capital, human rights, social impacts, value creation, accountability
    • GRI 103, GRI 302, GRI 303, GRI 305, GRI 401, GRI 403, GRI 405, GRI 102
    • Administrative services, Construction, Education, Finance, Information, Management, Manufacturing, Mining, Professional services, Public administration, Real estate, Retail trade